After his body slowly recovered, Zhao Feng couldn't help but murmured to himself:

"The reason why they are controlled may be related to the Ancient One, or..."

Just halfway through speaking, his senses seemed to be touched by something.

After shivering for a while, Zhao Feng's back was wet with cold sweat again.

"Zhuo, come back!"

This feedback came too quickly, and he was directly countered as soon as he thought of a possibility.

At this moment, Zhao Feng knew that he might have guessed it right again.

When he felt something was wrong, he quickly shut up.

In his mind, he kept thinking about his wife Ruolan's figure.

His approach is similar to formatting a hard drive. The purpose is to quickly and repeatedly overwrite the thoughts he just had and the weird images he had previously perceived.

After a while, when the warm feeling slowly enveloped him, Zhao Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

After taking a moment, he looked again at the strange content that occasionally popped up in the world channel.

At this time, he no longer had any thoughts of complaining. The seemingly ridiculous words fell into his eyes and gave him only one feeling. . .

My scalp is numb!

Zhao Feng just wants to get rid of the lizard people as soon as possible, and then when the CD of [Cross-Border Key] is turned on, he will go directly to the Dark Star Sea and ask Kansandra about the situation.

Being able to control nearly 10 million people silently is definitely not something he can handle now.

After all, Zhao Feng couldn't even kill a million scattered people silently, let alone control them.

The difficulty of the two things is not the same thing at all.

Biting his lip, he secretly noted this strange phenomenon and did not dare to make it public.

As for exposing that weird chat on the World Channel?

Don't be ridiculous, he's not stupid.

We all know that the other party is not easy to mess with, but he still insists on hitting the muzzle of the gun?

Besides, this phenomenon has been going on for three days, and no one has questioned it yet.

At most, they just complained that those people were sick.

Obviously, no one can detect the interference of "memes".

Zhao Fengqiang is strong again, but his shoulders are not strong enough to bear anything.

It would be good to be able to protect his men and his family in this troubled world.

It was absolutely impossible for Zhao Feng to rush forward in a dazed way, and then quickly hit GG or something.

Then again, the unknown thing can't affect this area for the time being anyway. It's just the memetic interference in the chat and will not cause substantial harm.

As long as he doesn't go to that galaxy, he won't be corrupted by the meme.

And we don’t know how long it will take for the next galaxy merger to occur. . .

‘If we wait until the battle for hegemony among all races is over before merging, we might be able to find a solution, and I’m not without any resistance. ’

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng subconsciously touched his chest.

The [Life Formation Field] is designed to combat all kinds of "corruption".

Suddenly he was startled.

'Wait a minute! I remember that the life-forming field seems to only resist disease and corruption, right? ’

Quickly open the personal attributes to see the effect of [Life Formation Field].

Zhao Feng unexpectedly discovered that at some point, there was another Soul Corruption resistance behind him.

‘Evolved? ’

After scratching his head, he closed the page and returned his attention to the world channel in front of him.

The most important thing for him now is to edit the "speculations" about this challenge of all races according to his previous ideas, and to warn those normal earth players.

Of course, there will definitely be no detailed information in the "guess" content.

For example, what kind of alien race is coming, their characteristics, unique technology, etc., must not be disclosed.

Even if he hints or brushes aside, it won't do, otherwise he will be punished by Xinghai.

This is also the original reminder of the plug-in.

Zhao Feng always kept this in mind.

The plug-in also explained the reason why Xinghai did this.

To put it simply in two words, "useless".

It’s not that people who are supermodels are useless, it’s that people of the same race who are promoted by people who are supermodels are useless.

Trials and battlefields are two different things.

Even supermodel race heroes have a hard time surviving when faced with a real crisis.

Not to mention those normal people who come up step by step.

And most of those who take shortcuts are worse than cannon fodder on the battlefield.

Therefore, the Star Sea World does not allow the use of supermodels to help fellow tribesmen on a large scale during trials.

Of course, in the star sea world, He will not care about the existence of supermodels. After all, existence is reasonable.

Moreover, the Star Sea World actually needs the help of "heroic" supermodels from various races.

. . .

Leaning back in his seat, Zhao Feng thought for a while, carefully weighed his tone, and slowly typed out his "guess".

"Fellow compatriots, there are still more than ten minutes left, and the challenge of all races is about to officially begin."

"I am lucky enough to have the highest killing points in the world. I accidentally got some information. As a member of the human race on earth, I would like to share it with everyone."

"Everyone must be mentally prepared for the battle of all races that is coming in 10 minutes."

"First of all, I have to tell you the sad news that we cannot cooperate with other races in any peaceful way."

"All races participating in the trial will compete, fight, and eliminate each other like wild beasts in the forest. Moreover, this kind of fighting will become abnormally red and bloody because it is based on the rules of the star sea world."

"Secondly, because we humans on Earth came to the star sea world before other races, we enjoy the so-called "newbie benefits."

“It can be seen from this that our strength, whether it is individual combat power or technological capabilities, must be weaker than that of the Advent race.

So I would like to ask you to recall, how did Columbus treat the Native Americans? "

Zhao Feng couldn't help but pause after the message was sent here.

I thought about some of the dovish comments I just saw, although those people are controlled by "memes".

But who can guarantee that there won’t be rapists among people on earth?

"I want to say that those who are naive and have the idea of ​​​​peace talks, please put away your naive and ridiculous ideas."

"Even if they choose to surrender in order to survive, they will kill all the aliens in front of them for racial rankings or even points."

"So for us, racial hegemony is a matter of life or death."

“As for fighting, I suggest everyone stick together as much as possible.

For capable bases, it is recommended to turn on the radar around the clock.

In addition to turning on the radar, security around the base must also be done, and both open and hidden sentries must be deployed so that even if they are attacked by a sneak attack, they will have time to react and the entire settlement will not be wiped out. "

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing.

According to my observations of the planet where I live, this struggle for hegemony among all races will not only be a "man-made disaster", but also a "natural disaster".

The planet I am on has been locked by the gravity of the star due to the damage to the earth's core.

Even after regrouping and entering a new galaxy, the problem of the planet itself has not been solved. "

"It can be inferred from this that it is very likely that along with the war between us and the aliens, there will also be horrific natural disasters."

"That's it for now, please be more careful."

As Zhao Feng's speeches appeared in the world channel one by one, all the players in the water channel at this time looked at the content in front of them with bewildered faces.

Zhao Feng's plan is very simple. He hopes to use his fame to warn everyone.

After all, for his future development and growth, he will still have to rely on earth players of his own race.

To be honest, he had too little contact with those alien races.

The only contact I had was the experience of being invited by hundreds of legions before.

Although those alien races were easy to talk to at the time, the struggle for hegemony among thousands of races was completely different from the situation at that time.

. . .

In the World Channel, the banning effect will be released after 5 minutes.

The information on the public screen refreshed like a waterfall in an instant.

The previous weird information was suddenly brushed down.

The chat style in the World Channel also changed suddenly.

From feeling sorry for geigei to calling geigei.

It has changed back to a group asking for reports, asking for a hug, this kind of more pragmatic content.

As for Zhao Feng's announcement, it seems that it was sent a little late.

Um. . . Can't blame him.

After all, he has been busy mobilizing supplies these past few days and really can't spare any money.

No matter how late it was, at least he still issued a warning.

After finishing speaking on the World Channel, Zhao Feng clicked to open the regional chat channel.

In the regional channel at this time, due to the integration between galaxies, the number of survivors displayed in the RTX40 galaxy was more than 8.5 million.

Zhao Feng couldn't help but be a little surprised when he looked at the population.

I counted it carefully again and found that it was indeed more than 8.5 million.

‘Good guy! Co-author, half of the death data is contributed by my planet? ’

Then think about the 5 billion lizard people that will be "rewarded" in this galaxy.

Zhao Feng couldn't help but silently mourn for a few seconds for the Earth players on the other nine planets.

Then Zhao Feng clicked on the input box again to edit new content.

It’s different from when I was on World Channel.

In the regional channel, Zhao Feng said something more practical.

He kept emphasizing that if you are invincible, everyone must hide.

And Zhao Feng did not shy away from telling the story that he was number one in the world and might receive "special care" from the Xinghai World.

Of course, some people didn't say anything about Zhao Feng's words on the surface, but they didn't care in their hearts.

What's more, they felt that Zhao Feng's words were exaggerated.

There is no way, most human beings prefer to believe what they see in their own eyes.

The players on the living planets of these nine incorporated galaxies have not experienced any difficulties at all.

The biggest difficulty in survival was the wild animal attack at the very beginning.

they think. . . In fact, not only them, but also many players from other galaxies secretly think so.

The so-called number one in the world is just a matter of bad luck. They just lack the opportunity to farm monsters.

If they were put in the environment that Zhao Feng was in, they could do it.

What cyber sword fairy? What kind of mental storm? Why don't you come as soon as you have the hands?

These arrogant and arrogant people actually don’t take being number one in the world seriously.

As for the original rtx4090.c players.

After seeing the big boss's message, he had a completely different attitude.

One by one, they were all frightened.

The timid ones were even trembling with fear.

But out of fear, everyone immediately did what Zhao Feng said.

As for the shady and dissenting voices on the regional channels, no one paid any attention to them. After all, it was too late to save their own lives. Who had time to pay attention to them?

After reading the information, all the players on rtx4090.c took action, which can be said to be the best use of the word "gou".

Everyone hides as deep as they can, and disguises as much as they can. Everyone goes into huddled defense mode, waiting for the big boss to come to the rescue.

There is no way, local players understand Zhao Feng too well.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand, the evil things they have experienced are indeed "a hundred million points" too many.

Moreover, the surviving players have basically experienced the warnings given by the boss.

First of all, there is definitely nothing wrong with the prediction, but the severity of the disaster is less than 1% of what Zhao Feng stated.

And what is Zhao Feng saying now?

He even said that he might receive special treatment.

From the perspective of local players, this is not "possible" at all, but 100%.

Good guy, when the boss predicted that the temperature would cool down, tens of thousands of disobedient players died.

Being targeted directly this time, who wouldn’t take cerebral palsy seriously?

I'm afraid it's not too long to live.

. . .

No matter how players react.

At least Zhao Feng felt clear about himself after sending the message.

He glanced at the time on his bracelet.

32 days, 23 hours, 55 minutes and 23 seconds.

‘Less than 5 minutes left. ’

After determining the remaining time, Zhao Feng slowly closed his eyes.

His breathing became slow and long.

He silently counted the time in his heart and kept his breathing in a relatively gentle state.

Constantly fine-tune your own state, allowing your body, will, and spirit to slowly move closer to the best state.

It wasn't until the last 10 seconds that he suddenly opened his eyes and instantly entered a state of mental connection.

In just over 1 second, the synchronization rate between Zhao Feng and the battleship reached 90.1%.

After finding the trick, Zhao Feng's synchronization rate increased at an extremely fast rate.

And with the blessing of such a terrifying synchronization rate.

He can even attach sentience to radar waves.

In this way, not only the scanned information is more comprehensive, but the scanning speed is also more than a hundred times faster.

It originally took 35 seconds to detect deep space within a range of 35 light seconds.

It has become a detection range of 35 light seconds in 1 second, and not only is it fast, everything in the deep space will also be mapped to the mind simultaneously.

It is said that the fastest speed in the world is the speed of light, but at this moment, Zhao Feng knew it.

The fastest speed in the world is actually "the speed of a thought".

Of course, radar's scanning capabilities can only collect part of the information.

As the countdown goes by minute by minute.

The biological observation equipment and visual cameras on the battleship also turned downward.

At the moment when time reaches 33 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 0 seconds.

All the living planets in the entire galaxy suddenly erupted with countless flashes of light.

The planet RTX4090.c beneath him erupted with the most intense light.

That second "highlight moment" even gave Zhao Feng the illusion that he was looking directly at the sun.

After the flash ends, the various data feedback of the radar waves are still normal.

But the perception attached to the radar waves discovered many interesting things.

Moreover, he also wrote down the coordinates of the luminous areas.

Licking the corner of his mouth, Zhao Feng drove the battleship straight to the area where the beams were most intensively projected.

At the same time, the system's announcement was also conveyed to every player.

. . .

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