"You guys take your time playing while I continue to adjust the yard. We need to make our yard a little bigger. I'll look for it when I have time. Maybe I can build you a slide...."

Ye Fei patted the heads of the two little guys and put them on the stairs, telling them to continue playing if they wanted to.

However, he seemed to have overlooked that small animals also need entertainment.

He had never kept a pet, after all, it was already very hard to support himself at that time.

But he had seen that many cat owners would make a cat climbing frame or a small slide or other play space....

Let's clean up the yard first. Once he's done, we can then think about making entertainment facilities for the two little kids.


The little white tiger squatted on the stairs, watching their human family go out, then tilted his head to look at the little fox.

Pointing at the stairs, it tentatively asked, do you want to continue playing?


The little fox raised his paw and slapped the little white tiger down.

What are you playing for? Go out hunting!

If you have the energy to play, catch more prey and bring them home. Don't you see that the humans in their family have worked very hard to build a taller house and a bigger yard? They are working so hard, and you still want to play at this time, idiot!


After being trained, the little white tiger was not unhappy at all, but jumped up excitedly and ran out.

Seeing Ye Fei who was already chopping trees outside the yard, it jumped onto his shoulder and rubbed it, then ran around to look for prey.

After it, the little fox quickly followed.

The two little balls ran back and forth between the dead trees around, occasionally stopping to chat about something, or quietly stopping and looking back at Ye Fei for a while.

In one afternoon, Ye Fei cleared the area of the yard he was going to expand, cut trees, and cleaned up the ground. After clearing away the dead branches on the ground and leaving only the snow, a circle of walls was built.

The original yard was only 10×10, with four walls, 10 walls on each side, and only 40 walls were needed to surround a circle.

Now the courtyard wall is 20×20, and 80 walls are needed to surround a circle.

After the outermost circle was built, the second circle was also moved over, and then the third circle.

The walls are all attached together, and the original six layers have become the current three layers.

With three layers of walls built, Ye Fei saw that the number of layers of the courtyard wall was directly reduced by half, and he immediately felt that his sense of security was reduced a lot

"Thank you for your hard work. I'll go check it out. Maybe there's a gate there. You can open it...."

Ye Fei looked at the two little guys who had dragged more than 20 preys back and forth in the afternoon, patted their heads to comfort them, and began to look for possible recipes.

He thought it didn't matter before, because the little guys were with him most of the time, or when a group of wild beasts attacked, he would make adjustments at any time.

Now it is too troublesome for him to move again and again, especially when he plans to do more immersive training next. At that time, he can't stop in the middle to open the door for the little dumplings.

Moreover, always calling him over again and again also affects the hunting interest of the two little dumplings.

【Heavy iron door: connected to the courtyard wall, defense power 100, durability 10,000, durable and repairable; price 200 points]

Ye Fei did not hesitate and bought it directly for 200 points.

After buying it, he did not install it directly facing the door of the house, but installed it in a slightly sideways position.

This double-opening large iron door with a height of nearly three meters and a width of almost four meters is too prominent in the middle of the wooden wall that is currently only one meter and two meters high.

But after this big iron door was installed, the little fox and the little white tiger went in and out several times, and finally Ye Fei did not need to adjust it.

Although they can still climb over the wall to go out, the setting that external objects cannot cross the courtyard wall is a protection for the home. Even if the prey is dead, it must go through the door or the missing position of the courtyard wall.

When Ye Fei told the little fox that the prey could also be dragged in through this door, the two little balls ran out again, and soon they came back dragging a hare each.

Watching them carefully approach the courtyard gate and use their little heads to push open the heavy iron door...

After confirming that he could drag the prey in, the two pairs of shining eyes made Ye Fei laugh.

So cute, his two little dumplings are so soft and cute


The little white tiger circled around Ye Fei's feet for a few times. This happy look made the little fox next to him raise his paws to cover his face, clearly revealing his disdain.

"Qingxue, we have caught a lot of prey today, so let's not take risks at night." Ye Fei picked up the two little ones and told them to be careful at night.

If there was prey outside the courtyard wall, it was not impossible to go out and catch it, but if the two of them wanted to go out in the wild to look for prey, then there was really no need to go out and look for prey.


The little fox nodded in agreement.

At night, they will definitely not run around.

Their humans have to practice at night. It has talked to Feng Bai and they need their protection at this time.

So the task at night is to rest near their humans. If there is any danger, they can find and solve it at the first time.

The sky was dark and night was coming. Ye Fei had a meal with the two little ones first, and checked the chat channel by the way.

Some players were complaining about the various troubles caused by the refresh of the environment outside the home.

Some players also said that after this refresh, they got more supplies when they went out, and the types became more diverse.

Ye Fei himself had this feeling, and everyone should be similar.

It's just that relatively speaking, there are indeed a lot of troubles. The dead trees near the house have been cleared away. Once a wild beast appears, it can be seen clearly from more than 500 meters away.

Now it's not possible.

The wild beasts will be blocked by trees. There are so many dead trees and shadows outside, and there are uncertain factors. After all, human vision is limited....

During this night, Ye Fei was in the process of cultivation. In the middle of the night, he finally entered into an immersive cultivation again. The comfortable feeling made him ignore external factors.

When it was almost dawn, he opened his eyes and looked at the more than 40 snow wolf corpses piled up in the yard. He realized how busy the two little guys were during his half night of immersive cultivation.

He opened the survival manual and flipped through a series of"spiritual energy +2" and"kill snow wolf, survival points +4". He saw the one at about one o'clock in the morning, the snow wolf night attack.

【Snow wolves are coming, please be prepared for defense]

Ye Fei really had no impression of this tip.

Immersive practice can absorb more spiritual energy, but this state of practice will block him from external information.

Whether it is the howling of wolves at night, or the little guys opening the door again and again, dragging these prey back home

""Good boy, I'm fine."

Ye Fei picked up the two little white balls that came over. Their fight seemed to be quite easy, and they were not in the state of being dyed red by blood before.

However, after hunting, they had to drag them back one by one, which was also very hard.


The little fox rubbed its head on Ye Fei's arm. Now that its human was awake, it could sleep peacefully.

It had eaten so much, and if it hadn't been waiting for its human to wake up, it would definitely not have been able to hold on until now.

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