Chapter 40

When I first came outside, I met Wenpin.

“How is Wenpin? Are there any monsters?”

“Back to the master, I haven’t seen any monsters so far.”

“Oh? If you look at it this way, there is probably no monster at night.”

“Just in case, keep on patrolling.”


Turned around.

It was found that the person responsible for fishing did not catch humans again.

It’s still the same as before.

“It seems that this phenomenon only occurs during the day, does it happen in Christmas Eve mode?”

This is also good news for him.

After all, at night, if something happens, it will always make people uneasy to sleep.

at the same time.

It is also found that the refresh rate of the floating soil has increased again.

After statistics.

Only during the day, plus night fishing.

In order to obtain more than 30 pieces of floating soil.

If calculated by quantity.

Ordinary people can catch a piece a day.

“How do you feel, this is advancing speed? Is there going to be a war?”

This suspicion is not without reason.

If it’s just a simple survival.

Can persist until now.

Almost no problem.

The wastes are almost all dead.

Those who stayed have enough experience to survive.

“If you add one person per day, you can add 10 in these 10 days.”

“The other survivors have speeded up invisibly, the progress of development.”

“If nothing happens, everyone behind will start a new round of construction.”

The aura in his mind suddenly flashed.

Walk quickly towards the aloe.

At this time, he was helping others, looking for Yun Tuan.



“During the two days of fishing, did the iron weapons decrease?”

“Uh…! It seems to be a lot less, what’s the matter? Does the master need it?”

Waved his hand.

“It’s okay, I just ask!”

After speaking, he turned and left.

Came to the material depository.

Open the mall.

Hang up your own supermarket entrance directly.

[Supermarket entrance] Remarks: Only accept all kinds of metals.

One to the six-pointed star array to open.

All kinds of snacks are put in.

These things have no effect on him.

In the next four weeks, various trading materials began to light up.

“Wenpin, bring all your people here!!”


Start making constant choices.

Piles of metal appeared out of thin air.

This is what he intends to purchase frantically.

Pile all kinds of metals on the existing vacant land.

“Master, what do we need to do?”

“Classify all these metals and stack them together!”


The number of people is powerful, and it is vividly manifested.

He used to pile up these metals on his own, and he was half tired.

But now 11 people are helping, and he can almost catch up with the speed of his transaction.

“Huh? Is there a coal mine?”

It was the first time he saw that coal mines appeared in the trading mall.

Shouted into the distance.

“Aloe, did you catch a coal mine?”

Aloe ran over because of lack of voice.

“Master, what is the coal mine you are talking about?”

Suddenly he felt full of black lines.

“It’s black, something like dirt.”

“It turns out that this thing is called a coal mine, and there are many others.”

At this time, I really want to spew out a mouthful of old blood.

“Where? Take me to see!”

“Uh…! I thought it was useless, all piled up on a separate piece of land that I expanded.”

“Let’s go, go and take a look!”

When to come to the place that aloe refers to?

Only then discovered that his original small bridge had become a huge piece of land.

Just a brief look, it is estimated to be about 200 square meters.

I just feel… a row of black lines sticking out of my head.

“Why do you use all the floating soil here?”

Mainly recently, the land has expanded too fast.

He didn’t even notice the situation here.

“Uh…! I’m getting older, and I think it’s troublesome to run, so I’ve been fishing here.”

“…Don’t do that next time, I need to make the sky island form a whole.”

“Otherwise the overall planning will be very troublesome.”

“Understood, Master!”

Open a pile of wrapping cloth.

Sure enough, there are mountains of coal mines inside.

“When did these start fishing?”

“From today, I forgot to ask Xu Huang later, so I have been piled here.”

“Then the coal mine should be piled up temporarily. Don’t use floating soil, just fill this one place. I need to expand as a whole, understand?”

“Yes, master!”

This is also an unexpected surprise.

Came to the pond again.

The pond here is almost finished.

“Xu Huang, don’t crush the soil you dug up.”

“Tomorrow the coal will be transported and mixed together to make coal.”


“Yes, it is a substitute for firewood, coal and soil plus water, the three are mixed together.”

“As for the proportional distribution, you can watch it when you arrive!”


Looking at the scene, there is a kind of unspeakable joy.

With a hand, many things are much easier.

With the increase of personnel.

The consumption of wood is also very scary.

No more new ways of burning fire.

For the future…it’s a troublesome thing.

Investigate everything again.

Go back to the room.

Soaked comfortably in a hot bath.

Lie on the bed and open the area to chat.

Edit information…

“Does anyone know the ancient methods of steelmaking? Ask for a detailed list. If so, you can talk privately for detailed discussions, and the price is good to discuss!!!”

send messages……

“Isn’t it? The great gods have started to make steel? Isn’t this too exaggerated?”

“It completely shocked me! The most basic thing in steelmaking is coal. Is it possible that the Great God has enough coal?”

“I haven’t caught coal until now…Where did the great god get it?”

“Surely the great god… is about to enter the industrial age.”

“It’s impossible to be too exaggerated. It’s just how many days are spent, and today only 21 days are over.”

“If the great god enters the industrial age, I will live broadcast and eat!”

“It feels that the gap with the big god is getting bigger and bigger. By the way, how is the 10 square big boss recently?”

“I don’t know, it’s estimated to be developing in the wretchedness, only he has the most hope to catch up with the great god!”

10 square boss: “ennn………I am sorry to tell you that this is an impossible thing. The great gods are ready to make steel, how can I chase this f*ck? I am not willing to light the fire at night, let alone Steelmaking.”



Watched and chatted for a while.

Finally received a private chat message.

No. 0237: “Great God, you can actually use the steel filling method.”

“Oh? Is there any technique for the steel filling method?”

No. 0237: “It’s very simple. Just fuse carbon and molten iron together. As for the specific ratio, you need to find out by yourself. However, during the firing process, pay attention to the tightness, otherwise the melting point will not be reached. In addition. …It’s better to burn with coal.”

“Okay, thank you, tell me what you need!”

No. 0237: “No, there is something to take care of the little girl in the future, just don’t forget it.”

It surprised him a little, but he didn’t expect that the other party was still a woman.

“Okay, thanks a lot!”

ps: 700 evaluation votes, this chapter is an additional chapter. .

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