[Spirit +2][Spirit +2][Spirit +2...】

Ye Fei really did nothing for the whole morning. He just sat on the futon under the sycamore tree and practiced seriously.

Ye Fei did not feel any difference in the increase of his comprehension. When it was time for lunch, Ye Fei flipped through the records in the survival manual. The time when the amplification effect was present was almost the same as the later practice.

So, at least now, it can be felt that the improvement of comprehension does not seem to be related to the absorption of spiritual energy.

Therefore, if you want to practice faster, you still need advanced techniques.

As for spiritual roots...

The skills require spiritual roots to exceed a certain value in order to learn, so spiritual roots are also very important, but spiritual roots can only be improved with certain items, and it is not a value that can be changed by one's own practice.


The little deer stood outside the courtyard wall, watching Ye Fei come out of the house. It looked over with its smart eyes and made a pitiful cry.

It didn't feel hungry, but it saw that this human was eating with the other little guys....

So, even if it doesn't feel hungry, it still wants to eat.


The little fox ran out of the house. After a morning of rest, its previous weak and tired state had disappeared.

Hearing that the guy outside was asking for food from their human again, the little fox jumped to the wall in displeasure, expressing his disdain for this guy who was willing to enter their house but still shamelessly refused to leave.


Ye Fei originally thought that he would feed it a few more times, slowly increase its favorability, and then study the issue of taming.

But at this time, the little fox had already started quarreling with the little deer, and the little white tiger and puppy playing in the house also came to join in the fun. For a while, all kinds of calls were conveying their communication....

Ye Fei walked to the sycamore tree helplessly, leaned against the tree, and looked at his three friends who were still quarreling with some sadness. It was the first time he knew that animals quarreling with each other could be so violent.


After arguing for a while, the little fox suddenly jumped onto Ye Fei's shoulder with excited eyes.

It won the argument, and the guy outside already knew where he was wrong!

""Won the argument?"

Ye Fei looked at the little deer outside the yard. Did the little guy lose the argument and leave?

But in this vast snowy mountain, unless it finds the location of the next player, there is no plant for it to eat.


The little fox raised its paw and pointed at itself, then raised its head proudly. It won!

In this family, it is the boss!

Of course, the humans in their family are not included. After all, humans are the head of the family and are not included in this ranking.

"What should we do now? It seems to be very aggrieved. Is it hungry again?"

Ye Fei tries his best to pamper his own fox. Even if the one outside can be tamed, it is not tamed yet. He will not make his own fox unhappy for an uncertain one.

He wants to ask the little fox whether to continue feeding it.


The little fox shook his head, then jumped down and walked to the gate.

The little paws pulled the big iron gate, indicating that the one outside could be let in.

They had just taught them that if they wanted to eat the food fed by their humans, they had to become a member of this family first.

Otherwise, in this icy and snowy world, everyone was short of food. It was an emergency before, but now they would not continue to care about it!

"Just like that?"

Ye Fei didn't expect that he didn't need to do the taming process slowly. He just got scolded by the little guys and the little deer bowed its head obediently.

【[Colorful Deer Cub: Spiritual Level, Domesticated]

The deer outside, whose label had been changed, stood there obediently, looking at Ye Fei. Its smart deer eyes blinked, still looking a little aggrieved.

Since it had been domesticated, Ye Fei did not hesitate. After the iron gate was opened, he let the deer walk in by itself.

Pets at home can go in and out through the iron gate and bring prey home, but they cannot drag in living creatures that are not their own.

Now the deer has not entered the door yet. Although it has been domesticated, it is not his pet yet.

Therefore, after Ye Fei opened the door and the deer walked in slowly, Ye Fei squatted down and touched the deer's head as a comfort.

"From now on, you will be called Huan Ling..."

Ye Fei touched the deer's head and named it after it showed that it was his pet.

However, naming it was very time-consuming. He thought about it and decided to leave it as a spiritual-level fantasy pet.

【Pet: Phantom (Level 1 Colorful Deer Cubs/Spiritual Level), Illusion, Spiritual Level Deterrence, Loyalty 52, Combat Strength 81, Sad Mood]

Ye Fei didn't find it strange that the loyalty was not very high. It was not hatched by him, and was scolded by the little guys at home. It was probably willing to lower its head and enter the house just for a bite of food.

But as long as it enters the house, he has to slowly raise its loyalty.

If the loyalty is always low, he may not be able to sleep well.


The little deer rubbed Ye Fei's palm. It has moved in. Can it eat now?

"Eat something first. You are not in a good condition now. After eating, take a good rest. It is much warmer in the yard than outside."

Ye Fei bought another 10 cabbages. This time, Xiaolu didn't finish them all. After eating five, he shook his head to indicate that he was full.

He ate so much before because he was hungry for too long.


The little fox watched the little deer go into the house, jumped onto the windowsill, and pointed to the futon over there.

The little deer had just said that it could practice and not sleep in the house.

That was where the humans in their family practiced, so the little deer could go over there and practice without disturbing the humans in their family.


The little deer looked at the door, then at the futon over there, then turned and walked over.

At the farthest point from the sycamore tree, the little deer lay on the edge of the futon, curled up and began to sleep.

Its training was to just sleep.

【Pet phantom feels comfortable training environment, loyalty +5, mood +50】


Ye Fei stood under the sycamore tree, looking at the sleeping deer, and temporarily did not even want to complain.

The previous few were just eating beast essence stones to improve, and now there is a deer that can practice...

Moreover, this little guy's way of cultivation is to sleep...

Thinking about himself, Ye Fei felt depressed.

In order to practice, he hadn't had a good sleep for a long time.

Now, he was shocked by the pet that just came home....

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