The Duke's high-sounding speech just ended. At his signal, the servants brought out one plate after another of delicacies like water.

You're welcome, don't be restrained, just enjoy it! The Duke raised his arms in an inviting gesture.

Everyone looked at each other and stopped being polite.

Zhao Xun quickly and accurately broke off the two thighs of the roast chicken and ate it before others could react.

Although everyone was a little dissatisfied, they couldn't take food from Zhao Xun's mouth.

They had no choice but to give Zhao Xun a few looks and look for other food.

The common people in the town enjoyed the rich food, while the Duke enjoyed the compliments of everyone. Everyone got what they needed, and the meal was considered a feast for both host and guest.

The Duke was in a good mood. He opened a bottle of the fine wine he had collected and shared half a glass with everyone.

Zhao Xun took a sip and then drank no more. He gave the rest to a guard standing not far away.

In order to protect the safety of the Duke, just in case there are people with evil intentions among the civilians, there are guards around the entire banquet hall.

Of course, there are also a few guards in the banquet hall.

The guard looked at the wine glass handed to him with some surprise.

I don't like drinking, but this wine is really delicious. It would be such a waste to throw it away. Zhao Xun showed a regretful look and said to the guard, I think you work very hard, guard brother, why don't you reward yourself?

The guard was a little moved, but still hesitant.

Of course Zhao Xun knew why the guard was hesitating. He smiled and said, It's just half a glass of wine. The guard's drinking capacity won't make you drunk so easily, right? It will definitely not affect your next work.

That's true. The guard took the glass and drank it in one gulp.

After handing the cup back to Zhao Xun, the guard continued to smash it in his mouth.

By the way, Brother Guard, do you know who that girl is? Zhao Xun pointed at the young female player sitting on the Duke's lap and asked, It seems that she has a very close relationship with the Duke.

She, the guard said after drinking, became more relaxed and his tone became less serious, she is the Duke's new favorite.

New favorite? Zhao Xun raised his eyebrows slightly.

Although the relationship between the young female player and the Duke is almost obvious, being called the new favorite is really straightforward.

After all, he is a player. Even if he is timid and cowardly, he does not have to be so obedient to an NPC.

It’s impossible for a young female player’s main mission to be the Duke’s new favorite, right?

emmm... If that were the case, it would be a bit outrageous. He would feel that they were not in the same game channel.

Yes, she came suddenly last night. The guard recalled for a moment, and then said, I don't know her specific identity. I only know that the Duke likes her quite a lot.

Zhao Xun thought for a while and asked: In your impression, when you discovered her existence, was she already in the Duke's Mansion?

This... the guard thought for a while in embarrassment, When you put it that way, it seems like this. Maybe she came just when I was resting.

Zhao Xun said Huh and changed the subject: Looking at the Duke's attitude, it seems that he wants that girl to be his wife?

I don't know about that. The guard showed an ambiguous smile, The Duke likes young girls, but he has never married a wife...

So that's it. Zhao Xun also laughed, I just don't know if the girl is willing.

There is no reason why he is unwilling, the guard said disdainfully. The Duke's status is here. How many women want to be favored? She has such an honor, how can she be unwilling.

So, the girl and the Duke should get along quite happily, right? Zhao Xun said, glancing at the young female player in the distance.

She lowered her head and looked at her fingers, saying little. She only trembled slightly when the Duke touched her.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like it's voluntary.

Not to mention pleasant.

It should be quite pleasant. The guard seemed to have come to his senses. He looked Zhao Xun up and down and smiled inexplicably, You kid, do you have a crush on that girl?

No, no, no, Zhao Xun waved his hands quickly, I don't dare to compete with the Duke for a woman.

You know the truth. The guard patted Zhao Xun on the shoulder, But you don't have no chance at all. If the Duke gets tired of it, he doesn't mind if other men come to ask for the girl.

Hahaha, then I can only wait patiently. Zhao Xun smiled.

After chatting for a while, seeing that the banquet was about to end and the Duke had already pulled his new favorite away, Zhao Xun quickly ended the conversation with the guard, picked up the brown paper bag that he had been looking forward to, and stuffed some bread, a few bottles of milk and some food into it. Packs of desserts.

Although he was not sure whether the food in the game could be taken out of the game, taking away the food was enough to ensure that he would not have to eat the supplies in his suitcase or starve during the remaining two days in the game.

The guard looked dumbfounded as Zhao Xun walked out of the banquet hall with a large bag of food.

It is true that the Duke has not stipulated that food cannot be packed away, but this kind of operation has really never been done by anyone else so far.

Zhao Xun didn't care about other people's eyes at all and walked out on his own.

Seeing this, a few brave people also found a piece of brown paper placed on the dining table, wrapped some food in it and took it away.

Most of them lack the courage and can only watch with envy and mutter a few words in jealousy.

Zhao Xun walked out for a while. Taking advantage of the crowd and confusion, most of the guards went to the gate of the Duke's Mansion to maintain order and quickly sneaked into the bamboo forest in the garden.

As he walked deeper into the bamboo forest, he recalled the conversation he had just had with the guard.

His original intention in asking those questions was to find out what identity the underage female player was playing here, and to try to guess the girl's main mission.

Unexpectedly, I learned about the Duke's private life.

In fact, just by looking at the way the Duke acted, one could tell that he was an old pervert, but judging from the guard's few words, the Duke was much more chaotic than a simple old pervert.

And Ruby has lived in the hands of such a master since she was a child. As long as she is a little bit beautiful, she may not be able to escape the fate of being contaminated.

In addition, the previous sculpture said that Ruby was worried that Xiao Ai would suffer the same fate as her...

To be honest, Xiao Ai looks pretty good.

This couldn't help but remind him that the fate Ruby was worried about meant that Xiao Ai would be tainted by the Duke just like her.

Going further, we speculate that the death of Xiao Ai's parents may also be related to the Duke, and it was the Duke who made Ruby take the blame.

The reason why the Duke killed Xiao Ai's parents was to get Xiao Ai without any hindrance.

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