Survival on the Star Sea: Starting from a small broken ship and becoming stronger

Chapter 101 Speculations about strange events and the rapid implementation of infrastructure! 【5000

‘First complete the level advancement mission, push the talent [Drill] to the next limit, and then consider using the hope value to add points, which is the right choice. ’

It won’t take a few days anyway, just get the nuclear fuel, just be patient for a while!

Suddenly Zhao Feng thought of something and slid the skill page to the attack tab.

He stared at the [Introduction to Attack] and fell into deep thought.

‘This skill is also a basic introduction type. After it reaches Lv.10, it will definitely be the same as [Defense Introduction], with three types of bonuses. ’

‘In order to maximize benefits, the [Adaptive] bonus is a must, but according to the previous wave, the effect of essentially improving it will inevitably increase attributes related to attack power. ’

Think carefully about your own attributes that can be counted as attack power. . .

'Strength, agility and. . . Spirit! At that time, everything will receive a 10% bonus. . . ’

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a chill running down his spine.

10% of the attack, after the [Adaptive] bonus, will increase strength and agility by 1 point respectively.

As for the mental attributes, after receiving the doubling effect of [Deep Space Gaze], the attribute bonus will be increased to 20%.

Equivalent to +8 mental attributes on the spot

41+8 is not only enough to trigger a weird event, but also extends a leg to the threshold of the next stage of weird events.

He let out a sigh of relief, and Zhao Feng secretly rejoiced.

'Fortunately, I restrained my desire and didn't rush to pile up skills without thinking. If I didn't add them randomly, I might really kill myself. ’

'well. . . If only there wasn't the threat of weird happenings. ’

Thinking of the strange incident, Zhao Feng couldn't help but start to think about its nature.

‘Based on the information obtained from previous explorations in the ruins of the Ancients, as well as the various hints given by the plug-in, it is not difficult to deduce some information. ’

'First of all, the "parents" were marked as "food" because they were targeted by the ancient gods, and they could not be removed. They were being hunted all the time, and the intensity of being hunted became stronger and stronger as time went by. ’

‘In order to protect my young self, they chose to give up their lives and trade their brains with the “Sea Urchin Head Crab Man” of the Truth Clan. . . ’

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng couldn't help but recall the guy he saw during the ancient man's test of will.

‘Well, let’s call it “Sea Urchin Head”, it’s more vivid! Let’s call them that for now. They look so weird, so it’s weird to call them the Truth Clan. ’

‘Maybe it’s also some believers of ancient gods. . . ’

Take back some stray thoughts and analyze the parts you just straightened out.

'The content of their transaction should be to use the brains of 'psychic people', this rare item as currency, to reach a contract through something called "cosmic truth", and transfer the talent of mental power to their children, that is On my body. ’

‘And maybe, of the three advanced abilities that the system asked me to choose, two of them were owned by my parents. ’

‘This also explains why my spiritual abilities have doubled growth and unfathomable attribute limits, because their talents are superimposed on me. ’

After reaching this point, Zhao Feng finally had a rough judgment on the principle of the strange incident.

Why do we encounter disaster every time we add points?

Quite simply, it should involve mental abilities.

[Interference with reality]

How exactly it was done, he didn't know.

Because he didn't choose this ability at the beginning, he didn't know the specific method of using it.

But Zhao Feng still roughly understood part of the most basic principles through plug-ins.

After changing reality through the skill [Interference with Reality].

The caster will inevitably suffer repercussions from the real world.

Every time he adds points and doubles them, it can actually be regarded as using [Interference with Reality].

Although I don’t know why it will explode after reaching the value of 5.

But isn’t the feedback from that weird event like the real world’s backlash as described in the Jiju plug-in description?

But the backlash has become weaker.

Yes, it has become weaker. Although the disaster seems to be quite severe, it has actually become weaker.

According to the information previously given by the plug-in, only the caster should be the one to bear the backlash, but now it is equivalent to letting the surrounding environment also bear the backlash.

The only last doubt.

The interfered reality will be restored over time.

That is to say, normally, the doubling effect will end after a certain period of time, and his attributes will return to normal.

But Zhao Feng is not like this now. His attributes are completely recognized by the Xinghai System.

Star Ocean System, what is that?

According to the information given by Kansandra, it is something formed by the self-awareness of the Star Sea Universe.

To be recognized by the system is to be recognized by the universe.

After smoothing his thoughts to this point, Zhao Feng finally realized how powerful that "cosmic truth" really was.

Slowly taking a breath, he estimated that his guess might be slightly different, but it should be essentially the same.

He stood there and waited for a while.

No response from the plug-in was received.

Frowning, he couldn't help but think to himself.

'guessed wrong? ’

But he immediately thought of another thing. The plug-in never seemed to warn in advance of the disaster caused by adding points. It could only give on-the-spot reminders after being in danger, but the nature of the disaster was not mentioned at all.

Thinking of this, a light flashed in his eyes.

‘Could it be that [Deep Space Staring] and plug-ins are on the same level, and the two cannot interfere. ’

‘Or maybe [Deep Space Gazing] is a higher existence than “plug-ins”. . . ’

But no matter what Zhao Feng thought, the plug-in just kept silent.

It feels like saying: "Guess, guess whatever you want, I will say one thing and I will lose."

Without a positive response from the plug-in, his thoughts can only be "reasonable" guesses.

Is guessing useful?

In fact, it is useful. At least you know what level you will face in the future.

Don't fail to recognize yourself and think you are very strong, but after a wave of Aces, you hit GG.

However, he had a feeling that this wave of guesses should be close to the correct answer.

Zhao Feng still believes in that kind of mysterious perception.

After a while, he finished thinking and let out a sigh of relief.

"Huh... What is the truth of this universe? What are the ancient gods? The dangers in the deep layers?... Interesting, really interesting. It seems that we can't rush to explore deeper spaces, we still have to try honestly. Get the benefits out of training!”

‘As for what Kansandra said faster, it should be calculated based on its own lifespan. The time scale is estimated to be more reliable in years. ’

‘So there’s no need to be too anxious, you have to be steady now, lay a solid foundation first, and set a small goal! What I should do is to qualify in first place in all subsequent trials and secure all the hope points at the same time. ’

The more you argue, the clearer your principles become, and your thinking becomes clearer and clearer.

I had been in crisis before and had no time to think about this.

Now that it was safe, Zhao Feng, who had time to sort out all his thoughts, finally figured out the way forward.

No more running around like a headless fly like when you first came here.

He let out a long breath again, and he felt that the depression hidden in his heart relaxed a little.

Raise your hand and assign the free learning thread to the defensive [Introduction to Armor Strengthening]

Since he has to lay the foundation, his current goal is to infinitely strengthen his defense.

His attack power is really strong enough.

To put it bluntly, no one on the ground can match him.

If there is a natural disaster, he can stop even a meteor shower!

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng closed the skills page and opened the building tab.

‘Skills have been developed in a wave, and now it’s time for infrastructure construction. . . ’

First click on your existing building.

I glanced at the [Geothermal Power Station], [(Automated) Mineral Refining Workshop], and [(Specialized) Robot Factory] that were marked as upgradeable.

He raised his hand and clicked one by one. Looking at the resources required for their upgrade, Zhao Feng nodded.

‘It’s okay, the upgrade only requires 100% of the original resources, and does not consume additional materials. Although the upgrade time has been doubled, the efficiency has also been doubled. ’

For example, [Geothermal Power Station] was upgraded from Lv.1 to Lv.2

The original upgrade time was 4 hours, but now it has become 8 hours.

Energy output has been increased from 360 to 720.

The materials needed are just the price of building another [geothermal power station].

It seems reasonable.

Touching his chin, Zhao Feng directly upgraded all 5 geothermal power stations to Lv.2.

When he finished making his selection, a warning message from the base suddenly popped up in front of him.

【warn! warn! warn! Your Excellency, Commander, the energy supply of the underground airport is insufficient, all equipment is out of service, and only the basic life support system is retained]

[Remaining working time of the life support system: 10 hours]

He was stunned as he stared at the warning message in front of him, and then he realized what was happening.

'Depend on! I’m used to looking at data all the time, and I really treat the world like a game. ’

In essence, the star sea world is no different from reality, it just has some digital things.

The upgrade of power stations must also comply with the Basic Law.

After all, have you ever seen a real-life power station expand its capacity without shutting down?

Sighing, he had no choice but to spend 40 hours of acceleration to complete the [Geothermal Power Station] instantly.

The consumption is nothing, not even a fraction of the skill, it's all a lesson learned.

At least he understands one thing. You can have reasonable guesses about the world, but you can never make assumptions about the world based on subjectivity.

Xinghai is not a "game".

Just for a few seconds he paused to reflect on himself.

The call came.

Although, I was not able to see those geothermal power stations completed instantly.

But he has experienced the efficiency of hope value firsthand.

Just like using it on skills, it's ridiculously strong.

At the same time as the call came in, the warning prompt in front of me disappeared instantly, as if nothing had happened just now.

After the small interlude, Zhao Feng continued to improve the other two buildings.

However, he did not choose to upgrade them all, but only upgraded a refining workshop and an excavation robot factory.

Then he opened the secondary menu and stared at the other three newly opened buildings.

[Equipment Manufacturing Workshop], [Laboratory], [Maintenance Station]

Look at these three buildings one by one again.

Make sure that all required resources are fully stocked in the base.

Turning his head to look at the remaining space in the production area, Zhao Feng frowned slightly and did not build it here.

Instead, he chose to turn around and go out, taking the elevator down to the 400-meter-deep B5 floor.

The construction here has not been completed, there is not even a gate, there is only an empty hall wide open.

The hall is simple, supported by a steel structure.

As for alloy flooring? Alloy walls? Simple control system? Sorry, the construction has not been completed yet, there are none of these~

At the very end of the hall, there is a safety staircase

It looks like it should be used for emergency escape.

I didn't go over to see what was under the stairs.

Because Zhao Feng has already found out the purpose of this layer through the detailed information of the base.

The B5 floor is divided into upper and lower floors. In the original design, it was specially used to park shuttles or larger spaceships.

For example: heavy frigates, small cruise ships, light destroyers, cargo ships and the like.

After all, it is a small airport, with limited carrying, supply and launch capabilities.

Of course, it is completely enough for Zhao Feng~

As for parking a spaceship or something, he thought it would be enough to just keep the lower half of the floor.

He doesn't have that many spaceships. As for the more than 20 [kites] in his backpack, once they are superimposed and strengthened, there will be basically nothing left.

It's a bit of a waste to leave such a large hangar empty.

It would be more practical to transform the upper half of B5 into a scientific research and manufacturing area.

In fact, he did the same thing. When he came to the corner, he photographed the three buildings side by side against the wall without hesitation.

Almost at the same time as the photo was taken, the corresponding transformation mode given by the plug-in also appeared in front of Zhao Feng's eyes.

(Buildings under construction were detected... 3 buildings in total)


(Scanning completed... the building can be renovated by consuming additional resources.)


(Option 1, drawing analysis room, does not require additional consumption of materials. This building has no other functions except analyzing drawings. The analysis success rate is additionally increased: 10%)

(Option 2, combat laboratory, requires alloy x200, silicon crystal x100, smart chip x1, maintenance robot x10, and opens the combat specialization technology tree.)

(Option 3, Technology R\u0026D Center, requires alloy x200, silicon crystal x100, normal temperature superconductor x50, smart chip x2, Lv.5 maintenance robot x5, technology products can be deduced in reverse, and a comprehensive technology tree will be opened)

(Plan 4, Hyperspace Laboratory, superconducting material x1000, nanomaterial x500, quantum chip x100, dark matter x100, ???x50, space technology technology tree, vacuum zero-point energy technology tree)

‘If you don’t want me to build you up, don’t list it. Is it interesting to covet me? ’

While complaining, he directly ignored the fourth plan.

Staring at the third set of transformation plans derived from the laboratory, Zhao Feng couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

‘Technology R\u0026D Center, reverse derivation? ’

‘If we leave one shuttle behind and conduct reverse derivation, wouldn’t we be able to directly obtain the corresponding accessories and main body manufacturing technology? ’

‘The only trouble is that the demand for smart chips is too high! Doesn’t this force me to dismantle the ship? ? ’

Thinking of this, he made a calculation in his mind.

‘Of the 20 shuttles, 16 will be left for superimposition and reinforcement, 3 will be dismantled for smart chips, and one will be left for reverse derivation. . . Forehead? It's just enough? ’

Although the key components are just enough, he still lacks silicon crystals and room temperature superconductors, so he can only build the [Drawing Analysis Room] first

As for the missing resources, he will make unified arrangements at the end.

According to the priority, the overall technology will be improved one by one.

Now, let's take it step by step.

As he finished clicking, the blueprint analysis room was surrounded by an energy network, and the construction time that popped up at the same time would take a full 24 hours.

Smacking his lips, Zhao Feng looked at the [Equipment Manufacturing Workshop] next to him and prayed in his heart.

‘Brother Gua is awesome! The whole point requires simple materials. ’

It seemed that he really heard Zhao Feng's prayer. After this wave of plans popped up, he couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise when he saw the need for transformation.

(Option 1, weapons manufacturing workshop, additional consumption of repair robot x2, alloy x50, copper x10, all types of weapon manufacturing speed increased by 20%, white quality weapon blueprints will be given randomly.)

(Option 2, armor manufacturing workshop, additional consumption of repair robots x2, alloy x50, copper x10, individual armor and armor manufacturing speed increased by 20%, white quality defense equipment blueprints will be given randomly.)

(Option 3, module component manufacturing workshop, additional consumption of Lv.3 maintenance robot x2, alloy x50, silicon crystal x50, and free functional component drawings)

(Option 4, small spacecraft construction workshop, energy consumption increased by 500%, additional consumption of Lv.7 maintenance robot x50, Lv.7 construction robot x50, smart chip x2, alloy x500, silicon crystal x200 (silicon crystal can be obtained through Lv.2 Purify silicon in the mineral refining workshop and add rare elements to obtain it), any spaceship blueprint x1)

(Can produce: frigates, heavy frigates, cruise ships, merchant ships, armed merchant ships, light destroyers.)

(ps: the free drawings are only valid for the first time)


Looking at the four plans given by the plug-in, Zhao Feng was overjoyed.

‘First time! First time! I finally understood all the things required in the last plan. ’

The renovation plans for the previous buildings, especially the last one.

That's as perverted as you want.

Not only have I never heard the material, but I can't even guess it, so it just stands out as a difficult topic.

This transformation is much more down-to-earth. At least he has seen all the resources required.

Also know how to get it.

Except for the drawings, which are a bit difficult to produce, basically all other materials can be made.

In fact, the blueprints are not difficult to make, as long as the [Technology Research and Development Center] reverse thrust shuttle [Kite] is built.

It can be said that the industrial closed loop is directly completed.

As for the Level 7 robot, that's not a problem either.

He has the [Super Overlay Strengthening Device·Modification] to build a Level 7 robot. Isn’t it easy?

He nodded silently in his mind, keeping all the missing resources in mind.

Zhao Feng then chose option 2 [Armor Manufacturing Workshop] that could meet the construction conditions.

After the selection was completed, the same energy network rose from the ground, tightly wrapping the [Armor Manufacturing Workshop], and the 18-hour construction began.

Zhao Feng is very satisfied with the renovation of the first two buildings.

Regarding the renovation plan for the maintenance station, he looked at it with great anticipation.

Taking a quick glance, what comes into view are two transformation plans.

‘This Jane. . . . Um? ? ? ’

. . .

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