Chapter 34

Sky Island survived the 20th day.

There was a heavy rain yesterday, and nothing special happened.

All went smoothly.

It’s just… a lot more large animals.

The name of God of Wealth is not a vain name.

There are 10 horses, and they are all 1.8-meter war horses.

There are 4 dairy cows, 3 buffaloes, 4 beef cattle and 1 yellow cattle. (The earliest one is also a scalper)

5 pigs.

Except for the two pigs, Xu Huang and Ye Hanshuang fished.

Others are all done by aloe vera alone.

Not a single small poultry, specializes in fishing for large goods.

Even Yun Fan didn’t know what to say.

Fortunately, this old man is also good at fishing floating soil.

Otherwise, there are so many poultry that really cannot be raised.

Early in the morning, I was awakened by the sounds of various animals.

Turn over and get out of bed.

Can’t help complaining.

“It’s really annoying to have too many livestock, I can’t sleep too late.”

“Master, what are you talking about?”

He turned to look at Yang Hui who was getting dressed.

“Nothing, get ready for breakfast!”


Open the window.

The dazzling sunlight came in instantly.

“Yes, it’s a good weather!”

After a brief wash, the two went to the living room.

I just ran into it on the road, Lan Keer who served food.

“What is delicious this morning?”

“Master is early! The vegetables that Mei’er planted yesterday have been cooked a lot, and the steamed buns I made today, as well as rice porridge!”

“Not bad! It’s been a long time since I had steamed buns, I want to eat a few more today, hahaha!!!”

Strode into the room.

The rice porridge just happened to be all the dishes.

“Eat all!”

Just after taking a few bites, I realized that I was missing someone.

“Huh…! Choi… Where’s the aloe?”

“Back to the master, Aloe got up early, saying that I can’t sleep when I am old, so I went out for a walk!”

“Well, don’t care about him, let’s eat first.”

“Lan Kerr, save him some food.”

“Know it!”

When eating, the aloe vera is estimated to smell scent.

Pi Diandian ran back.

After dinner, everyone chatted at will.

Yun Fan began to assign tasks.

“In the future, when fishing, other people are responsible for carrying fishing rods, and Aloe is responsible for throwing fishing rods.”

“Aloe, Ye Hanshuang, and Yang Hui, today the three of you are responsible for fishing. Wear your weapons and pay attention to safety!”


“Su Meier and Lan Keer are responsible for planting and breeding.”


“Xu Huang built a house with me today.”


Stand up. “Let’s start!”

Everyone began to get busy.

Today is a lot of things that need to be dealt with.

With Xu Huang, first came to the brick kiln.

“Bring two shovels!”


Yun Fan himself took the ladder, climbed to the top, and opened the skylight to dissipate heat.

Just opened.

A wave of heat hits his face.

“Huh…! Fortunately, hiding quickly, otherwise you will become a charcoal.”

Even so, the body was covered with smoke and dust.

After coming down, he shook his body.

Then I feel a little more comfortable.

“Master, what’s next?”

Take one of the shovel.

“Shovel all the mud on the door.”



A shovel down, it feels very firm.

But that’s it.

Can’t stop the power of the two at all.

One person waved a few times.

The dirt on the gate was removed.

You can already feel the heat wave inside, coming out of the gap.

“I’ll open the kiln!!!”


Is preparing to open.

I found that Xu Huang, a naive man, was standing in front of the door.

“Go and stay, there will be a heat wave when the kiln is opened, and you will be smoked by standing in front of you.”


Wait for Xu Huang to leave.

Pull the hemp rope tied to the handle with full force.



Billowing smoke flew out from inside.

Both of them stepped back a lot.

After a while, the smoke cleared, and then I walked over.

Feel it.

“The temperature is still too high, let’s build the house first, and come back later!”


Go back to your residence.

“Today, we will surround this courtyard. I will dig the foundation and you will carry the wood.”


First, I marked the gate in advance in the south position.

After all, it is the tradition of the ancients to sit north and face south.

Only then began to excavate.

Because it rained yesterday.

Today’s land is still wet.

The excavation process was also very smooth.

In just half an hour, the foundation of the new house was dug.

“Xu Huang, you will stand up the rough wood, and I will fill in the soil!”


This time the house is built.

The total area is 200 square meters.

Plus the empty space reserved in the middle.

The courtyard houses a total area of ​​square meters.

With roots of wood erected.

The walls of the house began to close at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“Master, why didn’t you dig the foundation in this section?”

Xu Huang pointed to a section of 4 meters long.

“That’s the location of the gate. When the house is built, build a double door here.”

“Oh! Leave it here for now, right?”

“Well, you go get the fine wood and wrapping cloth, prepare to build the top, and try to find the larger wrapping cloth.”


This is the door.

Yun Fan is going to make an indoor door.

Because the two houses are separated by aisles of 4 meters.

For structural stability.

Yun Fan started… put two wooden stakes in the middle of the aisle.

This also prevents too much weight.

As a load-bearing column.

After all, the top…rely on the support of the thin wood itself.

Can’t bear such a long distance.

Until close to noon.

The new house is finally completed.

Feeling that I lost all strength, I sat down on the ground.

“Huh!!” gasped.

Sweat dripped continuously from his cheeks.

Xu Huang on the side is not much better.

“Xu Huang, do you feel that today is hotter than usual.”

“Yes, Master! Khan has never stopped so far!”

Looked at the top of his head.

There is an oven-like sun.

I was a little worried.

“I hope that there will be no high temperatures in the next 10 days.”

I took two bottles of mineral water.

He threw a bottle to Xu Huang.

“Guru…! Guru…!” He took a few mouthfuls.

Pour all the remaining mineral water on your head.

This felt a lot cooler.

“Master, I fish for a human!!!”

Looked at the newly built house.

A smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

“Fortunately, the house is built today!!”

Stand up.

“Xu Huang, you have the rest of the painted wall!!”


Walked towards Ye Hanshuang.

At this time on the edge of Ye Hanshuang.

There is a strong man with his eyes closed.

Kneeling on the ground.

“Hey! Wake up!”

Yun Fan’s voice is like a key.

Make the other party wake up instantly.

Maybe the other party still kept it, the moment before it was put into the package.

When he opened his eyes, a sharp look was revealed.

“Tsk tusk tusk…! This look…pretty sure to kill people before!”


“What’s your name?”

“Back to the master, my name is Wenpin!!”

He speaks sonorously and powerfully.

When I heard Wenpin’s name.

I was shocked.

“Are Xu Huang and Wenpin both characters from the Three Kingdoms?”

Xu Huang appeared before.

He hasn’t thought so much yet.

“Can’t figure it out… Is there any law? But Aloe, Su Meier and others… are obviously not figures in history.”

“Forget it, it’s useless to think so much, it’s a good thing to have multiple helpers!”

ps: Reward and add more chapters. .

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