Chapter 113

Came to the edge of the empty island.

I just saw someone who was feeding the other person with water.

But no matter what.

The other party still closed his lips tightly.

I can’t feed the water anyhow.

Only apply some fresh water to the other person’s lips.

“Why is an old man?”

Looked at the little old man next to him again.

“This guy may be older than you!”

“Ahem…! Master, I am not old!”

“You can indeed say that you will not be old, because there is someone older than you.”

This person has white hair and white beard.

It must look like a fairy wind.

Step forward.

“Wake up!!!”

Open your eyes.

Plain and unwavering, just like an ordinary old man.

But those who can be awakened are certainly not so mediocre.

“In Xia Zuo Ci, I have seen the master!!!”

“Hi…! Good fellow, bring me a fairy!”

Zuo Ci. The famous alchemist at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty studied the art of alchemy, the five classics of the Ming Dynasty, and the latitude of the stars, and the Ming Liujia. Legends can drive ghosts and gods to sit and cook.

It can be said that during the Eastern Han Dynasty.

He is a legendary fairy.

“Zuo Ci, do you know Dao Shu?”

“Sorry, Master, I just woke up next time, my mind is still blank.”

“There has never been the Taoism you said.”

“Well, he gave you the aloe vera. I believe that the two of you are not very different in age and have a common language.”

Heard this sentence.

The face of aloe vera is full of wrinkles.

“Master, I am not old!!”

“Yes, knowing that you are not old, are you the youngest?”

Without turning his head back, he waved his hand and left.


New arrival survivor.

When stepping into the cloud island.

Only then did they truly appreciate the gap between the two sides.

“It turns out that those 300 spaceships are really not their full strength.”

“Yeah, I counted, and we saw hundreds of ships on our way here.”

“It’s really lively here, it’s like going to a shopping mall on the earth.”

“Huh?? They seem to use coins to pay.”

“Fan Long, what should we do if we don’t have any coins?”

Fan Long, who led the way, turned around and said with a smile to everyone.

“Haha, don’t worry, everyone, I will show you the environment here first.”

“When you came, didn’t you bring some resources? Later, you brought the resources to the Chamber of Commerce Center.”

“The staff there will give you all the resources, evaluate them, and convert them directly into coins!”

A survivor asked.

“Then they won’t kill our price?”

“No, those are clearly marked prices, and you can settle according to the list, unless you have some special products.”

“Of course…the price they bought will definitely not be high.”

“If you don’t find it bothersome, you can go to the back of the shop. One enters the trading market, rents a stall, and sells it yourself.”

“But…I don’t recommend you to do this. It’s better to buy a spaceship at that time. Run a lap in other places and make countless times more money.”

One asked curiously.

“Does the running business really make money like this?”

Looking at everyone’s suspicious eyes.

“Hahaha…! When on earth, we do business on a profit, percentage basis.”

“Here, all the goods sold by the runners are calculated as multiples of the cost price.”

“As for these products, will anyone want them? Don’t worry at all. You will naturally understand when you wander around in a while.”

There are many people.

He was also a businessman.

When I heard the news, my eyes became hot.

As the saying goes.

Achieve 50% profit.

You can take risks.

To achieve 100% profit, even on the battlefield, you have to go through it.

And the goods sold here can reach a profit of more than 300%. How to make them uneasy?

Some people have already begun to calculate that they can buy a few spaceships.

But there are also some people who live by and are rather shabby.


Who knows what’s next makes them excited.”We also have a bank here. If you don’t have enough money, you can raise funds to buy it.”

“As long as the down payment is 50%, and it will be paid off gradually, you can also get the spaceship in advance.”

“With the official testimony, there is no need to worry about the ownership of the spacecraft.”

This time the scene was completely boiling.

Discussed in groups.

At this moment, the sky gradually darkened.

The lights on the side of the road are on.

“Wow!!! There are so many street lights! There are so many lights.”

“It’s too exaggerated, it’s a city that never sleeps.”

“Look at the neon lights, and there were lights in the signs. How do you feel that you are back to the earth〃`.”

“It’s amazing here!”

“Fortunately, I am here, otherwise I am still struggling in the same place.”

“It smells so good, there seems to be a restaurant!!”

“Real cowhide, even the restaurant has it!!”

“Go, don’t be in a daze, let’s try it!”

Because there is no monitoring equipment.

To prevent theft from happening.

The entire cloud island.

At night, the lights will shine in every corner.

From time to time, you can see a group of soldiers patrolling around.

If it weren’t for the dark sky.

Can’t guess at all, it has entered the night at this moment.

If you look at it from a distance.

Cloud Island is like a huge luminous body.

Known as the city that never sleeps.

Not an exaggeration at all.

And in the depths of this darkness.

A huge empty island came slowly.

It is the 5 square chief who has been overdue.

5 square lords on the empty island.

It will be a lot shabby.

Total darkness.

Occasionally, one or two lights can be seen.

“Oh…!!! It’s another boring night, no cell phone, no computer, no TV.”

“Forget it, let Xiao Qi sleep with him!”

Just returned to the bedroom.

I heard a voice outside.

“Master!! We may have arrived at Yundao!!”

Heard the news.

Excited stride Meteor walked out.

“Really? How did you find it?”

“Master, I saw it!”

For a moment, he looked up at the sky.

It’s pitch black.

“Are you teasing me, the black light is blind, you see a ghost?”

“Master, please come with me!!”

Through the surrounding woods.

Came to the south of the sky island.

Without reminding him, he also saw the distant scenery.

“This…! f*ck…! I won’t cross again, am I? How could there be such a place?”

The lights are brilliant in the distance.

It’s like a modern city.

Around the sky island, you can also see beams of light, shooting into the distance.

“Master, on the other side…it seems like a spaceship is coming, with lights shining!”

“Master, there is a spaceship over there!!!”

“Master, there is also a spaceship to the west!!!”

The expression was slightly stunned, but he reacted quickly.

“Hurry up and let the sky island stop!!”


Fortunately, the speed of Sky Island is not fast.

Once the big windmill stops.

The sky island also stopped.

“Who are you? Why do you suddenly appear here at night?”

Hear the shouts.

The 5 square chief knew that the opponent should be a patrol member.

Echo channel.

“My name is Kaifan…Uh…! Others call me 5 square boss!!”

“You guys wait a moment here!!”

After a while.

There was another voice from the spaceship.

“You can station here. If you want to go to Yundao now, you can take our spacecraft.”

Kai Fan was very surprised. “Could it be that there are survivors on the opponent’s spacecraft, how can the news be confirmed so quickly?”

“Don’t be so troublesome, I have a spaceship myself, just follow you!”

“That’s fine, follow the lights, hurry up!!”

Kaifan is for safety’s sake.

Still brought hundreds of soldiers.

Take a spaceship.

Follow behind the patrol team.

Yang Yanlang and Tian Feng accompanied him.

As the distance gets closer.

Only then did I see the sight of the commercial street.

“Fuck…! Laozi has worked so hard to develop for so long, how can he still feel like a dent.”

“This f*ck is survival, it’s not like a world.”

“Master, why are there so many people in the street in front?”

“It should be a commercial street. I heard that the commercial street is very prosperous in the regional chat. I didn’t expect it to be so lively at night.”

Just docked.

When the hatch opened, a survivor was seen standing outside.

“Welcome to the Big Five, I’m Fan Long, and the great god just notified me and is responsible for receiving you!”

“Hahaha, that’s the case, then I have to thank the great god.”

Fan Long used the light.

When seeing the inside of the spacecraft.

There was a look of doubt on his face.

“Boss, why is your spaceship so crude?”

“Simple? Is there anything different about the spaceship?”

“Of course, I think you have nothing in it except a high platform? Why do you want to decorate it to show the identity of the boss.”

I felt a little embarrassed for a moment.

“Hahaha, this is my negligence. I haven’t modified it since I got it.”

“The big guy can go to the refitting factory tomorrow and let them refit for you, so that you can live comfortably.”

“Well, let’s go, finally came here, I haven’t looked at it yet.”

“Is the boss going to eat first, or just go shopping?”

“After eating, just stroll around. Why are there so many people here?”

The two talked while walking.

“There are some survivors in this area. After losing the empty island, they came here to make a living.”

“There are also some survivors in the area that they invaded before. They want to come and hug their thighs when the empty island is gone.”

“No wonder there are so many people, but it’s really lively here.”

“It’s better now. Many people have gone to rest. People are crowded here during the day. The scene is like going to a shopping mall on the earth.”

“Boss, do you have anything you want to know first?”

“I have to ask? The most important thing to come here is the full body armor and the spaceship!”

“Okay, then I will take you directly to the armor shop.”

“Uh…! The armor here is sold directly in the store?”

“Yeah…! What do you think, boss?”

“Uh…! I just didn’t expect such a high-end thing to be sold in such a hasty way.”

“Hahahaha, it’s a high-end thing for others, but it’s just like that here.”

“Here, anyone who doesn’t have a suit of armor is embarrassed to go out, the popularity is too high!”

Kaifan was speechless.

Muttered in his heart: “tmd, is this bastard stepping on me deliberately? Laozi doesn’t even have a full body armor.”

Just arrived at the armor shop.

When you see people standing at the counter.

Fan Long was dumbfounded.


Not yet said.

Was blocked by the other party.

“Fan Long, trouble you, the master will let me come to receive the distinguished guests.”

I heard the word “Guest”.

Kai Fan felt very comfortable.

Fan Long curled his lips.

He glanced at each other and then at Kaifan.

“Boss, I’ll bring you here, then you can talk to him about business.”

“Okay, thank you!”

Fan Long just walked two steps and stopped.

Turned around and said something.

“Let’s relax…”

Leave without waiting for the other party to reply.

Kaifan is a little baffled.

I don’t understand what the other party means at all.

I saw the shopkeeper smiled at him and said kindly.

“Guest, are you planning to buy some armor?”

“Yes, how much is your armor? If I buy in large quantities, can it be cheaper?”

“Of course…Of course, for large customers, we will have preferential treatment. I wonder if you can disclose how many one-time purchases?”

“` ¨Um…! 2000 sets.”

Shopkeeper. A look of disappointment suddenly appeared on his face.

“Ah… only that? Is your army only 200 men?”Kai Fan asked this sentence, stunned.

“Have you heard me wrong, I want 2,000 armors? How can it be 200 people?”

There was a smile on the face of the shopkeeper.

“Oh! It turns out that you have 2,000 soldiers, but why do you buy 2,000 armors?”

Kaifan was speechless.

I even feel that this shopkeeper is not crazy.

“I bought full body armor, not clothes. Do I have to buy two sets? One set is worn and one set is washed?”

“I was joking objectively. Armor is not clothes. How could it be washed in water casually.”

“Since you know, why do you still say that 2000 sets are not enough? How many sets do you think I should buy?”

“Xia Xia believes that in your capacity, you have to buy at least 20,000 sets.”

He crooked.

Fortunately, I supported the counter in time and didn’t fall.

Looking at each other with wide eyes.

“You didn’t kid me? No matter how rich Laozi is, it won’t be so wasteful. This special code is not underwear. Why do I wear so many sets?”

However, the other party did not dislike him for swearing.

Still showing a gentle smile.

“Guest officer, let me ask you, what percentage of the total population are soldiers on your sky island?”


“It turned out to be 20:1. Those 20,000 sets are not enough. We need 40,000 sets.”

Fortunately… I was surprised once.

This time it seemed calmer.

“According to the shopkeeper, I am going to give it to everyone, and everyone has bought a set? I only use 2,000 people in the war. Why do I need so many?”

The shopkeeper waved his hand again and again.

“Guest, this idea is wrong. As far as I know, you drive directly on the sky island during your journey, right?”

“Does it have anything to do with this?”

“Of course, you can safely come to Yun Fan, you can only say that you are extremely lucky this way.”

Kaifanze disagrees.

It’s not that I haven’t encountered an enemy on the road.

As long as he has 2,000 soldiers out.

The others were scared back.

Also robbed a lot of empty islands.

The shopkeeper naturally saw his expression.

Said with a smile.

“The guest officer must think that 2000 soldiers can deter others, right?”

“Then I ask the guest officer, if you run into the wandering island, can you deal with this kind of strength?”

“If you meet, can you deal with (promising) the boss of the area that you just invaded?”

“Do you still think that 2,000 soldiers can protect the safety of the sky island?”

Several consecutive questions.

Jiang Kaifan asked a little dazed.

Just then thought of it.

I underestimated others.

Although there are only 1,000 people on Wandering Island, as long as each person has 5 subordinates, the combined number is 6,000.

A set of full body armor for manpower.

He does seem to be unable to beat 2,000 people.

Not to mention the other big guy.

From the regional chat, I know that the other party has gathered, about 50,000 people.

More than 10 times the number.

Even if you use your life to pile up, you can still pile 2,000 soldiers to death.

Thinking of this, I felt scared for a while.

Fortunately, I was lucky and didn’t meet a strong opponent.

Frown slightly.

“It seems that 2000 sets of full body armor are really not enough.”

“Guardian, it seems you have figured it out, armor products are not always indestructible.”

“Every battle must be repaired, you have stored 40,000 sets, not only can you put ordinary people into battle at any time.”

“Even in a small-scale war, it can be replaced at any time.”

“In this way, no matter where your sky island goes, it is a domineering existence. Nothing outside of your body is as important as your own life, isn’t it? Objective!”

Although what the other party said is very reasonable.

But 40,000 sets of armor.

It really made him painful.

“I bought 40,000 sets of armor, should I give me more discount?”

Seeing that the other party promised 40,000 sets of armor.

The shopkeeper smiled brighter.

“Of course I will give you a discount. A set of full body armor is sold here for 1,000 yuan.”

“You get 40,000 sets at a time, and I will give you a 10% discount. What do you think?”

“Can’t there be more discounts?”

The shopkeeper’s face showed hesitation.

The last gritted teeth.

“Let’s go, officer, if you buy another 40,000 bows, I will give you a discount. This is the lowest discount. Since we opened the store, we haven’t sold it yet at such a low price.”

Kai Fan’s eyes widened.

“Bow? Why should I buy so many bows and arrows?”

“No, I’m here to buy a full body armor, why did you pull the bow and arrow with me?”.

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