The reaction speed of Xiuxing has indeed been improved in the current intensity of the battle.

But Shatans recovered his strength faster through "warming up".

As the saying goes, if you keep it for a long time, you will lose it.

Under the opponent's continuous attacks, Xi Xing was punched three times in the abdomen by Shatans before he could react in time.

As its power continued to increase, the power of each of these three punches exceeded 250,000 tons.

You must know that Xiexing's million-ton telekinesis enhancement is evenly distributed in all directions of the body.

In other words, the mind power defense of a specific part of a limb or trunk is not actually too strong.

If the mind power in a certain area of ​​the body is raised to a million tons just for defense, then the mind power defense in other parts of the body will be reduced to an extremely low level.

Not only that, the reaction speed may also drop sharply due to the lack of telekinesis factors, and the same goes for physical fitness.

In that case, he would be in a very dangerous situation.

Therefore, even if the total amount of mind power is 1.6 million tons, if it is to strengthen the internal organs, tendons, bones, nerves, and flesh and blood, and also to form defenses on the body surface, the amount allocated must be limited.

Take the abdomen that was just hit.

If Xiexing hadn't subconsciously mobilized the power of thought around his torso just now to protect his abdomen.

The three punches he just hit could seriously injure him on the spot and make him lose his fighting ability.

In this regard, Xiexing had to activate the sense of time to make up for the lack of reaction speed.

Nothing else, he couldn't let Shaitans find the feeling of combo.

If the combo of attacks continued, Xi Xing's telepathy would have to flow throughout his body, and he would be tired of dealing with Shatans' attacks.

That would lead to absolute passivity.

In any martial arts competition, allowing the opponent to find a comfortable attacking state must be absolutely avoided.

As he enters "hundred times" bullet time.

Shatans' attack speed almost stopped in an instant.

In Xiexing's eyes, it was almost impossible to capture it before, only the high-speed state of a flowing figure.

Suddenly it became the super slow state of a snail climbing a tree.

Staring at Shatans who was punching him in front of him, Xi Xing took a deep breath first.

Then, with the blessing of telekinesis, he instantly increased from the normal speed of Mach 20 to the current limit speed of Mach 50 that he can adapt to.

The next moment, in Shatans' slightly stunned eyes, the 50 times sonic boom punch hit its cheek at an absolutely crushing speed.


Layers of sonic booms rippled away from Xiexing's fist. Because this blow was in the acceleration mode of time sense, Xiuxing temporarily gave up his defense.

The telekinesis power of body surface protection coupled with the instantaneous burst of acceleration, its strength is converted into mass, this blow definitely exceeds a million tons.

This was also his first effective counterattack against Shaitans since the start of the game.

Looking back at Shatans, the expression on his face was slightly astonished. It was obvious that he couldn't believe the sudden outburst of Xi Xing.

But then its stunned eyes turned into excitement.

Immediately, the power on Xiexing's fist exploded, blasting it several kilometers away in the blink of an eye, sending out a thick cloud of smoke in the distance.

At this time, Xiexing, who was still pumping his fist, was standing there blankly. He did not show any excitement because of this blow.

When he looked at the smoke in the distance, his expression was somewhat uncertain.

Although the blow hit the opponent accurately, he was not happy at all.

Just now, he hit Shatans in the face with a 50 times sonic boom punch, but the touch that the fist brought to Xiexing was not right.

Normally, if he punches the diamond, it will not only shatter it, but also break it into seventy or eighty pieces. The feeling of the power penetrating into it will be fed back to the fist surface in time.

But what happened just now? The slippery touch told him that at least 50% of the power of that blow had been removed.

Glancing at the smoke and dust rising in the distance, Xi Xing looked down at his fist again.

‘According to the law of smoke, there is no harm, that guy. . . ’


A sudden muffled sound interrupted Xi Xing's train of thought.

A dull sound came from the smoke-shrouded area.

Immediately afterwards, a sonic boom suddenly penetrated the clouds above the dust cloud, and the invisible shock wave turned into a violent wind, sweeping away the dust.

The next second, Shatans stood in front of Xiuxing again.

At this time, the distance between the two was only 20 meters.

Staring at the other person's face, Xi Xing sighed inwardly.

‘Sure enough, it’s okay. ’

Except for some dust, there was not even a trace of blood or even redness at the place where he had just hit.

While Xi Xing was observing his opponent carefully, Shatans also said:

"You are very good, much better than those rubbish, right? I hope you won't disappoint me next time."

After finishing speaking, Shatans' figure seemed to be made of sand and dust, slowly floating in the air and disappearing in front of Xiuxing.

But the next moment Xiexing understood that it was not really disappearing, it would produce a scene like a movie special effect.

It could only be that the opponent was too fast and deliberately left an afterimage in place.

And while he was in such a daze, it was too late to activate his sense of time to deal with it.

Fortunately, the sixth sense has been enhanced to the ultimate level, enabling some special passive effects.

Just like now, his mental power is gathering towards his waist uncontrollably.

That is the effect brought about by one of the special passives of his sixth sense [Omen of Death].

As the name suggests, [Death Omen] can predict the next fatal attack and subconsciously carry out targeted defense.

Of course, this kind of defensive mobilization of telekinesis is not mandatory. As long as Xiexing's main consciousness interferes a little, this kind of dispatch can be stopped.

Xiuxing wanted to interfere, but before he could think of it, he flew out sideways like Shatans just now.

. . .

Just now, Shatans' speed increased significantly.

That kind of extreme instant acceleration is the same trick that Xi Xing used to deal with other players before.

The super-speed attack made Xi Xing unable to react at all, and he was hit with a mid-level whip on the spot, suffocating his waist.

That is to say, he did not prevent [Omen of Death] from mobilizing telepathy.

Otherwise, Xi Xing would have turned into a piece of flesh and blood by this time.

And now, he was flying across the ground at a super high speed of Mach 30.

But do you think this kick is the end?

No no no! This is still just the beginning.

In traditional martial arts, Shatansi's kick is at best considered the starting move.

At this moment, Shatans was obviously serious. His speed, strength, and reaction were almost 3-4 times higher than before.

If it weren't for the will attribute that Xiexing had turned on early, if it weren't for the terrifying bonus brought by [Deep Space Gaze], the low consumption of the Ultimate Realm, and the special passive of [Omen of Death].

At this time, he had been blown up by Shatansi's volley.

Of course, even if it doesn't explode for the time being, Xiuxing is still very miserable at this time.

After it kicked off the star, it suddenly stomped the ground with both feet. Waves of sand surged under its feet, and the ground trembled under its power.

In an instant, perhaps not even half a second, Shatans caught up with the star that flew away.

The moment it caught up, it hit Xiuxing's head with a rocket kick.

Immediately, Xiuxing's body was lifted into the air like a rag.

Looking up at his opponent who was flying higher and higher, Shatans did not hesitate to stomp the ground again and chased after him again.

I saw that in the sky at this time, Xiuxing's body was being repeatedly blasted by purple streams of light.

Xiuxing, who was flying in the air like a ball, couldn't stop at this moment.

That scene is very classic, just like Li Kaibi Renge in Naruto blasting Gaara in the Chunin exam.

And Xiuxing's telepathy is just like Gaara's sand. He constantly anticipates crises in advance and protects Xiuxing under his telekinesis in advance.

Of course, Shatans is much faster and stronger than Xiao Li.

That is to say, Xiexing's telepathy was strong enough and there was almost no delay. Otherwise, he would have been hammered to death by Shatans.

At this time, Xiuxing had already increased the sense of time to 200 times.

But the problem is, the upper limit of his body's ability to adapt to instantaneous acceleration is right here.

No matter how much he is strengthened through telekinesis, he is still a human being after all.

His physical attributes still have limits, and his ability to adapt still has limits.

There is actually no use in improving the sense of time at this point.

So what if you can see the opponent's attack?

If you can't avoid it, you can't avoid it, so why don't you get beaten honestly?

After being hammered a few more times, Xi Xing understood that this was the limit of his body.

The instantaneous acceleration is about Mach 58, which is almost his limit.

He has almost reached the extreme level of strengthening his body with the power of one million tons of telekinesis. What follows is a grinding effort, and it is impossible to adapt entirely to fighting.

Therefore, in the next battle, there is no need to continue to use "physical" power to fight against the opponent.

"Then that's it, I'm going to get serious." Xi Xing whispered to himself softly.

"Huh?" Although Shatans cannot hear sounds at supersonic speed, it can read lips.

Staring at Xiuxing, whose lips were moving, it couldn't help but feel wary in its heart.

At this time, Xiuxing had a thought.

I saw that a part of the mental power responsible for defense was separated, gathered around 5 meters around him, and a network of flying blades of mental power was arranged.

‘You like physical combat, don’t you? Come on, come on, let's see if I can do anything! ’

Although he was not sure whether Shatans, who had strong perception ability, would hit him head-on, he was sure that as long as this guy dared to charge randomly, the Flying Blade Net could definitely cut it into pieces!

Although Shatans had increased its vigilance just now, it still failed to notice any extra moves made by Xiuxing, who was lying flat in mid-air.

Just when it was about to rush over regardless and continue to hit Xiuxing in combos.

Shatans's senses suddenly started to work, and waves of coldness ran down its back, and omens of death kept echoing in its mind as a warning.

This caused its eyes to freeze, and it quickly exerted force in the opposite direction, Kankan stopped in front of the Flying Blade Net.

It has not experienced this kind of sensory warning for many years, but every time it experiences this feeling, it is basically during a life-or-death crisis.

Narrowing his eyes slightly, Shatans descended at the same speed as the free fall of the star.

At the same time, it kept observing the surrounding environment, trying to find what exactly caused that fatal sense of danger.

. . .

At this time, the audience outside the stadium was a little shocked, and they didn't understand why Shatans, who had the upper hand, suddenly stopped attacking.

The commentators were all silent. To be honest, they didn't know how to explain it. The strength displayed by the two of them had touched the threshold of a single star destroyer at this moment. A character of this level actually meets the standards of the Supernova Martial Arts Competition.

To be honest, they don't dare to talk nonsense.

Originally, commentators were there to liven up the atmosphere at the scene. Generally speaking, one commentator would be responsible for doing some talking.

However, these two big guys are a bit too arrogant. It is not appropriate to brag about either one, and it is easy to offend the other party's power.

It would be better to just utter some interjections honestly and try not to beep!

. . .

At this time, Xi Xing couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he saw that the other party had not been fooled.

‘Sure enough, the perception ability is very strong! This type of guy is really difficult to deal with. ’

Then he felt relieved. If it was really that easy to win first place in this kind of competition, there would be no challenge at all. To be honest, it wouldn't be interesting, would it?

Immediately, Xiexing quickly adjusted his mood, turned around with his telekinesis, and at the same time slowly floated in the air with the help of his strength.

Seeing this, Shaitans' frown deepened.

‘What kind of ability is this? Isn't he a vacuum type attack method? ’

Shatans did not act rashly. It was now unsure what type of extraordinary ability the Star was.

It's not sure whether the invisible danger is related to his ability. The reckless act of taking action is not what it wants to do.

Looking back at Xi Xing, seeing that the other party was reluctant to move forward, his eyes lit up.

"Throat? Can you feel danger? What about this?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a larger and wider net of flying blades slowly formed in the sky, covering Shatans.

As Xixing waved his hand, Shatans couldn't help but feel a chill running down his spine, and his brows jumped wildly at the overwhelming malice.

Shatans, like Quexing, trusts his senses very much.

So almost at the same time that the giant net fell in the sky, it accelerated away with all its strength in the opposite direction to the dying star.

But no matter how fast Shatans was, the thought of extinguishing the star was not as fast as the thought of extinguishing the star.

The constantly emerging network of flying blades of telepathy blocked its path forward.

This time it also experienced the feeling of being left and right as the stars had just gone out.

Finally, as a larger network of telekinesis formed, Shatans found that he had no way to run at this time, and the perceived warnings had enveloped all escape directions.

As the space becomes smaller and smaller, it can also feel the crisis and death getting closer and closer.

Seeing Shatans standing there seemingly giving up resistance, Xiuxing sighed softly:

"Phew~ It's finally over."

After hearing Xi Xing's words, Shatans nodded in agreement and said:

"Yeah, the warm-up is finally over!"


. . .

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