[Grassland/0090-1144-3656: Senior, I tried it, it really works. I have practiced for a day and a night, and I already have more than 30 points of spiritual energy. Senior, have you made a breakthrough? I saw that your combat power value has increased. How much spiritual energy do you need to make a breakthrough?]

During dinner, this junior sent another message.

Moreover, judging from the content of his message, he has been practicing non-stop since yesterday.

【Me: 100 points of spiritual energy can be used to break through the Qi Refining. I failed once and succeeded the second time. After the first failure, only three quarters of the spiritual energy was returned.

Ye Fei told the other party the information, and then there was a long silence.

He didn't bother about the other party, he ate his meal peacefully, and also coaxed the two little dumplings who were acting like spoiled children.

【Grassland/0090-1144-3656: Senior, didn’t you tell me before that alumni are actually nothing in your place? You refused the gifts I gave you. Why are you telling me so much now? You are too soft-hearted. It is easy to be deceived.】

More than half an hour later, the message from the junior student came.

Ye Fei was stunned by this message.

It seemed that he did say too much.

After chatting more, he felt relaxed unconsciously. Was it because he was lonely because there was no one else to chat with?

He thought that he could live a normal life even if he left the crowd, because he was half socially anxious.

But now, why should he say so much to this junior student from another time and space?

However, thinking about it, Ye Fei suddenly realized...

【Me: It’s information that everyone will know sooner or later. It’s not secret information. Is there any need to hide it?

Ye Fei replied and lay on the bed, holding the two little kids in his arms and playing with them.

Why does he have to worry about this?

It was originally a sharing of information. Everyone chose to be a cultivator. If he encounters problems in this area in the future, he will go to this junior to ask.

Similarly, the big guy spent money to buy the information from me. If I need to ask the big guy, I will naturally need to pay for it at that time.

People exchange some information with each other. What the other person is like, you are like that too.

Although this junior listened to me a lot at this time, I also learned some other information from his words.

When you think you haven’t lost anything, you don’t need to calculate the gains and losses.

【Grassland/0090-1144-3656: Oh...I also have some news to tell you, senior. For 600 points, you can get the recipes for the Soul Gathering Pill and the Soul Gathering Array. I thought cultivation was too boring, so I bought the Soul Gathering Pill to save some effort. But after I bought it, I was told that I also needed a pill furnace and various herbs. Now I have a recipe in my hand, and it is gathering dust in the locker.(┯_┯)】

【I:......When did you buy it?

Ye Fei felt like laughing.

【Grassland/0090-1144-3656: Half an hour ago, a group of wolves attacked my yard. I went out to deal with them. I dropped a few beast essence stones. I sold them and bought this formula. Senior, don't buy it. At least don't buy this thing before you have an alchemy furnace. There is no mark. It's too bullying.

This time, the information did say what he did in the previous half hour.

However, 600 points bought a formula that is not used for the time being....

Ye Fei seemed to understand a little bit.

He felt that the spiritual energy cultivation was still too slow, so he wanted to find some shortcuts, but ended up being pitted by himself.

【Me: Just leave it there, it will always be useful, it's just a matter of using it early or late, the beast essence stone is really valuable]

Ye Fei smiled and gave me a consolation that was actually useless.

It shouldn't be difficult for this junior brother with strong fighting power to earn 600 points

【Grassland/0090-1144-3656: Beast Essence Stone is actually one of the materials for the Gathering Spirit Pill, but it is just an ordinary material. There are also Gathering Spirit Grass, Heavenly Spirit Pearl, Rehmannia glutinosa, Chuanqiong, in short, they are all things I have never seen before, all of which are purple grade.

He told Ye Fei everything needed for the formula of the Gathering Spirit Pill. It seemed very casual, but Ye Fei felt that this junior was deliberately returning a favor to him.

Perhaps, the formula of the Gathering Spirit Pill was bought a long time ago.

As for the alchemy furnace...

The price of the alchemy furnace and the formula should not be too different. He guessed that this junior student was not stupid enough to not know that this thing needed an alchemy furnace.

Maybe he already had both the alchemy furnace and the formula?

【Me: Purple grade is too far away. I have only seen two or three green grade ones now, and they are still materials for making. I sold them all for points.

After replying the message, Ye Fei saw that the little fox and the little white tiger were both asleep. He put them on the bed and covered them with a quilt. Then he walked into the yard and prepared to start practicing.

【Grassland/0090-1144-3656: Yes, the purple grade is too difficult to get. The wolf leader I killed tonight only dropped green at most. Senior, you should have eaten. Go to bed early. I'm going to get something to eat now. After eating, I'm going to continue practicing in the yard. After looking at the message, Ye Fei replied to ask the other party to practice well. He also began to sit cross-legged in the yard and continued to absorb spiritual energy.

【Absorbing spiritual energy successfully, spiritual energy +2]

When Ye Fei heard the already turned down prompt tone, he woke up from his state of meditation instantly.

He opened the survival manual and saw the information of spiritual energy +2.

‘Because he has already broken through to the first stage of Qi Refining? '

Ye Fei turned off the information and put himself back into the state of meditation.

The amount of spiritual energy absorbed suddenly doubled, which was really good!

Feeling more relaxed, Ye Fei continued to practice with concentration.

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