Survival on the Star Sea: Starting from a small broken ship and becoming stronger

Chapter 120 Brain supplement ability YYDS! 【4000 words】

‘It should be the same when traveling to different depths of the universe. . . ’

‘If you cannot meet the basic conditions required to enter the target depth, then diving suddenly is like a freshwater fish entering sea water. The violent environmental changes will only cause the creatures to die suddenly. ’

Suddenly, Zhao Feng thought of the prompt message he got when he was in Yanxing Sea.

‘No wonder the plug-in reminded me when I was in the Rock Star Sea that the portal cannot transport living creatures. ’

‘It definitely can’t be teleported! What will happen if the critical speed is not reached, and if one suddenly passes through the portal and "floats" to the surface universe, which runs at Mach 100 slower than the Yanxinghai? Being torn apart is normal, right? ! ’

‘If we extrapolate from this point of view, there may be more stringent requirements to enter the deeper universe. . . ’

Zhao Feng was busy "reasoning" when he was suddenly interrupted by the plug-in notification sound.

(Your mind has come into contact with part of the truth of the universe, and your knowledge has increased.)

【Ding! Congratulations to the player Zhao Feng, because of his constant thinking and learning, his knowledge +5]

[Current Knowledge: 11]

(Tip: When your knowledge reaches 11 points, when analyzing the drawings, there will be a 1.1% probability of successful analysis at one time)

Staring at the sudden pop-up message, Zhao Feng felt numb.

Who can withstand this? Think about the problem and add attributes.

Still such a great attribute.

Then he went crazy.

With new theoretical support, he began to re-deduce the history of the demise of the Daleros in his mind.

"Where to start?"

There were too many entry points, and he was a little confused.

At this time, the battleship entered the dark side of the planet.

The sudden changes in the external environment were displayed on the screen of the bridge in real time.

He immediately noticed the changes in the outside world.

Then Zhao Feng thought of the tidal locking that this planet was experiencing.

Staring at the endless darkness on the big screen, he nodded silently.

"This might be a good entry point."

. . .

'In order to follow the footsteps of the ancients, explore more mysteries of the universe, and for a more stable weightless environment, they chose to go deep into the center of the earth. ’

'Because the technology of the Daleros was too developed, they did not realize that destroying the core of the planet would slowly cause the magnetic field protection of the entire planet to fail. ’

‘Soon, no one on this planet will be able to escape the curse of space radiation. . . ’

Suddenly, Zhao Feng was startled. He seemed to have thought of something. The knowledge in his mind began to surge, and his mouth kept mumbling to himself.

The fragmented memories were sorted out in his mind instantly.

"The earth's core, the magnetic field, the planet's rotation, gravity, the electromagnetic shielding layer... Damn it! You're cheating!"

Zhao Feng suddenly cursed.

The seemingly inconspicuous thing made him suddenly understand the disaster that the planet was going to suffer.

And the underlying logic of why the Dalleros are so crazy.

The cause of everything must start in June 1935 of the New Calendar. . .

The ruins of the ancient ones have allowed the people of Daleros to achieve rapid development.

But the biological mothership buried in some ruins on this planet also makes it impossible for them to explore space alive.

Excessive radiation and racial defects prevent all astronauts from surviving for more than a month.

But it is obvious that they must have successfully entered the deep universe in space.

Otherwise, we would not find another way and choose to dig downwards to accelerate the orbit directly to the center of the earth.

Use the weightless environment there to follow the footsteps of the ancients.

Of course, this paragraph was speculated by Zhao Feng, but he felt that the accuracy should be very high.

It also makes sense to smooth things out according to time points.

It must be the advanced portal technology and acceleration orbit technology before we can explore the ruins in the Rock Star Sea at depth level 3.

Only then will there be those outrageous “black technologies” behind.

The reason why the items brought out from the ruins are so abused.

Zhao Feng estimated that after the rapid development of technology in the later period, the Daleros people also realized the price of their madness.

The instability of the Earth's core will cause the planet's magnetic field to weaken, and the climate will also change accordingly.

After they predicted that the planet would be "inevitably" destroyed, they started going crazy.

'Um. . . Previous conjectures about the "lifespan temptation" appear to be wrong. ’

‘Yes, the people of Daleros seem to be more interested in researching technology than their own lives, and their previous views on them were too arbitrary. . . ’

If things go right like this, the so-called cultivation of zombie viruses is probably a risky move on their part.

It should be to prepare in advance for the disaster of the planet's magnetic field disappearing and cosmic radiation annihilating the world in a few hundred years.

Zhao Feng could imagine that the initial deduction of the virus was only carried out on a very small scale.

Taking advantage of the evolutionary variation of viruses may cause disease.

However, these viruses will also have certain adaptive effects on the host's body, promoting the development and evolution of the body's immune system, thereby enhancing resistance to viruses and even resistance to the outside world.

Perfect your genes.

Just like [Titan Laboratory], everything was progressing slowly according to plan in the beginning.

But there is a fatal problem. The iteration of the virus and the body's adaptation and update are all carried out on a yearly basis.

If you want the virus to evolve to the point where it can resist radiation, it will take 3 to 500 years to achieve the capabilities of ordinary viruses, which will definitely not meet the requirements.

But they don't have 500 years left, so they must be more radical.

But the motion to speed up the evolution of the virus should never be passed.

Perhaps it was the ruins of the ancient ones that gave the people of Dalleros confidence, and technologies such as the stacking enhancement device and the protein processing center that they could not even imagine gave them the confidence to continue exploring.

But accident is something that no life can control.

The Daleros people who were exploring the ruins of the Ancient One certainly would not have imagined that there was a great horror buried here.

And everything unexpectedly started at the moment when the door where the activated rock BOSS was located was opened.

If expected, there should be no activation effect except for the ruins of the ancient ones.

Otherwise, the base would not be built at all. It should be a strange mechanism that was triggered after they encountered the BOSS.

The companions continued to die in strange ways, so they had to hastily seal off the scene and retreat to the periphery of the ruins to wait for support from their companions.

But it was already too late, and retreating would actually mean waiting for death.

In fact, everything Zhao Feng has experienced has proved this point.

Not only did they fail to wait for rescue, they were all "infected" with the activation effect and turned into strange rock creatures.

Now turn your perspective back to the surface world.

The [Exploration City] will definitely know about the problems that occur in the deep universe and send a support team.

The people who can be supported are just meat buns beating dogs.

With their technology, they can only use in-depth methods. It is too difficult to build another acceleration orbit and portal in the Rock Star Sea.

But for the "life-saving straw" that may exist in the ruins.

They can only pay for it with human lives.

Zhao Feng could even imagine how desperate the Daleros people would be when they arrived at the Rock Star Sea.

Facing the immortal petrified life, the weapons in their hands are just a handful of fire sticks.

Eventually, they will discover a way to contain the animated rock.

But that is also the cruelest method.

The energy of living things is limited.

Every inadvertent blink or lack of concentration in a state of fatigue can lead to the death of a teammate.

And death means assimilation.

The final outcome is that they all become the same kind.

‘Fuck, I’m just asking, why are there so many monsters coming in later? Co-authorship, is it all done through fueling tactics? ’

. . .

When the top management of Dalleros realized that they had completely lost this "life-saving straw".

You have to consider other self-rescue methods.

In terms of materials, they cannot completely resist cosmic radiation.

Then the only way left is genetic enhancement.

In fact, the Daleros people were right to make a desperate move and take the path of strengthening their racial genes.

Their mistake was to overuse the technology of the Ancients.

If it's just for screening genes and directed evolution, maybe they still have a chance.

Although it is said that in the process of civilization development, it is unreliable to rely on luck throughout the process.

But no one can say for sure about luck.

If they get really lucky, like in the Resident Evil world, it is possible to produce a natural evolution and breed an "Alice" belonging to the Daleros people.

Originally, they still had a chance to cultivate their own civilized "Alice".

The abuse of the stackable enhancement device and the protein processing center caused them to completely lose the opportunity.

Zhao Feng guessed that they should have only conducted virus evolution experiments on a small scale before.

After all, there is not even recorded information.

But later, from the information given in Civilization Notes, it can be clearly seen.

In order to speed up the process, they began to poison on a large scale.

With the emergence of mutants, their poisoning efficiency began to gradually escalate.

Zhao Feng estimated that it might be because the mutant was not strong enough to resist the invasion of cosmic radiation.

But at least they saw "hope."

For that somewhat deformed hope, they improved the protein processing center and evolved the zombie virus to become more powerful and deadly.

It will be easier to use the life enhancement function of the superimposed enhancement device later to iterate faster.

They want to race against time to leave this doomed planet.

Later, the population base became smaller and smaller, and the existence they expected, like "Alice" in the Resident Evil movie, did not appear at all.

Even everyone's genes have been contaminated, and everyone's final fate is just to become a zombie, or a higher-level zombie.

Wisdom will depart from them.

Barbarism and disorder will once again rule the planet.

It is at this time that the interesting point comes.

The desperate Daleros people "accidentally" discovered biological warship technology.

Everyone knows what happened next.

Resurrecting Kansandra, he wants to purify the planet through the biological mothership, and even leave here.

But what's the result? He didn't leave a word behind and just escaped into the Dark Star Sea at Level 8. He walked away so easily.

And because Daleros chose the wrong path, the radiation in outer space will not decrease at all even if Cansandra leaves.

What is left to them is deformity, mutation, deformity, mutation, an endless cycle.

Genetic improvement is far away, the desperate attempt failed, and the biological mothership "defected".

The Daleros people were completely destroyed after choosing "shortcuts" again and again.

. . .


Heaving a sigh of relief, Zhao Feng felt that his current guess was the closest to the truth.

Because the human nature he considered before was based on the people on Earth.

Once brought into the state shown by the Daleros, there will actually be some deviations.

Fortunately, Zhao Feng had a sudden burst of inspiration and finally smoothed everything out on this planet.

Of course, there are some details that he hasn't figured out yet.

But it doesn't matter anymore, Zhao Feng is very satisfied at this time~

He even felt that his thoughts had become much smoother.

The only thing that was a little annoying was that the mess that the Dalleros left him was a little too big!

He could already imagine what a disaster he would encounter after this trial mission.

In comparison, these zombies and mutant creatures are really just childish.

(Tip: Congratulations to you for brainstorming the history of this planet, and the accuracy rate is more than 85%. Your knowledge has increased.)

【Ding! Congratulations to the player Zhao Feng, because of his constant thinking and learning, his knowledge +40]

[Current Knowledge: 51]

(Tip: When your knowledge reaches 51 points, when analyzing the drawings, there will be a 5.1% probability of successful analysis without consumption)

‘! ! ! ’

‘Brain supplement YYDS! ’

‘How come I have such a long head? tql! Sooner or later, I will be satisfied with the knowledge attribute. ’

After being excited for a while, Zhao Feng calmed down a little.

He began to think about the next development path.

Deducing the background information of this planet and obtaining attribute points is not the primary purpose.

The essence of derivation is to make predictions for the next development.

First of all, he must take precautions in advance for some disasters that may occur next.

Secondly, the fate of the Daleros people also reminded Zhao Feng that he must do things in moderation.

. . .

'Um. . . Then the focus of next development should shift a little bit. ’

Carefully recall the time information displayed on the terminal.

‘791 years should have passed since the Daleros destroyed the core of this planet. ’

‘This planet will last longer than the remaining lifespan they estimated! ’

'Why. . . What a pity. If they were cultivated slowly and without such radical methods, maybe they might actually succeed. . . ’

Shaking his head, now that he had come to a conclusion, Zhao Feng no longer thought about the problem of the Daleros people.

Seeing the Three Kingdoms shed tears and worrying about the ancients was of no use to him.

Just take it as a warning, your own development is the top priority.

‘The previous speculation that disasters such as major earthquakes would occur is just an appearance. ’

‘The essence is the chain reaction caused by the destruction of the earth’s core. ’

‘Next, let’s follow normal development. . . ’

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