Although some parts are not so satisfactory, at least everything is moving in a good direction.

On the last day, Zhao Feng finally had time to seriously arrange the players he recruited.

On the last day of the safety period, he did not excessively consume his mental energy.

After simply collecting some resources, we returned to the base early.

Upon returning, Zhao Feng went directly to the lower half of B5 and took pictures of the medical cabin in front of everyone.

With the blessing of Adjutant Beta, the medical cabin that originally took 36 hours can now be successfully constructed in just over 20 hours.

On the way to building the medical cabin, the unexpected plug-in once again showed its power.

The basic model of the medical cabin popped up in front of his eyes, as well as the four supporting modification plans.

(Medical cabin: It can store medicines and medical supplies, and can perform some basic first aid and treatment, such as hemostasis of severed limbs, suturing, internal injury treatment, minimally invasive surgery, etc.)

(Note: A severed limb cannot be completely repaired.)

(Renovation plan 1, intelligent medical cabin: In addition to storage and basic treatment functions, it can also detect and diagnose patients through intelligent technology, and can provide simple mechanical limbs for amputated limb treatment.)

(Renovation plan 2, 3D printing medical cabin: biological prostheses, mechanical prostheses and artificial organs can be manufactured through 3D printing technology to provide patients with more personalized and efficient medical services. At the same time, it can also create a fully matching patient of any internal organ to extend the patient’s life.)

(Transformation plan 3. Biochemical medical cabin: It can achieve more advanced limb treatment and life extension functions through gene editing technology and stem cell technology. It can also provide advanced biochemical prostheses and even bionic prostheses.

In addition, it can also enhance and transform body functions and improve the patient's physical quality and life energy level. )

(Transformation plan 4. Interstellar medical cabin: It can perform treatment and surgery in a space environment. It can not only provide advanced biochemical prostheses and mechanical prostheses replacement, but also carry out advanced medical technologies such as genetic modification and gene transplantation, which can be easily realized Nerve reconstruction and large-scale tissue repair, as well as more powerful life extension functions.

In addition, it can also conduct medical research, dissection and treatment of alien life forms. )

Staring at these transformation plans, Zhao Feng was already drooling from the second one.

powerful! It's really too strong!

The only thing that's a bit strange is that for some reason the supplies needed for construction are not shown.

Tilting his head, Zhao Feng raised his hand and clicked on the third set of transformation plans, the biochemical medical cabin.


Staring at the long list of resource requirements that suddenly popped up, his mouth gradually opened wide involuntarily.

‘I’m so stupid! I can understand 200 smart chips, but where can I get 200 units of nanomaterials?

Medical radioactive source x30, titanium crystal x50, okay, but what about the quantum chip? M-type refractive crystal? Doesn't S's work? ’

Swallowing, Zhao Feng slowly closed option three and clicked on option two, 3D printing the medical cabin.

The resources required here are okay, at least they can be obtained with his existing technology, or they are already in the inventory.

After looking at Plan No. 3 and then Plan No. 2, Zhao Feng finally sighed helplessly.

He had no choice but to choose option 2 since his family's financial resources were here.

As the construction of the new medical cabin began, Zhao Feng turned around and greeted everyone.

After everyone gathered together, he said:

"Everyone has passed the test before, which means that you are all rare talents. You have also seen my base in the past few days. I believe that everyone has a good idea of ​​the protection level and comfort level of this base."

Having said this, he knocked on the alloy wall behind him and continued:

"The inside of the base is an all-alloy structure, and the outer layer of the base is fully armored. All supporting facilities are available. Apart from not being able to leave easily, I can say that it is absolutely safe here."

After a pause, Zhao Feng looked around at their expressions. After confirming that everyone was listening seriously, he continued:

"You are located in the lower half of the fifth floor of the base, and the total number of floors in the base has reached nine."

"Such a large base, if planned carefully, can easily accommodate 30,000 people, let alone 3,000 people."

"But do you know why I didn't invite them over, but I took a liking to you at first sight?"

There was nothing complacent in Zhao Feng's words. He was just stating a fact plainly.

He wants these people to know his strength and wants these people to use him with peace of mind.

"The people in Lingyun seem to be in good health, but I don't see any fighting spirit in those people."

"You are different. You people are very wild at heart. When I first saw you, I knew that you were unwilling to accept the status quo. But it is a pity that your body restricts your will."

Speaking of which, he pointed at the [3D printed medical cabin] he had just photographed.

"See that? A medical bay, but not quite the medical bay you know."

"This is a technology I obtained after clearing a dungeon. It's a variant technology of the medical cabin. It works..."

Having said this, Zhao Feng paused and stared at them before laughing silently.

"Rebirth of severed limbs, and rejuvenation of youth."

Rejuvenation is a bit exaggerated, but if all the organs in the body are replaced by those of an 18-year-old young person, the body will be rejuvenated.

The body's muscle tissue has also been completely replaced with an extremely healthy body like that of an 18-year-old. What is the difference between this and rejuvenation?

At the same time, as soon as Zhao Feng said these words, everyone below him became energetic.

As if he was afraid that everyone would not believe it, Zhao Feng synchronized the information of the [3D printed medical cabin] to everyone's Xinghai system, allowing them to view it with their own eyes.

Soon, whether they were strong men with disabilities or old and weak people with gray hair on their temples.

A terrifying wave of will suddenly erupted from their bodies.

Zhao Feng was very satisfied with their reaction.

He clapped his hands and chuckled:

"Yes, I can feel your desire. It seems that I really saw the right person."

"Next, I will issue you a brand new thinking protocol, and you will officially become my subordinates."

Just as the agreement was issued, someone from below suddenly interrupted:

"Wait a minute, you provide safety and living security, and are ready to cure us. We are really grateful, but to become your subordinates, you have to show some skills! Just having the title of number one here, but It’s no use!”

"Yes, you have thin arms and legs. It's no problem for us to protect you with all our lives, but if you want to command us, you have to show some skills."

Looking at the two people speaking in the audience, Zhao Feng couldn't help but smile as warmly as the sun.

Gradually his smile turned into laughter.

In the end, I laughed even to tears.

Everyone in the audience felt uncomfortable with Zhao Feng's performance.

He was obviously such a gentle and gentle person just now, why did he change so easily?

But with Zhao Feng's unbridled laughter, they gradually felt that he was really laughing and was not sick.

Of course it wasn't a joke, it was just because of what the two said that made him laugh.

After a while, he wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and Zhao Feng's expression gradually returned to a serious state.

He looked up at the two people who spoke first.

What met his eyes were two pairs of somewhat annoyed eyes.

But the next second, there were two sounds of "Plop" and "Plop" in no particular order.

The two people were directly pressed to the ground by Zhao Feng's telekinesis.

That's right, lie down.

Considering that they were all tough guys who had retired, Zhao Feng still gave them some face.

After all, men have gold at their knees, and letting them lie down is letting them know how powerful they are.

Before the two of them could say anything, the next second.

The two people's hands and feet were naturally tied back, as if there were ropes in the air tying them up.

Then it slowly floated towards Zhao Feng.

When the people around him saw this, their expressions changed wildly, and those who knew him wanted to go up and rescue these two old guys.

But just as they were about to step forward, they were scolded by a man with a scarred face.

"Stop! What do they look like?!"

Then he turned to Zhao Feng and said:

"Captain Zhao is truly worthy of being number one in the world. His ability to capture people from afar is truly astonishing."

"It's right for you to laugh at them for not overestimating their own capabilities. If you were to laugh at them, I would not only laugh at them, but I would also have to beat them up."

Hearing this, Zhao Feng directly released the two of them without waiting for the man to continue his plea.

"It doesn't matter, I don't want to punish them, I just want you to know that the ranking is not random."

Having said this, Zhao Feng raised his hand slightly and saw a fist mark with a diameter of 5 meters appearing directly on the metal wall behind him.

Binding and controlling two people from the front, Zhao Feng showed details and control.

The subsequent punch in the air showed absolute single-body power.

These sick people are all fierce men who have experienced life and death and participated in front-line battles.

With Zhao Fenglu's two skills, they already know the value of being number one in the world, and the individual combat power of tens of thousands is really not just for fun.

Zhao Feng is not what people say.

What relies on external forces?

What depends on equipment?

It's all bullshit! It's really Zhao Feng's individual strength that has reached that level.

The people below carefully thought about their own combat power, which was only in single digits or even ten digits, and then compared it with the fist marks on the alloy wall. No one dared to continue to provoke death.

Staring at the expressions of these people, Zhao Feng nodded with satisfaction.

He turned his attention to the scarred man and asked, "What's your name? I think they seem quite convinced of you."

After Zhao Feng said these words, the scar-faced man suddenly felt a chill, rushing straight from his tailbone to Tianling Gai.

He didn't dare to hesitate at all and quickly answered Zhao Feng's question.

"Zhao Ruilong, once served as the company commander of the EOD company."

"They retreated for a long time, and they were a little lax and offended Commander Zhao..."

Hearing that he wanted to apologize, Zhao Feng raised his hand to stop him, and then said softly:

"I'm a very tolerant person. As long as it doesn't involve the bottom line, I don't care. If I really want to punish them, I can just crush their remaining limbs and throw them into the medical cabin. Now, I Want to hear your story”

Hearing Zhao Feng's words, the two people immediately shrank their necks in fear and retreated back into the crowd.

Zhao Ruilong began to talk about his past.

Basically, what he does on earth is explosive disposal work, and his work place is overseas.

Zhao Ruilong originally worked as an instructor, but later on the job was severely lacking.

Finally he pushed forward.

Ordnance disposal cannot always be smooth sailing. Many of his fellow students have died one after another or become disabled.

Even Zhao Ruilong, who is the most skilled, encountered a difficult bomb disposal task during a mission.

No, half of his arm and one leg were "bitten" during that mission.

After becoming disabled, he did not regret doing this job.

After returning, the family was accommodated very well.

He didn't need to worry about anything anymore, and he was also placed in a special community.

There were many guys who had similar experiences to him. They originally thought that this would be the end of their lives and they would just spend their remaining years peacefully.

It's a pity that Laoshizi's star sea world destroyed everything.

Hearing this, Zhao Feng nodded.

Zhao Ruilong continued:

"Thank you, Captain Zhao, for not looking down on our brothers and for being willing to treat us."

"It can really be cured, which is equivalent to saving our lives in this world."

"I've read this agreement. It's not harsh. It's mainly about confidentiality and loyalty."

"It stands to reason that the draw should be made. In ancient times, it stands to reason that it should be done in front of the saddle and behind the horse."

"But before signing, we would like to know more about what Captain Zhao plans to do in the future."

Listening to the other party's words, Zhao Feng understood that these people had actually recognized his martial arts and external strength.

Next, I want to know what Zhao Feng thinks.

If the answer is good, then this group of people will return directly to his heart, and he will gain a group of loyal subordinates.

If the answer is not good. . . Then let's break up.

Staring into his eyes, Zhao Feng pondered for a moment and then answered his questions seriously.

"Brother Ruilong, since you are older than me, I will call you brother.

When I recruited you, you chose to answer all the questionnaires sincerely and truthfully, without any untruth. So I will tell you what I think in my heart today.

When I first came to this world of stars, at first, I only thought about protecting myself and the people around me.

The life and death of other people, to be honest, has nothing to do with me and has no real sense.

However, after experiencing a series of things, I found the whereabouts of my parents and learned part of the nature of the world.

Because of this, we understand more about the dangers we face and the insignificance of human beings.

Before, I never considered how my decisions and actions would impact other people.

But now, I know that every decision and action I make could affect the lives and deaths of millions, even tens of millions of people.

This pressure made me work hard to get stronger in the hope of getting out of this situation.

But as I got stronger, I started to feel a little afraid of my own power.

Therefore, I need the help of others to take some of the pressure off of me.

I don't know if I can lead everyone to survive in the star sea world.

But I know that at least the people behind me, I will protect them.

As for restoring civilization on earth, that is too far away from me.

Now, I just want to face challenges and survive together with you.

I chose you, not Yang Yu and the others, precisely because I saw the determination in your eyes.

I believe you will also give me firmness.

So, what is your choice? "

After listening to Zhao Feng's words, Zhao Ruilong was silent for a moment.

Then he directly signed his name on the mental agreement sent by Zhao Feng.

Sincerity is always the most convincing.

Everyone knew that Zhao Feng was not lying. His external perception resonated and amplified all his inner thoughts.

The purpose is to let them understand themselves.

And Zhao Feng's approach did work.

Soon all 3,000 people signed the agreement.

The legion was also established in an instant.

【Ding! Congratulations to player Zhao Feng for establishing a legion, please name your legion]

. . .

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