Survival on the Star Sea: Starting from a small broken ship and becoming stronger

Chapter 217 618? 【4000】Thanks to book friend DrMango for the tip

Soon the [Conquerors] "cleaned up" all the lizard people on the planet's surface.

Turning around, the battleship adjusted its course, and the shipboard detection equipment started operating at full power.

Zhao Feng had no intention of letting those escapees go.

At this time, because he was in a highly spiritual connection with [The Conqueror], the synchronization rate was as high as 95.1%.

Each part of the ship's body and various equipment are just like his physical organs.

Coupled with the very powerful tracking skills, it is not easy to lock down those lizardmen who have scattered and escaped~

Of course, because the ship is too huge, there is still a slight lag in control, and it cannot really be as random as controlling one's own body.

But even if there are some flaws, the flaws are still intact.

[Conqueror] doesn't feel bulky at all in Zhao Feng's hands at this time.

This behemoth, more than 5,000 meters long, displays an agility that is not expected of its size, and its agility is no less than that of an ordinary frigate.

In addition to making regular navigation extremely smooth, its application of jump engines has also reached new heights.

Previously, when manually activating the jump, one had to stop the ship and wait for the jump shield to completely cover the warship.

It's okay to suddenly switch to a jump at a low speed. After all, it's not too difficult to stop the ship at a slow speed.

But if you want to switch from high-speed sailing to a jump state, it's a fool's errand.

Not to mention auxiliary matters such as calculating the channel or surveying the gravity environment, just stopping the ship takes about half an hour.

But now? Zhao Feng can jump with just a thought.

All pre-jump preparation items can be prepared in advance using perception.

Coupled with barrier-free operation under spiritual connection.

Even when flying at sub-light speed, [Conqueror] can forcefully enter jump mode.

The combination of various conditions allowed the [Conqueror] to easily catch up with the waves of lizardmen who were escaping in "broken metal".

In their desperate eyes, the huge [Conqueror] crushed them one by one.

Occasionally, lizardmen would drive frigates to launch a desperate counterattack, and Zhao Feng was too lazy to turn on the shield system.

As for these most powerful S-type laser weapons, their damage will be reduced by 50% when hitting armor with a holy light shielding layer.

The armor itself also has a 20% basic resistance to laser weapons, and it will only do 4 points of damage when it hits the battleship.

As for the lizardmen’s characteristic weapon “battery ram”?

That long charging time is just a joke~

When it is fully charged, the [Conqueror] doesn't even need to fire, it can be crushed by them just by collision with the hull.

A few more hours passed, when the last lizard-man was turned into ashes under the muzzle of the [Conqueror].

The prompt message of Xinghai System suddenly popped up.

【Ding! Congratulations to the trial player Zhao Feng, it is detected that you have wiped out more than 80% of the lizardmen alone, and completely cleared all hostile races in your galaxy]

【Ding! Congratulations on leading your race to complete the first stage of the Ten Thousand Races Trial ahead of schedule. As the 618th advanced race, the ranking of the Earth's human race will be raised from 9997th to 618th. 】

(Warning: The opponents in the next stage of the Ten Thousand Races Trial will be randomly selected between 500-1,000.)

(Note: If the racial population falls below 20% during the trial, it will automatically be judged as a loss by Xinghai.)

[Now as a reward, you can choose to fuse 10 additional galaxies of the same species in advance]

【Ding! It is detected that your military rank is Major, you can leave the trial with all the same species in the current star field, or choose to fuse more star systems of the same species]

(Tip: In the next stage of the competition, you can select 10-100 galaxies for fusion.)

【Ding! You single-handedly ended the enemy race, and your current contribution is doubled. 】

(Current racial contribution: 200,000)

Staring at the series of prompt messages, Zhao Feng's brows sometimes wrinkled and sometimes flattened.

He was the first to eliminate the option of leaving the trial.

After all, instead of taking advantage of the great opportunity to develop in the trial galaxy, go outside to compete with other races in the star sea for resources and territory?

Picture what?

You know, you go outside to improve your civilization level, and you can also improve it in the trial area.

There are a lot of resources here and there are rules restrictions. There are almost no shortcomings except for fixed opponents.

But it's different outside. He went to the trade area before and learned about some of the outside conditions.

Among the star sea universe levels Lv.0~Lv.25, almost all the areas with the richest resources are owned.

The only way to get more resources is to become a "Pioneering Knight".

Go to a cosmic level deeper than Level 25, face the threats of the evil gods and the relatives of the ancient gods, and compete for resources from their mouths.

But for the human race on earth, that is almost the same as committing suicide. That is something that only level 9-10 civilizations can do.

Let’s put it this way, the deep universe is given away, while the resources of the shallow universe are owned by the owner. However, technology and technology are not good enough, and development is still stretched.

In terms of combat power, there is a slightly more powerful Zhao Feng.

Based on this calculation, it is really better to stay in the trial area and develop.

And in addition to these, the civilization that leaves the trial must complete an "obligation".

That is to say, you must follow the requirements of the Xinghai system and participate in the battlefield league starting from C level.

To put it bluntly, it means serving on the front line to resist the invasion of the evil god's followers.

Of course, to complete the league, you don't just have to die.

You have to kill enough Familia and score a certain amount of points.

If all the soldiers going to the battlefield die, the same number of soldiers must be replaced in the rear.

Similarly, if you don't earn enough points this year, the soldiers sent in the first wave will not be able to go back, and another unit from the race will have to be sent to participate in the "league".

At that time, the human race on earth, which is only at level 2 civilization, may become cannon fodder for everyone!

What? Find a corner to lie down?

If you dare to do this, Xinghai will dare to bring your entire clan to the front line.

So there is no doubt that Zhao Feng will never leave with his compatriots.

Next, let’s talk about this damn ranking list.

The ranking of 618 seems quite auspicious.

But in fact, this is a life reminder. Outsiders don't know what's going on, but he, Zhao Feng, knows it very well.

To put it bluntly, except for the [Light-Tracting Alliance] he established, all the human forces on earth can be said to be small potatoes.

Think about it, even dealing with the lizardmen, a low-level alien race, is so difficult, and you still want to deal with a race that ranks in the top 1,000?

Still 20% survival rate?

If you can survive even 1%, you will be highly incense!

Fortunately, there is still some humanity in the Xinghai system, and we know that the human race on earth is supported by the heroic Zhao Feng.

He was given an additional authority.

This allows him to bring more people to his side without leaving the stage early due to being dragged down.

Apart from these, the most practical reward should be racial contribution.

According to the plug-in's instructions, you have to wait until you have 500,000 contribution points and open the level 5 contribution store before you can get better equipment.

Of course it is not impossible to open it in advance, but it can only be exchanged for dark gold blueprint fragments.

Do you know that it is not troublesome to synthesize hemp from the fragments?

Therefore, Zhao Feng has never opened the exchange shop, so he just keeps it here.

He plans to open it when he has saved enough 500,000 contribution points and can redeem the complete drawing.

In fact, it’s good to keep it. As the saying goes, “out of sight, out of mind.”

What if you open the mall and want to buy everything you see, but you can't save "money"?

. . .

Heaving a sigh of relief, Zhao Feng returned his attention to the tab of selecting his kin.

Suddenly he asked softly: "Will the lizardmen in other galaxies also be judged as negative?"

The Xinghai System did not answer Zhao Feng's question, but the plug-in prompt message popped up again.

(Tip: They will lose the star sea system and all the special abilities granted by the star sea, such as resource storage, digitization, etc.

Next, they can only become indigenous on the planet, but they will retain the current level of technology. Without digitization, their technological advancement will be slowed down countless times. At the same time, they will lose the weapons blessed by digitization to deal with the participating races with digitization. Its attack power will be reduced by 10 times. )

Looking at the plug-in prompt, Zhao Feng squinted his eyes and thought to himself.

‘That’s quite cruel. Should we just abandon a worthless race and let it fend for itself? ’

Although the Xinghai System's approach was a bit harsh, when he thought about the evil nature of the Evil God's Familiar and the horror of memetic pollution, Zhao Feng didn't worry about it anymore.

Although in the Xinghai System, the law of the jungle prevails and the winner is king.

But at least there is still some freedom. Even if you lose, you still have a chance to survive.

But if it is invaded by the evil god, life is corrupted into a sacrifice to the evil god, and even the soul is turned into someone else's treasure. . .

Tsk! That would really be worse than being exterminated!

Sighing, Zhao Feng focused on the options of 10-100 galaxies.

After hesitating for a moment, he retracted his finger and did not immediately make a choice.

Thinking back to the beginning, when I was a novice.

10 living planets with millions of people on earth are merged into one galaxy.

Of course, the stars, other non-habitable planets, and the asteroid belt are also fused together.

So if nothing goes wrong, the next stage will definitely continue to integrate, and it will be the integration of tens of millions of people.

Then came the billions, and finally the whole clan came together.

He now chooses that Dingtian can increase the number of fused people to the order of 1 billion.

But what about the other tribesmen? Let them wait outside to die?

Let’s not talk about the issue of fellow tribesmen waiting to die.

Mainly because too many people died, and he had to be buried with him. Who could bear to sit on this thing?

'So, we can't rush the integration, at least not at the current stage. We have to wait at least next month, that is, 12 days later, when the tens of millions of people are integrated and the population reaches the level of 100 million, it will be the best choice for me to activate this privilege. ! ’

‘Well, we have to rule out that weird galaxy in the world channel. . . ’

(Tip: The strange galaxy is the planet where the ancient ruins exist, number: GTX1660super)

Zhao Feng:. . . Hang! It has to be my brother!

‘It’s settled now! Everything is ready and all we need is the east wind. Now we just need to gather everyone together to develop the galaxy together. ’

‘I have been fighting and killing for so long, and now I want to recruit people to build infrastructure. It would be best to string all the planets together and make them into a Battle Star or a Death Star! ’

‘By the way, I don’t know what the recruitment limit of the legion is. . . ’

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng first adjusted the position of the ship's bow and prepared to return. Then with a thought, he clicked on the system panel and the legion page.

The level of the above legion has been raised to Lv. 3 at some point, and the maximum number of legion members has also become 10 million, which makes Zhao Feng a little confused.

‘When will I be upgraded? ’

Just when Zhao Feng was a little confused. . .

(Tip: Depending on the status of your base, the floating airport will increase your legion level by 1, and a large number of buildings and advanced building groups will also increase your legion level by 1.)

(Note: If you want to upgrade your legion to Lv. 4 and expand it to a large legion with 100 million members, the next thing you need to do is to occupy a planet of your own.)

(Warning: Occupying the planet will randomly arrange test tasks. For example: invasion events, battlefield trials, etc.)

"Huh?" Staring at the information prompted by the plug-in, Zhao Feng stared at the last one, the battlefield trial.

That is the key to lifting the Lv.60 level restriction.

Even if he doesn't have that much experience now, it is still necessary to handle the battlefield trials in advance and complete the tasks perfectly in advance.

He was just sitting here thinking about how to develop next.

[Conqueror] flew back to his "home".

Slowly park the battleship into the [Space Dock] and order the dock to continue to engrave the star realm camouflage on the battleship.

As for his two warship strengthening abilities, Zhao Feng does not plan to use them yet.

The lizardmen are too weak, and it is impossible to visually determine where the limit of the [Conqueror's] strength is.

Moreover, those L-type main guns and M-type naval guns can also be strengthened through superimposed strengthening devices, which is another big improvement.

As a result, we must be even more cautious when improving the attributes of battleships. After all, the attributes are boosted a hundred times.

If you get it right, it will be "soaring in the daytime!", but if you get it wrong, it will be "falling into the pit"~

. . .

After driving the frigate back to the surface, Zhao Feng first had a moment of tenderness with his wife, and then returned to work.

It was still the upper level of F5. Just a few hours were not enough to produce enough artillery, but Zhao Feng was not in a hurry at this time.

He just moved the materials in and filled each manufacturing workshop to ensure that there would be no shortage.

Next, it is necessary to superimpose and synthesize the weapons and equipment accumulated during this period, and even robots and other items.

The base's energy is almost full now.

Even if it's not enough, he still has 56 [energy cabinets].

Speaking of [Energy Cabinet] Zhao Feng suddenly remembered something.

In the light-tending building, the ordinary [Ethereum] is still waiting for him to build. After all, if he builds a research institute type building, his [Ether Technology] can be equivalent to 3 times the speed of research.

As energy was invested, new buildings quickly took shape. . .

At the same time, the options for phototactic technology buildings have also turned gray.

Except for the last question mark building, which requires massive amounts of energy, all of them have become unoptional.

Looking at the changes in the building list, Zhao Feng nodded secretly.

‘It seems that scientific research buildings are unique. . . ’

While realizing this in his heart, Zhao Feng did not stop moving his hands.

The building next to it was built automatically first without him needing to worry about it.

Now taking advantage of this moment, he began to strengthen his equipment.

. . .

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