Survival on the Star Sea: Starting from a small broken ship and becoming stronger

Chapter 169 150 million people fighting for survival? 【4000】

Staring at the system prompts, Zhao Feng put on his helmet without hesitation and clicked on it.

At the same time, the ceiling of the room slowly turned from solid to imaginary, revealing the sky above.

As countless beams of light fell in the void, various alien races were instantly enveloped in it.

Zhao Feng, who agreed, was naturally among them.

The next second, his eyes went white and he lost his perception of the surrounding environment.

I don't know how long it took, it seemed like a day and an instant, and then he suddenly opened his eyes.

The surrounding scene has now transformed into a cabin on a certain ship.

Because he was not sure whether the game had started, Zhao Feng did not make too many moves.

First, he calmed himself down, then opened his perception field and scanned the surroundings.

Soon, he confirmed his current situation.

‘This is a cargo ship with a crew of approximately 50,000 people. ’

Thinking of this, he tried to move the seat belt on his body.

Soon he was shocked to find that no matter how hard he tried, he could not shake the seat belt that firmly fixed him on the seat.

Even if nearly 1 ton of telekinesis is used, it is the same.

Staring at the contestants who were tightly tied to the seats around them.

At this time, Zhao Feng couldn't help but slowly put a question mark in his mind.

‘? what's the situation? ’

At this moment, more aliens slowly woke up,

The contestants in strange costumes and shapes soon became noisy in the cabin.

Without translation equipment, it was difficult for the contestants to communicate effectively in their own dialects.

Even if the common language has reached the level of mastery, it is difficult for Zhao Feng to understand what they are saying because of the different pronunciation organs of each race.

At this time, the sounds made by these noisy contestants sounded like meaningless roars and roars to him.

He ignored the people around him and just remained silent, waiting for prompts from the Xinghai System.

After all, it's still a knockout round, so we can't let everyone sit here and wait, right?

Indeed, as Zhao Feng expected, as the last alien slowly woke up, the long-awaited prompt message was also sent to each contestant's system page.

【Ding! The knockout round has officially begun! This knockout tournament is "Battle Royale\

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