Survival game: my plug-ins can stack up

Chapter 62 I really have a headache now

Then don't worry about the outside world for now. The man in the cloak waved his hand and returned his attention to the two princes. Let's find out the situation of these two people first.

When the cloaked man was about to continue speaking, Zhao Xun raised his hand to interrupt. He said to the twin tails: You are responsible for monitoring the situation outside. If there is any sound, alert us in time.

Although he was sure that his reasoning was correct, this secret room should be safe.

However, we cannot rule out the possibility of accidents occurring after players appear.

Someone has to be guarding and always paying attention to the situation outside.

If the sound insulation is so good and you can still hear sounds from outside, it means that those bugs or birds are about to break through the barrier of the secret room.

They have to have time to respond.

She has an average twin-tailed brain and is completely useless for things like judging whether the prince is real or fake. However, she excels in her obedience and it is easy to see that she is not an assassin, so it is appropriate to arrange for her to monitor the situation outside.

Moreover, the special ability of the twin ponytails is fire control, which is also very useful for dealing with insects or birds.

The twin-tailed man said Oh twice and continued to press his face against the door panel obediently, trying to listen to what was going on outside.

While Zhao Xun was talking to Twin Ponytails, the short-haired man had already finished rummaging through the dressing table by the window.

I found the dagger. The short-haired man showed the thing in his hand to the others. It's in the bottom drawer of the dresser.

This dagger, as the Prince of the Water Kingdom said, has a purple gemstone on the handle and ten pink diamonds inlaid on the scabbard.

See, everything I said is true. The prince of the Water Kingdom looked proud and proud.

If this is really a token of love, the princess should keep it close to her body. How could it be placed on the dressing table? The prince of the Mountain King questioned, Either you put it secretly before, or you accidentally knew that the princess had Such a dagger, lie and say it was a gift from you!

I also said that your ring is a forgery! The prince of the Water Kingdom became angry again.

Okay, stop arguing! The man in the cloak felt that the two princes had such a strong sense of drama that the quarrel made him a little annoyed.

The two princes obeyed and kept their mouths shut, but they still stared at each other unconvinced.

The man in the cloak then continued to say to the two princes: Now we will ask you questions, and you will answer them. No meaningless arguments are allowed, and no more nonsense is allowed.

Both princes nodded in agreement.

Therefore, the man in the cloak asked them in detail about the process of meeting the princess, the process of finding love/engagement, the customs and customs of their respective kingdoms, etc.

He wanted to use these details to determine who was lying.

Since these two countries are still alive, the fake prince must be a fake and shoddy product that has no prince status at all.

It is impossible to know the details of getting along with the princess and the internal situation of his own kingdom. Many things can only be made up out of thin air.

Even if you have a very complete draft beforehand, things that are made up will inevitably be exposed, especially when there are problems with time and logic.

Every once in a while, the cloaked man would ask the same question again, gradually expanding on the details.

For example, ask for the first time what color dress the princess wore on the day of the ball.

The second time I asked, what color dress did the princess wear on the day of the ball, and what flowers were embroidered on the dress.

The third time, I asked what color dress the princess wore on the day of the ball, what flowers were embroidered on the dress, and whether she wore a necklace.

And so on.

People who have actually experienced it may not always remember every detail.

If every question is answered correctly, the likelihood of lying is very high.

If occasionally some details cannot be remembered clearly, it will be more authentic.

In addition, giving different details about the same question is also a sign of lying.

If it really happened, whenever others ask about it, they will recall the situation at that time, and there will be no deviation in the answers to the details.

But if it is fabricated out of thin air, it is easy for the details to be inconsistent.

Because you ask too many questions and tell too many lies, you will forget what you said before.

There was nothing wrong with the cloaked man's strategy, but what he didn't expect was that the two princes behaved very normally.

There are some things that are too detailed, which means that I can't remember them.

And when the same question was repeated every half hour, there was no inconsistency in the answers.

Now, the cloaked man really had a headache.

The short-haired man on the side was already dizzy after hearing this. He felt that his brain could hardly remember all the information, so he simply gave up.

Apart from staring at the unconscious princess on the princess bed from time to time, she was just in a daze.

The fat woman also felt a little headache after hearing it at the end, and even yawned uncontrollably.

The cowboy man who had been silent all this time spoke up at this moment: I'm afraid it's useless to continue asking like this.

He already understood the cloaked man's intention.

But these two princes are not ordinary humans, but NPCs in the game.

If the game had set up their detailed backgrounds early on, it would not be difficult for even the fake prince to naturally show normal reactions.

The cloaked man's shoulders sank slightly, seeming a little disappointed: Sure enough, it's not so easy to tell the truth from the false.

Perhaps we can look for any other clues in the study during the day tomorrow. The cowboy man glanced at Zhao Xun, Didn't this No. 014 find a book in the study and eliminate three fake princes?

We can only try again tomorrow. The cloaked man sighed.

It's not that he hasn't thought about the method mentioned by the cowboy man, but it requires a lot of time and energy.

To read through all the books in the study, even just a cursory flip, I'm afraid a week would not be enough.

And they only have two days left.

What's more, it's not yet certain whether the clues are in the books in the study.

If you spend a lot of time but fail to find any useful clues in the end, then you may not have enough time left to do anything else.

Because of this, he wanted to try talking to these two princes.

I want to use this method to find loopholes to determine who is the real prince.

It's a pity that God did not fulfill his wish.

Then what should we do next? asked the earring girl, should we take turns to stay vigil and rest?

Since all the methods that can be thought of so far have been tried, they have all failed.

So tonight we can't find out who the real prince is, so there's no point in going around these two princes.

You have to take a break, right?

The cloaked man pursed his lips and hesitated.

If you don't take a break, the players' condition will get worse and worse, which is definitely not okay.

However, the assassin among the players is probably waiting for this opportunity to attack the princess.

Thanks for the January votes of [It’s Sanxian stuffing] and [Listen to the wind and rain all night]~

I had five tubes of blood drawn today. I felt dizzy and wanted to sleep all day. I suddenly felt so weak QAQ

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