At this time, there are a large number of contestants living in the power station.

After all, this is the last circle area. You only need to persist here for a short period of time to survive the attack of the sandstorm.

In addition, the duration of the last sandstorm was relatively short, and the number of falling objects from high altitudes was relatively small.

This allowed the contestants to survive.

As long as this sandstorm rages for 3 to 5 more minutes, and more than 1,000 contestants survive, they will be considered a blessing.

Feeling the sudden stop of the storm above their heads, just when the contestants thought the elimination round was over.

Unexpectedly, Xinghai unexpectedly launched the second stage of the battle royale without following the routine.

While the new rules are being distributed, the power station is the center of the circle.

Circle after circle of ground, like those mined resource blocks.

It continued to shrink and collapse downward, falling into the dark underground abyss.

At the same time, the contestants ranked in the top 100 points received an additional cave-in zone warning issued by the Xinghai System.

Obviously, although the contestants are eliminated, Xinghai still has certain preferential treatment for those who are stronger.

As the collapse began, except for a few unlucky ones who happened to be standing at the starting position, they screamed and fell into the abyss.

The other contestants only had time to confirm the starting area of ​​the collapse, and then they ran in all directions like headless flies.

50%-60% of the contestants chose the wrong direction while running around.

There was no other way, the line of sight was blocked and there was danger following closely behind, and the reminder information from Xinghai was very limited.

Unless your life is hard enough and you are lucky enough.

Otherwise, being recruited would be a sure thing.

As the contestants fled in all directions, the transformer station in the center of the power station was soon completely swallowed up by the expanding abyss.

Fortunately, the collapse has just begun. Just like the poisonous circle is shrinking at the beginning, the ground is not collapsing very quickly.

Except for those few contestants who were really unlucky.

Everyone else had enough time to run out of the power station.

The contestants at this time were even more embarrassed than before when they were driven away by the sandstorm.

There was a chance to ride on a vehicle before, but now after the raging sandstorm, not to mention the vehicle, the house has been demolished.

At this time, everyone could only run out on their own legs.

At this stage, except for those who are really confused, almost no contestants would choose to fight at this time.

Yes, I have bubbles on my head.

It describes a strong orc.

At this point, I was still thinking about hunting.

There are only strong orcs and a few other races that regard killing as life.

But those irrational guys didn't end well either.

Anyone who can reach the current stage has some real ability.

It may not be possible to fight back, but it is still possible to die together.

After several continuous explosions, those dishonest guys, even if they did not die suddenly on the spot, would still have difficulty moving due to injuries.

Being swallowed up by the collapse zone that was chasing after them, they would not be able to escape in the end.

As the subsidence continues to spread, the area of ​​​​the ground disappears becoming larger and larger.

At this time, the contestants running for their lives are, in a sense, on the same starting line again.

Except Zhao Feng.

He now has an absolute advantage.

Since there are advantages, what else is there to say?

Cut off all the ropes, then stand the floating motorcycle up and light it on fire.

Because the performance needed to be tragic enough, Zhao Feng had nothing but the M416 hanging on his chest and the corresponding magazine.

All supplies and equipment have been blown away by the sandstorm.

It can be said that he is empty-handed and has no equipment.

But even if he only has the m416 in his hand, it is completely enough for him.

As for using your cheap tricks to eliminate those contestants.

Yes, but not necessary.

After all, even half of the people chose the wrong direction at this time.

But more than 100,000 contestants will survive in the future.

Besides, you can see how embarrassed they are when they are running for their lives.

Those guys, after all, were killed in a field with hundreds of millions of people. Which one of them is the good guy who has survived to this day?

Who knows if Zhao Feng revealed that he had a vehicle, those contestants would take out a speed potion from their crotch, or stab their necks with something like an agility potion.

Come and mess with him as the Flash.

When he was playing games in the past, there were some guys who could run faster than motorcycles.

There are all kinds of strange alien races, maybe there are some capable people like this.

And leaving aside the distance, he doesn't have enough bullets.

He only had a few hundred rounds on his body and a few thousand rounds in his motorcycle box.

With just these bullets, how many aliens can he kill without being exposed?

It is better to wait until the critical moment and then suddenly attack.

During this waiting time, Zhao Feng planned to run farther and use up his points first.

Anyway, it’s over 10,000 points.

I didn’t have time to look at it before to brush up my scores, but now I have to study it carefully.

As the floating motorcycle speeds all the way.

Zhao Feng went down the mountain along the path, then onto the main road, passing through the outskirts of Big E City. By taking the road, he could directly reach the city area close to the ruins.

This distance is almost without difficulty for him with a vehicle.

There is nothing to say about the passability of the floating motorcycle. Climbing hills and slopes is as easy as walking on flat ground.

On the highway, it can stably reach a speed of 499km/h.

It takes no more than 16 minutes to reach the safe zone.

This speed is really not slow, after all, this is not the earth, there are no traffic jams and no traffic lights.

There are no morning and evening rush hours, and there are no young people who ride electric bikes without paying attention to the road.

In a deserted environment, he could drive as fast as he wanted.

It didn't take long for him to arrive at the small town in front of the ruins.

This place has long been destroyed by sandstorms, and there are only some ruins where the original buildings were.

In order to avoid suspicion, Zhao Feng did not drive directly into the ruins, but casually stopped the motorcycle and clicked on the points redemption panel.

Soon two options popped up in front of him.

【1.1000 points redemption page】

【2.10000 points redemption page】

Raising his eyebrows, Zhao Feng raised his hand and clicked on the first option.

Immediately, the redemption page for 1,000 points was displayed.

In addition to various types of relatively familiar heavy weapons, such as mortars and iron fists.

You can also redeem various strengthening potions.

To be honest, those weapons, even though they have been strengthened a lot by Xinghai, are still essentially a bunch of garbage.

The most valuable thing here for Zhao Feng is the potions.

But it is a pity that it may be because the game lasted for a long time.

Many potions have been exchanged.

For example: strength, agility, stamina, spirit, these four basic attribute potions have all been sold out.

With a slight sigh, he had no choice but to close the 1,000-point mall.

Although it's a pity, it's not bad if you think about it carefully.

Those potions are good, but for human players, they are essentially of no use.

After all, human physical genes and life potential are not too high.

In addition to the fact that Zhao Feng, a stupid brother, forcibly unified the spirit of the race.

That is to say, the potential belonging to the soul has increased.

In a disguised form, human development potential has been improved.

For several other items, the initial values ​​are very low, and there is no way to break the limit without using the right method.

Even if it is improved through potions, it is relatively limited.

In this case, even if those potions can be exchanged, they are better than nothing.

Of course, this does not entirely negate the effects of pharmaceuticals.

At least the physical potions are quite useful.

After all, if you are traveling in space, you need to use physical medicine to strengthen your physique.

Temporarily, there is still some value in surviving the G value brought about by acceleration.

But it's useless to talk about these now, they have all been exchanged and gone, and there is no use having money.

Rubbing the tip of his nose, Zhao Feng switched to the redemption page that could only be opened with 10,000 points.

There are a lot of products here.

First of all, weapons, equipment, armor, etc. have all been upgraded to the level of interstellar warfare.

However, the weapons are slightly more stretched and only have melee weapons.

Energy swords, energy knives and the like abound.

Although those things are good, they are not of much help to him.

Think about it, it's really not worth it to kill so many people in order to exchange for a piece of equipment that can't be taken out blatantly.

Continuing to turn down the page, there are still various types of potions.

It is different from the attribute potion in the 1000 points mall.

The potions here are more extreme and their effects are more powerful.

[hardening agent]

(The overall defense is improved from the inside to the outside, allowing ordinary people to withstand up to 56G of instantaneous gravity acceleration. Ps: Do you want to physically resist artillery? Do you dare to stand a thunder on your head? You are right to choose this!)

【Speed ​​Potion】

(Simply strengthen the bones and muscles of the limbs, comprehensively increase the movement and attack speed, up to 5 times the original speed. Ps: Sir, you don’t want to break your hip bones while running, right?)

【Poison Potion】

(It can volatilize in the air and form a large poisonous mist. All substances entering the poisonous mist will be extremely corroded. Ps: Walking around may help you live a few more years.)

【Sensory Potion】

. . .

Obviously, the potion enhancement here is more of a more extreme enhancement of a certain attribute, and its side effects are also more severe.

After Zhao Feng browsed around quickly, he took a fancy to the [hardening agent] at a glance.

Nothing else. As a potion that can only be redeemed with 10,000 points, its effect can be said to be what he needs most at the moment.

Or what the members of his legion need most.

You know, in addition to building battlecruisers, the matter of leaving RTX4090.C and transferring the population to outer space has also been bothering him.

Electromagnetic projection is indeed a powerful ability, a magical skill used to launch spaceships.

He can withstand the instantaneous gravity acceleration of 40 or 50G, but other earth players may not be able to do it.

To break through the planet's gravity, one must have extremely high speed.

Perhaps if the gravity acceleration is reduced to 30G or 25G, young people can survive it.

But what about those old people?

What should they do?

After all, the technological building of the space elevator was skipped.

If you want to project a large number of people into space quickly, you can't use a low-speed elevator.

It can only be a more radical electromagnetic projection.

He was quite worried at first, but the appearance of this [hardening agent] obviously solved this problem easily.

As for the materials needed to make the hardening agent, he could wait until the game was over before asking Landry.

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng did not hesitate and directly chose the potion.

With the deduction of points, Zhao Feng only had 32 points left at this time.

At the same time, an "Express" route also appeared on the HUD map, passing above his head.

The time for waiting for the airdrop was not too long. About 3 minutes later, the airdrop landed near him.

After confirming that the airdrop had landed, Zhao Feng pretended to ride a motorcycle in a circle before finding the airdrop box.

Immediately afterwards, he stuffed the [hardening agent] into his lower back.

With the help of the misplaced cover of the clothes, he successfully put it into the auxiliary backpack.

At this point, Zhao Feng was completely relieved.

‘The only thing left is to keep winning games. ’

‘Win enough star coins, acquire sufficient pharmaceutical resources, and then use the reverse derivation at home to develop them. It is simply a perfect strategy! ’

. . .

While Zhao Feng was excited, the countdown had already passed 20 minutes.

The south side of Miramar also underwent earth-shaking changes at this time.

It’s not an adjective, it’s literally “earth-shaking”!

It was like a magnitude 10 earthquake.

If anyone can push away the sand and dust, they will be surprised to see the contrast between the two environments.

Movement and stillness, life and death, are all separated by a thin line.

It was as if the entire world was torn into two parts with the power station as the dividing line.

As the earthquake intensified, the contestants who were unlucky enough to escape into the dead zone.

On the ground that suddenly rolled and fluctuated like ocean waves, only a few people were killed or injured in an instant.

And when the earthquake stopped for a while, those who survived thought the disaster was over.

The entire continental plate instantly broke apart without warning, turning into countless rock fragments and sinking into the bottomless abyss below.

In the desperate eyes of those contestants, they fell into the arms of the abyss.

The screams, shouts, wails, and the echoes caused by the earthquake all came to an abrupt end in the next second.

It was as if everything just now was an illusion.

Zhao Feng, who was riding a motorcycle in circles in the city, immediately noticed the change in the number of survivors.

It only takes a few breaths.

The number of survivors starts from the hundred, just like the stopwatch counting down.

From more than 200,000, it dropped to less than 100,000.

Hundreds of thousands of contestants died in just a few seconds.

Zhao Feng didn't know how to express his merciless approach to Xinghai World.

Isn't it a bit unkind to say that the death rate seems too high?

It can be thought that the first place reward in this competition can be put forward to Xinghai with a limited condition.

No matter how limited it is, it is still a condition imposed on the Xinghai System.

It seems reasonable to think that this kind of reward is scary, and the difficulty of elimination is higher.

‘Ah~ is this the price? ’

But no matter what the cost, it has nothing to do with him, Zhao Feng, for the time being.

He was already standing in the safest place.

Now we just need to wait quietly for those guys.

Calculate the distance from the thermal power station to here.

According to his estimation, if there are no surprises, he should be able to wait until the end of the game.

50 minutes, want to run here on your own legs?

I'm afraid it's not a dream.

. . .

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