If everything goes as expected.

The lizardmen can completely eliminate all the players on Earth slowly and within 1-3 months.

And easily won the first round of challenges.

But unfortunately, the lizardmen seem to have the advantage over me.

But in fact, their main force was surrounded by Zhao Feng alone~

Not only that, on RTX4090.c, because the players here are so obedient that they explode.

One by one, it can almost be said that what Zhao Feng said was regarded as an imperial edict.

When it was implemented, not only was it concealed and disguised as required, but it was even used to draw inferences.

Digging tunnels and running around overnight are all basic operations.

Those who are more ruthless will not even give up the base they have worked so hard to build.

Of course it wasn't given to the lizard people for free.

As players on Earth, they have watched many war movies and understand the art of booby traps.

Regarding the attack of the lizard man, is there a mine hidden in the crotch? Suicide attack? Too low-level!

The players here made a more extreme choice, directly inserting TNT into the abandoned building.

And the starting weight is 100 kilograms, and there is no upper limit.

After it is filled, just connect the startup panel of each building to realize the self-destruction function.

To be honest, most people can't think of these ideas.

It can be seen that none of these earth players who can survive on RTX4090.c is simple.

As for other players, they said they would not connect TNT or make TNT bombs.

It doesn't matter~ There are professionals in the regional channel who provide the most detailed live explanations with pictures and texts.

Although the players here have not developed energy explosives, they have a lot of TNT formulas.

Moreover, because it is in the star sea world, the production process is very simple and the materials are also very easy to obtain.

The required basic materials can even be directly extracted through the mineral refining workshop.

The player's organic combination of execution power and SAO operation can be said to be the "gou" that has been brought to the extreme.

Coupled with the tragic situation of neighboring planets on the World Channel.

The players of RTX4090.c stepped up their speed and hid themselves crazily.

There was almost no one left alive on the ground.

All that was left was a base full of explosive traps.

Lizardmen are also strange when they come outside player settlements.

With basically no history of civil war, how could they have experienced such "guerrilla tactics"?

He entered the settlement with a confused look on his face, looked at various buildings with a confused look on his face, and finally was blown up into the sky with a confused look on his face.

Not to mention achieving substantial results, it is not easy to ensure the survival of fellow explorers.

Are they stupid? Is it so easy to fall into a trap?

No, it's not, it's just that these lizard people haven't experienced it.

You know, the history of mankind is a history of cruel wars.

Almost all human players know more or less some war theory.

The unity of the lizardfolk is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

The experience and heritage of civilization are much less than those of civilization on earth. This is an indisputable fact.

Facing things that you have never experienced before, paying tuition is inevitable.

Moreover, under the lizard people's system, a lot of tuition fees are paid in vain.

For example, the Lizardmen aggressively attacked on RTX4090.c.

Basically, if you enter a suspected player's stronghold, you will have to die partially, and even if you die, your death will be in vain.

There is no way, the earth players here are doing better.

One building contains at least 100 kilograms of TNT, but whose base doesn’t have dozens of buildings?

And all buildings can be chained. As long as one is detonated, other buildings will be detonated at the same time.

Blowing up one building is equivalent to blowing up the whole building. Even the people standing guard outside will be killed, let alone the commandos who rush in.

No whole body will be left behind.

As a result, the planet that should have been the strongest lizard people turned out to be the planet with no results at all and the heaviest losses.

. . .

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison.

Under the premise of sharing so much firepower and being reminded in advance.

The surrounding "neighbor planets" still suffered heavy casualties. Then Zhao Feng had nothing to do about it.

After all, if you look at the local players of RTX4090.C, why are they fine?

Except for a few unlucky ones who accidentally died, the death toll did not exceed a hundred.

Of course, if any Earth players want to blame him, they certainly can't.

Zhao Feng has already reminded him once. Who can he blame if he is useless?

He could only say one thing on the basis of silence:

"Can't carry it."

. . .

Not to mention the heavy casualties suffered by players on neighboring planets.

At this time, all the races that came to Xinghai received broadcast reminders from the number one student on the suppression list, Zhao Feng.

At the same time, it’s not just Zhao Feng.

There are also 9 other masters of various races who are on the suppression list, and they have also started their own live broadcasts.

The masters of all races, let alone their combat prowess.

At least the looks alone are so frightening.

Like the Toad Tribe, Werewolf Tribe, and Dragon Tribe, these races don't even look like humans.

Of course, even though it doesn’t look like anyone, at least it can still be seen.

Further down, the long ones are even more mature, with faces comparable to those of ancient gods.

What Platinum Son, Stone Man, Lobster Man, Flying Leech.

The remaining protoss spirits are a bit better, at least they look like humans, regardless of whether their skin is blue or not.

At least it doesn't look uncomfortable.

Unexpectedly, despite Zhao Feng's [Thick Skin] passive, his charm was reduced by half.

But it is still the one that gets the most likes and attention among these 10 live broadcasts.

Maybe aliens’ aesthetic concepts are similar to those on Earth~

In any case, a total of 10 races have all started live streaming.

After all, there is double reward, so there is no reason not to open it.

Moreover, the trials in this star sea world are essentially a place to select the strong and cultivate the strong.

If you can make it to the top ten, you have the qualifications to start the broadcast and double the snowball to accumulate strength.

. . .

After the broadcast started, as a large number of alien viewers poured into the live broadcast room, Zhao Feng's live broadcast gradually became lively.

His live broadcast room is different from other live broadcasters.

Those guys are either killing people or on the way to kill them.

It's completely different from Zhao Feng's battleship background full of technology.

Others are still too barbaric in comparison.

Same, because Zhao Fengzhan exposed the interior of the battleship.

Staff teams from many races also began to enter the scene one after another, carefully observing every detail inside the battleship.

It's not that aliens have never seen battleships or frigates.

Just kidding, pick out an alien race at random, who didn’t have a few motherships and battleships in the original universe?

Looking back now, it's just because I came to the star sea world and wanted to know myself and the enemy in the new universe.

The deeper purpose is just to use the strength of Zhao Feng's battleship to benchmark the technological level of battleships of their respective races.

Furthermore, it is convenient to make a series of judgments next.

After all, the first place in this live broadcast is also the "powerful one" who is ahead of all the lower races.

Among other alien races, no one can start with a battleship.

As for doubting Zhao Feng, is he from the three bottom races? . .

Give me a break.

After so many years of development in the original universe, there has been little improvement. How can you turn things around when you first come to Xinghai?

The improvement of civilization's strength is not an "accident"!

Don't talk nonsense~

It is estimated that even if Zhao Feng admits it, no one will believe it.

Therefore, Zhao Feng can have a frigate at the beginning.

They don't say anything about all lower-level races on the surface, but they have already listed them as their major enemies in their hearts.

At this time, many middle-ranking races who had not yet entered the Star Sea Trial frowned and became slightly more interested after seeing Zhao Feng's live broadcast.

Because when the median race enters the arena, they can also bring battleships.

This is Xinghai's preferential treatment for the strong.

After seeing Zhao Feng's live broadcast, the upper race didn't even raise an eyebrow.

After taking a quick glance, he didn't pay much attention to it.

To them, it was just a fight between children, nothing worth paying attention to.

Might as well be busy with the things at hand.

Therefore, the people who currently watch the live broadcasts are mostly from lower-class and inferior races.

. . .

In the screen, Zhao Feng is driving a battleship to the next target area.

There are a lot of lizardmen descending around here, and many of them are 4-5 tribes descending on the same area.

No, in just a few minutes, Zhao Feng flew above the landing point of the lizard man again.

At this time, these lizardmen were changing equipment and assigning teams.

After hearing the sonic boom coming from high in the sky, all the lizardmen raised their heads warily.

But because it was night, the lizardman's eyes were still not very useful even after many generations of evolution.

Being able to clearly see their surrounding companions is their limit.

As for clearly seeing the [kite] suspended thousands of meters high in the night sky?

That’s because I really want to eat shit~

His eyes were focused in the direction of the sound.

Almost all lizardmen can feel a trace of uneasiness rising in their hearts.

At this time, Zhao Feng was still the same after flying about 5,000 meters above the target.

Carrying the shield generator on his back, he jumped out of the battleship and hit the ground.

Of course, this time because it was a live broadcast, Zhao Feng wanted to maintain his style.

During the free fall, he always used telekinesis to break through the wind pressure under his feet and maintain his body shape.

This allowed him to hit the ground straight without being blown away by the strong wind.

After all, he still has to establish himself as a super giant to the aliens.

As for why not use the posture commonly used by skydivers to glide down.

To put it bluntly, that posture really doesn't have any blips at all.

If you want to live broadcast in that posture, it means that you have to destroy it yourself before you even start to create a character.

As expected, Zhao Feng performed a "high jump" without protection at an altitude of 5,000 meters.

Sure enough, it gained a lot of shock value.

At this time, barrages of different colors crossed the barrage.

"Is this guy crazy?"

"Pfft! I can't stop laughing. How can I suppress the number one on the list? Commit suicide at the start of the live broadcast?"

"Who says it's not? Look at his work. Isn't it just a waste of time? If you have this kind of time, why don't I go to Barbaros, the dragon man next door, to learn fighting skills?"

"Fuck, you bunch of idiots, do you know what a boss is? A real man should make a hard landing!"

Glancing at the barrage floating by, Zhao Feng felt happy at the moment.

Of course, his expression remained serious and he didn't show any additional facial expressions.

Looking at the language conflict in the barrage, he knew that what he wanted had been achieved.

Next, all it takes is a small reversal + visual impact to harvest some of the shock value.

As he crashed down like a cannonball, he kicked up a large amount of dust half a second before he hit the ground.

Zhao Feng first mobilized his telekinesis to integrate into his body and forcibly improved his physical fitness.

Of course, with his control over megatons of telekinesis.

It definitely needs the molecular time of the seventh sense to assist.

While improving physical strength.

Zhao Feng did not forget to transfer most of his falling force to the surrounding lizard people through his telekinesis tentacles.

A dull sound was heard, followed by the screams of dozens of lizardmen.

In a sense, they became Zhao Feng's flesh pads. Broken arms and legs were relatively light.

It is normal for a person to have his spine crushed and die suddenly on the spot.

. . .

The barrage in the live broadcast exploded the moment Zhao Feng landed.

At this time, the smoke and dust blocked Zhao Feng's figure, but it did not prevent the audience from gloating.

"Hahaha! Who said it was a hard landing just now? If you don't fall into pieces, I'll eat shit live!"

"Fuck! You know what a chicken is, but you want to trick me into eating and drinking, right?"

"Don't be harsh on the front. There is no protection, no landing equipment, and it can withstand the force of falling from a height of 5,000 meters. Even the tauren, the most physically powerful among the lower races, cannot withstand it. Broken bones and tendons are easy. ..."

"Come and see, lizard people, a pie is falling from the sky~ Oh, it's not a pie, it's the idiot who sent the equipment!~"

Just when all kinds of vulgar words were filled in the barrage.

In the live broadcast, a breeze blew by, taking away all the dust raised.

A straight figure was turning from virtual to real, slowly revealing its figure from the smoke and dust.

The sudden mutation, let alone the surrounding lizardmen, didn't react.

Even the barrage was stunned.

Afterwards, a bunch of barrages of "Big Brother Niubi", "Big Brother 666", and "The Strongest Man Is So Scary" flooded the screen crazily.

In front of Zhao Feng, plug-in prompts kept popping up.

(Hope value +10086) x22

(Shock value +1008611) x2

. . .

This round of praise and licking in the barrage obviously made some alien races feel uncomfortable.

"A bunch of ignorant people. It's only 5,000 meters. This altitude is nothing to us vampires. We can control our bodies at will and even fly freely in the air. It's just a hard landing, but that's nothing special. !”

"9494, it's just an unprotected landing from a high altitude. We Dragonites can also do it, it's just a matter of flapping our wings."

"Hey, you're jealous? You're going to live broadcast too! Where's your NM?"

Zhao Feng wanted to laugh at the scolding war that started again in the barrage, but he restrained himself.

As for Guan Guan’s barrage?

He doesn't care, after all, anti-fans are fans too! Those who can provide shock value are good comrades.

You won't lose a piece of meat if you curse a few words. These aliens are verbally offensive, but they are upright~

It's worth the shock.

A nice bunch of high-quality baby leeks.

. . .

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