[Package column 9/15: Level 1 blood pill 7, Level 1 spirit pill 22, fine iron longbow, reinforced wooden arrow 162, Level 2 survival gift pack, iron axe 2, licorice seed (green) 1, pepper seedling (green) 1, potato seed 2]

After returning home, Ye Fei put all the materials in the locker, leaving only the items that were ready for use.

In the morning, he opened a package expansion voucher for the third one of the three green quality material boxes.

There are also two potatoes, which are seeds.

"It's really a potato...seed..."

Ye Fei originally thought that every hole in the potato would be a sprout.

When he was a child, he saw his family do this....

However, when he took the potatoes in his hand, he saw that they were only as small as quail, and each potato had only a small hole....

Well, it was potato seeds, not potatoes as he originally understood them.

But such a small potato was really a bit too much....


The little fox tilted its head and looked at the two balls in Ye Fei's hand. These should be the roots of the plants?

So, its human was unhappy because the roots of these two plants did not sprout?

"It's okay, these are two seeds, they will grow after being planted."

Ye Fei touched the little fox's head and explained to it what the two 'potato seeds' were.

Although he was a little entangled, he still had to plant them in the ground after all.

Not in a hurry to eat, he went to the place where the cucumbers and tomatoes were before, dug a hole in the ground, planted the potatoes, and then found a place to plant the pepper tree and the licorice seed.

【Greening value +10]

The licorice seeds were planted, and before they sprouted, the greening value was added.

The pepper tree seedlings were just as he guessed, and were not included.

【Fruits: grapes (growth stage 1), peach trees (seedling stage 1), apricot trees (seedling stage 1), pear trees (seedling stage 1), watermelons (seedling stage 2)】

【Vegetables: cucumber (maturity stage 5), tomato (maturity stage 7), cabbage (germination stage 2), beans (germination stage 2), potatoes (germination stage 2), pepper trees (green/seedling stage 1)]

Currently, fruits and vegetables are planted and separated.

As for the pepper trees being counted as vegetables...

After seeing the potato seeds with only one hole, Ye Fei felt that he could be very calm.

However, the tomatoes and cucumbers, the first batch to be planted, were already showing a countdown.

【Cucumber: Maturity, 9 days 1:56:55]

The countdown is over, it is probably the decline stage, or it will wither directly

"Although each type is rare, it won't be long before the yard is full again. Fortunately, it can be adjusted directly in the future...."

After planting everything, Ye Fei went to wash his hands and stood at the door to look at the yard again.

He sighed for a moment, then took the two little kids to have lunch.

He had seen it many times in the chat channel before, discussing whether it was better to have a bigger yard or a smaller one.

A bigger yard has its advantages. If it is bigger, you can plant crops and sell the food and vegetables you grow, although you may not make much money.

A smaller yard also has its advantages. It is easier to clean.

The most important thing is that you can prepare more walls to trap the attacking beasts and hunt them.

If the yard is too big, the range of attack will increase.

If the wall is not well protected, when the wall is damaged, even if you make repairs later, the crops at home will still be damaged.

These and other topics have long been familiar to everyone in the chat channel.

It's just that the way to surround and kill the beasts is understandable, but when the beasts attack, in addition to the need for players to constantly adjust operations, it also requires the consumption of walls and weapons.

In the previous incidents of foxes and wolves attacking, many people complained that it took a lot of wooden fences or first-level reinforced walls to surround and kill a fox.

In addition, there was the consumption of weapon materials.

Even the simplest wooden arrows were a pain in the ass, because with little combat power and only simple bows and arrows, hundreds of wooden arrows might not be enough to kill a fox....

‘It's hard to make money from planting....’

Ye Fei looked at the chat channel and saw this type of topic appearing again. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

If he hadn't met Qingxue, he didn't know if he would be like those players chatting now, relying on growing vegetables and grains in the yard for most of his income....

Without the production of special materials, the crops or vegetables grown for a few days may not be as good as the drops of two or three wild wolves.

However, Ye Fei was also very clear about his own situation.

The fighting power of the family depended entirely on the two little kids, so when he calculated the income and expenditure, he did not take into account the consumption and danger of hunting.

"Eat more, we will go out to catch prey in the afternoon."

Ye Fei looked at the two little dumplings opposite him. Maybe because he had too many thoughts now, they stopped and looked up at him.

He was very happy to have them by his side.

He had the opportunity to choose to cultivate immortals because of the little dumplings' help in hunting. He sold many things that he could actually use first, and then he collected 500 points.

If it weren't for the two little dumplings, he would be no different from most ordinary players, and even weaker than the standard of ordinary people judged by this world. The weakest rabbit he saw at the time had a combat power of 3 points.

Because the rabbit was fast, he didn't think he could catch up with a rabbit at that time.

However, he might really be lucky, so he let the little fox bump into him.

With the little fox, there was the little white tiger later. Under their protection, he could start the road of cultivating immortals.

For most players, the 500-point gene evolution liquid is still only mentioned by others.

No matter if you are determined to save money to buy it, if you are unlucky and encounter wild beasts or blizzards, it is not a question of whether you want to spend money or not.

If the yard is destroyed, the house will be targeted. If the walls of the house are destroyed, the protection of the home will lose its meaning.

At that time, money is not important, and survival is the most important thing.

""Oh, oh, oh~"

The little fox ate quickly, jumped onto Ye Fei's shoulder, rubbed its little head against his shoulder, and then lay there motionless.

Even though Ye Fei didn't say anything, the little fox could still feel that its human's emotions were a little strange, but because it was not a human, it could not understand more.

If it didn't understand, it didn't understand. It would just accompany its human.

If there is any unknown danger, it and Feng Bai will stand in front of their human!

Right, Feng Bai?


The little white tiger raised its head and cried twice to show its attitude to the little fox.

Of course, they have to protect their human family.

When it was just born, it was their human family who took care of and protected it. Although it still needs their human family to take care of it now, it can fight and will definitely not let their human family get hurt.

"Be good and eat well..."

Ye Fei reached out and patted the little white tiger on the head.

Although he couldn't understand what they were talking about, he couldn't delay eating while chatting. If he didn't eat enough, he would get hungry.


The little fox waved its paw at the little white tiger, and continued to lie on Ye Fei's shoulder, squinting its eyes and wagging its tail.

The mood of their human family suddenly became very happy....

As expected, humans are hard to understand.

If Fengbai and I catch more prey in the afternoon, their humans will definitely be in a better mood!

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