Survival on the Star Sea: Starting from a small broken ship and becoming stronger

Chapter 223 Shield 90 million [4000] Thanks to book friend DrMango for the reward

Stare at the data in front of you and listen to the suggestions from the ship's optical brain.

Obviously, what he faced was not a normal stellar storm.

Just by looking at the way it burns the planet to charcoal, you can tell how fierce this stellar storm is.

Now it seems that the original choice was conservative.

RTX4090.G, located on the fourth orbit, does not appear to be particularly stable at this time.

Even the back of the planet is not safe!

But if it’s not safe, we can only hold on like this.

After all, no one knew that the stellar storm would escalate to this level.

At first, the plug-in prompt said so.

"The planet's atmosphere will be gradually stripped away"

"Stellar storms will disturb the ionosphere"

Hell "gradual stripping" hell "disturb the ionosphere".

wake up! They're all charcoal-fired over there, right?

But even so, what can he do?

This time the plug-in didn't know why he didn't remind him in time. Zhao Feng's hasty decision was already quite good.

He has not left the habitable zone, and the planet in front of him still has a very good atmospheric environment. For safety reasons, he also uses the planet as a shield and hides it on the back.

Looking at this wave of decisions as a whole, it can be said that there is nothing wrong with it at all.

It not only takes into account future development, but also can cope with the impact of stellar storms.

I just didn't expect that Xinghai System would not follow the routine and cause a big deal. Who would have thought of this?

Just when Zhao Feng frowned and thought about countermeasures, the plug-in prompt message came slowly.

(Tip: There are three waves of this stellar storm. The first wave is the most powerful. It is expected to increase the overall average temperature of the RTX40 galaxy to 800°C. The temperature in the galaxy will return to normal in about 3-5 days.)

(Note: What you are facing this time is not a normal star storm. Because of the "reward" of the star sea system, the energy of the star storm is actually accumulated on the surface of the star. If your reward time reaches 1 quarter, it will not be possible. Any problem will occur.

The stellar storm will be perfectly avoided by you, but for some reason, your reward is stopped midway, then all the energy accumulated before will be erupted at once)

Staring at the plug-in prompt, Zhao Feng's head was full of black lines.

‘Do it! Can I still be a human being in Gou Yue’s star sea system? Good guy, is there a pitfall in the reward? We agreed to provide the benefits of weakening the disaster level, but why are you holding back your ultimate move? ’

‘Who can stand this? Can you get "rewards" by digging holes? ’

‘Good guy, this is really a big pit inside a small pit, a small pit inside an old pit, there is water in the pit, and there are nails in the water! It's so difficult to deal with even if I make a wrong move, what if it were another player? Are all the ashes eaten by little monsters? ’

Obviously, Zhao Feng's reward of more than 10 days is equivalent to blocking the flood discharge dam.

When the time comes, it will be equivalent to the dam bursting, and the stellar storm will not be able to deal with him even if it is not fierce.

(Suggestion: Increasing the number of M-type shields to 2,000, or entering a depth of 1,000 meters underground on the current planet can also avoid this disaster.)

(Warning! After the first round of stellar storms, there will be no living planets left, and air and organic matter will disappear in this star field. Please reserve oxygen and food.)

Staring at the plug-in prompt, Zhao Feng was stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to have thought of something. He quickly opened the regional channel, uploaded the video data of the stellar storm, and then provided a second set of avoidance plans for others.

"After calculation, the stellar storm is about to arrive in 115 minutes. I am too busy to help you. Now you need to save yourself. Only by digging 1,000 meters underground can you avoid this disaster. At the same time, everyone must pay attention to oxygen consumption. . . ”

After these messages were sent out, Zhao Feng could be considered as benevolent and righteous. As for the life or death of other people on Earth, he could only leave it to fate.

Looking back, he reread the suggestions given by the plug-in.

'Um? There are still 1900 shields left. ’

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng began to calculate his reserves of supplies and hope.

As for the second method suggested by the plug-in, he selectively ignored it.

Nothing else. It is very simple for him to dig at a depth of 1,000 meters, but he needs to prepare in advance.

But now? not enough time!

Staring at what was needed in the first suggestion, Zhao Feng couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

'A hope value of more than 30 million can provide about 12,000 hours of acceleration time. The current [mass-to-energy converter] reserves are insufficient and need to be manufactured. Coupled with the manufacturing time of M-type shields, it will take about 3,000 hours to build 2,000 shields. enough. . . ’

‘No, we have to leave some shield redundancy. If there is interference and a few units are down, wouldn’t there be a chain reaction? ’

‘Musk’s original starship thrust redundancy was about 15%, and then he failed. ’

‘So, the shield redundancy must be increased to at least 100%! After all, you only have one life. ’

‘Well, in this case, I have to make 2,000 additional M-type shield generators. ’

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng said directly:

"Conqueror, display current resource reserves."

"As you command, Captain."

The ship's optical brain responded, and then loaded the material information one by one on the holographic display.

"The number of T0 materials is too large and will not be calculated for the time being."

"T1 material (standard unit): alloy x 385.32 million, cable x 22.13 million, copper x 12 million..."

"Special Material: Normal Temperature Superconductor x 290,000"

"T2 material: titanium alloy x22.2 million, silicon crystal x560,000, rare elements x300,000, smart chip x130,000"

"T3 material: titanium crystal x980,000, nuclear fuel x120,000"

"Resources to be decomposed, T0 totals 580 billion units, T1 totals 162 billion units, special materials x 160 million units, T2 totals 58 billion units, T3 totals 153 million units"

Staring at the pieces of data, Zhao Feng couldn't help but feel relieved.

At this moment, every piece of data told him that all the efforts he had made before were worth it.

That huge resource reserve is completely enough for him to build a fleet.

Even strengthen the conqueror to Lv.11. . .

Well, forget it, without the blessing of hope, the process of strengthening [Conqueror] is just like throwing money into a fire.

But no matter what, he doesn't have to worry about the resources to make the shield at all, it will definitely be enough.

With this reserve, let alone 4,000 seats, even 40 million seats can be mined by the base if there is enough time.

What is missing now is hope. After all, materials need to be processed into parts twice, and in addition to materials, the processing process also requires time and energy costs.

‘We have enough energy and resources, but in the final analysis we still lack hope. After surviving this wave of disasters, we will only have 15 million hope left. . . ’

Sighing, Zhao Feng kept moving his hands and remotely controlled the airport to start manufacturing the M-type shield generator.

Then, he drove the [Conqueror] to the edge of the material "planet".

At this time, there are still 113 minutes before the stellar storm sweeps over.

Just now, he thought of a safe method, and to implement this method, Zhao Feng needed to use hundreds of millions of bits of telekinesis to assist.

. . .

As the Conqueror hovered to the surface of the "planet", Zhao Feng randomly found an area with a large gap and sprinkled the tractor beam.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of robots emerged from the tractor beam again.

They waved the welding guns in their hands and began to dismantle the "city".

The method that Zhao Feng came up with was very simple, dig a hole in the material "planet", and then stuff the airport, dock, and conquerors into the hole.

Finally, the shield system is used to wrap the entire planet. Wouldn’t the safety factor be much higher?

The disassembly speed is much faster than welding.

Because when welding, Zhao Feng had considered that these steel cities would still have to be taken away and dismantled in the future.

Therefore, according to his instructions during welding, the construction robots deliberately concentrated the main load-bearing and connecting structures together.

In this way, as long as the main structure is removed, Zhao Feng can ignore other auxiliary supports and directly use his telekinesis to forcibly drag the city away.

And next, he did exactly that.

Every time he received a signal that the robots were dismantled, Zhao Feng would use his telekinesis to throw out the entangled "city".

The scene looked like you were pouring out the flashlight batteries.

Follow Zhao Feng's repeated operations three times.

A deep enough cavity was dug out by it.

As for the three cities, Zhao Feng randomly arranged them in other locations, and the robots re-welded them.

After finding the hiding place, Zhao Feng flew the [Conqueror] to the side of the airport and activated the battleship's docking equipment.

There is definitely no way to dock at the main entrance. After all, it is the entrance and exit of the battleship, not a standard docking port.

As for entering the airport, don't even think about it. At this moment, [Conqueror] and [Floating Airport] are standing together, looking like two brothers, one fat and one thin.

It's almost the same size on one side, so squeezing it in is just uncomfortable.

"Ding! The docking device is being connected..."

"Connection completed! Air tightness check is in progress..."

"Check completed! The air pressure is in sync..."

"Adjustment completed!"

"The connection between the warship and the airport is complete and can transport personnel and materials."

Just as the connection was completed, in the airport on the other side, the completed M-type shields were piled outside the connecting channel. After all, the hope was not in vain.

With the blessing of hope, the airport can produce 45 M-type shields every second. It only takes about 1 and a half minutes to produce all 4,000 M-type shields.

Immediately afterwards, it only needs to be transported to the docking port through the built-in material transportation system of the airport.

10 minutes later, all M-type shields were transported to the [Conqueror] via crawler tracks.

At this time, there are still 23 minutes left before the stellar storm arrives.

Time waits for no one, Zhao Feng ordered the battleship to disconnect the two, and at the same time, his telekinesis was directly entangled in the airport.

It was the same old method, the conqueror carried him, and he dragged the airport and dock.

I saw a family flying neatly towards the material "planet" not far away.

Flying over the material "planet", Zhao Feng turned on the tractor beam that was already ready.

After the tractor beam landed, the robots carrying M-type shield generators dispersed directly to the designated target to install the shield generator.

Zhao Fengzai paid a little attention and then focused on the matter in front of him.

With the drag of telekinesis, the airport was slowly stuffed into the "hole" below.

After the construction robot on standby below sent a signal confirming that it had hit the bottom, he let go of his telekinesis tentacles and allowed Beta, the current controller of the airport, to take over the attitude adjustment of the airport.

The construction robot working outside also began to weld reusable connecting brackets after the airport's attitude was stabilized.

The thing that looks like a giant "carbon clamp" holds the airport firmly in place.

Ensure that it will not be damaged by collision.

Ignore those busy robots.

Zhao Feng flew the [Conqueror] out of the surface again.

Drag the next "candidate" to enter the hole over.

At this time, the size of the [Space Dock] has been reduced by three times due to the fact that it is on standby.

It is even two circles smaller than the floating airport.

At first glance, you can't imagine how this thing can fit a battlecruiser.

After being fixed at the dock, Zhao Feng finally drove the Conqueror headfirst into the cave entrance.

In this way, in addition to the shield defense system, the thick iron walls of the material planet will also become a powerful defense against stellar storms.

In addition, as long as you wait for a while, those construction robots can weld the conqueror to a fixed "bracket"

In this way, this material "planet" can be regarded as having a mobile "engine".

. . .

While Zhao Feng was busy, the stellar storm had already passed through the third star's orbit.

As expected, the storm was still devastating to the planet's surface, and the atmosphere and magnetic field were torn apart again without any suspense.

Rocks ignited, air ignited, and waves of fire began where the planet came into contact with the stellar storm.

Spreading to the entire planet.

While ruthlessly destroying it, the universe needs to be continuously heated, and the galaxy itself is also orbiting larger stars.

This continuous movement and continuous energy consumption also caused the speed and energy level of the stellar storm to drop a lot again.

From the initial 20% light speed, it slowly dropped to about 10% light speed.

The heat of the high-energy plasma carried has dropped from more than 2 million degrees Celsius to about 800,000 degrees Celsius.

Basically consistent with the data calculated by the optical brain.

. . .

Just when Stellar Storm was about to arrive at RTX4090.G in less than 100 seconds, all the shield systems on Zhao Feng's side were deployed.

There are a total of 4,100 newly produced shield generators in stock, all according to the plan calculated by the optical computer.

3,100 of them are placed in the second half of the material "planet".

On the side facing the planet, only 1,000 remain.

The reason for this is simple.

A small fluid experiment can illustrate the principle.

Imagine turning on a faucet and holding a ping pong ball in front of the faucet outlet.

After the fixation is completed, open the water flow to the maximum. Now you only need to observe carefully and you will find that after the water flow hits the surface of the sphere, a small part will be bounced away, but most of it will flow down the surface of the sphere to form a cone. shaped water curtain.

And Zhao Feng's position was at the center of the cone-shaped water curtain.

. . .

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