Survival on the Star Sea: Starting from a small broken ship and becoming stronger

Chapter 215 Easy to handle [4000] Thanks to book friend tsnkscrj for the reward

Calculating the areas where the same race overlaps with the lizardmen.

Adhering to the concept of causing maximum damage with the least shelling.

Zhao Feng quickly determined a series of attack areas.

Because the M-type naval gun is slightly less powerful, the damage to the surrounding terrain is still within an acceptable range.

They are then responsible for attacking the lizard man strongholds that are close to our compatriots on Earth, as well as the [Environmental Transformation Towers] that constantly spew out methane gas.

Its shells use HE high-explosive shells and are equipped with collision fuses to kill surface creatures as much as possible and reduce damage to the earth's crust.

The attack plan of the L-type main gun is the opposite. It is all loaded with hard-core armor-piercing projectiles, and its attack targets are all focused on weak points in the earth's crust.

There was no way, the number of artillery shells he brought was limited, and it did not support the [Conqueror]'s unlimited bombardment of the planet's surface.

Now we choose to attack weak points in the earth's crust. One is to save artillery shells just in case. The other is to cause earthquakes to speed up the cleanup process of the planet in order to deal with the "possible" counterattack of the lizard people.

Of course, Zhao Feng could also choose to use artillery fire to slowly plow the planet's surface, but would he have to plow until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse?

Now he is just a battleship with a limited number of guns.

When the cannonballs fall down, at most they can only clear out a few lizardman strongholds on the planet.

Lizardmen in other areas will inevitably hide in defensive buildings such as underground bunkers after learning that the bombing comes from space.

Of course, this does not mean that [Conqueror] has weak firepower.

The purpose of his trip was of course to destroy the lizard people, but more importantly, he wanted to save his fellow humans.

If Zhao Feng is crazy enough, he can also use all his firepower.

They even directly ignored the so-called "continental fulcrum" and sank the continental shelf.

But he is not that kind of person. He also wants to rescue those of his own race who are trying their best to survive.

But earthquakes are different. The conduction speed of seismic waves is as high as 7-8 kilometers per second.

Zhao Feng's purpose in doing this was to cause earthquakes and destroy large settlements.

Of course, there are tricks to triggering earthquakes. If you do it randomly, the lizard people will be expelled, but most of the earthlings hiding underground will also be squeezed into small cakes.

Therefore, he made some fine adjustments to the charging levels of the weapons, all of which were in the 15%-20% range.

After locking on the target on the planet, the battleship began to fire continuously.

At the same time, on the other side of the ship, special-type gun-launched reconnaissance satellites were also fired at eight other planets by the main gun.

. . .

At this time, standing on the surface of the earth and observing the starry sky, I saw little stars shining brightly in the endless starry sky.

On the ground, waves of earth surged like an earth dragon turning over.

Every attack is just right.

Every settlement was reduced to rubble by a strong earthquake of at least magnitude 8.

Life seems so insignificant at this moment, with millions of lives turning into dust at the slightest touch.

At this time, on the ship's optical brain in front of him, the number of dead lizardmen was beating as fast as a stopwatch.

In just a few minutes, more than 300 million lizardmen died in geological disasters.

Those [Environmental Transformation Towers] were all destroyed by the naval guns under constant roll call.

At the same time, under the explosion impact of high-explosive bombs, a large amount of gaseous methane was ignited and turned into pieces of "fire clouds" in the sky.

Finally, the methane combines with air and burns out, recombining into large amounts of water and carbon dioxide, and dissipates in the planet's atmosphere.

And after the earthquake ended, it turned into rain clouds and rained heavily.

The air also became fresher at this time.

On the surface, in the hemisphere facing Zhao Feng, the total number of surviving lizardmen at this time was less than ten million.

As the deep space radar accurately locates the target, the M-type naval gun quickly adjusts its position. At a speed of 3 seconds per round, the four 3-gun naval guns tilt towards the surface with all their strength to rain down bullets.

Another 20 minutes passed, and Zhao Feng drove the [Conqueror] to the other side of the planet.

Still doing the same thing, still killing quickly and swiftly.

In a total of 1 hour, all the lizardmen on the entire planet were slaughtered by Zhao Feng.

During this period, there were also several small frigates, wanting to challenge the [Conqueror].

But unfortunately, they were all taken away by high-explosive bombs one after another before they even flew out of the atmosphere.

That's right, it's a high-explosive bomb.

After all, they are just a lower-level race. The Lizardmen's technological level is strong, but their strength is limited and they are extremely scientific.

Take frigates as an example. Their warships have an asymmetry.

The exposed pipelines and exposed ammunition compartment give people a strange feeling that it will explode on the spot if you hit it casually.

The most critical point is that when they are out of the planet's gravity, the battleships cannot turn on their shields.

If the shield resistance is turned on and the speed is too high, it will not be able to leave the planet.

Turn off the shield. It's okay if the lizardmen have air superiority. If the space is occupied by others, they want to attack forcefully.

It's like pushing the flesh of a fruit to your mouth, waiting to be swallowed in one gulp~

Zhao Feng's operation was to control the opponent to death.

Easily annihilate all the frigates on the surface of the planet.

Soon he took care of all the remaining frigates and wiped out all the lizardmen on the planet.

Afterwards, Zhao Feng drove the Conqueror to scan the entire planet, after confirming that there were really no enemies.

Only then did he speak on the World Channel.

"RTX4090.G has been cleared. Players hiding underground can come out. My team will come over in three days. You can choose to join me. Of course, you can also stay on the planet and develop by yourself."

After saying a few simple words, Zhao Feng closed the world channel and focused on the battleship again.

‘I have just experienced a melee combat ability, and I have to say that it is indeed much more interesting than tasks and assessments. ’

‘Then let’s test the long-range attack ability~’

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng skillfully controlled the quantum communication terminal and connected to dozens of previously launched reconnaissance satellites.

Although there is no [Star Boundary Camouflage] engraved on the surface of these satellites.

But according to Zhao Feng's prior reconnaissance, in his opinion, the Lizardman's detection capabilities and the basic camouflage on the satellite alone were enough to deal with everything.

If they want to discover those few reconnaissance satellites in the void that blend into the cosmic background and are less than 2 meters in diameter, they must at least build a deep space radar in space to have a chance.

Now? No chance!

. . .

With the access to quantum communication equipment, Zhao Feng soon received the image information returned from 560-1120 light seconds away.

I have to say that quantum communication is really awesome.

Although Zhao Feng did not click on this technology, the quantum communicator that came with the [Conqueror] had already made him realize what it means to be overwhelmed by technology.

At this time, the images transmitted back from the reconnaissance satellite are transmitting information about the target area in real time.

I saw a large number of lizard warships gathering towards the planet's airport. It was obvious that the news that RTX4090.G was under attack must have been spread.

Zhao Feng glanced at the satellite statistics. The number of frigates in the smallest place on it had reached 1,883.

The total number of frigates on the 8 planets exceeds 16,000.

Zhao Feng couldn't help but smacked his lips at this.

"Tsk! It's several times more than I originally guessed~ Sixteen thousand..."

Staring at the assembled frigates and the reinforcement warships that were still flying from the planet to the airport.

Zhao Feng couldn't help but reveal a strange smile.

"As expected, have we gotten together?"

"Haha, what a cute little thing. He has a lot of ideas~ but it's really useless."

As Zhao Feng muttered to himself, the movements of his hands were not slow at all.

Based on the distances between the planets and the space environment information given by the ship's optical brain, he quickly set up the shooting elements in a targeted manner.

'Um. . . The 8 planets do not need to be dealt with for the time being and can be taken care of slowly. ’

‘The main targets now are 8 airports, 16,000 frigates, 4 space command headquarters, and 2 giant deep space radars under construction. ’

"Ding! The target information has been entered and the attack plan is being calculated..."

After glancing at the information in his brain, Zhao Feng continued to enter some details without stopping.

‘The distance of each planet. . . Possible interference from cosmic background radiation. . . The gravitational difference that a ballistic path may experience when passing through a planet. . . ’

In this way, based on the data returned by the frontline reconnaissance satellite, Zhao Feng re-entered it into the battleship's optical brain after continuous screening and fine-tuning.

The battleship's optical brain carefully calculated the attack plan input by Zhao Feng and then sent it to the fire control radar.

Immediately afterwards, after secondary calculation of data comparison, the coordinate systems and shooting element information were presented in front of Zhao Feng's eyes.

Then based on the information of the attack coordinates, Zhao Feng controlled the warship to slowly turn and adjust to the best shooting angle.

Although the area toward which the bow of the ship was facing was empty at this time, the main guns on the left and right sides of the ship had an excellent firing range.

All 8 planets are under fire coverage.

After all the naval guns are aimed at their respective targets, the familiar smell of a familiar recipe follows.

EMP shield breaking, HE armor breaking, and SE explosive structure are still the trinity of attack methods, and they are still an efficient killing template.

The only slight difference lies in the charging time of each naval gun.

. . .

After all, he was the one who got 96 points in the exam. From the moment he attacked RTX4090.G, Zhao Feng had already calculated all the reactions of the lizard people behind him.

From the moment the [Conqueror] popped up, the lizard man had already fallen into the killing trap he shot.

He could have used many methods to kill the opponent silently.

But Zhao Feng didn't do this. Instead, he destroyed all the lizardmen within the range of RTX4090.G with great fanfare.

The purpose is to allow the other party to take the initiative to enter the boundary and join forces.

In a war, what actions will the party under attack make?

Did the entire line collapse before contact was made? Or run away without saying a word?

That kind of scene might have appeared on the planet's surface battlefield in ancient times.

But how could this happen in a space war?

Although they do not know the specific strength of their opponents, they can still understand that the enemy comes from deep space and the approximate attack distance and power of the weapons through the world channel and conventional communication methods.

The lizard man will inevitably realize that this time his opponent is extremely strong.

After all, the Lizardmen can wipe out the entire planet within an hour, and defeat all the aerial armies at the same time. You can tell how powerful the enemy is just by looking at it with your toes.

Next, according to normal war thinking, regardless of any race, it is necessary to concentrate troops at the same time and issue weapons at the same time to prepare for battle!

As for the lizard people, through this period of understanding, in Zhao Feng's opinion, their overall character is more warlike and martial.

This can be seen whether it is the decisiveness of sneak attacks or the decisiveness of massacres on other planets.

In addition, we are currently in the background environment of the Star Sea Trial.

The Lizardmen have nowhere to go except to kill their opponents in the RTX40 galaxy and advance successfully.

If they encounter strong enemies at this time, they will be pushed by these factors and fall towards the final result.

This is also the result that Zhao Feng wants most.

Gather your troops and prepare for war.

Of course, Zhao Feng acquiesced that they would send a small reconnaissance force.

But that doesn't matter.

He didn't care about the reconnaissance troops at all. As long as he wiped out the opponent's large troops, what kind of trouble could a few rotten fish and shrimps make?

. . .

Silently glancing at the time on the screen, one hour had passed since the start of the battle.

At this time, the gathering of lizardmen is still continuing, that is to say. . .

'Their reconnaissance force has already set off. ’

‘But what if we set off? The nearest planet is about 560 light seconds away from me, based on the frigate flying speed of Mach 525-1000. ’

‘Haha, about 5-11 days. ’

‘It’s really a bunch of rotten fish and shrimps. ’

It is understandable that the Lizardmen would do this, because the range of the [Conqueror] has not been exposed.

They didn't know what kind of monster they were facing.

Therefore, they will not act rashly after gathering their troops.

And this gave Zhao Feng absolutely enough time to make targeted arrangements.

As for the possibility of being detected by radar, causing the lizardmen to run away in advance?

That doesn't exist. Don't forget the detection distance of [Conqueror].

Although there are 100 light points, it is based on equal opponents, and even opponents of the same level can only roughly know that there is something in this position.

A group of people driving frigates, the nearest one is more than 560 light seconds away, how can they possibly see it?

As for visual inspection using optical telescopes, it is even more nonsense.

[Conqueror] Although the hull is not completely covered by [Astral Camouflage].

But his outer armor also has a matte coating. When light shines on it, the diffuse reflection disappears when it reaches a certain distance.

And without reflected light, even if I tell you where the [Conqueror] is parked, you can only see pitch black.

Not to mention active light source observation equipment~

Is the electronic warfare equipment on a battleship just a decoration?

Putting all the conditions together, the lizard man could be said to have entered a certain death situation without even realizing it.

Under this calculation, unless there are lizards who can predict the situation in advance, they can disperse and run away with warning in advance.

But obviously, judging from the real-time monitoring pictures provided by reconnaissance satellites, they do not have such power.

Then their results are actually a foregone conclusion.

. . .

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