Of course, Zhao Feng doesn't know any damn wolf swordsmanship.

This move was also made by him on the spur of the moment.

After all, the best way to get shock value is to be handsome without brains, and be eye-catching without brains~

Putting the giant sword like a door panel on his shoulder again, Xiexing slowly walked back to his original position.

In the exclusive VIP box of Allen Pavilion, Rand was smiling and looking proudly at the old man beside him.

That extremely proud look was very similar to Wang Yousheng's expression when he was guarding supplies in "Bright Sword"

The old man looked like he had seen a ghost. He suddenly turned his head to look at Landry and asked seriously:

"He was always pretending before?"

Then he realized that he seemed to have asked a stupid question.

He turned around and looked at the figure in the venue, slowly leaned back into the seat, and whispered to himself:

"Scheming and powerful..."

After a while, the old man regained his composure and said to Landry:

"But this level alone is not enough! Once he confronts the monsters in Area A in advance, with the strength he has shown now, he is still too far behind."

In response to this, Landry still smiled and replied with a little meaning:

"Don't worry, the game has just begun"

The old man nodded thoughtfully and focused his gaze on Xi Xing again.

In the players' rest area, the coaching staff immediately discovered the dark horse of Xi Xing.

He quickly raised his attention level to the highest level.

Nothing else, the strength shown by this guy is completely different from their previous judgment.

Many coaches have found that it would be really difficult to win against one of their own players.

It's not that he couldn't avoid the Wolf Leap Slash just now.

Who would stand there like that stupid demon clan waiting to be hacked when they were on guard?

It is normal to keep your body in motion at all times and be ready to dodge and wait for counterattacks.

What really makes them feel difficult to deal with is Xi Xing's double-A combat power of strength and speed.

All the bells and whistles are external expressions. What makes him truly powerful is actually his extremely powerful "body" and "skills"

If one's own players are facing off against Xi Xing.

Without any preparation, he would 100% end up with the same fate as the demon guy.

As the saying goes, insiders look at the door and outsiders look at the excitement.

Regardless of how Xiuxing performed before, just the wolf sword technique he just performed.

The supersonic slash that can be performed at will.

This means that this child's attributes have reached an extremely terrifying level.

This kind of strength belongs to the upper level among all the major middle-level races.

This can't help but make them a little worried about their own players.

The top 20 seeded contestants also had solemn expressions on their faces after watching the replay of the Star-Falling competition.

Among them, the Valkyrie known as the No. 1 seed, Cortana.

After watching the replay more than 10 times in a row, he said with a serious face:

"This guy hasn't used his full strength yet."

Having said this, she slowed down the slow replay several times, pointed at Huixing's hands and sword and said:

"Look here carefully, have you noticed? While he is spinning and swinging the sword, the stability of the sword body is obvious."

Upon hearing this, her coaching team couldn't help but stare at the point she pointed out carefully.

Then the sound of gasping air kept coming.

"This guy's moves are so stable!"

"Even when he unleashed a sonic boom, his arm didn't tremble or become unstable at all."

"This shows that he still has plenty of energy left."

"As expected, he only used 50% of his strength in this attack."

Staring at the screen that kept playing back, she finally exhaled slowly and said:

"Compared with other opponents, this Quexing is the truly formidable enemy."

Speaking of which, she couldn't help but touch the tattoo on her arm.

‘Although I don’t know where you are from, you must know that you are not the only one who has a trump card. ’

As the big screen above kept replaying the wonderful scene just now, the audience suddenly came out of their sluggishness for a while.

The few viewers who acted like they had seen through everything before and already knew the essence did not stop bragging.

Everyone changed their stance and started to cheer for the star.

The alien veteran who had just placed his bet looked at the remote control in his hand and then at the demons scattered all over the ring.

At this time, it not only wanted to cry, but even thought about dying.

"My pocket money! Why can't you control my hands!"

In front of Xiuxing's eyes, the shock value began to refresh crazily.

(Shock value + 90 million), (Shock value + 76 million). . . .

Zhao Feng was beaming when he saw the shock value of tens of millions jumping up.

My whole body felt indescribably comfortable.

It's obviously a demon race that looks so powerful, but it's obviously such an ordinary human race.

But at the moment when the two sides fought, the side that seemed to have the absolute advantage could not survive even a single move.

Not to mention the audience who knew the way to extinguish the star before, they all looked like they had seen a ghost.

Isn’t the contrast too great?

Before promotion, he played timidly.

After being promoted, this guy no longer hits hard.

It is simply a killing star.

Those demons died so tragically~

Let’s ignore the audience’s reaction for now.

On the ring, the referee quickly came up and first checked the situation of the players.

After confirming that it was absolutely impossible for the demon players to get up and fight, they ordered the cleaning robot to come on and clean up the mess.

Then he walked to Huixing and announced:

"The winner of this round, Extinguish the Star!"

After declaring victory, the referee considered and asked:

"Do you choose to defend?"

"Keeping the ring? What do you mean?" Xi Xing looked at the referee and asked with some confusion.

"You can continue to accept challenges from other contestants by defending the ring. If you are strong enough to win in a row, you can even lock in a promotion spot in advance. Skip the next game."

Hearing this, Xi Xing turned to look at the referee.

After feeling Xiexing's gaze, the referee couldn't help but shrink his neck.

Somehow, it always feels that its Tianling Cap is slightly cool.

Just when he was about to say something, Xi Xing nodded slightly and said: "Shou Lei."

The reason is simple. Since we are harvesting shock value, we should simply collect it all at once.

A single shock may make the audience think it is an accident, but continuous shock will make the audience climax in their skulls.

Although there is some suspicion of killing the goose to obtain the egg, and excessively consuming the amount of shock value, the time he can stay here is only about 6 days.

If the little leeks in area C14 are not harvested soon, then he will be promoted to the main competition area. How will he have the opportunity to harvest as much as he does now?

Obviously, there is a certain attenuation in live broadcast harvesting. The closer the distance, the more shock value can be extracted.

In this way, how can he obtain the maximum benefit without squeezing the audience's sensory experience as much as possible?

Thinking of this, Xi Xing turned his head and began to think about what "sword skills" he should use next to kill his opponent in order to squeeze out more value.

The referee on the side contacted the Xinghai System to select the next challenger for him.

To be called a challenger is actually to force a match based on strength.

Soon, new contestants took to the stage.

The holographic projection above the head also displayed the information of the two people in real time.

【Falling Star vs. Minos】

[Falling Star: Human race, 11 wins, 0 losses, current ranking 161 in C14 area]

[Minos: Minotaur, 231 wins, 1 loss, seed player in C14 area, ranked 9th. 】

Seeing the Xinghai System matching Xi Xing's opponents, the audience in the auditorium couldn't help but whisper.

Even the alien veterans watching the live broadcast in front of the screen couldn't help but raise their eyebrows when they saw such a match.

Some naive guys shouted slogans such as "Inside Story" and "Fake Match" on the spot.

But then, these people stopped. It was obvious that they had all been warned by the system.

The referee also explained aloud:

"Everyone, please be patient. The Xinghai system is absolutely fair and there are absolutely no problems with the matching data. Please do not affect the progress of the game."

Then the referee turned his attention back to the two people in the ring.

As usual, after going through the introduction process, the competition was announced directly.

Xiuxing, who was standing there with his giant sword on his back, stared at the tauren in front of him, with no intention of taking the initiative.

Feeling the sight coming through the helmet, Minos snorted uncomfortably.

Nothing else, that guy gave it a slightly wrong feeling.

His gaze was like a sharp knife, constantly searching its body for the place to cut.

It can even feel that in the eyes of the other party, it is like a bird waiting to be slaughtered. . . livestock? ? ?

That feels very bad!

snorted again.

In order to dispel this feeling, Minos didn't say a word, picked up the giant rocket hammer beside him, and circled around the dying star.

Xiexing also cooperated very well and started to turn his body.

In the auditorium, a large number of spectators looked at this extremely familiar scene, and they all involuntarily covered their faces.

Here it comes again, the familiar smell.

The taste of two-person rotation~

Of course, Minos is not wandering around. On the one hand, it is observing the dying star and trying its best to find the opponent's weaknesses.

On the other hand, they are constantly thinking about strategies.

No one could have imagined that such a dark horse would suddenly emerge in such an important competition.

It was obvious that he was a little-known "little guy" in the previous games, so why did he suddenly break out?

This makes it completely confusing.

But I can't figure out what to do, now the facts are before my eyes.

The guy he was going to face was very strong.

I thought about the coach's instructions before going on the field, and then thought about the replays of the game that I had watched countless times before.

Minos looked at Xiuxing with more concentration.

‘Isn’t this a humanoid disguised as a legendary race? After all, the individual strength of the humanoid race is generally quite different, not like this guy. . . ’

‘With an attack range of 7 meters, he can easily produce a sonic boom. An opponent of this level must attack with all his strength. If he tries it, he might kill himself! ’

Thinking of this, Minos glanced at his coaching bench and sighed softly.

‘What do you mean, it’s important to save your life, or surrender if you can’t? I'm a warrior! ’

Staring at the dying star 30 meters away, Minos' breathing became louder and louder.

Its breath turned into two long lines of white mist without even realizing it.

If you observe it with a heat detector, you can clearly see that his body temperature is rising rapidly.

The beating of the heart was dull and powerful, like a drum.

Even the audience could faintly hear the "bang bang" beating sound.

The blood flowed at high speed in its body, making a rumbling roar.

The blood vessels and veins stood out in the next moment, entwining around Minos's knotted muscles, which looked terrifying.

With the excess supply of energy and nutrients, its body is also slowly growing.

It's like growing up for the second time. The figure that was originally more than 3 meters tall has actually reached 4 meters!

Staring at the dying star in front of it, its blood was burning and its fighting spirit was boiling.

Off the field, the faces of Minos coaches changed when they saw this.

The head coach yelled at Minos’ nutritionist:

"Who asked him to use his blood energy to be violent?! Didn't you tell it to just pretend? It's a genius of our clan. If it dies here, you will be fully responsible!"

The tauren who was scolded sighed softly and did not refute. After a while, he said seriously:

"Minos, he is a warrior. We grew up together. I know what he wants."

"I respect his choice and believe in him."

"Stupid! Absolutely stupid!"

While the coaches were arguing with each other, Minos also adjusted his condition to the best.

The eyes that were clear before have now turned red.

Blood-red steam was rising all over his body, looking like a monster from hell.

The terrifying aura swept across the entire arena like a wave.

On the side of the auditorium facing Minos, the races with slightly weaker willpower were frightened to the point of fainting on the spot.

The next second, a thundering roar sounded from the arena.

Immediately afterwards, a roar like that of a 16-cylinder in-line engine at the bottom of the throttle sounded from Minos.

Even the ring beneath its feet trembled along with the vibration.

A pair of bull's eyes stared at Xiuxing, and after a while it slowly spoke:

"I know you are strong, and I may not be your opponent, but as a warrior, my faith does not allow me to retreat..."

Having said this, Minos stared at the dying star and said word by word:

"Next, I will unleash my strongest blow. You can choose to dodge like a coward, or kill me head-on like a warrior!"

Listening to the words of the tauren opposite, Xiuxing couldn't help but feel funny.

‘Hey guys, aliens can also do moral abductions, right? He looks quite honest and honest, but I didn’t expect Huahua to have so many intestines. . . ’

Thinking of this, Xi Xing's cold voice came out.

"Too much nonsense, hurry up."

Feeling the opponent's contemptuous eyes and contemptuous words.

Minos's blood flow couldn't help but speed up by half a minute.

Then there was only a terrifying roar followed by a huge roar.

In the blink of an eye, its figure disappeared from the ring.

. . .

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