Furthermore, the radar system on the shuttle is not a decoration, and it should be easy to find other earth players on the surface.

Even if the radar resolution is low and cannot be found, it can still be enhanced!

If Lv.1 doesn't work, go to Lv.2. If Lv.2 doesn't work, just go to Lv.5.

At Lv.5 level, that is an additional 250% increase in basic attributes!

Anyway, no matter what you do, having a shuttle is very efficient.

And Zhao Feng summed up his own development pattern early on.

Materials → Energy → Production Building Level → Technology → Battleship → Materials → Energy. . . .

Just like the diagram above, as long as he continues to complete this positive cycle, he can continue to become stronger.

Of course, Zhao Feng also wanted to stay at home, so he took care of everything.

Who doesn’t want to feel comfortable?

But the mineral resources in the underground airport are relatively average, mainly basic minerals.

Most of them are low-purity mixed raw ore, iron ore, copper ore and the like.

If you want to develop, you can only explore outside.

. . .

Click [Maintenance Robot Factory] to choose to produce Lv.2 maintenance robots.

There is no option to produce Level 1 maintenance robots.

I didn’t choose the latest Level 3 maintenance robot either.

Zhao Feng chose the Level 2 maintenance robot, which was the most cost-effective.

Because as mentioned before, the bonus is not a multiplicative superposition, but the consumption is a multiplicative superposition.

Therefore, the Level 2 maintenance robot happens to be the most cost-effective product.

Anyway, energy is renewable, and it is the resource with the largest reserves and output.

It’s not painful at all to use.

Staring at the Level 2 output of 16 units in 24 hours, Zhao Feng continued to consume hope points to accelerate it.

‘Eight Lv.2 robots can be upgraded to Lv.5. ’

He was calculating data in his mind, and his hands were constantly moving.

Open the building list and check the number of robots required for the Technology Research and Development Center.

'Um. . . Do you need 5 units? That would require 40 Level 2 maintenance robots. ’

‘There are also silicon crystals, which require silicon and rare elements. There are very few rare elements now. . . ’

Controls the robot factory to speed up the production of 40 Level 2 maintenance robots.

At the same time, he ran non-stop to the workshop responsible for refining rare earth ores, accelerating like crazy.

After 3 seconds, all 400 units of rare earth ore will be refined into rare elements.

Looking at the bottled rare elements being pushed out, he expressed great confusion.

He picked it up and shook it, staring at the rare element with a scale of only 5 liters. The confusion in his eyes deepened.

‘With a rare earth ore conversion ratio of 25%, I can understand that only 100 units of rare elements can be produced. ’

'but! Is this a little bit like 100 units? ’

He shook the bottle again, feeling the power of feedback in his hand, and frowned slightly.

‘The specific gravity is definitely not as high as water, maybe not even 4 kilograms. . . ’

Although he was confused, he still pushed all the rare elements and nearly a thousand units of silicon into the feed port.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t know the proportions. The plug-in has reminded you that this is the default material.

As a mature [Mineral Refining Workshop], Zhao Feng believed that it could adjust itself and choose the best ratio.

With the operation of the equipment, the refining workshop did not disappoint Zhao Feng.

After being tested by the internal instruments of the device, the refining option of [Silicon Crystal] popped up on the panel.

Click with your left hand to confirm refining, and select the desired acceleration value with your right hand.

As the equipment trembled, 100 silicon crystals and about 200 pieces of silicon were pushed out.

‘It seems that the ratio of rare elements to silicon is 1:4. . . It’s really just right! ’

Put all the supplies into storage again.

Then he went to the B5 floor and chose to build the [Technology R\u0026D Center] next to the drawing analysis room.

Of course, construction is still accelerated.

Soon, a small building with an extremely technological sense appeared in front of him.

It's not a high-tech room like the blueprint analysis room, but similar to the pyramids of ancient Egypt, only super small.

After the building was completed, Zhao Feng took out a shuttle and placed it aside, and selected reverse derivation on the HUD panel of the [Technology Research and Development Center].

As he finished clicking, the top of the pyramid-shaped building split to both sides.

A black and thick metal probe protruded from the middle.

After the probe was raised about 2 meters high, the green fan-shaped beam scanned the surroundings in detail.

At the same time, a bar of data pops up on the HUD panel.

[Reverse derivation mode turned on]

【Scanning. . . 】

[After scanning, please select the technological artifact that needs to be deduced]

(Tip: You can use multiple pieces of the same item to increase your success rate.)

(Note: The item will disappear regardless of whether the derivation is successful or not.)

(Suggestion: Consuming hope value can increase the success rate of derivation.)

[1. Rocket gloves, success rate: 20%, time required: 5 hours]

(800,000 hope value increased to 100%)

[2. Drilling laser, success rate: 30%, time required: 3 hours]

(Requires 700,000 hope points)

[Type 3.09 biological shield, success rate: 0%]

(requires pre-requisite biotechnology and colonization technology)

[Type 4.09 biological eye, success rate: 0%]

(requires pre-requisite biotechnology and colonization technology)

[5. Imperial Power Sword, success rate: 0%]

(The additional enhancement mode of "Spear of Sparta" needs to be removed.)

[6. Frigate-class shuttle [Kite], success rate: 1%, time required: 24 hours]

(Requires 9.9 million hope points to be consumed)

‘Hey guys, it’s 10 times more expensive than ordinary equipment, is that okay? ’

Complaints are complaints, but he still raised his hand and decisively clicked on the sixth option.

As for the drilling laser, he planned to use the broken one as a "sacrifice"

This can also save a lot of maintenance costs, killing two birds with one stone.

As for the rocket gloves on your hands, you need to separate the pulse laser and then push back one by one.

The chain sword was not analyzed in the end, let alone~

This kind of melee weapon is not suitable for rookies, but veterans don't need it.

Only "elites" with special abilities like Zhao Feng would use this thing.

The technology in it may be that the single molecular blade has some effect.

It's just tasteless.

. . .

3 seconds later, when all 9.96 million hope points were consumed.

All the technical drawings related to [Kite] have been analyzed.

There are several more technologies than what Zhao Fengcai knows about the aircraft.

In addition to small deep space radars, smart hosts, reactors, life support systems, energy storage, and ion thrusters, there are many more.

[Tactical system: maneuverable thruster], [ion thruster], [restricted modification: civilian-grade hull], and the soul of the shuttle [AI coordinated control system]

The accessories involved in each component technology, such as smart chips and other manufacturing information are also included.

It can be said to be very complete.

At this moment, Zhao Feng was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

His current stage goal has been accomplished.

Next, he can finally strengthen the shuttle with confidence~

. . .

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