"Can, can you, check my abdomen?"

Hearing this, the robot referee nodded, and then a blue light flashed in his eyes, and two more medical robots rushed forward.

They first laid it flat and then removed the breastplate.

Soon green light swept across its body.

Immediately afterwards, the detection information of the instrument was presented in front of all the audience.

"Acute intestinal spasm, no organic disease or damage. It is recommended that you take a temporary rest, massage, and take a small amount of painkillers."

After hearing the desired diagnosis, he nodded with difficulty in agreement.

Xi Xing is temporarily off the field to take a rest and will not talk about receiving treatment for the time being.

The aliens who made the bet felt extremely uncomfortable.

Okay~ Two accidents, two losses.

Who can withstand this?

Many people are wondering whether they are going to win with Yishou Xi Xing.

Nothing else, this guy seems to be a bit evil.

And his odds of winning have somehow dropped to 1:4.

The odds of losing have strangely risen to 1:5.5.

I have to say that people who open casinos are smart.

Alas, once the odds are adjusted like this, the bookmaker will basically have no losses.

Not only do the bookmakers not lose money, they also earn a large commission.

Don't forget, Landry has implemented all the agreements signed by Zhao Feng.

The more than 80 million star coins obtained from the shield auction have turned into 1.6 billion+ after several bets.

Even if the dealer only draws 5% of the water, the amount of bets that can be made is large enough, and they can draw away close to 100 million star coins just by drawing.

At this time, in the exclusive VIP box of Allen Pavilion in the arena.

Landry stared at the holographic projection in front of him, as if he was in a daze, constantly replaying the two games just now.

The old man next to him saw this and said nonchalantly:

"It's just good luck. There's nothing to say when you meet an idiot for the first time."

"The second time, I just happened to have acute stomach cramps. Your third uncle has this problem, and his reaction is similar to this kid's. He is just lucky. What else is there to see?"

After hearing this, Landry said nothing, but slowed down the video 128 times again for more detailed observation.

But how could the invisible and qualityless power of thought be visible to the naked eye?

As for the control of internal organs, while Zhao Feng was constantly resisting the invasion of G value, he could already use his mind power to control the physical body in subtle ways.

Don’t say that medical inspection robots can’t see flaws.

Just throw him into the medical cabin, and the same problem will be detected.

In addition, the first player was directly killed by him, and no one would know the feeling of being manipulated by telekinesis and hit the blade.

As for Jack the Mantis, Zhao Feng did not use his mind to control him.

Only slight adjustments were made to the strength of the scimitar and the trajectory of the missile.

Even the parties involved would not be able to discover the problems without careful review.

And with the way it was injured, by the time the replay came to light, the competition would have ended long ago.

With no evidence and various accidental cover-ups, no one could discover the tricks in these games.

Although he didn't know how long he could continue to act, this feeling of toying with everyone made him extremely excited.

20 minutes later, Zhao Feng, who had rested, reincarnated into Xi Xing and stepped onto the ring again.

Next comes the skillful deception phase.

In the next third game, the ranking of Xi Xing's opponent improved again, and this time the opponent was finally replaced by a strong man of strength type.

To deal with this kind of guy, he can definitely cause an accident after several head-to-head confrontations.

Disguise the scene as if he had a lucky win.

In this way, he toyed with the audience and opponents again and again.

And his assets kept doubling, doubling, and doubling again due to the unfaithful bettors' bets again and again.

After 10 rounds of competition, the betting dogs were howling miserably, and he had already obtained the top 320 spot in the C14 area.

And huge assets of up to 64.1 billion star coins.

In fact, his assets could have turned into a higher multiple.

After all, every game he plays seems to rely on luck to win.

He has some strength, but it always gives people the illusion that his virtue is not up to par.

Those gamblers always feel itchy in their hearts.

There's nothing wrong with gamblers being fooled, but casino bookmakers' actuaries are not stupid.

Gamblers see nothing but luck.

But actuaries look more at data.

Since Xi Xing can win consecutively, it means that he has outstanding strength.

Even if it depends on luck, luck is also a kind of strength.

Those who open casinos also attach great importance to luck.

Therefore, the odds of Star Extinguishing are constantly being balanced.

After balancing the odds, the amount of Star Coin bets is still huge.

Soon the dealer set a limit on the amount of bets placed on Fading Star.

No restrictions!

Good guy, if you bet tens of billions of star coins at once, even in the next few games, the odds are only 1:1.2.

But the tens of billions of star coins thrown into it at once are enough for the banker to drink a pot.

Nothing else. After several consecutive harvests of leeks, retail investors obviously ran out of supplies.

If there are no restrictions, it will be their turn to lose money.

If it weren't for the restrictions on betting, the assets under Zhao Feng's name would have already exceeded the 100 billion Star Coin mark.

After the game, Zhao Feng dragged his "tired" body back to Allen Pavilion.

I simply ate some dry food to replenish my strength.

Then he mobilized his mind power to solidify his state.

Then, the elf girl was called.

Soon the green elf girl walked up to Zhao Feng and asked respectfully:

"Lord Xi Xing, what can I do for you?"

At this time, Zhao Feng had already washed away the consumptive ghost makeup that the girl had painted on him before.

He returned to the expressionless and taciturn boss form: "Take me to see Landry."

Hearing this, the girl bowed slightly and said, "Okay, Lord Xi Xing, please come with me."

Following the elf girl, they arrived at a more upscale living room not far away.

Inside the house, Landry has been waiting for a long time.

Looking at the smiling middle-aged elf in front of him.

Zhao Feng could clearly feel that Landry seemed to be more respectful than last time.

There is no way to be disrespectful, whether it was the oppressive feeling when we met alone before, or the 10 games that just ended.

Everything shows that the person in front of him is the real boss.

You know, Landry has watched the videos of those 10 games countless times.

But he couldn't see any problem.

You must know that except for Jack from the Mantis tribe, all of Fading Star's opponents died in accidents during the battle.


Landry doesn't think that's a coincidence.

He always believed that if coincidences happened one after another around him.

This means that there must be an invisible hand controlling everything behind these coincidences.

This is a rather mind-numbing fact.

Thinking about all the coincidences, they are all subtly related to the man in front of him.

In this way, Landry would not dare to underestimate Yu Xing.

Sensing the huge change in the opponent's attitude, Zhao Feng slowly took off his helmet after thinking about it.

After all, we are already partners, and we still need to have basic respect for each other.

Hiding one's head and showing one's tail at the beginning can be said to create a sense of mystery and oppress the opponent.

But now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need to do this anymore.

Sitting in the living room, Landry looked at the boss who took off his helmet and said excitedly:

"Lord Xi Xing, you are so powerful! Everyone has been deceived by the coincidence you created. If it weren't for me being your partner, I wouldn't be able to see the slightest flaw."

Zhao Feng didn't express too much about the other party's flattery.

He just nodded calmly.

When Landry saw this, he skipped the flattery step very discerningly.

Then he reached into his pocket, took out an amethyst card, and handed the card to Zhao Feng with both hands.

"This is your asset, a total of 64.18541 million star coins."

As soon as he heard the amount mentioned on the other side, Zhao Feng's head buzzed.

‘What the hell? How many? 600? 100 million? ’

Fortunately, in order to control his micro-expressions and movements, he used his mind power to solidify his state before the meeting.

So although Zhao Feng was extremely excited inside.

But the external performance did not show any abnormality.

Seeing that Xiuxing's expression didn't change at all, even his breathing rate and body micro-movements didn't change at all.

Seeing this, Landry secretly gave a thumbs up in his heart.

‘Look at this person’s bearing! How about being a boss? I have made more than 60 billion, and MD is like picking up a coin! Bullshit! ’

He didn't know that at this time, Zhao Feng had already used his mind power to completely control his body, so that he could maintain a stable state.

Otherwise, how could you be so indifferent? It would be strange if the heart rate and blood pressure don’t soar! Also control expressions and micro-movements?

Even if he doesn't take off on the spot, he has sufficient concentration!

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Feng didn't even look at the card in Landry's hand and asked instead:

"We'll wait for the star coins. You know about the hardening potion, right?"

Seeing this, Landry nodded more respectfully:

"Of course I know, Mr. Xi Xing, I wonder if you ask this?"

"I need 200,000 hardening potion materials, these?"

After hearing the boss ask about his area of ​​expertise, Landry said nothing and swiped his hands in the air to create a virtual screen.

Then, after fiddling with it for a while, he replied seriously:

"The transaction price of the hardening agent formula in the past 30 days has hovered around 1.2 billion star coins."

"There are 9 kinds of corresponding auxiliary materials and 3 kinds of main ingredients. If you are in a hurry, you need to buy it at a premium, but it will not exceed 4 billion star coins at most. Plus the ingredients, it will be 5.2 billion."

Zhao Feng nodded and continued to ask:

"How is energy sold?"

After hearing the boss ask about energy, Landry's interest became even higher.

First, place the cards on the table in front of the two people.

Then, after organizing the language a little, he said in a familiar tone:

"Sir, you don't know something. Even if energy is purchased in large quantities, its price is not very high. The most valuable thing is actually the energy storage equipment."

Having said this, he swiped his left hand, and the virtual screen in mid-air turned around, and a constantly rotating spherical device appeared.

"For example, this reusable [energy matrix]."

"It can accommodate 100 million units of standard energy."

"Of course, it's also extremely expensive. A single piece costs 10 billion star coins."

After hearing the quotation, Zhao Feng couldn't help but frowned.

‘10 billion, in addition to buying medicinal materials and purple-gold quality L kits as backup, the remaining money can only buy 5 pills at most. ’

‘That’s 500 million energy. . . ’

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng glanced at the consumption of light-seeking buildings.

And after seeing the energy it consumed, his brows couldn't help but frown deeper.

There, just the two transformations of [Illusion] and [Phase] would cost him 100.8 billion energy.

Not to mention the question mark transformation that consumes trillions of energy.

Earn 500 million and go back?

Not enough shit!

As if he could see the boss's confusion, Landry quickly swiped his right hand to turn the pages of the products displayed on the virtual screen.

He introduced the same thing as before:

"If you are in urgent need of energy, then I suggest you buy this disposable [energy cabinet]."

"One-time?" Zhao Feng couldn't help but repeat the words Landry said.

"Yes, it is a one-time use. The price of this [energy cabinet] is much cheaper. It is also 100 million units, and the price is even less than 40 million star coins."

Upon hearing this quotation, Zhao Feng's eyes couldn't help but light up.

‘Doesn’t that mean that 50 billion star coins are approximately equal to 125 billion energy. Even if the quantity of goods is not enough to purchase at a premium, there will still be at least 100 billion energy guaranteed as a minimum. This is okay! ’

Staring at the expression on Xi Xing's face in front of him, he really couldn't guess what the boss was thinking. Landry carefully considered his words and continued:

"One thing you have to pay attention to is that because the energy storage cores are made of different materials, even though they look similar, the actual size is very different."

"The disposable [Energy Cabinet] is at least as tall as a person, while the [Energy Matrix] that can be charged repeatedly is no more than the size of a football."

"A few years ago, there were some unscrupulous vendors who deceived customers and sold [energy cabinets] as [energy matrices], which deceived many buyers."

After glancing at Xiexing's expression to make sure that the boss wasn't impatient, he continued to introduce:

"And the most important thing is that once the [Energy Cabinet] starts to release energy due to the material, the core will begin to melt irreversibly.

So the speed at which it releases energy is very fast. "

“If you don’t have a large enough ‘energy pool’ or an energy gap, accidents can easily occur.”

Hearing him mention the accident, Zhao Feng frowned and asked, "What accident?"

"Super strong energy release is just like flood discharge. If there is no corresponding load-bearing equipment or a large enough energy gap, it means that there are no strong enough flood discharge mouths and river channels for control."

"Then the release of traffic may break through the blockage and cause irreparable losses."

"It can range from exploding the power grid to overflowing energy, causing a lot of waste, or at worst, the energy accumulates and has nowhere to vent, and finally explodes on the spot!"

"Of course, the reusable [Energy Matrix] does not have this kind of trouble, which is one of the reasons why it is expensive."

Regarding the danger Landry mentioned, Zhao Feng nodded, but he didn't take it seriously.

Nothing else, a gap of 99.9 billion + 900 million energy, no matter how violent it is, so what?

Isn’t it easy to suck it off?

So he said without hesitation:

"With 50 billion star coins, we can purchase at least 110 billion of one-time energy storage equipment that is full of energy. I can get it before the end of the game at the latest. Is it possible?"

. . .

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