It is obviously not enough to connect the massive supplies with steel cables alone.

If nothing else, the non-rigid connection method itself is synonymous with instability.

When starting, the inertia is forward, and he can still drag slowly, but "stopping" is different.

Because time was too short, he could not install all the supplies and cities with propulsion engines and attitude adjustment engines.

Without the engine to help reverse the deceleration.

With just a few steel cables, do you want to hold the trillions of tons of materials and cities driven by inertia?

It’s simply a fool’s dream!

At that time, the [Conqueror] that was acting as a tugboat would have stopped, but those "cities" and "mountains of supplies" being dragged by the steel cables should not be thrown away directly?

Staring at the "city pile" tied like a "grape" on the holographic screen behind the battleship, Zhao Feng couldn't help but sigh.

"It's hard to handle. A stellar storm is about to break out. Even if airports, docks and battleships are equipped with shield systems, they can sail in the stellar storm. Who knows what bad things will happen?

We must quickly go to the backside of planets protected by magnetic fields to get those supplies. . . "

Staring at the bunch of supplies being dragged behind him, Zhao Feng felt his head hurt.

"How about we make a compromise. These cities will eventually decompose anyway. Why don't we just go straight to the surface of the planet and throw them out as meteorites..."

Halfway through talking to himself, Zhao Feng stopped talking instantly.

Nothing else, he cried because he was stupid.

Not to mention dumping all 108 cities, just dump one on RTX4090.G.

That is an unbearable weight for the planet.

You must know that the structure of the dungeon is composed of various alloys, titanium metals, etc.

It has large mass, large area, and is resistant to extrusion and high temperature.

Even if it passes through the atmosphere, it will not disintegrate, and its volume will not even become much smaller.

It is estimated to be more powerful than the meteorite that destroyed the dinosaurs during the Cretaceous period!

Do you still want to save resources by then?

Ha~ I'm afraid there won't even be any iron slag left.

Touching his nose, he asked aloud:

"How much acceleration can this thing handle?"

"Ding! Dear Captain, after scanning and calculation, man-made celestial bodies can withstand up to 3G gravity acceleration."

"At the same time, considering that the work and life of personnel in the airport can continue normally, it is recommended to continue to accelerate at 1.3G."

"It is expected to reach the target location in 188.4 days."


Listening to Zhinao's report, Zhao Feng suddenly felt his eyes darken.

There was no way, he had learned to drive a battleship, but all he learned were combat skills, such as reconnaissance, counter-reconnaissance, and gunnery.

He knows almost nothing about transportation or life-related knowledge.

With a long sigh, Zhao Feng asked Guang Nao with his last hope: "What about the jump?"

"Ding! Due to structural problems of man-made celestial bodies..."

Hearing this, Zhao Feng had already begun to feel uncomfortable, but the next words of the shipboard Zhinao lifted his mood.

"...Only supports the minimum superluminal jump, which is 1.01 times the speed of light. It takes 20 minutes to recharge and about 100 seconds to jump. It takes 21 minutes and 40 seconds to reach the target area."

"Captain, please pay attention! Due to structural problems, the jump shield will cover a larger area and withstand greater pressure. The energy consumption will increase by 100,000 times, and it is estimated that the energy required will be 3 billion points."

Looking at the data given by Zhinao, Zhao Feng let out a sigh of relief, and without hesitation took out the 30-seat energy cabinet and ordered the nearby maintenance robot to send it to the cabin where the register was located.

After this period of consumption, he still has 14 energy cabinets left on hand, which is a little less, but it is enough for emergency use.

After all, he still focuses on the "ordinary" construction system, and most of the weapons he manufactures require physical materials.

Therefore, having less energy will not have a particularly big impact on him.

Soon everything was ready. With the preparation of 30 energy cabinets, a massive amount of energy surged out.

About 40% of the energy enters the gravity well and distorts the surrounding space through the gravity field.

With the remaining 60%, a blue jump shield was quickly formed, starting from the [Conqueror] and wrapping it backwards around the entire "grape" structure.

When the countdown reached 20 minutes, the light blue bubble-like jump shield also completed closing at this time.

In the gravity well, the terrifying power that had been brewing for a long time was suddenly released, shaking the entire space.

I saw that the surrounding space was surging layer after layer like water into which stones were thrown.

Immediately afterwards, the twisted space covered the entire area.

Immediately, a milky white halo rushed out from the turbulent space.

Across the starry sky, fly into the endless void.

. . .

100 seconds later, Zhao Feng and his family left the superluminal jump and appeared directly on the back of the planet RTX4090.G.

At this time, there are less than 4 hours left before the stellar storm returns to normal levels.

There was plenty of time, enough for Zhao Feng to arrange many of his assets in low-Earth orbit.

According to the prompts of the ship's optical brain, all materials can float in the range of 370-420 kilometers from the planet's surface.

As for why it is a range. . .

The reason is simple, the resistance to stellar wind is just right at this distance.

If it is too far away, it will have no effect; if it is too close, it will be captured by the gravity of the planet.

Even if there is meager atmospheric resistance at this distance, Zhao Feng's "family wealth" will drop by about 2,000 meters every week.

But with the floating airport as an "anchor", none of this is a problem.

He doesn't even need to install an additional refrigerant engine to ensure orbital operation.

The airport can completely use its own floating engine to maintain altitude while also pulling all supplies and always sailing on the dark side of the planet.

This finally made him breathe a sigh of relief.

Without any time to think about it, Zhao Feng turned on the regional channel.

As the ban was activated, the slightly cheerful atmosphere in the regional channel suddenly became silent.

Zhao Feng: "Let me put it simply, the background disaster in the galaxy will officially start in 3 hours. If the planet's magnetic field operates normally, it should be able to block part of it, so the underground is still a safe zone."

"Anyone who wants to join the [Light-seeking Alliance] I established, these are the requirements for joining the group. After reading the requirements, if anyone else wants to join the legion, you can click on the link below."

While typing, Zhao Feng posted the links titled [Instructions for Joining the Group] and [Address Sharing].

Well, it's that kind of web link.

Don't be surprised, as long as you have enough permissions, let alone links, you can even build a royal network in the chat channel and start a live broadcast show.

Zhao Feng then continued typing: "Back to the topic, I don't know exactly how intense the stellar storm will be, but if you want to survive on the surface, it's best to carry a shield generator with you."

"Oh, by the way, the reason why there was no Stellar Wind before was because I completed some challenges and received rewards from the Star Sea System. But now the rewards are about to expire. As a compatriot, I feel obligated to remind everyone. Okay, that's all I have to say. .”

As Zhao Feng left, the ban was lifted after 3 minutes.

Li Yulan: Family members, who understands? How could such a thing happen? Why didn't you tell us in advance? ?

Li Ran: You are a loser upstairs! The boss wants to clean up the lizardmen on 9 planets. Do you think everyone is like you? Can you eat if you split your legs?

Zhao Ze: Damn! Well done brother!

Wang Yang: +1, one more thing, what is going on in this world? The survival of this race is at stake, how can such a person still be alive?

Li Yulan: Sisters, who understands? I just said what everyone wants to say, why are there so many low-level men coming out and beeping ~

Ellie: Don't! I'm not your sister, and I never asked you such a question. Don't use map guns!

Sakura-chan: Where we are, we call this kind of person a woman with a long tongue. . .

Li Ran: Just say how much people hate you, why don’t you diss the boss? Of all the people who are still breathing, which one was not saved by others? Just being ungrateful and being yin and yang angry?

Wang Sheng: What's that? It's okay~ Let's all disperse~ This girl is right next to me. I just punched her twice, but now she is honest.

Shen Jian: Boxer Gao Yi!

. . .

Ignore the strange comments on the regional channel.

After arranging the airport matters, Zhao Feng controlled the [Conqueror] to circle around RTX4090.G to determine the distribution of the planet's minerals.

Then he put the two dungeons into his auxiliary backpack and drove the Conqueror down to a mountain range in the northern hemisphere.

The reason why we chose to land in this mountain range is mainly because it has the necessary resource for synthesizing nano-alloys, high-purity vanadium ore.

Vanadium, a metal, was a very good metal material in the original universe.

Its surface is silvery white, hard in texture, corrosion-resistant, not easily oxidized at room temperature, and has ductility. It can be used to make alloys and can also be used in the atomic energy industry.

In the Xinghai universe, vanadium has different meanings due to different rules.

Ordinary low-purity vanadium can be used as some metal additives to synthesize better alloy materials.

Such as special armor plates, rocket engine parts, etc.

But that is only the primary application of vanadium, after the purity of vanadium ore reaches more than 90%.

The application direction of this thing has become another look.

High-purity vanadium can not only be refined into vanadium crystals.

When the drawings are complete, it can also be fused with titanium alloys and rare elements and made into nanometals.

Nanometals are the cornerstone of the T3 stage.

It is also at this level that nuclear energy can truly be fully exploited.

The reason is that the special properties of high-purity vanadium allow it to effectively reflect neutrons.

As we all know, most reactors use thermal neutrons to bombard uranium isotopes to generate enough energy.

In order to prevent neutrons from escaping, a perfect "membrane" is needed to reflect them all back into the reactor.

This is just the principle of the fission reactor in the earth's time.

But a glance reveals the whole picture.

Once you know the principle, the value of this thing is self-evident.

Even if Zhao Feng is temporarily unable to upgrade his nuclear power plant from fission to fusion.

But as long as nano-alloys containing vanadium are created, the power generation efficiency of his nuclear power plant can be increased by at least 8 times.

Of course, he didn't make up this data randomly, it was given by the plug-in.

Ah~ one is as good as 8!

Not counting those built outside, there are already more than 1,000 nuclear power plants in the airport alone.

If all were replaced with nano-alloys, it would be equivalent to a daily energy production of 12 million points. . . Multiply by 8 again.

Good guy! Daily energy production of 96 million! One energy cabinet a day, what kind of bicycle do you need?

So even if the stellar storm is coming, even if its specific power is unknown, he still wants to mine this rich mine.

Hovering the battleship in the middle of the canyon, he first slowly lowered the two dungeons.

Several megatons of cities were seen pressing on the valley floor, and soon the soil ground was sunk dozens of meters deep.

It didn't stop until it hit the rock formation.

The reason why the underground city was placed first was to facilitate the decomposition of materials in the city, and the second reason was to use the canopy of the underground city as a physical protective layer to resist the stellar storm that might increase the intensity of the wind.

After deploying in the dungeon, he turned on the tractor beam under the [Conqueror].

As a pure white light beam with a diameter of 100 meters fell.

Not long after, one robot after another came out.

Looking at the beam of light that was sucking out the robot every second, Zhao Feng frowned and asked, "How long will it take for the mining robot to be unloaded?"

"Dear Captain, our total number of robots is 140,000, including 10,000 Level 7 mining robots, 100,000 Level 5 mining robots, 10,000 Level 5 construction robots, and Level 5 construction robots. There are 10,000 maintenance robots at Level 5, 10,000 e-mules at Level 5, and the current tractor beam can unload 2,400 units per minute."

Nodding, Zhao Feng continued: "Turn on all the tractor beams, we need to move faster."

"As you command, Captain."

As soon as he finished speaking, seven more beams of light shot out from the belly of the ship and landed on the ground.

A total of 8 tractor beams can release 19,200 robots per minute.

After being released like this for more than 6 minutes, Zhao Feng followed the last robot and left the tractor beam.

To be honest, the tractor beam thing looks high-end, but in fact it is just that.

In Zhao Feng's words, it's almost like taking an elevator.

There is no exaggerated teleportation effect like in the film and television series "Star Trek".

Glancing at the beam of light behind him, Zhao Feng went straight into one of the "cities" without saying anything else.

After entering the city, he immediately took out 1,500 Level 1 nuclear power plants and 10,000 Level 3 [Automated Mineral Refining Workshops] from his backpack.

Don’t be surprised, there are no business trippers in the number of nuclear power plants, and it is normal for mineral refining workshops to have automated plug-ins.

This was what Zhao Feng authorized Alpha to build before he left.

First of all, he had already authorized the construction authority of the refining workshop to Alpha when it was first established in the mining area.

As for energy, due to the continuous upgrading of mining areas, energy must rely on the stratospheric power supply network to be transported.

But the problem is that there are also many production workshops in the base. In order to avoid errors in the production of the base when leaving, Zhao Feng also authorized Alpha to build nuclear power plants on demand.

These 1,500 nuclear power plants were built during his absence.

With these 1,500 nuclear power plants, the alloy mining area not only has sufficient energy supply, but even a small amount of surplus is stored.

While digging out the building, Zhao Feng glanced at the time.

At the corner of my eye, I saw a countdown of 2 hours, 3 minutes and 58 seconds displayed on the UHD interface.

Zhao Feng couldn't help but move a little faster when taking out things.

. . .

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