[Today's random task: Find plants × 5, task completion progress 0/5, task completion reward: 50 survival points, 1 level 2 planting gift pack]

Today's random task has also been refreshed, which is to find plants.

However, Ye Fei will definitely not go out now. He didn't even go out to get the supply box outside the yard.

He just confirmed the current situation, then sat cross-legged again, immersed in practice.

Around his yard, the nearest dead tree to the courtyard wall is only one meter away. The dead trees in the snow are still quite dense, and their shapes are also different. It is uncertain whether there is danger behind the tree. In the quiet night, the practice continues, but Ye Fei now deliberately wants to practice immersively, but finds that this is really not possible just by thinking about it.


The little white tiger woke up, jumped out of Ye Fei's arms, and started running around the wall.

After running around, it found something and turned back to ask the little fox who had just caught up.


The little fox responded, and then the little white tiger jumped out of the courtyard wall.

When Ye Fei received the prompt and opened his eyes, he saw the little fox and the little white tiger struggling to open the courtyard wall.

Because it was their own home, they could also open it. Before, the little fox had pulled open the fence and let the big white tiger in.

But now there were six layers of courtyard walls stacked together. The little fox inside the wall and the little white tiger outside the wall dragging its prey were a little tangled.

Layer after layer, and the current courtyard wall is a solid wall, not the wooden fence with gaps for them to stretch their claws and pull.

"You can call me..."

Ye Fei adjusted the wall, watched the prey being dragged in, and quickly put the wall back.

Ye Fei was helpless about the two little guys going out hunting without saying hello, but he also wanted to laugh. Even if they were locked up at home for two days, there were still hundreds of portions of meat in the locker at home. They wouldn't starve just because they didn't go out hunting for a few days.


The little fox jumped onto Ye Fei's shoulder, rubbed against him, and then raised its paw to point at the dead forest outside the wall.

There were a lot of hidden prey in there, and Feng Bai could go out and catch them.

"Okay, go ahead and play if you want, but be careful. Call me if you need to open the door."

Ye Fei touched the little fox's head, then squatted down to smooth the little white tiger's fur. Looking at the two pairs of round eyes looking at him, he really couldn't ask them to stay at home.

As long as there is no danger, go ahead if you want to.

【Kill the Snow Fox, Survival Points +4】

【Snow fox corpse, can be collected]

This should be an adult snow fox, more than 1.5 meters long, not counting the tail.

Seeing the two little balls go out again, Ye Fei took out the special knife for decomposition and began to deal with this prey.

【Intermediate leather (green) 2, primary leather 4, animal bones 7, claws 4, animal tendons 1, snow fox meat 7]

Being able to get two intermediate leathers at a time is already a lot.

Ye Fei put them away and was not in a hurry to sell them. He picked up the broom and started to clean up the snow.


After a while, the little fox cried out while standing on the courtyard wall.

Ye Fei removed a section of the courtyard wall, and the little fox and the little white tiger dragged back a prey each.

A pheasant and a hare.

Throwing away the prey that had been bitten to death, the two little guys were addicted to playing, and then went out again.

Ye Fei looked at the two preys with countdowns, and did not rush to deal with them. He closed the courtyard door and continued to sweep the snow.

The snow layer was not thick, as long as it was swept to the edge and then thrown outside the courtyard wall with a snow shovel.

【Snow Lotus (Growing Period/Blue): Green Value 50, Suitable Temperature]

Arriving at the corner behind the yard, Ye Fei looked at the snow lotus that had finally entered the growing period from the seedling stage, and squatted down to take a few more glances.

A few small leaves stretched out in the snow, and there were no flower buds yet. It would probably take a long time for it to reach maturity.

However, as long as there is progress, it's fine. Ye Fei is not too concerned about it now, he is just curious all the time.

After looking at the status of the snow lotus, he stood up and continued to sweep the snow. By the way, when the little foxes came back and called him, he opened the yard and let them drag the prey into the yard.

After the snow in the yard was cleared, Ye Fei returned to the front yard and began to deal with the pile of prey that was brought back.

【White striped chicken 4, rabbit meat 6, feathers 85, intermediate leather (green) 2, primary leather 16, animal bones 52, animal tendons 4, animal teeth 4, claws 11, snow wolf meat 15, snow fox meat 8]

Ye Fei collected and processed the corpses of 4 pheasants, 3 hares, 2 snow wolves and 1 snow fox, and put all the items back in the locker.

"Rest for a while, let's go have breakfast now!"

Ye Fei hugged the two little kids who still wanted to go out, came out to get the supply box at the door, and then went straight back to the house.

Although he brought back a lot of prey, he still had to do business when it was time to eat.


The little fox stood on the table, raised his paw and patted the little white tiger on the head.


The little white tiger was taught a lesson, and lay listlessly on the table, with its pitiful big eyes focused on Ye Fei who was serving the food on the table.

It just wanted to hunt more and have more food for the family....

"Be good, let's go out after dinner. As long as there is no danger, you can play whatever you want."

Ye Fei touched the heads of the two little balls, looked at their instantly energetic eyes, smiled and sat opposite.

One person and two pets, breakfast took nearly half an hour.

The main reason was that Ye Fei ate slowly. His breakfast was still chicken meatballs and cabbage soup. He couldn't keep up with the two little things who quickly ate roasted meat and stewed meat opposite him.

"Let's go, don't go too far around here, I'm going to look for various plant seedlings today."

After eating and drinking, Ye Fei carried the two children out.

The weather was clear today, and the sun was emitting a faint warmth in the sky.

But this is a snowy mountain after all, and the warmth of the sun is only a little psychological comfort, and will not have any effect on the environment of the snowy mountain.


The little fox tilted its head and blinked, suddenly understanding what Ye Fei wanted.

It jumped off his shoulder and went straight into the snow, not giving Ye Fei and the little white tiger any time to react.


The little white tiger lay on Ye Fei's shoulder, tilted its round head, looked at the snow, then looked at Ye Fei, blankly waiting for an explanation.

Why didn't you take it with you?

What was the point of drilling under the snow?

Should it go?

However, it didn't have the ability to drill under the snow, it would get lost!

"perhaps...Are you going to look for seedlings?"

Ye Fei was also a little dumbfounded.

He remembered that the reason why he picked up the little fox Qingxue was because the little fox was burrowing in the snow and then crashed into a half-crippled state....

In this situation, should he worry a little or worry more?...

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