Adding money to the market means a massive amount of star coins pouring into the gambling game.

The power of leeks is powerful, and it didn't take long for them to smash the odds back to 1:1.1

There is no way, the casino is also very difficult. The aliens who control the casino can only watch the games and analyze the players.

More depends on data.

After Xingxing "win" was injected with 80 million+ star coins.

They then have to reassess the risk and adjust the odds.

As for betting on the next game, they basically won't do it. After all, just getting a commission is already a sure-profit business.

Why take those risks?

The chaotic scenes in peripheral casinos will not be mentioned for the time being.

At this time, Zhao Feng was so comfortable that he hummed under the elf's service.

What is full body massage? What is deep physiotherapy? What is special pedicure?

Oh my god~ Zhao Feng was so comfortable that he almost fell asleep.

Professional massage techniques combined with the cool touch of ice swept away his little fatigue.

The one-hour break passed in an instant, and the arena competition officially began.

The arena area in the arena is not very large.

The 50-meter by 50-meter square arenas are placed next to each other.

There are thousands of arenas on each level.

The first match that Zhao Feng has to face is on the 3rd floor in Arena No. 306.

At this moment, there were only 8 minutes left to prepare for the appearance, and the elf girl slowly stopped the massage.

He leaned into Zhao Feng's ear and whispered:

"Lord Xiexing, the game is about to begin."

Feeling the elf girl's teasing, Zhao Feng didn't feel itchy at all.

After all, he is so fucking green, no matter how greedy he is, he will not be so hungry and unselective about food.

He said lazily "Hmm~".

Xiexing stood up slowly and followed the girl to the area where the arena was.

After arriving at his destination, after the light on the door turned from red to green, he slowly opened the door and walked onto the ring.

Zhao Feng's equipment still looks like a plate armor soldier.

Highlight a mediocre one.

The virtual screen above the head quickly displayed the contestant information for this arena match.

[Falling Star vs Kakarot]

[Falling Star: No historical record, ranking 100 in the knockout division]

[Kakarot: Ladder Arena record 43 wins, 41 losses, ranking 97 in the knockout division]

Staring at the information above his head, Zhao Feng couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.


As he read the name, the image of the super soldier flashed through his mind.

‘Can’t you? ’

Shaking his head to clear away all the thoughts in his mind, he took a deep breath and officially entered the role of "Xingxing".

But in the eyes of the spectators outside the court, his actions were the performance of a novice who could not be more novice.

The gamblers who placed their bets even couldn't help but laugh out loud. Apparently, they were "confident" in Huixing's next performance.

. . .

Following the guidance of the entrance lights, Xiexing soon saw the guy named "Kakarot" clearly.

And his eyes instantly became subtle.

He has a baboon face, is a dwarf no more than 1.3 meters tall, his thighs are no thicker than his forearms, and the proportions of his limbs and torso are extremely uncoordinated.

Putting all the indicators together, the appropriate ones in the Earth era are first- and third-class disabilities plus incest deformity.

The exoskeleton should be a lightweight model with almost no additional armor except for the vital parts.

He seems to be an agile player.

After observing his opponent's situation, Xi Xing felt that the thing standing opposite him had simply tarnished that name.

Zhao Feng shook his head and sighed softly.

At the same time, I couldn’t help but sigh in my heart: ‘It’s true that cats and dogs can be on stage. ’

The alien named Kakarot originally didn't take it seriously when he saw his opponent, the man who was greedy for life and afraid of death named "Xingxing".

But unexpectedly, the other party actually shook his head and sighed at it.

He couldn't help but make it furious.

That restless reaction quickly attracted the attention of the referee on the stage.

"Contestant Kakarot, please pay attention to your actions, the competition has not started yet."

Hearing this, Kakarot shouted: "That bastard provoked me!"

Upon hearing this, the robot referee immediately called up the surveillance screen. After its pupils flickered for a while, it turned around and strode towards Xiuxing.

And a voice prompt said:

"Contestant Xi Xing, please do not provoke your opponents before the game. Please restrain your movements and sounds. This is the most basic game etiquette."

Hearing what the referee said, he couldn't help but be stunned.

‘Why am I violating game etiquette? ’

Before he could ask, the referee walked straight back into the field.

At the same time, the referee's explanation came out.

"The format of this arena competition is a single-elimination elimination system."

"After the opponent admits defeat, no additional attacks of any kind are allowed, otherwise a serious warning will be issued."

"Contestants who receive two serious warnings will automatically be deemed a loser."

"This knockout tournament will consist of 10 games without leaving the arena. The top 320 players in the C14 region will be determined."

"In the knockout round, the use of armor and weapons that exceed the system limits is not allowed. After testing, both parties meet the requirements."

Hearing this, Xi Xing stared at the other person's exoskeleton and tilted his head.

‘Good guy, does it meet the requirements if the opponent is wearing an exoskeleton and beating me, a plate-armored soldier? ? ? ’

"Contestants please choose melee weapons."

At the same time as the referee's words came out, a long row of various melee weapons popped up in front of Xiexing's eyes.

Knives, spears, swords, halberds, axes, axes, hooks, and forks. . .

Staring at the pile of choices, Xi Xing couldn't help but feel a little worried.

To be honest, he doesn't know how to use melee weapons at all.

When he was in the Titan Laboratory before, he used the Imperial Power Sword, which he also relied on telekinesis to control.

Get started yourself. . . I really don’t feel comfortable with it.

But when I looked at other weapons, it was even worse.

Ranged weapons are not available yet.

In desperation, he clicked on the sword icon.


Another layer of panels popped up.

Long sword, short sword, great sword, heavy sword, stabbing sword, flaming sword, hook sword, extra large great sword. . .

After a quick glance, his finger pointed steadily towards the giant sword icon.

【Ding! Weapon selection completed. 】

Immediately afterwards, he saw the ground under his feet slowly unfolding, and a huge sword with a length of more than 2 meters, which was as wide as the door panel, popped out with a swish.

Under the matte coating are at least 108 forged alloy textures, which are particularly intimidating just by looking at them.

Holding the sword hilt with one hand, the attributes of the giant sword were popped out by the plug-in.

(Weapon: Extra Large Sword)

(Quality: White)

(Attack type: slash)

(Attack power:???)

(Strength Required: 31)

(Agile requirement: 12)

Ps: This is a standard legion great sword. There are slight traces of rust on the sword, but it does not affect its use.

Obviously its weight is also quite terrifying. Even if the strength required to hold it with both hands is reduced by half, he cannot use this weapon.

It would be a joke to pick up this weapon based on the limits of human attributes.

But with the help of telekinesis, that's another matter.

This also explains why its attack power is a question mark.

After all, Xiexing mainly relies on his telekinesis to attack. The so-called attack power does not essentially rely on the sharpness of the blade itself.

With a size driven by millions of tons of telekinesis, the attack power is more directly related to the physical quality of the sword body.

As for the skills to get started, I can't expect too much. I practiced it for a while.

He only has a slight understanding of basic chopping, slashing, stabbing, teasing, and shooting.

In actual combat, it's hard to say.

Then again, weapons aside.

Who said you have to use a sword to kill?

. . .

As both of them picked up their weapons, Zhao Feng glanced at the pair of tiger claw daggers in the other's hands, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up slightly.

‘You are really agile~’

‘Thinking about it, the skin must be very thin, right? ’

After confirming that both of them had picked up weapons and met the competition requirements of Xinghai.

The referee withdrew outside the venue, then picked up a small hammer and slammed the huge gong, announcing the official start of the game.

Regarding the referee's set of procedures, Xi Xing was confused when he saw it, and he was completely sure of it.

Xinghai System is definitely a Dragon Ball fan!

The moment Xi Xing was distracted, the alien named Kakarot rushed over.

Looking at Xiexing holding the sword with one hand and looking full of loopholes, Kakarot's eyes were full of disdain.

‘Cai beep! As expected, he is a piece of trash that is good for nothing but blackmail. Is this kind of thing worthy of standing in the same ring as me? ’

Thinking of this, its speed increased to another level again.

After crossing half the court, Kakarot still maintained a very high charging speed.

His eyes were staring at his opponent's movements without blinking.

Soon, it discovered that Cai Bie named Xi Xing had actually picked up the exaggerated giant sword, and seemed to be trying hard to assume the most basic stance of holding the sword with both hands.

But then, Kakarot almost stopped laughing.

Nothing else, Xiexing's movements were too slow, as slow as an old man getting up, which made Kakarot couldn't help but show a look of disdain.

He even sneered in his heart.

‘What’s the use of having great strength? I can stab you 18 times with just a sword! And if the knife avoids vital points, it can torture you to death! ’

At this time, Kakarot's heart was already confident of victory.

I have even started to think about which cool style to finish with in order to attract the most fans.

Staring at Xiexing's stance that was full of loopholes, Kakarot's mind suddenly flashed with countless extremely bad combos.

'Um. . . Let's kill with instant shadow. The sword is over 2 meters long. Taking into account his arm span, I have to change direction at 3 meters. I will blast his liver first, then poke his kidneys, and finally use the two swords alternately to perform a guillotine. , Tsk ~ perfect! ’

It seems to have a lot of ideas, but it actually takes less than 1 second to rush through the midfield.

The distance between the two was now less than 10 meters.

Staring at Quexing, who still maintained his stance, Kakarot's disdainful expression deepened.

‘The rookie is really a rookie, can’t he even change his moves? ’

Thinking of this, it decided to speed up a little, preferably so that the other party didn't even have time to admit defeat.

There was a bloodthirsty expression on his face, and he suddenly turned on the four rows of micro-propellers on his back.

This made Kakarot's already extremely fast speed increase several times again, and the entire monkey turned into an afterimage almost instantly.

The speed that suddenly increased to the extreme shocked all the viewers watching the live broadcast.

The elf girl on the sidelines only had time to widen her eyes and cover her mouth.

The gamblers in the casino who were betting on Zhao Feng's defeat excitedly raised their right fists and shouted "kill him" and "kill him". . .

Landry in the VIP box involuntarily grabbed his thigh, while the old man next to him showed a joking expression.

Kakarot, who was in a state of emergency, seemed to feel the expectant eyes of his tribe in a trance, which was the belief of countless fellow tribesmen before leaving.

The extreme stimulation from his senses made him shout out his native language with a distorted face.

" # %!"

(Some kind of baboon call.)

Accompanied by that sharp cry.

The distance between the two is approaching each other at an extremely terrifying speed. . .

But from Xi Xing's perspective, that's not the case at all.

Whether it is the opponent's acceleration or roar, in fact, under his perception, it is like slow motion.

He even had time to evaluate his opponent's performance.

‘Start too slow, fail! Too many facial expressions, failure! The eyes were too purposeful and it made me miss my waist, but it still failed! ’

‘It can’t even hit a sonic boom, it’s not even as good as the TM Phantom Warrior, it’s a failure among failures! ’

‘If the only ones we fight are this kind of trash fish, it will be difficult to perform next! ’

Thinking of this, Xi Xing glanced at Kakarot, who had already rushed three meters in front of him, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

The next second, the shock in the elf girl's eyes slowly turned into confusion, and her expression changed from worry to full of disbelief.

The previous tension disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The little mouth even opened into an O shape.

The casino, which had been extremely lively just a moment ago, was now deathly silent.

After a while, a "silly beep" burst out from someone's mouth.

And soon this classic curse words were sung by countless gamblers.

"Silly beep!"

"Silly X!"

"Refund the money every day!"

In the VIP box, Landry became relaxed again, and his eyes were full of doubts.

The old man next to him seemed to have something stuck in his throat. His face turned red and he kept coughing.

On the ring, Kakarot, who had been full of passion before, seemed to have burned out, without making any sound.

Now it is lying on the ground in a very strange posture.

It seemed as if he was begging for forgiveness from the star.

But as the propeller on its back leaked fluid, it let out a burst of explosions.

Kakarot, who was kneeling in front of Zhao Feng, also slowly split into two.

The referee quickly rushed up. After confirming the situation on the scene, he waved his hand and called a team to clean up the robot.

First he put out the fire, and then he carried Kakarot down, which was burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

Immediately afterwards, the sweeping robot came on stage and quickly cleaned the floor.

Then, even though there were no spectators around, the referee shouted loudly.

"The opponent dies!"

"The winner of this match is Star Extinguisher!"

. . .

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