"Survival Mall?"

Ye Fei saw someone chatting about the fact that the survival mall can be opened after 20 survival points.

He currently has only 15 survival points, and he doesn't know if he can get enough tomorrow.

However, is it strange to have a mall in the game world?

As a person who is not good at socializing, Ye Fei insists on his way of lurking and watching, and lives his life quietly.

Now everyone who speaks in the chat channel, as long as their identity number appears, can be added as a friend, or a special attention setting can be made after selection.

Once set as special attention, everything that this person has said before can be searched in the chat channel. This setting makes him feel very uncomfortable.

However, he likes quietness, but he is the only type who does so. Most of them like to huddle together for warmth.

Knowing that there will be scammers mixed in, they still have to establish unrealistic groups and organizations at this time.

【Snow Mountain/0099-5117-1888: The Boxing King's Gym is still recruiting. If you are interested, please add us as a friend. The combat power must be above 5 points. If it is lower than this number, please do not add us. We want partners who can practice martial arts together to strengthen their bodies and survive. We cannot teach those who are too weak! 】

Ye Fei had some impression of this person, so he set a special attention and searched forward. It was a city-level martial arts champion who he had seen discussing the issue of combat power with others.

But after reading a series of speeches by this person before, Ye Fei lost interest.

The speech routine of this person is at a similar level to the unreal pie he heard when he was looking for a job.

They are all joining our team. We already have some plans and what efforts we are going to make. Now is the time to work hard. Only if everyone suffers a little can the team develop better.

What else, sacrifice a little bit of your current interests in exchange for a broad world in the future....

Add a friend, and then specify an item to be sent to them.

After it is bought, the survival points of others are transferred to them....

Others only need to pay one or two survival points, but their gains are huge....

I opened the trading interface and saw that the price of bread was 10 per survival point.

Some people said that these teams who claimed to teach martial arts needed two to five survival points. If you bought a piece of bread or a bottle of water designated by them, you would get a set of martial arts training instructions privately.

It can't be said that it is completely useless, but can martial arts really be learned with just a few words?

"Little guy, let me give you a name. What should I call you, Xiaobai?"

Ye Fei didn't want to pay attention to the increasing number of martial arts masters who came out to recruit people into the team. He turned off the virtual screen, tilted his head to look at the little fox lying beside the pillow, and gave it a name.

Ye Fei himself was not good at naming, but after he called Xiaobai twice, the little fox actually ignored him.

"If you don't like this name, then change it. What should I teach you? You are Snow Fox, Xiaoxue, Little Fox, Little Li....It seems that you don't like any of them. So, how about Qingxue?"

Ye Fei thought of a pet he had when he was playing games. It was not a fox pet, but a small ball of


The little fox didn't understand what these words meant. Now that Ye Fei finally stopped talking, it raised its head and called out.

It meant that it was time to eat.

"It seems that you like this name, Qingxue, let's go eat!"

Ye Fei looked at the little fox and nodded. Finally, he didn't have to worry about the naming issue anymore. He touched the little fox's head with satisfaction, and then went to bring down the chicken soup that was almost ready to eat.

"Qingxue, eat some chicken wings"

"Qingxue, let me give you a piece of chicken breast"

"Don't like chicken breast? Then you eat chicken neck..."

After giving the little fox a name, Ye Fei called it before doing anything in order to make it adapt.

The little fox, who had been fed all the time, had become accustomed to the name by the time he lay down beside the bed after eating.

"Qingxue, it's time for us to rest. We have to go out again tomorrow morning to find things we can use."

After eating and drinking, Ye Fei cleaned the pots and bowls and put them away, then took a shower and lay down to sleep.

Looking at the little ball curled up beside the pillow, he put down the hat he was going to take off to sleep, so that the little fox could sleep warmer.


After seeing Ye Fei fall asleep, the little fox Qingxue carefully crawled out, walked slowly to his side, and lay down beside his shoulder.

This warm fur is more comfortable. This human actually left it aside and didn't even know how to take care of the cub. How stupid.

When Ye Fei woke up and felt the fur on his neck, he was stunned for a while before he realized that this little fox has become more and more clingy after recognizing its master.

"Good morning, get up and move around, we'll have dinner soon."

Ye Fei didn't finish the chicken soup yesterday, so he got up after saying hello to the little fox. After washing his face, he turned on the rice cooker, added some water to the chicken soup, and then beat the three eggs he got yesterday into it. It was nice to drink the hot chicken soup and eat bread.


The little fox Qingxue looked at the pot that could stew delicious chicken and was working again. She shook her head in a good mood, then grabbed the door handle with her claws and ran out to find Ye Fei.

Seeing Ye Fei sweeping the snow in the yard, she ran to the crooked fence and started running around the yard.

After Ye Fei went out, he first looked at today's random tasks. He was still asked to go out and collect supply boxes, but the target of today's task was 5 supply boxes. After completing it, he could get 5 survival points.

"Qingxue, don't fall...."

He was sweeping the yard, looking at the various messages in the chat channel. It was a normal early morning cleaning, but after the little fox suddenly jumped out, he almost swept the little ball several times.


The little fox Qingxue was having fun. When he heard Ye Fei calling him, he jumped directly from the fence and rushed towards Ye Fei's chest.

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