At this time, Zhao Feng's counterattack time also returned to zero.

Also reset to zero are swarm missiles and telekinesis.

Previously, due to being too cautious, he used 41 units of mental power in one go.

In this way, although the individual strength becomes extremely strong, it is unable to continue fighting.

In this case, there is no way.

After all, I don't know how strong the lizard people are.

All we can do is go all out from the beginning.

High burst corresponds to low persistence.

Even if he has a will bonus.

But the level of control over megatons of telekinesis is still too rough.

For example, it is impossible to control the amount of telekinesis output at will and perform basic controls such as instantaneous release and instantaneous recovery, which is impossible with his current proficiency.

Not to mention the ability to do whatever you want with the power of a thousand-ton telekinesis, and even perform microscopic operations.

The control of the two levels of telekinesis is completely different.

Of course, we can't blame others for the difficulty in controlling the megaton telekinesis. After all, they have only used it twice, so they can't be said to be proficient at all.

Without "enlightenment", the controllability of telekinesis is not so easy to improve.

He could only grind slowly and practice slowly.

After all, every stage of telekinesis requires proficiency.

Suddenly Zhao Feng was stunned.

‘Proficiency? Um? ’

These three words, as keywords, immediately reminded him.

Which one is better at improving proficiency?

Hulk Shandong looks for blue. . . Bah bah bah.

He shook his head to get rid of some strange thoughts.

Zhao Feng had a thought and clicked on the shock value panel.

After swiping, he saw in front of him in addition to the shock value acquisition records and the total number.

There's also an extra long row of skill proficiency panels listed on the other side.

(Shooting proficiency: 334/1000, rough knowledge. "+")

(Frigate "hand" operation, proficiency: 9976/10000, slight success. "+")

(Frigate "Nian" exercise, proficiency: 80000/100000, mastered. "+")

(One-ton telekinesis proficiency: 43 million/100 million, transformation state. "+")

(Thousand-ton telekinesis proficiency: 12 million/100 million, transformation state "+")

(Note: Because your telekinesis proficiency has reached the realm of transformation, when you turn on the next stage of telekinesis, the rate of improvement in proficiency will be doubled.)

(Million-ton telekinesis proficiency: 5300/10000, first glimpse of "+")

(Gigaton telekinesis proficiency: 0/0, none)

(Basic perception proficiency: 300 million/99.9 billion, ultimate level. "+")

(Note: At the ultimate level, your abilities will become part of your body and can be used naturally without any additional consumption.)

(Sixth sense proficiency: 18.5 million/100 million, transformation. "+")

(Seventh sense proficiency: 900,000/1 million, perfect. "+")

(Eighth sense proficiency: 0/0, none)

Zhao Feng looked around and then clicked on each one a few times.

Among them, the shock value consumed to improve shooting proficiency is the lowest, 10 points only requires 1 shock value.

The seventh sense, the perceptual ability, consumes the highest shock value, with 1 point costing 200 shock value.

After thinking about it, Zhao Feng did not rush to add points.

‘This shock value seems to be a lot, but if you really want to use it well, you still have to spend it wisely. ’

‘Now, what is most needed is the proficiency of million-ton telekinesis. After all, each level of telekinesis can significantly improve the efficiency of use. . . ’

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng raised his hand and clicked on the plus sign at the back.

As he continued to click, the shock value was constantly being consumed.

Soon, the million-ton telekinesis was pushed forward to a higher level.

So that it comes, slightly small, to this level.

The upper limit of proficiency has also been raised to 0/100,000

As for the substantial feeling after the improvement, he didn't realize it.

It is estimated that there will be more obvious feedback after actually using it.

Staring at the amount of shock value consumed, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

‘1:30? It's not bad, 30 shock points can be exchanged for 1 point of proficiency, which is not a small amount. ’

But when he looked up at his shock value reserve of just over 300 million, Zhao Feng felt a little toothache again.

‘10 million proficiency and more than 300 million shock value are required to reach the transformation state. . . ’

With his current shock value reserves, an upgrade of this size would definitely be enough.

But all of a sudden the shock value has to be completely cleared.

After thinking for a moment, Zhao Feng did not add points immediately. Anyway, the lizard people were not a threat to him.

It is better to save these shock values ​​for later use when encountering emergencies.

‘Well, let’s add it here first. Anyway, it has double the speed of improvement, and it’s completely time to get familiar with it slowly. ’

Zhao Feng's idea is very good, but don't forget that the reason why the thousand-ton telekinesis increased so quickly was thanks to the various trials of the ancients.

Now I want to improve quickly through continuous use, but there is no such environment.

Or spend more time.

Or consume shock value.

There is no other way.

With a wave of his hand, he closed the shock value panel.

Put these troubles behind you for now.

Zhao Feng turned around and headed to the rest area of ​​the battleship.

After arriving at the rest area, he lay down on the bed and fell asleep without saying anything.

The aliens who are watching the live broadcast at this time have never seen anything like this?

I thought he was practicing supernatural powers.

A pair of eyes, as wide as bells, carefully stared at Zhao Feng's every move.

Everyone wants to find out the clues why the anchor is so powerful.

Others who were also players on Earth closed the live broadcast with speechless faces.

Good guy, who can stand this live broadcast of sleeping?

While others are still fighting for life and death, this guy has already entered a state of rest.

Although they were killed forcefully, it was still uncomfortable to look at.

It has to be said that jealousy separates hostage walls.

Looking at the hope value that gradually stopped growing, Zhao Feng couldn't help but curl his lips inwardly.

‘My family is really hard to fool, and it has to be an alien to fool me. ’

Is it easy to cheat?

As soon as they took a nap, the aliens of all races watching the live broadcast began to record and study Zhao Feng's "sleeping posture" crazily.

What's more, a technical paper of no less than 4,000 words was written on the angle, shape of the body, the position of the limbs, etc.

Almost analyzing Zhao Feng from head to toe.

The more they are analyzed, the more they are shocked by the magic of the human race on earth.

"Absorbing the energy of the universe with this posture is really unprecedented, unprecedented! Is it some kind of secret method of secluded cultivation?"

"Hurry! Go and let those with genetic mutations try the effect."

"It's amazing. I tried the anchor's look and I feel that the efficiency of meditation has increased by at least 10%!"

"That is, is it possible, and I mean a possibility, that he was sleeping?"

"Don't be ridiculous upstairs. With such a powerful power as the anchor, his meditation state must be very high, and he doesn't need sleep at all."

"9494, this must be some kind of undiscovered improvement method, which has a strong learning effect for our spiritual civilization."

"Listen, what is this sound! He is actually making a thunderous sound!"

"It's incredible! How did he do it? This kind of meditation not only has unique movements, but it can even use sound-assisted meditation. It's so powerful!"


(Shock value +999999) x2

The alien guys' unseen looks made Zhao Feng sleep even more soundly.

As for shutting down the live broadcast system?

Beautiful thought!

If the Xinghai System doesn't kick him offline, he can broadcast for a year!

. . .

While Zhao Feng was sleeping live, the lizard people's royal family sent heavily armed elite troops to his area.

Originally, according to their original plan, they didn't want to go find him so early.

But when the senior management of the Lizardmen had some time to relax, they also discovered the Xinghai Live Broadcast Room.

And he was surprised to find that the name of the human race Zhao Feng who ranked first in the live broadcast room was exactly the same as the name of the strong man reported by the Xinghai System.

In fact, when they got here, they were still taking chances.

But after learning that the 1 billion tribesmen who had inexplicably lost contact could match the 2 billion suppression value of the anchor.

They had no choice but to shift their attention to Zhao Feng.

Immediately afterwards, the scene of Zhao Feng sleeping fell in front of the senior lizard people.

Staring at the sleeping guy in the live broadcast, the senior management of the Lizardmen were filled with questions.

There will definitely be doubts, no matter who you are.

That's it? That's it? ! The guy who broadcasts sleeping live can wipe out hundreds of millions of their tribesmen?

Isn't this a joke?

As for those comments about cerebral palsy in the barrage, such as learning anchor meditation postures, they looked even more confused.

I was kind enough to send two barrages, explaining that the guy was sleeping.

But Na Chengxiang was besieged by other audience groups.

After being sprayed until their heads were buzzing, they decided not to pay attention to the troubled guys in the barrage.

Then he continued to study Zhao Fenglai.

Staring at his live broadcast at this time, a group of lizard man executives felt that this was an extremely beneficial opportunity.

As the saying goes, kill him while he is sick.

You must know that it has been four hours since they landed on this planet.

The location information of the signal has never changed.

This is really unreasonable if we don't carry out a sneak attack.

So there was this elite force heading to the target area.

At this time, there are only about 1-2 hours left before the "elite" lizard people arrive in Zhao Feng's area.

Normally, it is due to the lack of transportation and other reasons due to the recent arrival.

Exploring 50 kilometers around the landing point is the maximum range they can detect in one day.

The reason why those elite troops can carry out long-distance attacks is thanks to the "land-based mechas" they brought in.

Without the assistance of the "Land Traveling Mecha", would these lizardmen still want to touch Zhao Fengxuan's stationed area?

I'm afraid I don't want to eat shit~

. . .

Normally, lower-level races cannot bring their own war machines into the star sea world.

This is a preferential treatment that the middle race will only have when entering the trial.

Even if lower-level races want to carry small weapons of their own, there are extremely strict weight and size restrictions.

And if you carry weapons of your own clan, you will not be able to obtain primary weapons and equipment compensated by Xinghai.

Normally, under such harsh restrictions, ordinary lower-level races would never choose to bring their own weapons into the star sea world.

But the lizardmen are different. Their technology has had obvious "modular" features from the beginning.

It is possible to split a large vehicle into millions of modules.

Then, those large tribes with a large enough population will bring them into the field.

Of course, bugs like this are not without any limitations.

The overall technological level of the equipment is limited to M type or below.

And the higher the technological content, the smaller the items carried.

In addition, any components that can constitute an air vehicle are not allowed to be carried.

In this way, if you want to assemble a finished product, the amount of carrying required will reach an extremely terrifying amount.

I just said that millions of modules can be used to assemble vehicles.

But in fact, even a basic all-terrain combat vehicle such as the "Tarantula Type I Land Mecha" is assembled.

It would take 4 million to 5 million lizard tribesmen to carry all the components.

This does not include the weapons on the tank.

The small tribe of lizardmen can't even bring this thing with them. After all, the small tribe only has a population of just over 1 million.

For a medium-sized tribe with a population of about 5 million, it would be feasible to carry this thing.

But the problem is that too many people carrying these components can lead to a sharp decline in productivity upfront.

And the means of self-protection will become extremely limited.

If you forcefully bring "land-based mechas" over, it will cause the overall development to be out of touch.

Only large tribes, and even the royal family to which the top leaders of the lizardmen belong, are guaranteed by an insufficient population of over 100 million.

Only in this way can we carry these "killing weapons" without any negative effects.

But even so, after piecing everything together, they only managed to come up with 5 land-based mechas and their matching weapons.

And only 3 of them were sent out for testing.

. . .

Zhao Feng, who was currently in a deep sleep state and recovering his mental strength, did not know that three land-based mechas had arrived not far away.

Of course, [Kite]'s radar system has already discovered the target.

However, due to the restrictions of counterattack, the battleship's mastermind was unable to take the initiative to attack.

Moreover, after scanning the radar, the battleship's mastermind quickly determined the strength gap between the two.

When an enemy attacks at this level, there is no need to wake up the captain. Its own settings can handle this wave of attacks.

At this time, some people in the Lizardman Command were always observing Zhao Feng's status during the live broadcast.

The other part is to start deploying the electromagnetic main gun on the land-based mecha and charging it.

That's right, expand.

This is a special electromagnetic gun called a "battery ram" by the lizardmen.

In normal mode, the "Battery Ram" is a twin-mounted S-type rapid-fire electromagnetic gun.

The double muzzles represent a stronger firepower projection frequency.

But at this time, it still belongs to the S-type weapon category.

But after it is deployed, the two muzzles will be reorganized and become a short-barreled, large-caliber M-type electromagnetic gun.

As we all know, a shorter barrel means that its acceleration distance is shorter, and its range will be shorter accordingly.

However, in order to make up for its lack of power, the Lizardmen have equipped the "Battery Ram" with a more violent charging and discharging device.

This device can enable it to achieve more terrifying electromagnetic acceleration within a short distance.

After being fully charged, its power can reach the level of a ship-based M-type electromagnetic gun within 10 kilometers.

That is 4000 points of kinetic energy damage in a single shot.

It is fully 100 times stronger than the level 1 S-type railgun.

Of course, the "battery ram" weapon system is not without its shortcomings.

. . .

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