[Me: Were you from Earth before you came here?]

Ye Fei didn't know what parallel worlds were, and he was just looking for random topics to talk about.

He couldn't believe in a junior from a parallel world, okay!

【Grassland/0090-1144-3656: What Earthlings? We are Chinese, Blue Star Chinese! 】

The other party seemed to be somewhat bothered by the name of Earthlings, and repeatedly emphasized his identity

【Me: Sure enough, I am a Chinese from Earth.

Ye Fei sighed and stopped worrying.

Let's just go with it. At least it's better than letting him know that after he graduated, the average combat power of Q University was 9 points per person....

It should be a little better. Although the fighting power of the junior in this parallel world has increased again and has reached double digits.

In a different world, he can at least comfort himself that it is not because he is too useless....

As for parallel worlds, different time and space, etc., would the information also be very scary?...

We have been dragged into this survival world, so nothing is impossible!

【Grassland/0090-1144-3656: So, there really is a parallel world? Are the combat capabilities of your people so weak? Then do you not have to go to the sea to fight marine creatures? 】

A series of questions came over.

The other party seemed to understand Ye Fei's 3 points of combat capability and regarded this value as a normal standard.

【Me: There is no need for that kind of fighting. There are very few martial arts in our area. With the development of various technological weapons, one shell can blow up a building.

Ye Fei didn't know if what he said was right, but some military columns he had watched were about the same concept.

This is limited to weapons that can be seen by ordinary people. Those that cannot be publicly displayed can only be seen in some uncertain short videos.

【Grassland/0090-1144-3656: It seems that different branches appeared at some point. However, you are also amazing. You can go out hunting with 3 points of combat power in such a place. Keep up the good work. Maybe the people there actually have potential, but their genes have not been developed. I will go out and try to catch a sheep with my bare hands and slaughter it. Then I will send you some mutton.

This junior brother also hesitated for a while before replying to Ye Fei.

Although he seemed to be trying to praise Ye Fei and trying to comfort him,

【Me: Go ahead, be safe.]

Ye Fei replied with a message and closed the friend chat interface.

He was not in the state of loss that the other party might think, and he just had some uncertain guesses about this junior from another time and space.

But these things can be studied when he has time. He still has to continue looking for prey and complete today's random tasks first.

Since this world has dragged all kinds of people in, different time and space have also gathered together, and there is an uncertain proportion of non-humans...

Try your best to survive, improve your strength and become stronger, this is what he needs to pay attention to and care about the most.


The little fox Qingxue didn't know what Ye Fei had done just now, but she still didn't disturb him.

Now that she saw him move, she asked curiously.

"It's okay, I just suddenly learned some information. We need to become stronger, even stronger...."

Even though he didn't understand, Ye Fei continued to chat with the little fox.

In a conversation where he didn't understand anything and could only rely on his feelings to understand the emotions, Ye Fei finally found his third prey of the day.

The hare, this time it was in a healthy state, and he also saw the combat power value that the hare should have.

【[Rabbit, Combat Strength 4, Kick]


Ye Fei pointed at the rabbit and asked the little fox to solve this.

Kick or something, is this a rabbit's kicking skill?


The little fox Qingxue rushed out. This time, there was no sneak attack. Its speed was so fast that it could not be seen clearly in front of the hare.

【Kill the hare, survival points +1】

【[Harvest Rabbit Corpse: Collectible]

The corpse of the hare that was killed by one blow fell on the snow. Although it was killed by the little fox Qingxue, Ye Fei still got the survival points.

【Today's random task: Hunting × 3, task completion progress 3/3, task completion reward: 9 survival points, 1 level 1 hunting gift pack]

9 survival points received, and the level 1 hunting gift pack. The current survival points are 10 points. None of the items on the trading interface have been sold. Ye Fei is not in a hurry now. He squats down and collects the hare.

【Primary leather +1, rabbit meat +2, animal bone +1]

The wild rabbit seems to be too weak, so there is no animal tendon.

Ye Fei put away the materials, hugged the little fox that rubbed his hand and walked towards home.

The package is full again, and he is not sure what is in the hunting gift package now, so it is always more convenient to open it at home.

Of course, there is another important reason. He told the little fox that he would go home for dinner after completing another hunt. Even if the little fox may not understand, he said it and did not want to break his promise.

""Bing bing~"

The little fox rolled around on Ye Fei's shoulder.

He couldn't understand what she said, but he knew that there would be delicious food when he got home.

After returning home, the little bun jumped down and stayed beside the wooden table, quietly tilting his head to look at Ye Fei. His round dark eyes flickered with expectation.

While waiting for the meal ,...

【Stewed Rabbit Meat (Green): After eating, you can get the"Primary Cunning Rabbit" effect, which increases the speed by 3 points and lasts for 1 hour.

The acceleration effect for one hour is only 3 points, but it is already very good.

However, Ye Fei is now thinking about the two pieces of stewed rabbit meat. If he gives the little fox a whole piece, can it eat it all?


The little fox looked at the whole piece of rabbit meat on the plate in front of it. The rabbit meat was bigger than it. It glared at Ye Fei unhappily, raised its paw and cut the rabbit meat into three pieces. It only ate such a big piece at a time.

"Got it. Eat slowly. It's a little hot."

Ye Fei put the remaining two pieces on another plate and gave it to the little fox for the next meal.

The food was placed in the tableware and then on the dining table. This way, the refresh countdown would not be displayed.

But raw ingredients cannot be placed, and tableware must be used to hold them.

He also tore the rabbit meat he wanted to eat into small pieces, added soup, and ate it slowly with bread.

After eating, Ye Fei opened his personal panel and took a look. His original expectations were still not realized.

【Name: Ye Fei (No.: Xueshan/0099-5111-1111)

Race: Human

Talent: See through

Health value: 86

Physical value: 97

Vitality value: 88

Combat power: 3

Equipment: Warm five-piece suit (warmth +25, defense +2, speed +1), primary cunning rabbit effect (speed +3)

Pet: Qingxue (level 2 snow fox cub), loyalty 100, combat power 10, healthy and active

Package column 10/10: Bread 20, water 19, primary wood 27, primary leather 1, first-level blood-replenishing pill 6, first-level spirit-replenishing pill 6, wild wolf meat 8, rabbit meat 2, animal bone 1, first-level hunting gift bag

Survival points: 10]

The temporary effect of food is added to the equipment category, and it also made Ye Fei certain of one thing.

The bonus on the equipment is actually not counted in terms of its own combat power.

So now he can be sure that the improvement of the combat power of that junior brother is really only relying on himself to grow.

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