After going around and around, it was Yang Yu who was supposed to make the request and Zhao Feng owed him a favor, but he suddenly turned it around.

Of course, it would be better to replace Lingyun's other senior executives than Yang Yu.

Zhao Feng became more and more speechless as he chatted.

I kept calling him "good guy" in my heart.

This is the rhythm of giving him an extra favor on top of owing him a big favor.

‘You can also buy one and get one free for favors? ’

The more we talk about Zhao Feng, the more embarrassed he becomes.

It's true that the advantage is a bit big.

It's fun to deceive stupid boys now, but you may have to pay back the debt in the future.

And after all, we are all human beings, so we should help as much as we can!

The Pioneer I-type exoskeleton is very good, the materials are not difficult to find, and the offensive and defensive attributes will not threaten him.

After recruiting people this time, Zhao Feng is going to find a suitable reason to sell to them.

In this way both parties gain benefits.

He won't be criticized in the future for being the best in the world, but even cheating his own people.

. . .

Soon, a simple tent was set up on a high platform in the square in front of the settlement.

And the information about Zhao Feng's recruitment also spread like wildfire.

A large number of players gathered here, some came to join in the fun, and some hoped to be selected by the big boss.

Soon the square was packed with people.

As for the scientific researchers that Yang Yu promised, he had already sent his men to notify them.

Not long after, a large number of figures appeared on the southwest side of the square. Some were missing arms and legs, while others were older and had white hair.

Among them, most of those missing arms and legs were in their prime, and their injuries were not caused recently. They should have been injured in the time of Earth.

Although the Star Sea World will heal players who arrive, the situation of missing parts is obviously not within its treatment range.

It is also very simple to make this judgment.

Because if it is attacked by a strange beast, the human being who is caught and bitten has no chance of surviving.

So they can only be people who were already disabled when they were on Earth.

Looking at the number of these people, Zhao Feng couldn't help but frown slightly and turned to look at Yang Yu beside him.

Yang Yu was too embarrassed to smile back.

And Zhao Feng's dissatisfaction was actually just a show.

His sensory field is constantly scanning the surrounding situation.

Although these people are physically disabled, their will and spirit are much stronger than those of the so-called young and able-bodied people around them.

Let's put it this way, even if this group of people is disabled, in his perception, they are still a group of elite monsters at the end.

Feeling their inner energy, Zhao Feng estimated that these people were most likely tough guys who had retired.

And the situation of these people is indeed a burden to the current Lingyun Union.

The reason is very simple. Ordinary medical cabins should not be able to treat problems such as broken limbs, otherwise they would not be like this now.

But Zhao Feng's base is different.

His medical cabin can be modified.

As expected, surgery to regenerate amputated limbs is not a problem at all, and even bionic prosthetics are possible.

Don't ask why he is so sure.

Ask, it’s Brother Gua Niubi.

At this time, his heart was already blooming with joy.

When he signs these people, as long as they are cured, they will all be a good help.

In the future, if there is an opportunity, help them find their families and let them completely return to their hearts. This is equivalent to being part of your own team.

As for the old people behind, they are not ordinary people.

Although they are older, after traveling through the Star Sea World, they are at least healthy and have basically no underlying diseases.

After recovering from health, many of the old people's aura was very extraordinary.

Either it gives people the feeling of an old scholar, or it is extremely murderous.

Although after coming to Xinghai, everyone valued talents and abilities, Zhao Feng felt that the most important thing was people.

No matter how strong the natural ability is, it is useless if the person is not good enough.

In Zhao Feng's eyes, none of these old people are simple.

As the saying goes, having an elderly person in a family is like having a treasure. The life experiences, experiences, etc. of these elderly people are all treasures.

After just sensing it, he figured out what to do with these old people.

Providing a research thread is only one aspect.

What kind of salt have these old people never eaten? What road has not been traveled?

Their ideas on some tactical and strategic matters must have great reference value.

At that time, Zhao will release some development issues and strategic issues in the form of tasks.

As a reward, being able to eat delicious food from your hometown is the best reward when you come to this world.

Ruolan is the best at this, let her handle it.

For a more advanced reward, Zhao Feng thought of possible life extension surgery.

He hasn't built the medical cabin yet, but as for the external beep box, the last modification is, as expected, absolutely top-notch.

By then it will not be impossible to extend life or anything like that.

Here Zhao Feng is thinking about how to win people's hearts.

Next to him, Yang Yu set up a loudspeaker and started shouting down below to maintain order.

Soon the crowd in the square began to line up one by one to come to Zhao cover for an "interview".

For the players who came up, Zhao Feng just smiled politely and sent the thinking agreement.

The first player to come up was slightly startled, and then chose to check.

Soon he walked away with a frown on his face.

Clearly, this was not through recruiting.

Soon the players behind came up one after another.

Zhao Feng frowned not long after the interview.

‘It’s a bit slow. . . I feel like if I come one by one like this, I don’t know how long and how long the interview will last. ’

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng turned around and discussed with Yang Yu in a low voice.

As another earth player walked away gloomily.

In the next wave, 100 players will come directly.

In this way, the speed was much faster. After receiving Zhao Feng's agreement, all 100 people were eliminated.

As for the agreement they received, it was indeed harsh.

It’s not that the content is harsh, but that the character requirements for the person answering the questions are extremely demanding.

Because it is a mental agreement, it is equivalent to exposing the soul directly. If you choose to cheat and lie, the agreement will automatically be declared invalid.

The content of the inquiries is actually quite normal.

1. Have you ever committed adultery, adultery, kidnapping, robbery, theft, robbery, or cheating in your life?

2. What is your wish?

3. Do you have any relatives?

4. What are your thoughts about the future?

5. . .

6. . .

10. Please unconditionally reveal all your attribute information to the legion commander.

There are a total of 10 questions. It doesn’t really matter what you answer. The main thing is that these 10 questions must be answered absolutely sincerely, or honestly.

It doesn't matter if you have done "bad things". Who can guarantee that people who do bad things don't have something hidden?

What Zhao Feng wants, first of all, is an attitude, an absolutely sincere attitude.

Unfortunately, many people don't realize this.

Two hours later, there were only more than 3,000 players left.

Nodding with satisfaction, Zhao Feng looked at Yang Yu who looked helpless and said softly:

"That's all."

Among these 3,000 people, basically all the older and disabled ones remained.

It may be due to their personality, or it may be that their physical disability makes them look away.

Unsurprisingly, all of them were sincere answers.

Looking at the remaining people in the square, Zhao Feng stood up and turned on the speaker of the exoskeleton and said loudly:

"Congratulations to everyone for passing this recruitment. Next, I will gradually bring you and your family members..."

At this moment, someone suddenly interrupted Zhao Feng's words:

"What can we old, weak, sick and disabled do for you, the number one in the world? Are you sure you want to accept us?"

Zhao Feng was not angry at the person who interrupted his speech.

He just smiled slightly and looked at the big man who was missing an arm and a leg and said, "Don't belittle yourselves. You are just sick and need treatment."

As he spoke, Zhao Feng gestured with his legs and feet.

Hearing this, the man understood the meaning of Zhao Feng's words. His expression changed slightly and he wanted to say something more, but before he could say anything, he was stopped by the scarred man next to him.

The strong man wanted to act cruel, but when he saw the scarred man, he was so frightened that he dared not say anything.

Regarding the changes below, Zhao Feng just watched and didn't pay much attention.

Looking at the others and seeing that no one raised any objections, Zhao Feng continued to speak.

"That's it. Get ready. I'll take 300 people back first."

As he spoke, Zhao Feng suddenly turned around and looked at Yang Yu.

Just when Yang Yu was looking at him inexplicably, Ichika was right in front of him.

And when he carefully looked at the interface that popped up in front of him, his pupils couldn't help but dilate a lot.

The heart was beating continuously.

[Do you accept Pioneer I exoskeleton manufacturing technology? 】

"Damn it! Thank you, boss!"

After accepting the information, Yang Yu almost knelt and licked all the way back to Zhao Feng to send the battleship back. At the same time, more than 300 people were sent aboard.

Of course, this shared technology is not given in vain. In exchange, Lingyun Legion needs to pay him 100,000 units of silver.

And on the plain here, there happens to be a silver mine with huge reserves.

Returning to the battleship, some of the older ones were first placed in the rest cabin, while the others were placed in the cargo hold.

With the metal seats that automatically rose from the ground, more than 300 people were quickly arranged.

As the battleship slowly accelerated, he flew back to the base an hour later.

He had no choice but to fly faster, but there was a boatload of old men and old ladies. Even if the Xinghai system adjusted their physical condition to the best, they still had age after all.

To withstand 6G acceleration was almost like murder. He could only slowly increase the speed with 1-3G acceleration, which only took so long.

back to base

Considering that it would be more convenient for these people to provide scientific research threads in the future, Zhao Feng directly arranged them in the parking area on the lower half of the B5 floor.

The custom area of ​​B7 will be used as a future parking area and battleship factory.

As for the staff living area of ​​B1, he decided to reward it to future backbones.

Next comes the continuous transport of people.

The first few trips took a long time, but once the older ones came back, it would be much easier for the remaining people.

Most of the remaining people are in their prime, in their 30s and 40s, which is when they are in their prime.

It's perfectly fine to withstand higher g-forces.

It took him most of a day to get all the more than 3,000 people back.

Of course, Zhao Feng did not forget to add the food processing workshop after returning.

He directly photographed two food processing workshops equipped with high-energy conversion modules.

That thing only needs to consume energy to provide unlimited resources.

As for the food blueprint, you can share it from another food processing workshop at home.

Of course, this high-energy module is not perfect. It has a disadvantage, that is, each device can only choose 3 kinds of food to make, and once the recipe is entered, it can never be changed.

If you want to make all Ruolan's recipes, it will take a lot of money.

There is no way, after all, it is a device that consumes 2,000 energy per day and has almost unlimited output. Some flaws are understandable.

As for food, let Ruolan make the arrangements after returning home.

This recruitment took too long, although the scientific research problem was solved.

But there are only less than 2 days left.

He did not immediately build a medical warehouse to recover their bodies. He planned to wait for the personnel matters.

The top priority is that Zhao Feng must first solve the ammunition problem.

His backpack was filled with newly produced ammunition.

The cargo hold inside the battleship was empty.

He knew that the ammunition would never be enough.

In order to ensure that the ammunition could withstand his subsequent consumption, Zhao Feng had no choice but to consume hope points to speed up the production of ammunition.

After hundreds of hours of acceleration, the kite's cargo compartment was filled directly.

After making sure that nothing was missing, Zhao Feng handed over all matters at home to Ruolan and Beta for management, and gave them the operating authority of FC-1.

Then he drove the battleship directly to the equator area and began to gain experience crazily.

He wants to take advantage of the end of the novice period to increase his experience to more than 60 billion as much as possible.

And this is an extremely difficult task.

In order to ensure that the firepower output is strong enough,

He also freed up three other S-type universal slots on the battleship.

Anyway, there is no prospecting operation next, and zombies and other beasts can't hurt him at all. Fortunately, they are all equipped with swarm missile launchers.

This is not over yet. In order to be more efficient, Zhao Feng turned on the mental connection state throughout the process.

And at a cruising speed of Mach 20, it uses radar scanning and launches missiles to attack cluster targets.

If you encounter a small wave of corpses, you will slightly slow down to Mach 6 and cruise for massacre.

If it encounters a large wave of mutant beasts, it will reduce to subsonic cruise and fire with full ammunition to maximize its lethality.

Anyway, no matter how you operate it, it just highlights one efficiency.

Of course, doing so would put a great deal of mental pressure on him, but fortunately the consumption was still within an acceptable range.

It will not be a problem to maintain it for at least 30 hours.

Despite his hard work, when the last day came, his experience had only reached about 55 billion.

There is no way, there are only so many corpse tides and mutated creatures.

There is still more than 5 billion experience left, and he really has no place to gain experience.

At this time, there is no longer any group of millions of corpses or beasts on this planet.

Even the zombie reserves in the dungeon that he had left behind were completely cleared away by him.

During this period, the system also gave a special reminder, because he had wiped out more than 99% of the native creatures on the planet, and he had earned the title of "Slayer".

Zhao Feng didn't pay special attention to this.

With 2 hours left, he chose to return to base.

Of course, Zhao Feng did not forget to take away the resources from various mining areas.

Nearly a thousand S-shaped shields that took the time to make were also loaded on to ensure the stable operation of the mining area.

As time progresses minute by minute.

Finally arrived at the star sea world, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 0 seconds on the 30th day.

At the same time, the sound of system prompts also rang in the ears of all players.

【Ding! system hint! Attention all players on Earth, the novice trial period has officially ended] x3

【Ding! Note that novice benefits have expired. Novice mission survival population: 8 billion+, dead population: 1 billion+, race evaluation: inferior, race potential: C+]

. . .

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