【Wooden Fence 80】

More than an hour later, Ye Fei put 80 wooden fences in his package.

This time, he deliberately wanted to expand the yard a little bit. Of course, the main reason was that there were enough primary wood.

Before it got completely dark, he opened the home interface, selected the location and started to place them.

The fence he placed was 10 meters long and wide, a square yard.

Then, at each fence position, he placed two layers.

Although the defense power is still the same, if a wild beast appears, there is always another layer as a secondary protection when the outer layer is not protected.

Moreover, he can adjust this fence, and he can also take a few from a safe place to block the attacked position.

This wave of operations is definitely a luxury, but when Ye Fei fell asleep that night and was awakened by the little fox in the middle of the night, he was sure that luxury would be useful.

It was just midnight at this time, and Ye Fei was awakened by the scream of the little fox not long after he fell asleep.

""Don't go out, we'll slowly kill it!"

Ye Fei stood outside the door, watching the wolves in the snow waving their claws at the fence again and again, and he drew his bow and arrow and began to attack. The fence was consuming single-digit durability. There were not many wolves outside, and he counted only seven.

【Wild wolf that attacks at night, combat power 28, sharp claws and teeth, group attack, burst]

These are the attributes of the six ordinary wolves

【The leader of the wolf pack that attacked at night, combat power 36, sharp claws and teeth, momentum, command]

The special label of this wolf pack leader is command, as for the momentum, Ye Fei does not know yet.

But under the command of this leader wolf, the wolf pack is attacking the same fence.

The durability of 2000 is not small, and the defense of 20 makes the destructive power of the wolf pack only in the single digit.

But six wild wolves are destroying together, even if they attack once a second, a fence can't even last for a minute.

After being awakened, Ye Fei went out to check. At this time, the durability of the first fence had been emptied, and the second fence was being attacked.

Ye Fei hurried to adjust from the side. The new fence blocked the wolf pack. The wooden arrow in his hand locked a wolf, and tried to attack the wolf every time.

The durability of the fence is equal to the blood bar, and at this time it is a contest of blood bars on both sides.

Ye Fei will not adjust too much at a time, and always let the wild wolf see that it will be completed soon before putting a new one.

This will prevent the wolf pack from shifting targets temporarily, and he can continue to attack.

When the first wolf was killed by his bow and arrow, the leader wolf howled to the sky.


After a wolf howl, the remaining five wolves directly started the burst mode, and the destructive power increased instantly.

Ye Fei hurriedly adjusted the other fences to block it, and took advantage of the reduced defense of the wild wolf after the burst, and mechanically pulled the bow again and again.

The burst of the wild wolf has a time limit, and it will be exhausted in less than a minute. There will be a delay period of more than ten minutes during this period.

But even in the delay period, after all, the combat power is much stronger than him, and it is still very strenuous to fight.

But as long as the wolves can't get in, he can grind slowly, and in order to prevent the little fox from rushing in and being besieged, he can only prevent it from moving now.

The longbow wooden arrows are still being made on the production table not far away. If there are no more, new ones will be used. There are enough primary woods, so it's so willful.

As for the animal bones, that is still 1 point for 2, so it doesn't hurt to buy them for the time being. After all, he also earned a little points in ice and pine needles by chopping wood this day.

Until the five ordinary wild wolves were ground to death by him, the leader wolf finally couldn't help it and started to want to run at this time.


The little fox was held down and not allowed to go out. It had been annoyed after being stared at for so long.

Seeing that the leader wolf wanted to run, it jumped out from the top of the fence. It was much faster than the wolf in the accelerated state, and it went straight to the leader wolf's eyeball and grabbed it.

And it also learned to run after grabbing.

Because of its attack, the leader wolf did not want to run this time. One of its eyes was scratched, and it turned around to find a target for revenge.

While it was hesitant to look for it, Ye Fei had already adjusted the fence and directly circled the leader wolf in the middle.

This kind of long-range placement, here At this time, Ye Fei finally realized that this could not only be used to adjust defenses, but also to kill monsters.

As long as he had enough fences, he could trap the attacking beasts in a certain area, and then attack that place.

The leader wolf was now surrounded. Because one of its eyes was injured, its health bar had not dropped much, but it was currently in a state of crazy revenge.

Ye Fei's bow and arrow did not do much damage, but at this time all he wanted was to wear the opponent down, and he did not expect to have any fatal blow.

After more than half an hour, the leader wolf finally fell down.

【Successfully prevented the night attack of the wild wolf pack, and was awarded survival points of 80】

【All the wild wolves were killed in the night raid, and the survival points were awarded 80】

【Solve the night attack of wild wolves without any injury, obtain the aura of"Wolf Nemesis", and increase the attack against wolves by 10%]

A series of three prompts appeared, and Ye Fei sat down weakly on the ground, which was already covered with a thin layer of snow.

His current physical strength and energy values have reached the bottom. If he hadn't kept telling himself not to stop, he would probably have been exhausted and fell asleep.

Fortunately, it's done!

There is no prompt for the beast's attack, and there is no mark even when it started. In the survival manual, it only says that he was awakened and walked to the yard, and saw the wolf pack attacking the fence. There is no information about the wolf pack before....

What a rip-off, it's really too much of a rip-off!

However, the points are quite a lot.

When he hunted the wild wolf and the leader wolf alone before, there was no reward prompt. He thought there was no reward when defending.

Now it seems that they are all saved together.

Adding his original points, even if some of them were spent, there are still 183 points.

Looking at the more than 100 pieces of wood he had left, Ye Fei went back to make some wooden fences.

But the consumption just now was really too much, and it is currently impossible to complete the second circle of protection. But at least after the outermost layer of foundation, there are more than 20 adjustable wooden fences left just in case.

"Qingxue, our family will really have meat to eat this time!"

After Ye Fei adjusted the fence, the seven wolf corpses also appeared inside the rearranged fence. After resting for a while and recovering a little, Ye Fei came to the wolf corpses and started to work with a butcher knife.

【Wolf meat 48, animal tendons 13, animal bones 38, primary leather 45, intermediate leather (green) 8, animal teeth 13, claws 27, animal essence stone (wolf) 4]

The harvest was very good. Although Ye Fei was very curious about why some wolves might lose one or two teeth and claws when they fell off, this animal essence stone actually dropped 4 for him.

He was very satisfied with this number.

""Oh, oh, oh~"

The little fox Qingxue came over and stared at the beast essence stone in Ye Fei's hand. It wanted to eat it.

"Can you eat wolf-type animals too?"

Ye Fei looked at the little fox. Isn't this type of annotation a restriction?

"" Ying!"

The little fox looked at Ye Fei's fingers, letting it touch the beast essence stones, and happily lowered its head to nibble on them.

It nibbled off a quarter of them in one bite, and stepped on Ye Fei's hand with its little paw until it had eaten all four. Only then did it happily turn over and fell asleep on its back in Ye Fei's palm.

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