
The little fox kept staring at the chicken soup until he saw Ye Fei using a spoon to scoop the soup into a bowl, and he started to get anxious again.

"You can't use this, I'll give you a pickle dish, otherwise, it will burn you to death."

Ye Fei looked at the little fox that he had finally picked up, and he was reluctant to let it die.

Medicines and the like cannot be given casually, but it is okay to share a bite of food with it. I said before that if you follow me, you will have food to eat.

Now, let it taste the chicken soup first.

After putting the small dish in place, Ye Fei poured a little bit into it, and a thin layer of it cooled quickly.

""Woo woo!"

The little white ball was taken out of the basket. After it was put down, it leaned over and licked it twice.

The chicken soup was very fragrant. The little fox's head still hurt, but it didn't stop the little fox from being happy after licking the chicken soup.

"Drink the soup first, and wait until the meat is cool enough before eating it, otherwise, you will be scalded to death..."

Ye Fei also drank the chicken soup slowly. After watching the little fox finish eating, he waited there and poured it a little more soup with satisfaction.

After waiting for a while, the meat was not so hot anymore. Ye Fei looked at the little fox, then at the meat in the basin, and chose to pick out the chicken head and put it on the plate in front of the little fox.

If you don't want to recognize your master, I won't give you the good things.


The little fox finally saw the meat and started eating the comb. He bit off half of the comb in one bite. The warm feeling made him not to be too anxious. After chewing it up and swallowing it, he let out an excited cry.

One bite after another, Ye Fei watched the little fox chew up and eat the chicken head, which was half the size of his fist, along with the bones. He finally realized what the so-called sharp claws and teeth meant.

He tried to bite the bone of the chicken leg himself....

Although the skull and leg bones have different hardness, he still realized that he had always underestimated it because of the stupid collision with this little thing.


The little fox finished eating a chicken head and the soup it had drunk before, and was now full.

Lying on the floor, it barked at Ye Fei twice, then rolled into a ball, holding its head with its two little paws, and fell asleep in a daze.

"Go to sleep, I'll take you out in the afternoon."

Ye Fei reached out and picked up the little ball, put it back in the basket, touched it twice to let it sleep, and then went back to eat.

A chicken leg, a chicken wing, and half a basin of chicken soup. After Ye Fei was full, he was too lazy to move.

But he still had to go out.

Although the previous task was completed, the more things like supply boxes the better. If you really can't find them, you can get more supplies by chopping trees yourself.

After putting away the bowls and pots and covering the pots, Ye Fei looked at the sleeping little fox. He was worried about leaving it in an empty house, so he just picked up the plastic basket and planned to take it out.

But as soon as he walked out of the door with the little fox, the plastic basket disappeared, and the little fox fell directly to the ground.

"I almost dropped you to death...."

With quick hands and eyes, Ye Fei held the little fox, who had not yet woken up and whose blood and qi had finally recovered to half, and he let out a long breath, then put the little thing in the right pocket of the cotton-padded jacket.

The cotton-padded jacket has two pockets, which are large enough to hold four or five bottles of mineral water....

After reopening the door and seeing that the basket had returned to its original position, Ye Fei knew what was going on.

Everything in his house was a copy after he came here, not a real object.

And the things he obtained in this world, such as the wooden boards, the axe in his hand and other items, can be brought in and out of this world.

Looking at the various items in his home, perhaps in the future, when he has the ability to build a new home, this original template replica will disappear.

This world initially simulated a home that was exactly the same as the living environment in the past, in order to give players a memory of the past in the early stage, or to prevent players from dying cleanly because of homelessness at the beginning.

Leaving home with a sad mood, Ye Fei continued to search around, looking for possible supply boxes.

He picked up the little fox in the morning and went home. It was only a little after seven o'clock. It took two hours to stew chicken soup and eat. Now it was less than ten o'clock. After going around in circles nearby, he would deliberately look at the direction of his home every time to prevent himself from getting lost and unable to go back.

The surrounding terrain gradually became familiar, and at noon, Ye Fei picked up another supply box.

However, near the supply box, there is something special.

【Dying seedling: A seed that had been covered in dust for many years sprouted under the cover of ice and snow, but it could not survive in the absolutely frozen snow.

A strange green color in the snow attracted Ye Fei's attention.

After he stared at it, a message appeared on the green seedling. After staring at the surroundings for a few more times, Ye Fei made sure that there was no danger, then he walked over and turned over the snow with a wooden board, and carefully took out the seedling that sprouted in the snow.

【Pine seedling (green): can be planted]

There is no excessive introduction, and no one knows what it will produce after planting.

But in this white environment, Ye Fei thinks it is a good thing to have a tree planted in the yard.

Otherwise, living in a snowy environment all the time, he is about to get snow blindness.

The seedling received the parcel column, looking at the only two empty spaces left, Ye Fei still chose to open a blind box, took out the previous supply box and opened it.

The same items can be overlapped, but the supply box cannot

【Open wooden supply box: Bread +3, Water +2, Cabbage Seeds +5】

"Cabbage? Seeds? Count by the seed?"

Ye Fei looked at the five seeds in his hand and wondered if he could plant these and wait for the cabbage to grow, and then continue to cultivate it until it blooms and bears seeds....

However, he soon saw that he could not

【Cabbage seeds (white): disposable vegetable seeds, suitable for planting in soft and rootable soil.

After staring at it for a while, the information about disposable seeds reminded Ye Fei of the time when he was a child, when he followed his parents to farm and complained about the improved seeds many times.

In the past, when farming in rural areas, the seeds were set aside separately from the previous grain harvest and stored for continued planting the following year.

I don’t remember when it started, but grain seeds have become disposable items.

I can only rely on buying them from the seed station every year. If the grain grown by myself is replanted, it will either not sprout, or even if it sprouts, it will soon die in large areas....

He felt a little sentimental when thinking about the past, but he quickly put away the seeds and continued to search around. He didn't come here to be sad and nostalgic.

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