Survival on the Star Sea: Starting from a small broken ship and becoming stronger

Chapter 198 King Frieza appears unexpectedly? 【4000】

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng stared at the gradually rising price seriously. After it reached 1.45 billion star coins and stopped bidding completely, he started bidding.

"1.46 billion. The gentleman in Box 6 bids 1.46 billion! Is there a higher bid?"

Staring at the sudden bid in VIP box No. 6, the auctioneer shouted excitedly.

Obviously, the price was already very high, and no one competed with Zhao Feng for this item.

"1.46 billion, once...twice...three times!"

"make a deal."

Soon, with the successful payment of 1.46 billion star coins, the tidal crystal pendant was delivered to Zhao Feng.

And it is also paired with an extremely beautiful gold necklace.

Picking up the tidal crystal, feeling the cold touch and the cold energy slowly flowing up his arm, Zhao Feng did not reject it.

Graciously accepting the nourishment of Tidal Crystals.

Zhao Feng didn't pay much attention to the content of the next auction.

The auction ended soon, and then he found the seller of the "Ancient One's Great Curved Bow" through his authority as a major.

After a while of bargaining, he finally succeeded in getting it over for 20 million star coins.

Of course, he could also offer 25 million, but in order to avoid being discovered, he had to be patient and bargain with the other party.

He was very satisfied with the harvest of the two items, and then Zhao Feng went to two other stores.

The harvest this time was a bit worse. There are potions that permanently increase mental attributes.

But the price is a bit outrageous.

Just the basic attribute potions are divided into two types: 10 billion star coins and 100 billion star coins.

The first type will have extremely strong side effects due to insufficient purification.

You must pass a mental appraisal of up to level 3 to successfully increase attributes.

The second type is safer and will only cause some discomfort.

According to the shop owner, the main material of this thing is the extract obtained from the relatives of the evil god.

The extract of each level of dependents can only take effect once, that is, a type of potion can only increase one attribute point.

Reusing does nothing but cost money.

Of course, the types of extracts are not only the one that strengthens the spirit. There are also corresponding potions for strengthening other attributes, but they can only increase by 1 point.

To be honest, he was really excited, but because he was short of money, he couldn't even afford the cheapest 10 billion version, so he had no choice but to leave.

The last store focuses on recovery potions.

Physical strength, vitality, mental strength, all types are available.

Similarly, the smaller the side effects and the larger the recovery volume, the more Star Coins it requires.

(Secondary mental power recovery potion: restore 20 points of mental power within 1 minute, side effects: coma)

(Elementary mental power recovery potion: restores 30 points of mental power in 1 minute. Side effects: tinnitus, decreased balance ability.)

(Intermediate mental power recovery potion: 1 minute, 40 mental power points, side effects: vomiting.)

(Tip: You can only take up to 3 potions per day, and the effect of continuous use within 4 hours will be reduced by 50%.)

Staring at the side effects and warning messages, Zhao Feng bought 1,000 intermediate mental power recovery potions without hesitation.

After all, after returning to the surface universe, he had no place to get the extracts from the Evil God's Familiar.

In the absence of key materials, even if you analyze the formula of the potion, it will be useless.

In this case, it is better to buy more potions and prepare them.

1,000 potions is not too much, it can be contained in one box.

Zhao Feng directly teleported the things he bought back to the battleship, and after putting away the medicine and the "Ancient Great Curved Bow", it was less than an hour before the start of the game.

After thinking about it, he went back to pick up Lani, and then headed to the area near the God of War Arena in Area A1.

Of course, with the rank of major, it is actually very easy for Zhao Feng to find his own playing field.

But considering that I have a little girl to take care of me, the journey can become more enjoyable.

So he took Lani with him as usual, letting Lani lead the way and be responsible for the negotiations.

Soon the two came to the lounge exclusively for the seeded players.

At this time, the game on the field has begun.

But Zhao Feng was not in the mood to watch the battle at all. What was there to care about a bunch of pickpockets?

Taking off his armor and sitting on the sofa, Zhao Feng replayed the role of the Qixing Star.

But Lani was still very discerning and ran over to beat the boss's legs.

As time went by, I listened to the voices of the audience outside and the passionate explanations of the commentators.

Soon the first five rounds were announced to be over.

The big screen in the lounge where he was also suddenly lit up.

[Contestants please go to Arena No. 7, contestants in this round, Quexing vs. Nekal]

Slowly opening his eyes, Quexing stood up and put on his armor with the help of Lani.

Then he dragged his signature sword and stood up to where the ring was.

Xi Xing's performance on stage maintains his usual style, emphasizing that he does not show off or show off, but focuses on low-key and connotation.

This is completely opposite to his bloodthirsty performance on the field, not that he deliberately set up a persona.

The main reason is that after several games, Xi Xing discovered that the more contradictory a player's personality is, the more obvious the contrast is, the higher the visual impact it brings to the audience, which is reflected in the shock value, and the more violent the value increases.

And as he stepped onto the field, the long-lost shock value began to slowly rise again.

Then he raised his eyes to look at his opponent, and soon he was a little surprised to find that Nekal turned out to be a little dragon.

The four-legged hands are covered in red skin, and there are somewhat vestigial small wings on the back. It looks a bit like the elite monster in the Black Wing Lair in WOW.

The standard appearance of the dragon man coupled with the huge double-headed hammer in its hand, this familiar feeling made Xi Xing not want to kill his opponent so much for a moment.

Of course, this is just an idea. As the referee announced the rules of the game for both sides, the game officially started.

At the moment when the game started, the dragon man on the opposite side didn't even say hello, he directly activated his bloodline talent and rushed towards Xiuxing at full speed.

When the commentator from above saw this, his eyes couldn't help but light up slightly and he excitedly explained:

"Yes, Nekar of the red dragon clan is very smart. It activates the power of bloodline at the beginning and chooses the close combat mode.

This can effectively prevent his opponent from using his extraordinary abilities.

In this way, the strong will defeat the weak. We can see that the quality of the players in this competition is very high.

The on-the-spot response and tactical choices are also remarkable. How can our star-destroying players get out of this predicament? "

At this time, the big screen was playing a scene of two people fighting at a super slow speed of 1/256.

No way, in a battle of this level, both sides have the ability to move at supersonic speeds, and ordinary viewers really can't see the details of the competition.

So slow playback is a must.

If there was no slow play, most of the audience would only hear the roar of weapons clashing, but not see the players.

How could a game like that be interesting?

. . .

At this time, Xi Xing did not directly kill his opponent. After all, it was almost the finals. It was necessary to test the strength of the players a little and be aware of it.

Before he entered the venue, his telepathy had already begun to strengthen his body. If he was well prepared, even if the opponent, the little dragon, continued to attack him at a speed of Mach 3.

He is also able to dodge with great ease.

And when he has time, he will deliberately resist the opponent's weapon twice to confirm the opponent's approximate strength.

After a few moves, Xi Xing had figured out his opponent's path.

‘This guy doesn’t need to charge up to activate his bloodline talent. This alone is already stronger than most opponents.

And its speed has been increasing since it started. It is now maintained at Mach 4, and has a faint tendency to break through to Mach 5.

The fact that it does not display extraordinary abilities shows that it is a player who prefers melee combat.

In terms of strength, including speed and body, it is about 4 million Newtons, which translates into about 410 tons per hit per mass unit. ’

‘Stronger than the guys I met before, but only to a limited extent. ’

More than just limited? That's quite limited!

The strength of a single entity is simply not enough to cause any trouble to Xiuxing.

At this time, after Xiexing was fully strengthened by megatons of telekinesis, it was not easy to face this kind of attack.

And he also found that his reaction speed did not seem to reach its limit.

Even under Mach 3-5 acceleration, it can still function like normal life, and its responsiveness is not reduced at all, which is actually very strong.

But Xi Xing didn't expect that this was not his limit.

After becoming more and more proficient in new powers, the upper limit of his reaction speed, or the speed of nerve signal conduction strengthened by mind power, seems to have begun to be truly enhanced.

Feel the changes in your body and the intensity of your opponent's attack.

It was obvious that the speed at which the little dragon man's strength was improving in front of him was far less than the speed at which he could control his power.

After two more moves with his opponent, Xiuxing decided not to play with it anymore.

And when Xiuxing's eyes filled with murderous intent fell on Nekar through his helmet.

But Nekal suddenly felt cold all over. The feeling of falling into an ice cellar was all too familiar to it. It was a signal of extreme danger.

When he participated in previous missions, he narrowly escaped death several times because he sensed the danger in advance.

Looking at the small figure in front of it, it thought for a moment that its feeling was wrong.

But then it decisively gave up the attack and quickly retreated to the edge of the field.

Not only did Niekar's actions make the audience stunned, but the two commentators on the commentary desk were also stunned for a moment.

"Niekar's movements are very strange. We can see in the slow-motion footage that it is inextricably fighting against the star, and we don't see any signs of decline.

Even after Xiexing collided with Nekar's weapons several times, he directly chose to dodge. It was obvious that Nekar had the upper hand. "

The commentator next to him also interjected:

"That's right. He suddenly gave up the fast break when he had the advantage. Could it be that Nekar was exhausted?

wrong! We can see that Nekar's breathing has not changed, and there are no traces of sweat on his body. Obviously this is not the reason. Is it preparing to use a powerful move to end the game? "

Just when the audience, the commentators, and even Xiexing were a little confused about how the dragon man Nekar would attack next. . .

Nekal said in a hoarse voice:

"I surrender."

The next second, the whole audience was in an uproar, and the two people in the commentary box were even more confused.

Good guy, you were bragging about someone just now, but they didn't appreciate it and just slapped their cheeks like the commentator said.

On the other hand, Xi Xing pursed his lips and smiled.

‘My senses are quite keen. Should I say that I am worthy of being a dragon? ’

Shaking his head, Xi Xing did not step down immediately. Instead, he slowly walked away from the competition venue after the referee came out and announced that he had won.

At this time, because it is the sixth round of the arena competition, the number of arenas has dropped from thousands to less than 8.

The number of players is only over 300.

It was almost impossible to end the match in half a minute like Xiexing in the current arena where there was not much difference in strength.

This also results in that each game requires about 15 minutes of anxious confrontation.

Of course, there is no need to worry about injuries, as there is a special medical cabin provided by the Xinghai System.

In just one hour, even if the arm is cut off and the intestines and stomach are all over the floor, as long as the winner is decided and the player is still breathing, the medical cabin can restore the player to his original state.

But precisely because they no longer have any worries, players are even more desperate to fight in the competition.

This also caused the progress of the game to gradually slow down.

The seventh round of competition will not start until at least 6 hours later.

And Xi Xing is still a little depressed about this situation where the shock value is less than 10,000 yuan after half a minute.

I originally wanted to change the angle and kill the opponent, but it was sensed.

Suddenly Xiuxing stopped and looked up at Nekar, who was also slowly exiting the stage.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

‘The perception ability is really imba! It seems that when dealing with the next opponent, I need to try to hide my murderous intention. ’

'Um. . . Or do you only intend to kill when you take action? Interestingly, if you put it this way, if you meet a guy with strong enough perception, wouldn't it mean that you can't even think of the other person's name? ’

Back in the lounge, Xi Xing did not enjoy Lani's service as usual, but chose to browse the information about the contestants through the major's authority.

Although the opponents at the current stage of the competition are not strong enough, there will inevitably be some with special abilities. Rather than being in a hurry when the time comes, it is better to prepare in advance.

At the same time, you can broaden your horizons and kill the 6 hours of waiting time. Why not?

He did not go out of his way to see the strong ones, but followed the order of the information and looked at the contestants on the top 10,000 list one by one.

You must know that the intelligence information shared by the Xinghai System is quite comprehensive.

Whether it is a player's personal situation, data information, private life and other privacy.

Almost all have corresponding records.

Reading player intelligence is more enjoyable than reading gossip tabloids.

In this way, time passed by minute by minute.

Soon the 7-round competition officially began.

This time the players are not as clever as Xiaolongren and Nekal.

In other words, under Xi Xing's intentional control, the opponent's perception was not enough to discover how powerful the opponent was.

After being hit by Xi Xing's cool move "Eight Swords Flash", he was chopped into minced meat directly in the air.

The speed was so fast that even the slow-motion camera failed to capture the sudden outburst of starlight in the first place.

It can be said that it has reached the terrifying level of seeing only the light of the sword but not the shadow of the sword.

At the end of the seventh round, only 100 of the 160 qualified players remained.

The top 100 list was suddenly released, and due to Xingxing's performance in several battles, its overall ranking was temporarily ranked second by Xinghai.

The first place is still the little-known frozen clan, Shatans.

The third place is from the Fogg tribe, Gemini.

And when Xiuxing saw the holographic image of Shatans, who was number one on the rankings, he was stunned on the spot.

That familiar body shape, iconic tail, and purple horned head.

After a while, Xi Xing couldn't help but exclaimed:

"King Frieza?"

. . .

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