
The little fox also stretched out its paw to try. After feeling the pain of its paw being pricked, it jumped back into Ye Fei's arms and raised its paw to show Ye Fei aggrievedly.

"It didn't hurt, but you have to be careful in the future. Although this thing can't cause any harm, it will still hurt when you get pricked."

Ye Fei was a little helpless. He pinched the little fox's paw and looked at it, then stroked its fur to comfort it.

However, you have to be careful when they play in the future. This thing is useful for defending against enemies, but it will not hesitate to prick your own little balls.

Although it doesn't reduce the blood value, the pain after being pricked is still very uncomfortable.


The little fox nodded. It would definitely avoid these things in the future.

Moreover, it was just curious. Usually, they would just climb over the wall and jump out directly without stepping on it.

"Let's go, let's go eat. After dinner tonight, I'm going to try to make something good!"

Ye Fei carried the little fox back to the house and called the two little ones who were still playing happily in the yard to come back for dinner.

After eating and drinking, he went to clean up the yard as usual.

【Refining furnace, price 700 points】

【The recipe for making the Soul Gathering Array is 600 points.】

【[Spirit Gathering Array Material Pack, Price: 5000 Credits]

Sitting on the futon, Ye Fei went to the Credits Mall and bought the three that he had been thinking about for a long time.

After buying these three, he only had 647 credits left.

【Refining furnace (purple): can refine magic tools below purple grade]

The purple quality refining furnace has not yet consumed its durability.

Although it cannot refine items that can exceed the purple grade, it can now be regarded as a legendary state of cultivation.

Refining furnace, alchemy furnace, these things are standard equipment for cultivation, right?

However, the alchemy furnace will have to wait a little longer, Ye Fei can't afford it now

【Open the Soul Gathering Array Material Pack and obtain 1 set of Primary Soul Gathering Array Materials】


Ye Fei looked at the blue ball of light in his hand. Was this actually the material that had already been fused together?

Sure enough, it was a trap!

Although he didn't intend to disassemble the materials after buying them, there was no need to fuse them so directly, right?

After a little hesitation, Ye Fei learned the formula of the spirit gathering array, and then began to prepare for refining.

"It's so big!"

The furnace was taken out of the package. It looked like a small gourd at first, but when I put it out, I saw...

This stove is indeed shaped like a magic gourd, but its diameter is about three meters and its height exceeds that of his two-story simple wooden building....

It was about six meters long.

The color of the furnace was still gray-brown, and it looked a bit old.

Anyway, Ye Fei put the materials in directly and prepared to refine them.

One advantage of the fused materials was that they did not need to control the order and temperature. However, he stood by the furnace and looked at the display that the conditions were insufficient and it could not be opened. He felt a little depressed.

【Refining Primary Spirit Gathering Array: Primary Spirit Gathering Array Materials 1/1, Energy 38.9/5000]

The materials are available, but the refining furnace still needs to consume the reserve energy.

That reserve energy is not only needed for family life, but also for refining....

""Qingxue, I'm poor!"

The sad Ye Fei directly exchanged with survival points, 500 points for 5000 reserve energy points.

Seeing that it was finally turned on and the countdown to 24 hours of refining time was displayed, he hugged the little fox that jumped onto his shoulder, rubbed its fur into a mess, and then slowly straightened it out.

Looking at the little fox that was still obediently accompanying him despite being rubbed like this, Ye Fei suddenly felt that he was a bit too much.

He was a little upset, so he bullied the little fox, which was too much!

However, the little fox's honest state was so cute!


The little fox raised its paw and patted Ye Fei's hand, curious about why its human didn't play anymore.

It didn't think there was anything wrong with its fur being ruffled just now. It had played with the little white tiger before, and ruffling fur was just a normal play.

So, its human was in a bad mood, and scratching fur would make him happy?

But this kind of thing can't be asked, but its human is really gentle and easy to satisfy.

"I'm poor. I spent a lot of money on this...."

Ye Fei lay down on the mat and pointed at the furnace that was suddenly engulfed in flames when it started working.

This thing really cost money!

A primary spirit gathering array would consume 5,000 energy points. If you want to refine a more advanced one in the future, the energy consumption at that time may be tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even...

Forget it, don’t think about it, he is so poor!

""Oh, oh, oh~"

The little fox understood this time.

Its human family had spent a lot of money and was now broke, so they were unhappy.

It was probably the same situation as when it and the little white tiger found out that there was no meat and they were going to starve.

So, they would not rest tonight. They would leave Eclipse Moon to watch the house while it and Feng Bai went out hunting!

Their humans had no food to eat, and as the ones who were raised, they could not always let their humans worry about supporting the family.

"It's okay, I just want to complain, this thing is really expensive, now let's continue to practice, we can take out the spirit gathering array tomorrow night."

Ye Fei held the little fox in his hands, rubbed his face on its little head, and then prepared to practice tonight.

Spiritual energy!

He is not only short of money, he is also short of spiritual energy!


The little fox saw Ye Fei sitting cross-legged, jumped to the side and lay down, just watching its human enter the state of cultivation.

In the first half of the night, it and Feng Bai went to bed to sleep for a while, and in the second half of the night, Eclipse Moon was left to watch the house. The two white little balls jumped over the courtyard wall and disappeared in the breeze and snow outside.


Left behind to guard the house, Eclipse Moon stood on the courtyard wall, looked at the snow outside, and suddenly felt that he had a heavy task.

Turning back, he glanced at his master who was surrounded by a faint firelight because of his training. He decided to patrol non-stop from now on until the two bosses came back.

On the courtyard wall, the small gray ball walked slowly in circles, most of the time observing the dead woods outside, and occasionally looking back at his master.

Going around and around, from midnight to dawn, the puppy Eclipse Moon kept circling.

Until it saw two large gray beast corpses being dragged in the woods towards home.

""Woof woof woof!"

Eclipse saw the two little white balls struggling to drag the beast's corpse, and jumped out of the wall to run over.


The little white tiger let go of the lion's tail that it had bitten and roared at Eclipse Moon.


The puppy stopped, blinked aggrievedly, and then jumped back to the yard.

It just wanted to help, why was Boss Feng Bai angry?


The little fox shook his head and asked Feng Bai to continue dragging the lion back.

They ran out in the middle of the night just to find a bigger prey. Hunting is not difficult. They cooperate well with each other. Even though the lion is very strong, they still killed two of them.

It's just that hunting is not difficult, but dragging it back is difficult.

Both of them are good at speed, and they are not strong in strength, so most of the time is spent on dragging the prey home.

Moreover, they can only bite it and drag it home, and now they feel that their teeth are going to be useless.

Finally, before their humans woke up, they dragged the prey to the door of their house.

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