"hiss...My head hurts so much, I will never go out drinking with those beasts again..."

Ye Fei just regained consciousness after a hangover. Before he even opened his eyes, he held his aching head and cursed those bad friends for being so annoying.

Last night was his 25th birthday, but this day was terrible.

In the morning, he received a call from his aunt, telling him not to go back to his hometown anymore, saying that it was too embarrassing for her.

Because when he was in college, his aunt praised him as a proud child of heaven in some places, but after graduation, he could only earn more than 2,000 yuan.

In the morning, he went to the company and received the news that the probation period was over and would not be renewed. He was also asked to pack up and make room, as the new intern was about to arrive.

At noon, he went out and was hit by an old lady, who blamed him for hurting others and insisted that he was not wrong and refused to pay compensation. He was taken to the police station and educated for an afternoon. In the end, after adjusting the surveillance and mediation, he was asked to give the old lady 300 yuan before he could go home.

In the evening, he was called out by several friends who played with him in college, saying that they were celebrating his birthday, but he had just arrived���I was drunk in the house, how did I get home later?...

He couldn't remember it now.

Fortunately, those guys still had a little conscience and didn't leave him there to pay for his debt.

"This sun is too dazzling, isn't it?"

Ye Fei lifted his heavy eyelids and looked at the sun outside the window. He was still thinking that all the discomfort was caused by the hangover. He staggered to the window. He wanted to see if there was a pancake stall outside the community. If not, he would prepare to cook some noodles.

"What's going on? Where is this?"

Ye Fei was dumbfounded as he approached the window and looked out.

He no longer saw the streets full of parked cars, nor the green belts whose tree shapes exceeded his aesthetic taste, nor the pancake stand that he particularly liked.

At this moment, all he saw was white.

Ice? Or snow?

Or both?

He couldn't tell what the white outside the window was, but he was sure that the glare from the sun just now was actually due to the refraction of light.

After just a few glances, he turned around with sour eyes and looked at his current house.

He rented a house, a single apartment, only 15 square meters.

There was a single bed, a very small bathroom, and the kitchen was at the door, with a range hood and a simple An electric rice cooker for cooking and frying.

There is no refrigerator, only a simple kitchen rack.

There is no closet either, but a rack made of several iron pipes for him to hang clothes.

The monthly rent for such a small room is more than a thousand yuan. More than half of his salary of a little over two thousand yuan during his internship was directly cut.

His aunt in his hometown would feel ashamed because his life after graduating from college was completely different from what his aunt had imagined, and he could no longer save face in front of his in-laws by talking about how great his nephew would be in the future.

The only good thing was that he didn't have much to do with those people.

Although his parents died early, he didn't rely on the help of others to survive, so he naturally didn't need to care about what those people thought.

"Did I travel through time with the house?"

Ye Fei made sure that the room had not changed. After opening the door and looking at the snow outside, he was sure that he had really brought the house with him to a new place.

But it was a whole apartment building. He traveled through time while drunk. It was impossible that he had demolished a room for the house alone, right

?...It’s too fantasy!

【The player has already known the new world, the survival world is activated, and the game is starting...】

【Personal panel is open, package bar is open, map is open...】

A semi-transparent virtual frame suddenly appeared in front of Ye Fei's eyes. As the voice appeared in his ears, the semi-transparent virtual panel was describing the text in the Chinese characters he was familiar with.

Synchronous voice and subtitles?

Although it was a bit novel, it was something he had been to an Internet cafe before. He silently recited the settings, and a settings interface really popped up.

The volume can be adjusted, the size of the virtual panel can be adjusted, and even some daily prompts can be turned off, but he has not touched those yet, so Ye Fei chose to keep them for the time being, just turning down the volume a little bit.

‘Personal panel. '

No need to say it, just silently in the heart, Ye Fei's personal information appeared on the virtual panel in front of him

【Name: Ye Fei (Number: Xueshan/0099-5111-1111)

Race: Human

Talent: None

Health: 61 (0-100)

Strength: 42 (0-100)

Vitality: 26 (0-100)

Combat Power: 3 (lower than ordinary people)

Equipment: Underwear without attributes, trousers without attributes, top without attributes, flip-flops without attributes

Pet: None

Package column 0/10: None

Survival points: 0]

All attributes are too low. After reading it, Ye Fei sighed sadly.

But he didn't think it was strange, because he was originally a weak scholar who could only type on the keyboard and draw blueprints.

【Survival novice mission starts...】

Just after checking his attributes and closing the interface, a prompt appeared.

Novice task, is this really a game world, a novice guide?

He kept complaining in his heart, but Ye Fei still chose to open the task bar to check what this novice task asked him to do.

【Novice mission: When you first arrive in the alien world, you are randomly landed on a snowy mountain. The snow and ice will make your eyes sore, but there are more dangers at night. You have to find supplies under the snow and ice before nightfall and build a protective fence; Mission requirements: Find supplies (unfinished), open the supply box (unfinished), use tools and materials (unfinished), build a primary fence (unfinished)]

Currently there is only the first mission, which can be completed before the sun sets.

The time displayed at the bottom right of the transparent virtual display bar is 16:54:21.

There is also a display next to it, which shows that there are 3 hours, 4 minutes and 39 seconds left until night....

It will be night at 8pm.

Ye Fei looked around. Although the white snow was blinding, he still had to go look for supplies.

He didn't know if more than three hours would be enough, but now he could only try his best.

But everywhere he looked was pure white. How could he find it? Should he start from the door of his house and sweep the snow little by little?

He didn't have any snow-sweeping tools, and his own physical fitness was not very good. Now he thought about going out to try his luck.

"What is this?"

Ye Fei kicked the snow with his feet. He didn't feel cold yet. He didn't know if there was a novice protection period.

When he looked around, he suddenly found a small box-shaped sign not far ahead.

It was translucent and small, and looked very similar to the instructions of the game he played before.

Anyway, he had no choice, so he walked over and squatted, turning over the snow. A simple box made of a few pieces of broken wood appeared in front of him.

After he picked up the box, the prompt sign disappeared.

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