Survival on the Star Sea: Starting from a small broken ship and becoming stronger

Chapter 153 RNM! Get your money back! 【4000】【Thanks to the book friend

It is said that the defensive power of battle cruisers is weaker than that of battleships, but that is just because the armor is weaker.

The ultra-high speed and battleship-level shield generator can fully guarantee its defensive power.

And the energy register of the [Conqueror] is also at the battleship level.

Even if it faces cruiser-level firepower encirclement and suppression, it can still have extremely high self-protection capabilities.

In addition, Zhao Feng also attaches great importance to the super "passability" of battlecruisers in deep space.

Not to mention anything else, the jump engine and the ability to travel within the planet are incomparable to [Kite].

[Kite] Potian is just a large frigate.

Innate conditions have already limited its development.

If you want to escape the gravity of the planet and fly into the universe, you have to use rockets or electromagnetic projection.

Use it to clean up the surrounding planet. It would be too difficult to wipe out the lizard people.

Not to mention cleaning up 9 planets in 10 days.

Even to clean up the player planet closest to him, time may not be enough.

But it’s different with the [Conqueror].

As long as he builds a medium-sized spacecraft manufacturing workshop and other buildings that can manufacture battlecruisers, everything will be different.

To put it bluntly, even if the [Conqueror] is not equipped with weapons, its huge size alone can destroy the Lizardmen's "Guardian Sea".

Not to mention that he also has the corresponding weapon blueprints, these lizardmen will definitely die.

. . .

For this goal, Zhao Feng began to consume his mental power crazily.

He is awake for less than half an hour every day, and he is in deep sleep for 23 of the 24 hours a day.

To say that I slept a lot, I was actually quite tired.

Especially a big guy like Zhao Feng who sleeps around in circles.

The hardship is not much easier than mining every day.

But even if he sleeps like this, it will still take 5 days to unlock all the blueprints.

And these five days of deep sleep day and night had exhausted him.

At first he slept in the cockpit for three days.

Three days later, Zhao Feng was "persuaded" to go to the rest room of the battleship by his back that was so sour that it exploded.

Although the resting cabin with massage capabilities could relieve fatigue, the long hours of sleep and high-intensity mental recovery still put a certain burden on his body and deeper things.

After injecting spiritual power for the last time, the blueprint of [Conqueror] was completely unsealed.

Zhao Feng twisted his sore back and slowly walked out of the rest area.

It seems that they have all been unlocked and all three drawings have been included in his personal panel.

Zhao Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Returning to the bridge, he did not immediately sit in the driver's seat. After walking around in place for a few times, he softly ordered:

"Intelligence Brain organizes recent events on the big screen in the form of briefings."

"I obey, Commander." He said before he finished speaking.

A piece of information was displayed on the holographic screen in front of him.

He stood there with his hands behind his back and read out the contents of the briefing with great interest.

"[Floating Airport] was completed 3 days ago?"

"Well, excluding daily consumption, the energy reserve of the base should be full in 5 days, right?"

Facing Zhao Feng's question, Zhinao immediately gave a detailed explanation.

"Yes, dear commander, the base's energy reserve reached full capacity yesterday.

During this period, Adjutant Beta expanded the number of robot production workshops on the B4 floor, as well as the number of various manufacturing workshops on the upper floor of B5, and expanded the nuclear power plant again to 800, but it was still unable to save all the energy. "

After listening to Zhi Nao's reply and looking at the base's energy reserve information projected by the ship's Zhi Nao, Zhao Feng nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, the base's energy reserves are as high as 14.4 million.

It is completely possible to activate the [Floating] special effect that consumes 10 million energy. As for that little bit of waste? It can be completely ignored.

At the same time, Zhinao's voice came out again.

"Commander, do you want to order the airport to start floating?"

After thinking for a while, Zhao Feng said: "Don't worry, I have to go back at such an important moment when the base takes off. Let me see what else happened recently."

As Zhao Feng's eyes moved down and continued to look down, the good news in the briefing could be said to be one after another.

The biggest good news is that there have been great breakthroughs in scientific research in the past few days.

First of all, defense technology, the key material of the M-class shield [mass-energy converter] has been unlocked, and the M-class shield generator can be officially put into production.

Secondly, the next level of defense technology was also clicked, which is a technology called [Fortress Shield].

The research time on this thing is as high as 1 million hours.

Even if 100 researchers can be invested in research and development, it will not take more than a year to come up with it.

Of course, the benefits from such an abnormal consumption of time must also be equally abnormal.

Just like what is written on the relevant information given by the plug-in.

(Do you know what an Iron-shelled Bastard is? You will know after you unlock it.)

Obviously, plug-ins are introduced in this weird way of description, and this technology must be extraordinary.

. . .

In addition to great progress in defensive technology, in terms of offensive technology, the bonus technology for various weapons has been researched to the third level.

For example, after the enhancement technology [Transparency Enhancement] of [Refraction Crystal] is upgraded to 3/5, it can already increase the basic attack power of laser weapons by 15%.

And energy consumption is also reduced by 9%.

[Energy Explosive]'s advanced technology [Energy Purification], after being upgraded to 3/5, increases the energy density of the energy explosive, increasing its explosive power by 30%, while also reducing the size of the explosive by 30%. .

The other two weapon technologies also have similar improvements, with certain improvements in power, consumption, charging speed, etc.

As expected, just upgrade them both to 5/5.

The offensive technology tree will soon unlock the next stage, which is the preparation of core materials for M-type weapons.

In addition, the [Material Science] technology tree has also been upgraded by 2 levels, reaching 4/5.

And the two branch technologies of [Engine Materials] and [Core Materials] were opened.

Among them, [Engine Material] has been upgraded by 1 level, reaching 1/5.

And as the level of [Engine Material] increases.

In Zhao Feng's base, various booster rockets and high-thrust engine manufacturing plans were also unlocked.

Of course, these engines and rockets are the most basic and universal models in the Star Sea World.

But even so, it is a very gratifying sign.

This means that as long as Zhao Feng solves the airport's exclusive shield, it can give it a certain ability to withstand disasters in the space environment.

Then you can directly load it with hundreds of booster rockets and fly into space at the airport~

As for the small airtight door that improves the security in the base, you can completely solve it slowly after flying up.

It doesn't matter if you don't get the corresponding drawings.

There are so many scientific researchers, and it's not high-tech. They can completely imitate air-tight doors.

As for [Core Materials], they are related materials needed to unlock advanced reactors and energy registers.

It is worth noting that the briefing mentioned that the scientific researchers at the base were in a hurry.

Nowadays, these old people are fighting for their lives, although no one asks them to do so.

But every one of them is like crazy, taking the initiative to work in two shifts, even working 24 hours a day.

If it weren't for the medical cabin protecting them, someone might have fallen ill.

This is the effect of all the backup personnel stepping in.

Zhao Feng understood that this kind of matter must be resolved as soon as possible, and he did not want to have non-combat attrition.

After all, every time you unlock a technology, you have to consume two old men, which is not a good thing.

yes! These old people are generous and dedicated.

But whose family doesn’t have an old man? If this spreads out, don't think that Zhao Feng's place is some kind of sweatshop?

Elderly people have good intentions, but they are prone to problems.

Thinking of this, although Zhao Feng felt warm in his heart, he still ordered that these old darlings be forced to take two days off.

At the same time as Zhao Feng gave the order, the power switches of the two scientific research institutes were instantly cut off.

At the same time, the armed robots carried these old men and women, who refused to leave, back to the lower half of B5, including people and equipment.

Although he was not in the base, Zhao Feng still witnessed this scene through the surveillance screen.

Listening to these old men and women arguing about things like "I'm not old" and "I'm a bigger liver than your father".

He could only scratch his head speechlessly.

Although the operation of these robots is a bit rough.

And suspected of wasting the laboratory's mental connection warehouse.

But the final result still met Zhao Feng's expectations. In any case, it is very reassuring to have Beta to take care of the base.

Just when Zhao Feng was about to continue checking the next content in the briefing.

The prompt message of Xinghai System suddenly popped up.

Seeing the system prompt that suddenly popped up, he was slightly startled at first, but then he was overjoyed.

Just now.

Because all building levels meet the standards, the new building system is automatically unlocked.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player Zhao Feng, all the initial buildings for newbies have been constructed, now the second level building is opened for you】

【Ding! Before opening a level 2 building, please choose your specialization development direction. 】

(Note: Specialization development is not a comprehensive transformation. All level 2 basic technologies will be unlocked as usual, except for the specialization system, 1-2 additional advanced contents of the system will be unlocked.)

【Ding! It is detected that you are number one on the killing list and number one on the suppression list, and additional options are opened for you. 】

【1. Mechanical】, 【2. Biological】, 【3. Spiritual】.

[Extra Options]: [Psychic Power], [Unknown]

【Ding! Please make your choice. 】

(Suggestion: Select unknown and consume 1 billion suppression value to enable designated selection.)

(Note: Choose as extreme as possible.)

'Forehead. . . Is this okay? ’

Zhao Feng really didn't expect that plug-ins could operate like this.

He thought that choosing to specialize in the psionic system would be the most embarrassing thing among them.

But the plug-in told him that he could still choose? !

What else is there to say?

Without hesitation, Zhao Feng immediately followed the method given by the plug-in and first opened the suppression value panel.

Then while clicking the [Unknown] option, click on the billions of values ​​on the suppression value.

Just as he clicked, the Xinghai System prompt message popped up again.

【Ding! Please select the amount of suppression value to consume. . . 】

Staring at the input field that popped up in front of him, Zhao Feng rubbed his hands.

First there was a 1, followed by 9 0s.

Normally, he couldn't have pressed it wrong, but he didn't know what was going on, and felt a sudden trance.

Zhao Feng was stunned for a moment, and at the same time, he shook his little hand and pressed an extra 0.

In fact, trembling hands is nothing. Who hasn’t had trembling hands yet?

What's more, it's human nature for this guy to be a little confused after sleeping for five days.

And essentially, there is nothing we can do about it.

High-intensity and continuous recovery of mental power will inevitably lead to spiritual fatigue.

Of course, as time goes by, this fatigue will slowly recover, but during this recovery period, he will intermittently fall into a trance.

At this time, Zhao Feng was still thinking about changing it. In his opinion, just removing a zero would be enough. What a big deal~

But the next operation of the Xinghai system completely shocked Zhao Feng on the spot.

[Ding, it is detected that your suppression value is less than 10 billion. . . 】

"It's okay, I'll just hit an extra zero and drop one digit."

At this time, Zhao Feng was not aware of the seriousness of the problem and was still trying to negotiate with the Xinghai System.

【Ding! It is detected that you are number one on the kill list, numerical conversion is allowed. . . 】

"Wait a minute! Let's just subtract zero."

【Ding! The ratio is being calculated. . . Calculation completed. . . 】

【Ding! The current suppression value is about 5.6 billion, and the killing value needs to be supplemented by 66 billion. . . The kill value is sufficient and the conversion is in progress. . . 】

"??? Are you playing? What's the ratio? You're going to give me 66 billion? How much can I save in total?"

The Xinghai System ignored his complaints and continued with the next prompt.

【Ding! Conversion completed, recharging is in progress, please wait. . . 】

After looking at the last prompt and confirming that the Xinghai system was real, he felt his head buzzing.

At this time, what about willpower? What qualities? It’s all gone. It’s all gone~

Zhao Feng, who felt that he was being targeted, immediately began to export the national essence crazily.


With that mellow and emotional voice, even if the great mage Liu Haizhu came, he would have to say "Perfect"

After spraying a few more words, Zhao Feng stopped breathing heavily.

Just scolding like that, the Xinghai system doesn’t even put a P in it.

He probably knew that he was in the wrong.

At this time, staring at the suppression value that had returned to zero, Zhao Feng felt his heart throbbing.

Clicking on the ranking list, sure enough, his name had disappeared from the list.

‘You’re cheating! This won’t cancel the rewards I originally received, right? ’

(Tip: The remaining time for the planet’s magnetic field to strengthen is: 5 days and 20 hours to disappear, and the remaining time for the background disaster to weaken: 25 days and 20 hours to disappear.)

(Note: The Xinghai system has been paying attention to all supermodel creatures. Your value is too high and you are on the key care list. This mistake is not entirely your fault.)

(Suggestion: While brushing up points, try to consume as much as possible. These points also represent a part of the energy of the universe.)

Staring at the plug-in prompts, Zhao Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Xinghai paid attention to him, he always knew this.

But after all, I still blame myself for being careless and not adjusting properly, which allowed it to take advantage of the loophole.

Fortunately, the previous rewards for stabilizing the galaxy are still there. If the rewards are also gone, then he will really explode.

Not only will it be air-exploded, but most of the base outside will also be exploded.

Once the effect of the reward is cancelled, he dares to say that the planet RTX4090.c will definitely convulse on the spot.

The planet's magnetic field will definitely disappear immediately, and then the planet will stop spinning, stellar winds will invade, and then there will be a bunch of infrasound disasters. Is this a good thing?

His base is not afraid. The airport has been upgraded. Even if an immediate disaster occurs, it is still too late to float.

But the mining area outside and the players who come to the mining area to defect to him are in dire straits.

Once that kind of unreasonable chain disaster breaks out, even a mining area with a large number of shields cannot withstand it.

Not to mention those players who are not prepared, it is impossible for anyone to survive.

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng felt a little better.

‘MD, it’s a big deal if the score is gone, I’ll try to improve it later! At least everyone is saved and my base is not compromised. . . ’

. . .

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