"Sure enough, it is still the most comfortable to have free access to water!"

Ye Fei installed a faucet in the yard, turned it on and washed his face with water. Although tap water is not quite the same as drinking water, it is enough for daily needs.

Because the special event gave a treasure chest, Ye Fei didn't have to worry about the butcher this time, and the corpses of the foxes and wolves were directly refreshed.

After converting the results of the normal butcher, Ye Fei felt that the treasure chest seemed to be a loss.

After re-covering the roof, Ye Fei opened the event treasure chest in the house.

【Obtain: Recipe for making fine iron longbow/reinforced wooden arrows, energy ball (small) of your choice]

After the event treasure chest is opened, two recipes and a transparent ball that can be held in the palm of your hand will appear.

The recipe is for a longbow and wooden arrows. The previous one was just a simple bow and arrows. This time, the fine iron longbow will definitely be better than the previous one.

After Ye Fei learned it, he went to the crafting table that was put back in the yard and checked the requirements of the recipe.

【Making a fine iron longbow: fine iron ingot 10, animal tendon 10, intermediate leather 5】

【[Making reinforced wooden arrows: 2 iron ingots, 5 strengthening materials]

The main material of the fine iron longbow is the fine iron ingot.

Iron ore can be forged into semi-finished products such as iron ingots, iron sheets, and iron wires.

The further processing of iron ingots is the fine iron ingot.

Ye Fei can do it himself, but the materials required are a bit more.

1 fine iron ingot = 20 iron ingots = 400 iron ores.

Fortunately, this is a digital game world, otherwise, Ye Fei really doesn’t know how to smelt 400 pieces of iron ore into a fine iron ingot. The fine iron longbow requires 10 fine iron ingots, which is a total of 4,000 iron ores.

Currently, 1 point is 10 iron ores, and he needs 400 points just for this item.

Looking at his current more than 600 points, Ye Fei went to buy it directly.

The semi-finished products began to be made. Even if the speed is very fast, we still have to wait.

Ye Fei sat on the floor holding the two little ones and began to check another item he got this time.

【Energy ball of your choice (small), converted into 200 points of spiritual energy】

"This is also a good thing."

Ye Fei sat cross-legged, converted the energy ball, and then quickly absorbed it.

After the energy ball was turned on, the spiritual energy was around him, and he needed to absorb it before it could be integrated into himself. It was not as the junior student had guessed before, that it could increase directly.

When Ye Fei absorbed these 200 points of spiritual energy, the amount of spiritual energy he currently had was 296 points, which was enough for two body tempering.

But he was not so anxious now, and would talk about it when he practiced in the evening.

Now, he was going to take out the fine iron ingots and start preparing to make the fine iron longbow.

In addition to the fine iron ingots, there was also reinforced wood. This reinforced It takes 20 primary woods to synthesize 1 piece of wood.

For Ye Fei, who has several boxes of primary wood piled up at home, he never worries about the wood problem. He directly processes it and then buys animal tendons and intermediate leather.

He sold them before, and now he still buys them at the same price.

Put it in for production. This time the production time is a little longer, and it can only be taken out after 10 minutes.

During this time, Ye Fei swept the snow in his house again, because the more snow there is, the temperature in the yard will slowly drop, which is not good for the growth of plants.

""Ah, ah~"

The little white tiger rolled on Ye Fei's shoulder and suddenly became angry when he saw Ye Fei picking a long green fruit.

"It's just a cucumber, Feng Bai, do you want to try it?"

Ye Fei tilted his head and looked at the little tiger with its fur standing on end, curious about what happened to this little thing.

He finally saw a cucumber grow up, and picked one to have as a fruit for his meal, but he scared this brave little white tiger?

"Awooo! Awooo!..."

The little white tiger quickly shook his head, jumped to the other side's shoulder, and asked the little fox for comfort.

"What are you afraid of?..."

Ye Fei was amused by its pitiful state, picked off the small yellow flower that had not yet completely withered, and took a bite.

The fresh cucumber was so crisp!

""Really don't you want to try it?"

After eating a few bites, Ye Fei looked at the two little dumplings. They tasted really good, but they probably didn't suit the dietary preferences of carnivores.

""Oh, oh, oh!"

The little fox shook his head. He was not interested.

They were meat eaters. They ate the leaves for fun before, but forget it....

"Sure enough, from now on, all the vegetables in the house will be mine!"

Ye Fei didn't think there was anything wrong with this. Maybe vegetables were convenient in some places, but he only had the most meat here.

Moreover, he didn't have to work hard himself. The two little guys were very good at hunting.

Eating cucumbers, he returned to the production table.

【Item crafting completed】

【Fine Iron Longbow (Blue): Accuracy increased by 3%, penetration increased by 5%, requires Strength 6]

Blue quality longbow, Ye Fei looked at it and found that it still had two effects. It seemed to be very good.

His White Tiger Blade had only a 10% tearing effect before.


The tearing effect of the White Tiger Blade seems to be an additional increase, and it is not the same type of increase as the percentage increase on the basis of the

White Tiger Blade. The Wind Spirit Mechanical Crossbow, which is also purple equipment like the White Tiger Blade, has a penetration of 15%, and the heavy crossbow arrow itself has extremely strong penetration, so it cannot be compared with the same.

After trying it, Ye Fei suddenly found that he was miserable and couldn't use it....

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