[Purchase Primary Golden Light Shield, Points -700]

Ye Fei spent points to buy this primary defense type magic practice secret book. He took the book in his hand and opened it. The complex ancient characters made Ye Fei confused.

Fortunately, he could choose to study and directly import the information into his mind.

‘Fortunately, otherwise, I can't recognize all the words...’

After learning the knowledge, Ye Fei understood and remembered it all.

However, how to practice, how to use, and how to control the spiritual energy...

He still has no idea about it. In other words, he can buy it and learn it, but he has to learn it slowly.

He has to learn it by himself before he can use it.


The little fox Qingxue was running around with the little white tiger. They couldn't wait for Ye Fei to call them, so they quietly came back to take a look.

As a result, they saw Ye Fei sitting in the yard, looking a little lost.

"It's okay, I just feel that there are too many things I need to learn."

Ye Fei touched the little fox's head, and the little white tiger that came over, put them on his shoulders, and then went back to the room to cook.

After a morning, he had only completed half of his task, and he had to continue in the afternoon. He simply stewed a pot of meat, and after eating and drinking, he went out again with his two pets, changed direction, and continued to look for possible plants.


The little fox rubbed Ye Fei's hand, and soon after he went out, he took the little white tiger away again.

Ye Fei walked in the snow. Now he basically didn't need to worry about the safety of the surroundings. The two little balls were circling around him first, and then circling around.

Therefore, there were no animals left out near him.

Walking and stopping, Ye Fei picked up a white supply box, and found a green quality supply box on a tree. He picked up the box after chopping down the tree.

After walking for half an afternoon, Ye Fei saw the second seedling of the day.

【Dying cypress seedlings]

This time, it's not a pine tree


Ye Fei thought about it. These pines and cypresses seem to be cold-resistant.

Including the redwood tree before, it seems to be a pine and cypress series....

That's probably the case. His knowledge is limited, but it looks very similar.

【Today's random task: Find 2 plant seedlings, 2/2 progress, task completion reward: 20 survival points, 1 level 1 planting gift pack】

20 points received, and the level 1 planting gift pack was also received.

Ye Fei was not in a hurry to open the gift pack, as his current package was almost full.

At present, Ye Fei's favorite is the package expansion voucher, but that thing is too difficult, he can only hope that the unopened supply box will give another one.

"Qingxue, Fengbai, go home!"

Ye Fei completed today's random task, and there was only one empty space in the package. Although it was only a little after four o'clock in the afternoon, it was time to go home.

Now he not only had to look for various resources in the snow, but also had to practice...

Even though he didn't understand the specific usage, Ye Fei had a feeling that this elementary golden shield technique required spiritual energy consumption to maintain.

""Qingxue! Fengbai!"

Ye Fei called several times, but the two little guys didn't come back.

He knew that the two little guys were already familiar with the names he gave them. If they didn't come back at this time, it was either because they were too far away or they were stuck for some reason. He was a little anxious, but he didn't know where the two little guys were, and he didn't even know the direction.

【Kill the White Crane, Survival Points +6】


Looking at the points that suddenly appeared, Ye Fei's original sadness about being too weak suddenly turned into a series of question marks.

White crane?

Where did the white crane come from?

There are white cranes on the snowy mountain?

You two little things, have you lost interest in wild wolves, rabbits, and pheasants?

Bison is also OK, at least it can run on the ground, and you can dig a pit and kill it, but white cranes...

What are you thinking? Are land creatures no longer able to satisfy you?

"Ao, ao~"

The little white tiger rushed back first, ran in front of Ye Fei, then turned around and ran back.


Ye Fei raised his foot and ran in that direction. Seeing that the white tiger had only half of its health bar and a few bloodstains on its white fur, it was definitely injured.

But the white tiger was busy carrying him over, and Ye Fei couldn't reach it even if he wanted to feed it a blood-replenishing pill.

After running for more than ten minutes, Ye Fei's physical strength was almost exhausted. Finally, he saw the little fox gnawing on the corpse of the white crane on the edge of a cliff.


Ye Fei looked at the little fox Qingxue, which had only a little blood left, and ran over to grab the blood-replenishing pill and stuffed it into its mouth.

After eating two pills, the little fox's health bar finally returned to three-quarters, but blood was still oozing out of its body. It could only be considered temporarily saved from death. If it didn't go home for treatment quickly, it would die sooner or later.


The little fox in Ye Fei's hand drooped its head, feeling uncomfortable all over, but didn't dare to cry.

It was the fox that insisted on catching the big bird with long wings. Feng Bai told it not to touch it, but it just wanted to kill it. The result of its willfulness was that the two of them almost died here....

Because it could no longer drag the prey back, it could only bite it to death on the spot. And when the little white tiger went back to find Ye Fei, it gnawed the flesh and blood of the white crane to maintain its physical strength and blood....

"It's okay, let's go home."

Ye Fei touched the little fox's head and took out two blood-replenishing pills. The little fox ate one and the little white tiger also ate one.

Then, after letting the little white tiger lead the way, he dragged the dead white crane, which was now in a broken state, back.

Although it might be that the pets were not alert to the target, which led to such a result, Ye Fei knew that this was all caused by him.

In the future, he would have to take care of them more or less. Even if they couldn't find prey, they couldn't run too far.


Snow Mountain.

He finally understood why the area he was in was called Snow Mountain instead of the snowfield where the rich man was.

The flat area and some small slopes he saw before were just platforms on the top of the snow mountain.

Outside this large platform, which was the cliff just now, you can see that there are snow mountains of different shapes and heights all around.

He couldn't see it all along because the snow mountain he was on was too high....

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