The "net" world of intertwined black and white lines has once again undergone strange changes.

It's as if the entire "net" has come alive.

And those nodes seemed to have a heartbeat, constantly rising and falling in his eyes.

At this time, Zhao Feng discovered that the thousands of nodes were beating at different speeds.

I didn't notice any node that was essentially improved.

He shook his head with some regret, as the picture that he imagined should be able to easily distinguish between their strengths did not appear.

Although he could not distinguish the strength of these nodes, there was an additional abnormal area that caught his attention.

It was a black so extreme that it seemed to be able to swallow everything.

The surrounding "nets" all bypassed the dark void.

If an ordinary node is no larger than a grain of rice, a large node is no larger than a pulsating bottle cap.

The area covered by darkness was the size of a basketball.

And it is also vaguely connected to the surrounding black background.

But when he observed carefully with all his concentration, he could find an extremely dim glow in the center of the darkness.

When he used his sixth sense vision to observe before, Zhao Feng actually discovered the gap under his feet.

However, after careful observation, he did not find anything strange at that time.

This made Zhao Feng think that it was just a background board.

But now, he was sure that it was something special.

Before he could make a detailed observation.

The perceived pressure is rising again.

Knowing that you are about to reach your limit, if you push harder, it may cause problems.

Without any time to think, Zhao Feng lay down without hesitation.

The main reason for doing this is that I am afraid that I will be in pain and unable to stand.

If you move around, you will most likely lose your continuous observation of the target, which will be more than worth the gain.

In the lying position, at least the body will not move around.

. . .

Sure enough, after 2 seconds, the pain became more and more severe, forcing him to exit the dual-sensory state.

Preparing the poses in advance was a big help.

Even though the severe pain caused a large amount of unknown liquid to flow out of his pupils and nose.

He didn't let Zhao Feng look away even a little bit.

3 seconds. . 4 seconds. . 5 seconds. .

As if responding to his gaze.

A vast expanse of darkness suddenly rose from the starry sky below.

The surrounding starlight is obscured by its huge "body".

The boundless darkness is like a world devourer, gradually swallowing up everything around it.

As the darkness surged into his eyes, and slowly enveloped him in it.

All Zhao Feng could do at this time was to turn over hard and make himself more comfortable.

Looking around and above me, everything was enveloped in darkness.

Before he could check its properties, he was kicked out.

However, at the last second when his consciousness went offline, Zhao Feng saw that the blue star representing [Bolken] had obviously shrunk back a large distance.

This made Zhao Feng feel happy.

‘Sure enough I made the right choice. ’

Immediately afterwards, darkness struck, and then a burst of light beneath him completely submerged him. . .

I don’t know how long it took, but I was enveloped by a rapid falling feeling.

As if experiencing a nightmare of falling from a building, Zhao Feng kicked his legs suddenly, and then suddenly opened his eyes.

Looking at the familiar scenes around him, the driving seat beside him and the holographic display above his head.

Recall the scenes I just experienced.

Zhao Feng, who was lying on the ground, couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Rubbing his forehead, which was still feeling cramp-like pain, he slowly stood up and sat in the driver's seat.

At the same time, notification information from the Xinghai System was also sent.

【Ding! Congratulations to player Zhao Feng for choosing the specialization direction as "Ether\

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