[Lion Leader: Combat Strength 88, Bite, Explosion, Lion Encouragement]

When this lion leader, who was much larger than the other lions and had thick manes, came over, two layers of the courtyard wall in front of Ye Fei had been demolished.

Although only two or three pieces of each layer were demolished, this was already a sign of imminent victory in the eyes of the lions.

The deer was still staring at them, but because it had not attacked, it was ignored. The two white ones hid, and only the humans were shooting arrows at them again and again with how many threats they had.

"The door is closed, go ahead!"

Ye Fei watched the lion leader walk in front of him with a mocking look. There were only two walls between them, and the mockery in his eyes was quite obvious.

So, little dumplings, the hunting time has begun!

As the walls fell, the lions were surrounded, and the leader of the lions immediately looked back and observed the surroundings vigilantly.

However, the walls were not just this layer from the beginning.

Within the circle of the walls, they continued to increase, causing their range of activities to shrink rapidly.


The little white tiger was happy and rushed out directly. It and Qingxue clearly targeted the lion that Ye Fei shot with his arrow.

In less than ten minutes, the 13 lions in total were solved by the two little balls.

However, although the little deer did not go out, its presence was also very strong.

The auxiliary ability forced the enemy's combat effectiveness to be lowered.

Spirit level, terrifying as...in this way!

"You've worked hard. Go and rest first. I'll take care of all of this."

Ye Fei patted the heads of the little guys one by one, even the puppy that didn't help.

After letting them rest, Ye Fei began to deal with the lion's corpses. While dealing with these, he opened the chat interface and looked at the material information sent by the other-worldly junior.

【Grassland/0090-1144-3656: Senior, you go first, please be safe】

【Grassland/0090-1144-3656: I took a look, 500 iron ingots, 50 resins, 50 copper ingots]

Two messages, probably because I knew Ye Fei was busy, so I said it more briefly

【Me: I don’t have money for the moment. Wait for me to earn money to buy the materials. I saved money for a long time before and finally bought a set of recipes and materials for the spirit gathering array. It’s so hard to make money. 】

Ye Fei lamented his poverty to the other party, and the materials in his hand increased one by one.

Lion head, lion meat, leather, tendons, bones, claws, and beast essence stone

【Grassland/0090-1144-3656: Senior, you have just made the Spirit Gathering Array. You are indeed very poor. But I will definitely not despise you just because you have no money. I am just a little curious. Let me make it clear that I am really just curious....Senior, why are you so poor? Don’t you ever go hunting? One beast essence stone is worth 200 points. If you hunt three or five a day, plus other materials, it shouldn’t be difficult to make a thousand a day.

After expressing his disdain, the junior decided to help his senior find a way to make money. He has only just started making the spirit gathering array, which obviously means he has never made much money.

Although ordinary people may not even be able to afford the formula for the spirit gathering array, his senior has long been a cultivator and cannot be put in the same category as ordinary people.

【Me: I have hunted a lot of beast essence stones, but they were all eaten by my little ones. Only some leather and claws after hunting can be exchanged for money.

Ye Fei thought about it and told the other party that it was not that he had no gains, but that his family expenses were too high.

Although he did not have to tell the truth, his strength had already surpassed that of ordinary people. If he still pretended that he could not even hunt, it would be meaningless.

Even if it was this kind of friends who could not meet in person, they always needed to chat with each other, instead of acting lazy and not working hard when the other party was working hard to make money.

【Grassland/0090-1144-3656: How many? Little ones? Senior, do you have pets at home? 】

Seeing Ye Fei's message, the junior was very shocked.

There were many people who kept pets there, and they often saw them in the chat channel. There were always people showing off, saying that they got a sheep or a wolf, beat it up and then tamed it, and then took it home to heal it....

【Grassland/0090-1144-3656: Senior, although I don't have one, I've seen many people say this. If it's a domesticated pet, you must first use the Love Pill to fill up its loyalty, otherwise it may hurt you at any time. I've seen someone say that the loyalty was over 80, but it suddenly became 0, and it bit you directly on the neck. It's terrible.】

【Grassland/0090-1144-3656: The Love Pill is obtained from the survival gift pack of the daily task. It is also on sale now. Although the thing is not cheap, you should buy as much as you can. You must fill up the bag. Animals have a strong desire for revenge. Many people here have conducted countless experiments to train wolves into watchdogs. They are completely crazy.

Regarding this kind of thing, this junior brother can't help but talk more about it.

【Me: Beat them up and then tame them? What are those people thinking? They just changed their identities, not lost their memories. My loyalty has to be maxed out, otherwise, I may not even dare to close my eyes when sleeping. The human body is very fragile and cannot withstand a close-range premeditated attack from those ferocious beasts.

Ye Fei was really a little shocked by the concept of domestication.

On their side, it seems that no one would beat the beasts up and then tame them.

It may also be because the prey that can come out of the snow mountains are not so weak, and the probability of encountering them is not so common.

Unlike the grassland, according to what the junior said, standing on the wall you can see flocks of sheep outside, and the occasional wolf packs that hunt in various ways.

【Me: I can understand sheep, after all, they are herbivores. Do many people try to tame wolves? Are the players on your side so powerful? 】

Ye Fei thought about it and felt that this was not right!

Wolves often act together, so it is not difficult to kill a few of them, but it is not easy to catch and tame them....

This requires high combat power to accomplish, right?

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