[Personal House: Apartment Simulation Model

Energy Reserve: 100

Existing Furniture: Light Bulb, Single Bed, Toilet, Water Heater, Shower, Range Hood, Low-quality Electric Cooker, Simple Clothes Hanger, Plastic Storage Rack]

The information interface of the personal house is the current model of Ye Fei's house.

Every piece of furniture inside is placed in a model, and the energy value consumed by each item when used is also marked.

There are no external wires, water pipes, sewage pipes and other items, and now they are all switched to energy consumption.

The toilet consumes 0.1 energy per use, and the shower is used according to the time, 0.1 energy per minute.

Electric lights, water heaters, electric cookers, range hoods, these power consumption are 0.2 energy per minute.

The exchange of household energy consumption can be purchased with survival points. Ye Fei took a look and saw a ratio of 1:10.

Now this 100 energy points is equal to 10 points.

Knowing the usage of these things, Ye Fei began to study the two self-selected household appliances.

Open one and open several major categories first. There are still regional restrictions, so he decisively chose the snow mountain.

The snow mountain category is divided into houses and yards.

Thinking of the snow in the yard, the yard is the natural choice.

What appears again this time is the snow mountain and the items used in the yard.

After choosing, he finally chose the large broom and snow shovel necessary for sweeping the snow in the yard.

Before it got dark, Ye Fei came to the yard and started cleaning with a large wooden shovel. He shoveled the snow inside the fence and threw it outside the fence.

The yard was not big, and soon there was only a thin layer left. At this time, he used a large broom to sweep the yard again.

I haven't worked for a long time. Even though I have done these things in the countryside before, Ye Fei was still sweating after cleaning.

However, labor is still rewarded. After he cleared the snow in his yard, he suddenly received a reward for a completed task.

【Clean courtyard: Keeping the courtyard clean can make you happy and avoid some potential dangers. [Reward 1 survival point]

Although only 1 survival point was given, Ye Fei did not despise it. After all, he did not know about this kind of reward before working.

Standing at the door of the room, looking at the clean courtyard, he was still very satisfied.

Now that the cleaning is done, it is already dark.

Close the door, wash your hands and start eating.

As for turning on the lights...

Forget it. He didn't have any extravagant hobbies and didn't plan to consume his energy reserves unless necessary.

A piece of bread and a bottle of water were enough to fill his stomach.

Lying on the familiar bed, Ye Fei was finally able to calm down and start thinking about how he had suddenly traveled to another world and turned it into a game. This was actually quite frustrating.

"Not bad, at least I was given a house at the beginning..."

Thinking about his life over the past twenty years, Ye Fei suddenly felt that things were pretty good now.

His parents passed away a few years ago and did not leave much money, but they had a house in the countryside.

The house was sold so that he could go to college. Since his relatives did not get any benefits, they always scolded him for not having a way out.

Only his aunt always liked to brag to her uncle's relatives about how great her nephew was.

But he did not have a life of cheating. After graduating from college, he was just an ordinary low-level social animal.

Because of the land consolidation in his hometown, he went home to sign a contract some time ago.

It was at that time that he was asked how much he earned, which led to the subsequent phone call and scolding....

In fact, they are not that close to each other, but I always feel unhappy when I am scolded. Now I don't need to worry about these things.

Although the house is small, he doesn't need to pay rent now, and he doesn't need to worry about the rent increase next month, or the problem of no one paying him if he loses his job.

But he is not naive to think that he can easily survive in this world.

Survival game, as the name suggests, is based on survival.

"It's just past eight o'clock..."

Unable to sleep, Ye Fei looked at the time. It was not yet nine o'clock. It seemed that he had not gone to bed so early for a long time. He could not turn on the light to waste electricity even if he could not sleep. Besides, there was nothing to do with the light on. He had no mobile phone or computer....

After opening the chat channel, he decided to check out other players' chats.

He didn't want to talk, nor did he want to chat with anyone. When he arrived at a new environment, he would first dive and observe. This was Ye Fei's habit.

【Snow Mountain/0293-1542-1001: The person above should shut up. Those who haven't completed the first step of the task can't even open this interface now. You are such a drama queen!】

【Snow Mountain/0099-5146-1888: Damn it, I am so stupid. I actually believed you, you bastard, and even sympathized with you and gave you advice. Just die!】

【Xueshan/1099-8866-1992: Are you stupid? I didn't believe it! 】

As soon as I opened the chat interface, I saw several messages like this. Ye Fei flipped through the chat channel and saw a person crying and complaining.

The person said that he didn't build a fence, hid in a wooden house, shivered from the cold, and heard that there seemed to be a large animal outside scratching his wooden wall....

He looked so miserable, but some people were still trying to comfort him, and some even offered to give him some clothes so he wouldn't freeze to death....

But the one who made the suggestion didn't say anything after making the suggestion.

Although no one gave him anything, there were still people who gave him some real or fake suggestions.

It wasn't until someone said that if you didn't complete the construction of the fence, you couldn't enter the chat interface, that many people started to call that person a liar.

"There are scammers everywhere...."

Ye Fei also saw these and suddenly realized that scammers are really everywhere.

Before we know what this game world is like, someone has already started to cheat....

After complaining for a while, he continued to stare at the chat channel to see if there was any other information.

After the liar was pointed out, they quickly switched to other topics.

Some people talked about houses, house cleaning, room layout, energy consumption and other topics.

As for topics such as survival needs, personal current situation, and speculation about the future, everyone talked more normally.

Until Ye Fei saw a person who raised the question of combat effectiveness

【Xueshan/0099-5117-1888: Has anyone ever counted the maximum combat power? I used to practice martial arts and won the city championship, but now my combat power is only 8 points.

This person brought up a topic, and many people responded. Among the answers that were not outrageous, most of the players who popped up were in the range of 3-7.

Except for a few who claimed to have 9 points.

After chatting with them for a while, we can basically know that

4 points and below are lower than ordinary people, 5-7 are ordinary people, and 8 and 9 are both strong ordinary people.

【Xueshan/0003-4656-1210: I have 1 point, which is also marked as lower than ordinary people, but I think it should be divided more detailedly. How can I be considered low? I am so low that I am standing on the edge of death. I just want to ask, is there a combat power of 0 points? 】After discussing for a while, someone came out and said that he wanted to know if 1 point of combat power was the lowest.

After him, it was quiet for a while, and then someone comforted him, and someone exposed himself.

Someone said that his father was over 80 years old and still had 2 points of combat power. He had never seen a lower one.

Someone said that his child was only two years old, and his combat power was also 1 point. He wanted to ask the one above who had 1 point, how did he achieve such a low combat power.

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