The range of his telekinesis control, if converted into a coverage area, is a full 2.77 million square meters.

In this way, the data seems to be very large, but it may not be real.

But if it were replaced by a standard football stadium, Zhao Feng's telekinesis control range could already cover the size of nearly 400 standard football fields.

At the same time, Zhao Feng spit out the standard lizard language that the plug-in just taught him.

His voice was not loud, but after being amplified by telepathy, it shook the entire audience like a wave.


Just as the words fell, Zhao Feng activated his seventh sense instantly, and at the same time formed a triangle-shaped mudra with his hands again.

In an instant, a terrifying storm seemed to set off at the microscopic level of the world.

Countless hydrogen molecules in the air were attracted to him.

In the blink of an eye, within a radius of 940 meters with Zhao Feng as the center, the air suddenly began to become distorted.

Not only are changes occurring in the area controlled by mind power.

The hydrogen molecules outside the control range of telekinesis were also forcibly pulled over by this terrifying wave.

The next second, the mixed gas of hydrogen and oxygen was ignited in all directions under the interference of mind power.

Yes, lit on all sides.

It is not like an ordinary explosion that ignites at a certain point and then causes deflagration to conduct energy transmission.

Although this method is convenient, the instantaneous power is a little less interesting.

For Zhao Feng, who has telekinesis, he can simulate a more efficient detonation method.

In the area covered by the power of mind, every few meters, instantaneous compressed air is used to heat the temperature to over 600°C.

And 600℃ is exactly the deflagration temperature of hydrogen and oxygen mixed gas.

Zhao Feng just had a thought and ordered tens of thousands of points within the control range to carry out ignition operations at the same time.

At the same time, the scene of countless hydrogen gas being ignited simultaneously, in the eyes of Zhao Feng, who was accelerating a thousand times, was like being assimilated into another world.

The space seemed to be peeling off piece by piece, and everything was slowly transforming into a red high-temperature purgatory.

In the eyes of the lizard man, the garbage creature in front of him had an extremely weird shape for some reason.

Before they could say a few more words, the next moment their eyes went dark and they completely lost all consciousness.

5,000 meters above the sky.

The [Kite] suspended in the sky, the optical lens and biological eyes on it, are faithfully recording Zhao Feng's attack.

This is one of the tasks assigned to him.

On the one hand, the image data will be left for future publicity.

On the other hand, it is used to review and see where you have fallen short.

In the camera, the moment Zhao Feng formed a seal with his hands, a monstrous sea of ​​​​fire suddenly formed.

Within the range controlled by his telekinesis, terrifying hydrogen gas exploded.

A huge hemispherical flame with a height of 940 meters was formed in the blink of an eye.

The temperature of the air is directly heated to 1400°C.

Immediately afterwards, during the continuous burning, it quickly reached the limit temperature of 3000°C, the limit temperature of hydrogen-oxygen flame under normal pressure, and an endless heat wave swept everything around it instantly.

The lizardmen within a hundred meters of the edge of the explosion were actually the worst off.

Although every one of the lizardmen within the explosion range was vaporized on the spot, not even their ashes were left behind.

But at least they died painlessly.

But the lizardmen on the edge were not so lucky.

Not only did he have to endure huge psychological panic, but he also had to be licked back and forth by the terrifying heat wave.

Before their nerves even had time to transmit the "very hot" signal, they were roasted into dried meat on the spot by the heat wave.

. . .

At this time, Zhao Feng, who was in the flames, did not suffer any harm.

It has a million-ton telekinesis shield, plus the protection of a Lv.10 shield generator.

He didn't even feel the change in temperature.

And this is just the beginning.

At this time, the fireball that wiped out most of the lizardmen in one blow did not continue to expand outwards and continue to vent its endless flames.

At the microscopic level, countless hydrogen molecules are still being injected into the huge fireball created by Zhao Feng.

The energy level of the fireball is also rising.

What's strange is that the size of the fireball is slowly shrinking.

And the contraction is getting faster and faster.

. . .

Soon, the faces of the lizard men who showed fearful expressions changed.

They were surprised to find that a human figure emerged from the flames that should have burned everything.

Thinking back again, when the flames burst out, the words "Go to hell!" rang through my ears.

The surviving lizard people immediately understood that all this was caused by that ugly alien.

And that foreigner is Zhao Feng.

He was standing straight on the spot.

On the raised right hand, the index finger extends directly to the top of the head.

At a distance of less than 1 meter in the direction he pointed, the fireball that had originally shrunk to the size of a five-story residential building was suddenly compressed to the size of a basketball.

The original red flame also turned from red to blue, and then from blue to white.

The air around the pale flame was distorted.

The hydrogen molecules that continued to gather here were forcibly ignited before they even got close, turning into orange-red flames that could not be integrated into it.

These flames formed a circle of light red flames around the pale fireball.

The main body that caused all these changes was obviously Zhao Feng.

At this time, even the dullest lizard man can feel the naked killing intent of the other party.

Some lizardmen are still shocked that the other party can use "high-tech weapons" without restrictions.

Some lizardmen even collapsed on the spot.

They kept chanting in their mouths

"Impossible, absolutely impossible"

"Quack! There is quack!"

This type of remarks.

On one side, like a bereaved dog, it ran away into the distance.

The most elite and determined lizardmen picked up their weapons and aimed at Zhao Feng's position. . .

Zhao Feng had a clear view of these lizard people's choices, whether they were escaping or resisting.

But no matter what they do, the outcome is actually doomed.

The moment those elite lizardmen were targeting Zhao Feng and were about to attack.

As if he had foresight, his body flew straight up like a cannonball.

In a few seconds, it rose to an altitude of several thousand meters, reaching the same height as a kite.

Then Zhao Feng flicked his right index finger sharply and pointed at the ground.

Two seconds later, a "white line" poured into the ground. The moment it came into contact with the ground, pale flames exploded.

There was no particularly violent explosion, nor was there a devastating shock wave.

Some are just the "whooshing" sound of the wind caused by the flames, spreading around like a ring.

I saw wherever the pale flame passed, no matter the withered vegetation and trees, large and small rocks and soil along the way, or the running lizard people.

Everything was burned to ashes the moment it came into contact with the flames.

In less than half a second, the small fireball turned into an endless sea of ​​flames, enveloping everything in the blink of an eye.

The ground seemed to be a canvas. After the painter Zhao Feng poured a bottle of "thick ink" on it, it quickly swallowed up all the colors and assimilated them.

As the "ink" spreads, only a black "ink mark" is left on the ground

After the flames burned, apart from the burning air, only the red and black scorched earth remained.

The lizard man's cursed and angry expression didn't have time to fade away, and was directly incinerated into ashes in the next second.

Screams and wails were scattered between heaven and earth along with the vast fire, but they stopped suddenly.

. . .

With just one blow, Zhao Feng completely wiped out the lizard people's landing point, and also swept in the surrounding lizard people's landing points.

And just after his blow was completely finished, a system prompt suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Feng's eyes.

【Ding! Congratulations, you got your first kill in the Race for Hegemony! 】

(You are the first trial player to kill another race.)

【Ding! Congratulations, you have killed 100 people]

【Ding! Congratulations, you have achieved 1,000 kills]

【Ding! Congratulations, you have reached 10,000 enemies]

【Ding! Congratulations on a great kill. . . 】

【Ding! Congratulations, you have successfully annihilated four tribes of lizardmen, totaling 4 million+. The Greywater Clan, the White Fang Clan, the Frost Snow Clan, and the Long Tongue Clan have been completely eliminated]

【Ding! Trialist Zhao Feng, your reputation spreads far and wide, and you meet the conditions for opening the suppression list. . . 】

【Suppression List】

[First place, Earth Human Race, Zhao Feng, suppression value: 4 million+]

[Second place, Dragon Tribe, Barbaros, suppression value: 650,000+]

[Third place, Star Spirit Clan, El, suppression value: 210,000+]

. . .

(Suggestion: Please stay at the top of the suppression list, you will get unexpected benefits.)

Staring at the large row of prompt messages, Zhao Feng couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

‘Look at what the cheater means, this suppression list is more important than the killing list. I don’t know what the benefit is, so the cheater can say it is unexpected. . . ’

Just as he thought of this, the system prompt popped up again.

【Ding! Trialist Zhao Feng has detected that you are at the top of the suppression list. Do you want to start the Wanzu live broadcast? 】

[Start Wanzu Live Broadcast, and your reputation will spread throughout the world. At the same time, during the live broadcast, your suppression value, killing value, and experience value will be doubled. 】

(Hopefully, the value will also be doubled.)

(Tip: Starting Wanzu live broadcast will unlock the shock value system.)

(Shock any intelligent life, and you will gain shock value and enjoy doubled benefits.)

Staring at the message that popped up again, Zhao Feng chose to start the live broadcast without hesitation.

Good guy's shock value, suppression value, hope value, killing value, and experience value are doubled at the same time.

It's quite impressive that people can kill two birds with one stone.

he? Killing five birds with one stone, is there any chance of winning?

Especially hope value.

At this time, Zhao Feng's hope value, converted into acceleration time, was less than 10,000 hours.

The consumption of building acceleration, item acceleration, technology acceleration, and skill acceleration is really too great.

Especially buildings and crafting items are accelerated.

These two items may seem inconspicuous, but they only deduct dozens or hundreds of hours each time.

However, in order to develop the base faster, he uses these two items the most, which is a big consumer.

The second step is to analyze the drawings.

Just like those two purple quality drawings.

[Rune: Astral Camouflage] and [Equipment Blueprint: Shield Neutralization Field·Change]

One of these two consumes 7500 hours+ and the other 8500 hours+.

In the end, Zhao Feng found helplessly that except for the introduction to defense, none of his skills had been increased to level 10.

This hope value will all be used for the development of the base and technology.

I originally thought of only using a little! Just use a little~

Good guy, is it really just 100 million points?

There are less than 10,000 hours of acceleration time left, if it is used to accelerate advanced skills. . .

For example, the advanced skills of the defense system and primary shield expansion.

It takes 8000+ hours to acquire the skill to full level.

If you master this skill, you have to give him all the hope points on the spot!

However, now that he has the opportunity to refresh his hope value, it is still double, so how can he miss it?

As for whether his strength will be exposed.

Zhao Feng said that it was all trivial.

Just add some fashion, beeps, and most importantly camouflage.

Then, his essential ability "psychokinesis" would be almost impossible to be seen through by alien races.

Not only will it not be seen through, it can even induce them to make judgments in the wrong direction.

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng couldn't help but glance at the new shock value.

And after confirming what the use of that thing is.

Zhao Feng expressed that he was quite shocked.

Let’s use a plug-in explanation.

This thing can be used to increase the proficiency speed of abilities.

After the shock value system is turned on, all skill abilities will receive a standard value.

When technical practice is stagnant, just increase the shock value like crazy.

You will be shocked to find that you can instantly master techniques that you could not master before.

For example: the synchronization rate of battleships can be broken through by relying on the shock value.

If he breaks through the 90.1% synchronization rate, he will die as a novice and become a super boss in an instant.

After all, it broke through the 90.1% synchronization rate, and was considered an elite driver among the ancients.

Therefore, for this shock value, Zhao Feng must brush it, and he must brush it wildly.

As for the live broadcast that is about to start next.

Zhao Feng decided to give these aliens a knife to open their eyes!

They must know what the human imagination is.

. . .

Just when Zhao Feng began to think about the next sao operation.

In more than 900 other galaxies where players on Earth are located, there are also streaks of light streaking across the sky.

It's just compared to the amount of light that illuminates the entire starry sky in the RTX40 series star field where Zhao Feng is located.

The light from other players only stayed in the sky for less than half a second. If you didn't look carefully, it was not much different from a shooting star.

It was almost like a joke.

Of course, don't look at the inconspicuous light that the star sea casts on the race.

You know, behind every ray of light represents a group of about 110,000 lizardmen.

In other words, Zhao Feng was powerful enough to attract 80% of the firepower.

More than 900 human galaxies were only allocated a share of 1 billion lizard people.

On average, there are at least 10 living planets in each star field, and each planet will only be allocated 110,000 lizardmen.

It can be said that the pressure on the human side has been forcibly reduced to the lowest level by Zhao Feng alone.

Of course, as a player who belongs to the other 9 living planets in the RTX40 star field with Zhao Feng, it is more miserable.

There are 100 million lizard people on one planet. For the neighbors who don't listen to Zhao Feng's words, this is simply an explosion of joy.

. . .

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