Energy is the next key.

It is calculated based on the minimum strengthening cost of the stacking strengthening device, which is 100 units of energy each time.

Not to mention how much energy is needed to strengthen all the equipment.

Just to strengthen the shield generators, which numbered 140,000+, a single strengthening required 7 million energy.

And for each subsequent enhancement, as the level increases, the energy consumption of the enhancement will double.

That is to say, the energy consumption will be maintained at 7 million times.

Until Lv.6 rises to Lv.7, the energy consumption will be relieved to a certain extent due to the increasingly lower success rate.

After all, the success rate is getting lower and lower. Without the blessing of hope, the loss of each strengthening of the shield will gradually increase.

The number of shields that can be strengthened each time is reduced several times, and the consumption will naturally become lower.

But even so, the five enhancements from Level 1 to Level 6 will consume 35 million energy.

Yes, it took 3 days of saving plus the previous inventory to consume so much.

What can happen later? What about others?

The production capacity of the base is obviously becoming increasingly insufficient.

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng turned to look at Beta and asked:

"How many more nuclear power plants can be built in the energy zone? Calculate what the maximum energy output can be?"

"Dear Commander, after calculation, after excluding the energy zone transformer equipment and necessary maintenance paths, the energy zone can build up to 4,200 nuclear power plants."

"4,200 Level 1 nuclear power plants can provide up to 50.4 million energy per day. Level 2 can reach a daily power supply of 100 million+."

"The highest level of nuclear power plants that can be built currently is Lv.4. If all are upgraded to Lv.4, the daily power supply will reach 200 million+."

Hearing this, Zhao Feng nodded, already thinking about it.

‘There is definitely no hope of remanufacturing nuclear power plants. The production capacity of room temperature superconductors in a short period of time is just that, and a few hundred points are simply not enough. ’

‘Looks like there’s one more thing to buy. . . ’

‘First of all, the first item is all the large-scale equipment needed by the [Conqueror]! This is a must! Then it’s energy, and finally we’ll see if there are any useful drawings. ’

(Tip: The level of equipment is linked to the level of civilization. For example: Level 2 civilization can only produce equipment with civilization level +1, which is Lv.3 equipment.)

(Note: The civilization that can go to the trade area at the current stage must be at least level 5 of the Star Sea World, or a cosmic race whose strength is recognized as superior)

(Suggestion: Shield level Lv.7 is a good trading range. Of course, higher-level shields are more expensive, but the risk is also higher.)

Looking at the three messages that suddenly popped up from the plug-in, Zhao Feng couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

'What's the meaning? The trade area under the jurisdiction of the Xinghai System is also not safe? ’

Then he thought about it for a moment and understood the reason.

‘That’s right, you can drive a frigate over there and use it as a rare shield that can only be made by high-level civilizations.

That's like writing the words "I'm a rich guy, come and kill me" on your face. If I'm not in danger, who will be in danger? ’

‘But similarly, high-end goods can definitely be sold at a good price. Is it safety or getting rich? You have to make a choice between them. . . ’

Touching his chin, Zhao Feng lowered his head and simulated possible problems.

‘After entering the next level of the universe, it is very likely that you will not land in the trade area accurately.

‘It’s like the Rock Star Sea, which covers an entire universe, but it shouldn’t be a problem if it falls near the trade area. ’

‘The landing location is highly likely to be random, so you don’t have to worry about being ambushed and robbed. ’

‘Once you enter the trade zone, no one will dare to do anything. It is absolutely impossible to open a trade zone in the deep universe without some connection with the star sea system. ’

'The dangers that may be encountered in the trade zone should be more likely to be "accidental" and "procrastinating"~'

‘And the only place where you are likely to encounter danger is probably when you return. . . ’

I thought about my [Kite]. Before it was upgraded to Level 6, it was just a shuttle.

And in essence, the civilization of the Daleros can only be regarded as a level 2 top civilization at most.

The shuttle is the foundation of level 2.

Although it has been upgraded and the core of the biological mothership has been modified, it looks quite intimidating.

But there is definitely a fundamental difference between the level 6 frigates built by other people based on level 5 technology.

It can be said that he has no technological advantage at all.

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng understood that some things could not be saved.

The inscription technology "Astral Disguise" obtained from the Ancient One.

I originally wanted to keep it and install it on more powerful ships in the future.

After all, the quantity of [More Transformation Essence] is limited, and this thing is a non-renewable resource, so the more you use, the less it will be.

It's still a bit distressing to use it on a frigate.

But thinking of his own life, Zhao Feng finally sighed helplessly.

. . .

He didn't immediately run to upgrade his ship.

He first came to the warehouse shelves and strengthened his equipment for a while in a flash of light.

Millions of hope points were spent to strengthen a batch of Lv.7-Lv.10 shield generators.

Originally, I didn't want to waste hope points, but there was too little energy, time was tight, and the tasks were heavy, so I could only act according to urgency.

Anyway, if the battleship really consumes hundreds of millions of hope points, it will still be short of these few million hope points and cannot be obtained. . .

Then he could only accept his fate.

Putting the reinforced shield into the auxiliary backpack, Zhao Feng turned back to the lifting platform and came to the parking area on the F7 floor.

Standing in front of his ship, Zhao Feng did not go up to operate it.

A spiritual link connecting consciousness to the battleship.

Immediately, Zhao Feng decisively issued the order to uninstall the external armor.

Along with the sound of mechanical transmission and pressure release coming from the fuselage.

The [Kite]'s hull seemed to have grown out patches of scales.

Not long after, when all the components were unlocked, these external armors all fell off piece by piece.

When it was almost done, Zhao Feng spent 40 points of mental power to activate telekinesis and moved all the external armors in front of him.

Looking at the deflection armor in front of him, which was mostly Level 2 and a small part was Level 6, he sighed slightly and clicked on the manufacturing page.

Select the inscription "Astral Disguise"

Immediately, buckets of "metallic paint preparation fluid" and spraying equipment were delivered.

At the same time, the panel in Zhao Feng's eyes also changed.

Virtual lines and symbols appeared on every piece of deflection armor, as if waiting for his copying.

Raising his eyebrows, Zhao Feng used his telekinesis to open all the "Metallic Paint Concoction".

Then according to the traces of symbols, inscriptions were written for these armor pieces one by one.

Beta, who had been following him, stared at the fantastic scene in front of him and couldn't help but blurt out: "Wo nest!"

Zhao Feng, who was about to copy, couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this.

Turning to look at Beta, he corrected: "Beta! Ladies shouldn't say dirty words!"

Hearing this, Beta tilted her neck: "Mature woman?"

"Uh... lady! Lady!" Zhao Feng was startled and almost spilled the "concoction".

But after seeing Beta's confused expression, he could only sigh.

After all, he couldn't expect too much understanding from a robot less than 1 year old.

Although she has a soul and wisdom.

Return your attention to the writing of the inscription before you.

It sounds mysterious, but actually writing inscriptions is not a particularly delicate job.

It's probably possible to change the job to another painter, but it seems like those fluid preparations play a key role.

. . .

When the difficulty was not high, Zhao Feng completed the work quickly.

Then, insert all these external armors back into their original places in order.

And control the locking system to lock these external armors on the fuselage.

Soon, when the last piece of armor was completely embedded in it.

The entire battleship immediately became different.

The appearance of the ship did not change much, but Zhao Feng had a strange feeling about the position of the battleship.

Subconsciously, I don’t want to pay attention to this.

Moreover, during the mental connection, there is an additional option in the battleship's control system.

[Star Disguise: On/Off]

After his consciousness clicked on.

The area occupied by the [Kite] in front of him suddenly turned into a starry sky.

The strange thing is that this starry sky does not bring any sense of disobedience to Zhao Feng.

It seems like this is how this area should be, where you should be able to see the stars.

Try to use your mental power to scan the location of the battleship.

The real touch told him that this thing still had a real form and was not too abnormal.

Then he mobilized the radar system in the base to scan the location of the battleship.

The result was as expected, nothing.

Not only was there nothing, the radar waves seemed to have really entered the starry sky.

The base's phase radar did not receive any return waves at all.

By monitoring the photons carried in the electromagnetic wave in real time, it can be seen that it has not touched any objects.

This is quite strange.

When Zhao Feng asked Beta to "see" this area, her answer was that there was nothing special except that it felt a little strange.

It seems that that area is just like that.

And when asked about the use of monitoring equipment to observe the base brain here, its answer was even better.

"everything is normal."

After one test, Zhao Feng had a certain understanding of "astral camouflage".

To put it simply, the technology of this thing is no longer a bit dark, but a bit weird.

Not only can it affect people's cognitive judgments, it can also confuse the judgments of technological creations to achieve the purpose of deception.

When the radar waves pass by this thing, they do not disappear or be absorbed.

Rather, it seems as if this place is really a starry sky, passing straight through.

You know, the highest detection method that Zhao Feng knows is the detector of neutrino technology.

That thing can detect changes in atoms in a certain space.

But they have to encounter the ancient technology "astral disguise". . .

Tsk tsk tsk, I’m afraid he’s almost like a blind man.

Turning off the switch of star realm camouflage, Zhao Feng exited the state of spiritual connection.

He is quite satisfied with this technology.

Beta, on the other hand, was still looking at the battleship that suddenly appeared in her field of vision with a confused look on her face.

I couldn't help but stepped forward and explored it carefully.

Looking at Beta's movements, Zhao Feng interrupted helplessly and asked: "Beta, how long will it take to reach the alloy mining area?"

Hearing Zhao Feng's question, Beta quickly returned to the commander and replied respectfully: "There are still about 8 hours."

Hearing this, he couldn't help but nodded.

To be honest, this speed is not slow anymore, that is a distance of thousands of kilometers.

Such a huge base can travel so fast on the surface of the planet.

This mobility is really enough.

After standing there and thinking for a moment, Zhao Feng asked Beta to go back and then entered the battleship alone.

Driving it, left the base.

Everything that needs to be prepared now is almost done.

All that remains is to arrange for local players in the alloy mining area to join the legion in an orderly manner, and to integrate resources in the dungeon.

oh! There is also the construction of a space airport!

But the construction part should be done before Zhao Feng is ready to leave.

The base is still on the road now, and the temporary change of posture will affect the speed of travel too much, and the gain outweighs the loss.

It is better to wait for the base to reach its destination and then readjust its posture.

As Zhao Feng drove the [Kite] out of the airport, he went to various underground cities to transport supplies.

More legion members also learned about the surrounding situation in the regional channel.

They drove their respective shuttles and left the base to rescue players everywhere.

At this time, the players on RTX4090.c are all moving towards a clear goal. . .

. . .

Turning around, players from other galaxies were in a tough fight at this time.

Watching the live broadcast before, Zhao could kill a lizard man as easily as squeezing an ant to death.

Many people think that the lizard people are just like that. If it weren't for their numerical advantage, it would be impossible to kill all the compatriots on the nine planets.

But after they faced the lizard man's attack, they realized that this was not the case at all.

These lizardmen are quite cunning and difficult to deal with. They can stab in the back but never hit in the front, and they can sneak attack but never attack fiercely.

Then the individual combat effectiveness is extremely strong, and he can become invisible.

The players were beaten terribly.

That is to say, the social model of these lizard people is somewhat deformed.

The division of labor between combatants and staff is absolutely clear, so they are not like Earth players, where almost everyone is a soldier.

Their combat effectiveness is only about 300,000.

The rest are mostly logistics support, engineers and scientists.

It is precisely based on this that the lizard people are extremely wary of rats and emphasize the word "dog" when fighting.

If we hit a frontal wave, to be honest, they are afraid that they won't be able to defeat it.

Regardless of how high the blood pressure of players in other galaxies is, or how difficult it is to fight the lizardmen.

At this time, among the nine remaining living planets in the RTX40 galaxy, the Lizardmen have uncharacteristically slowed down their hunt for human players.

It’s not that they are out of kindness.

But they discovered a weakness of Earth players.

That is the extreme dependence on the air environment.

This is what they discovered by constantly dissecting captured humans and studying their body structures.

If the oxygen content in the air remains unchanged, as long as the methane content is increased to 30%, humans will be unable to survive in this environment.

But they are different, and raising methane levels in the air has no effect on them.

Moreover, methane, a greenhouse gas, will also increase the temperature of the planet, making it more suitable for them to survive.

The best thing is that on the 12th day of development, the lizard people happened to unlock the unique technology of their race.

【Environmental transformation tower】

. . .

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