10 nuclear power plants equal an energy output of 120,000.

It seems like a lot, but for Zhao Feng's next big move, this energy is just barely enough.

With a wave of his hand, 500 mineral refining workshops rose up on a small plain at the exit of the mountain col.

A full 60,000 units of iron, 10,000 units of copper, 5,000 units of fiber materials, and an area of ​​30,000 square meters, equivalent to three Wanda Plazas, were consumed in an instant.

With so many resources, both gain and loss are resource blocks, making it extremely portable.

Otherwise, let alone the cargo hold of one [Kite], even 100 [Kites] cannot hold so much supplies.

These 500 mineral refining workshops, which may seem like a lot, are actually only a small part of Zhao Feng's plan, and can only be considered initial construction at best.

Next, he will gradually increase the number of mineral refining workshops here to 1,000, 2,000, and upgrade them all to Lv.2

By then, the daily alloy production capacity will reach 480,000.

Of course, energy consumption will also reach a terrifying 400,000 per day.

If you want these refining workshops, they can all operate at full capacity.

So just for level 1 mining robots, there would be at least 1,400 units.

The daily operating energy consumption of the robot and the energy consumption of the transportation equipment must also be between 27,000 and 28,000.

By then, the number of nuclear power plants will be at least 40 to barely meet the needs.

As for revamping these refining workshops, again, there is no need.

There is no need for integration, miniaturization, automation, etc. It is just a volume.

Of course, Zhao Feng is not only considering saving resources.

He also takes into account the unanticipated wear and tear caused when disaster strikes.

If they are all modified, level 1 will consume 160,000 alloy materials, and level 2 will consume 320,000.

After consuming so much alloy material for transformation, Zhao Fengde would be heartbroken once the mining area was destroyed by the stellar wind.

But if it is a mining area built with T0 materials, it will be different.

Even if it really explodes or is destroyed, he won't feel so distressed.

As for building such a large mining area, will there be excess production capacity?

All we can say is that this worry is unnecessary.

excess? Doesn't exist~

Just talking about one thing, you can understand that if the production of these alloys is really invested, it may not even be able to achieve success.

[High Dimension·Superposition Enhancer·Super]

Just saying the name of this equipment may not be vivid enough.

for example.

Take Zhao Feng's current most powerful weapon [S-type swarm missile launcher] as an example.

Regardless of other materials, only alloys are counted.

One unit requires 50 units of alloy.

Strengthening to Level 5 requires 16 units, which is 800 units of alloy.

But what if it is strengthened to Level 11?

Who doesn't want to see how powerful the weapons of the second qualitative transformation can be?

good! strengthen!

Then to strengthen it to Level 11, you need 1024 launchers, which is 51200 units of alloy.

This requires all successes and no single failure to achieve this effect.

Among them, the consumption of hope value will be very terrifying.

Of course, if the production of alloys increases, the success rate of the intermediate levels will be acceptable.

Zhao Feng will definitely not consume the hope value, so if he does not consume the hope value, the loss of the alloy will inevitably increase.

By then, let alone 400,000 alloys per day, even 4 million alloys will not be enough!

This is still a weapon type, what about armor? What about the shield generator? Or even an M-type shield generator?

You must know that the M-type shield cannot be miniaturized and carried, so it will also produce special skills.

How strong would that be?

How much will the consumption be?

This does not include his frigate [Kite]. What changes will happen if it is strengthened to Level 11?

With his superimposed enhancement device, his resources would only be a bottomless pit, and there would never be a possibility of surplus.

. . .

Of course, in addition to the honest method of infrastructure construction and resource extraction.

He will continue to go to the suspected dungeon area he explored before, conduct exploration and confirmation, and then search and accumulate supplies.

After all, a small and medium-sized underground city can provide at least 400,000-600,000 alloy materials, as well as fiber materials, blueprints and even local specialties.

These are all huge gains.

Therefore, it is the last word to do both mining and searching.

. . .

After taking photos of all the buildings, Zhao Fengbian planned the next development direction in his mind.

Bian conveniently accelerated the nuclear power plant out.

I stood there and looked at the densely packed construction site.

Zhao Feng slowly floated up, returned to the battleship, and set off for the silver mining area.

Because the [Mineral Refining Workshop] takes 8 hours to build, there is no point in waiting here.

It is better to go over there and collect all the iron, copper, silver and other minerals that are no longer needed.

By the way, some robots from the silver mining area will also be transported back.

Just make sure it operates there every day.

As for expanding the production capacity of that silver mine. . .

forget it.

With a reserve of 200,000, the time and resource consumption required to expand production would be worse than finding a few more minerals to mine.

Soon, Zhao Feng brought 200 level 2 mining robots and a large amount of T0 resources from the silver mine, heading towards the last goal of the day.

It is a titanium mine located west of Titan Laboratory, more than 3,000 kilometers away.

Its titanium reserves are as high as 5 million units, and its enrichment is also around 45%-55%.

In other words, if you dig it down with a shovel, half of it will be titanium ore.

After arriving at the destination, it is still the same as before, first build a nuclear power plant.

However, because there were not many supplies brought, Zhao Feng only accelerated the construction of one nuclear power plant this time.

The remaining T0 resources are only enough to build 100 [mineral refining workshops].

The construction of the refining workshop is still the same as the alloy mining area, built slowly and not accelerated.

Because titanium is a T2-level material, it cannot be refined in the Level 1 refining workshop. It must be refined in the Level 2 refining workshop.

And even if he speeds up the construction of the refining workshop, the resources are not enough to upgrade to Level 2, so it is meaningless.

It is better to build it slowly. It will take 8 hours to complete anyway. This time is enough for the mining robots to dig out a piece of sky for him.

3 mining areas, silver, titanium, and alloys, all completed.

The supplies in his hand were also completely reduced to zero. Considering that mining cannot be accelerated, there is no point in waiting here.

Zhao Feng quickly returned home with the mining robots.

Return to the airport and first put all the robots into the mine on the B4 floor of the base.

And set it to collect only iron and copper.

What produces the most in his mine? That's iron and copper!

These two minerals account for almost 70% of the mine's output.

As long as they are mined in a targeted manner, it won't take long for the reserves of these two materials to increase.

. . .

After arranging everything, Zhao Feng returned to the B2 floor, lay next to Ruolan, and hugged her from behind.

Soon he and Ruolan fell into a deep sleep.

After all, the material reserves have been emptied, and most of the mental energy has been consumed. If we don't take a good rest and prepare for the next work, why should we just wait and see?

As for using the hope value to speed up alloy refining. . .

That's too wasteful~

He only needs to wait one day, and when the mining area is completed, he will have an alloy output of 100,000+, and two days will be 200,000+ output, and so on, so why waste the hope?

Besides, there are still 7 days left, so it’s better to use the hope value on something that is more difficult to improve.

For example: technology, skills.

. . .

As the alarm clock rang, Zhao Feng slowly opened his eyes and stared at Ruolan for a moment.

Then the two of them stayed in bed for a while.

Zhao Feng smoothly touched his wife's long, straight and smooth thighs, then got up and left.

Standing beside the bed, he mounted the biological shield on his back, put on protective clothing, and told Ruolan:

"Daughter-in-law, you can decompose the fiber products we brought back at home, while I go to other dungeons to move the goods~"

Ruolan frowned slightly when she heard this, but considering that her family really needed her to deal with those resources, she had to reluctantly agree.

Of course, she also didn't forget to tell Zhao Feng not to take any risks.

Zhao Feng quickly agreed.

In Ruolan's resentful eyes, she turned and walked out of the door.

Take the elevator to the B4 floor.

At this time, the 12 Level 3 refining workshops in the base once again refined 2800+ alloys.

At the same time, the construction of the [Mineral Refining Workshop] he had photographed previously was also completed.

Zhao Feng now has 700 mineral refining workshops in his hands.

These workshops are scattered all over the planet, waiting for the input of minerals.

There’s nothing to say, supplies are automatically allocated through the warehouse.

The alloy materials moved by i03 are evenly distributed into various [mineral refining workshops] in the base for refining.

Then, he walked slowly to the only Level 3 [(Mining) Robot Factory].

First, he raised his hand and clicked on the control panel of the robot factory.

Then open the hope panel.

Next, is the moment of crazy acceleration~

I saw that the amount of alloy was decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the consumption of hope value was maintained at about 20,000 points per second.

At the same time, after Zhao Feng clicked to speed up.

The Level 3 [(Mining) Robot Factory] has always been open.

I saw mining robots pouring out continuously.

It's almost like pushing them out one by one.

The small factory gate, in just a few minutes, withstood a flow that should not have been due to its age.

After more than 1 minute, the alloy inventory returned to zero.

The hope value was also consumed by 1.5 million.

The B4 floor, which was originally relatively empty, is now filled with rows of mining robots.

Give them permission to recharge.

Staring at the 400 level 2 mining robots being charged, Zhao Feng nodded with satisfaction.

After 10 seconds, the robots are fully charged.

Zhao Feng used his "magical power" to put them all into the auxiliary backpack.

By the way, he spent 21 points of mental power to activate kiloton level telekinesis, and took out all the T0 resources accumulated in the past 8 hours.

10 minutes later, he drove the battleship to the alloy mining area again.

After 8 hours, the remains of thousands of zombies appeared outside the mining area.

In the mining area, there are 500 more workshops that have been completed.

Slowly lower the battleship.

Without saying a word, Zhao Feng took another photo of 500 [Mineral Refining Workshops], increasing the number of workshops to 1,000.

Then, open the auxiliary backpack and release 200 level 2 mining robots and 30 electric mules.

When the 200 robots were released, they automatically formed two shield machines and dug in two directions.

More than 30 electric mules followed, pulling carts behind them.

Because most of the minerals here are in the shallow layer, the mining robot can dig down in circles like an inverted pyramid.

This will also make it easier for the e-mule to transport it.

30 electric mules plus a small cart, this configuration seems very low.

But in one round trip, they can transport 36,000 resource blocks.

This transport capacity is not ordinary!

You must know that the total number of minerals excavated by two Level 2 shield machines every day is only 312,000 units.

The mining area is only a few kilometers away from the refinery area.

As long as the e-mule reaches full speed, it can complete a trip in 10-30 minutes.

After 9 trips, the robots' daily output can be collected.

In order to fully improve efficiency.

Zhao Feng added key marks to the materials collected by the e-mules.

The mixed raw ore is given special attention and brought back for refining as soon as possible.

The copper and iron grades are slightly lower, and can be pulled back and piled aside for him to deploy.

Lead, silver, titanium, and rare earths, which are mined in very small quantities, are stored separately.

Carefully calculated the time required for full production.

Zhao Feng couldn't help but frown slightly.

‘Running back and forth still delays things! But recruiting people will have to wait. . . Tsk, trouble! ’

Just as he was a little worried, Zhao Feng looked at the smoke and dust raised by the shield machine in the distance, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

He slammed his head and took out 16 mining robots, first strengthening them to Level 5.

Finally, the hope points are consumed to strengthen them to Lv.6.

The attributes of the mining robot strengthened to Level 6 have undergone earth-shaking changes.

【Lv.6 Mining Robot】

Mining speed: 1200+360

Operating energy consumption: 115 points/day

Special Skills: Violent Mining

(Violent mining: After the skill is activated, energy consumption increases 8 times in the next 12 hours.

At this time, the robot will only excavate minerals that are set as priority mining, and the mining area will be increased from 2 square meters to 20 square meters. Other non-priority mining minerals will be completely damaged. )

(CD time: 48 hours)

Staring at the increased special attributes, Zhao Feng couldn't help but feel numb.

‘Good guys, the output of special effects is 10 times. If they are combined into a shield machine, it will only take a matter of minutes to dig through the core of the earth, right? ’

‘It’s a bit strong. . . What if we add this? ’

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng launched the Life Formation Field stunt at the Level 6 robot.

Life giving.

As a faint white light flashed across the robot, system information popped up in front of Zhao Feng's eyes.

[Life grant failed, cannot be cast on this object]

But then, the plug-in also popped up its unique prompt message.


(Does the target have self-awareness...none)

(Whether the target is a living thing... No)

(Consumption is being calculated...)

(After calculation, this consumption requires 36 points of mental power.)

Staring at the prompts given by the plug-in, Zhao Feng nodded.

'OK! Just have the chance! ’

. . .

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