The latest chapter of the rise of the rise, the second and fourth chapters of the town, floating astronomy
God level powerhouse, forbidden to fight for no reason!

This is the first rule of the gods, and the purpose of this rule is to maintain the number of god-level powerhouses. After all, for the current big federation, every god-level powerhouse is a great asset.

Although Luo Yunyang did not kill Lu Fuyun, but killed the mortal body of Lu Fuyun, this also violated the rules of the gods.

Originally, the atmosphere of the spring breeze suddenly became dignified. Luo Yunyang looked at a serious looking John. For a moment, he suddenly laughed and said innocently: “When I broke the mortal body of Lu Fuyun, it was not a god level. !”

Such a shameless explanation makes the Lufu cloud, which has become an old man, almost pick up. He has only the spirit. After fleeing, he has to find a mortal body at the fastest speed.

At that time, because of the rare people around the snowy mountain, coupled with Luo Yunyang chasing too urgent, as a last resort, he had to get into the body of a dead old with, and successfully occupied this body.

However, the escape from chasing and killing was quickly replaced by the distress caused by the changes in the body. The Lu Fuyun, who slowly nursed this body, felt that he was going crazy!

So, this time the gods, he came to accuse Luo Yunyang.

Unexpectedly, Luo Yunyang actually gave such an answer, this answer almost made him vomit blood.

There is no ban between the Grandmasters, even between the Grandmaster and the Gods.

Now Luo Yunyang said that it is equivalent to saying that your Lu Fuyun is too weak, and you should be detained.

“You are nonsense, you were a god-level singer!” Lu Fuyun was almost hysterical rebuttal.

Luo Yunyang is so serene standing, simply do not talk, just look at John without looking at it.

John’s face is constantly changing. At this moment, he certainly wants to take this opportunity to take Luo Yunyang. However, Luo Yunyang is not a leisurely generation. John’s brain has no water, and he has no complete grasp. He simply I don’t want to provoke him.

What’s more, when he saw this young man, John even felt a huge threat.

I am afraid that this person’s strength is not under him.

“Luo Yunyang was a Grand Master before the Battle of the Snowy Mountains!” The blood axe pulled, at this moment, suddenly said quietly.

When I pulled out, the silence of the surrounding area suddenly disappeared. Some people dismissed the words with a disdain: “It was too shameful to lose in the hands of a big Grandmaster!”

“It wasn’t a deserved mortal body by the Grand Master. It’s all about bullying!”

Lu Fuyun was going to explode, and he screamed: “The deputy speaker is clear, and I hope you can give me the master!”

John waved: “This matter, let’s talk after the investigation.”

“You, the main topics of today have been completed. If you have no other topics, then we will enter the next stage of this shrine.”

No one can make a sound, and those who can become god-level are all intelligent, and naturally will not be forced to do so in such matters.

“Deputy speaker, I have a problem!” At this time, Luo Yunyang said slowly.

“Yunyang, what are you unclear, even if you ask me, I will know everything and say nothing!” John regained his smile and his face was flashing close and friendly.

“I want to ask the deputy speaker, do I have the qualifications to become the deputy speaker of the gods?” Luo Yunyang’s voice is not high, but such a straightforward request is a sound, a measure of size and weight.

The gods will be three!

The president is Wu Shen, and the other three vice-presidents are Jura, John and the fourth-ranked god-level powerhouse.

Since the establishment of the gods, the four positions have not been moved, but now Luo Yunyang has asked this question.

This is equal to the importance of the matter.

John’s face changed, and he was obviously from among the Luo Yunyang this issue, feel Luo Yunyang the hidden meaning of the provocation in the bones.

“This is natural!” John still maintains his good manners. He chuckles: “Just, if you want to be a deputy speaker, you have to make a big contribution to the entire Human Race.”

“For example, the Speaker of the House, he killed a mysterious source of the broken barrier and saved the people of the Three Cities. This was the support of the Arrived and became the Speaker of the All Saints.”

The smile on John’s face, the more splendid, he smiled softly: “Among the three deputy speaker, I am the most incompetent, killing a source of yellow-level Peak.”

“If Yunyang is interested in becoming a deputy speaker, you can work hard in this area.”

And Xiongshou alphabetical ranking different sources for animals, gods will take is Heaven, Earth, Profound Yellow words to distinguish the source of the strength of the beast.

The day is the strongest, while the yellow is the weakest.

Luo Yunyang has not seen the real source beast, but he is not afraid of it. He smiles casually: “That would be the deputy speaker’s good words!”

Just as the two of them talked, they heard someone’s voice: “The deputy speaker, I have suppressed the fortress for thirteen years, how can I change people? Since Luo Xiao brother has such ambition, let him suppress the day. Fortress!”

“If he can kill the skeletal bird that attacks the fortress, he will have the capital to become the deputy speaker.”

Speaking is a tall old man, his eyes are flashing with a faint smile.

Luo Yunyang is not clear, but when looking at the old man, Luo Yunyang feels that there is a majestic force, which has been uploaded from the old man.

The feeling of the old man is like a huge stove.

Luo Yunyang’s heart moves, and his fine divine power is scattered. He feels that the old man’s body exudes a flame that burns everything from yang to just.

This is a Heavenly Flame!

Nowadays, Luo Yunyang already has five Heavenly Flames. If he can gather nine Heavenly Flames, he can condense the fire dragon and let the dragon fight the sky and then enter a new field.

The smile on the face of the invincible John, the more harmonious, he smiled at the old man haha: “The fire brother, the bonebone is the source of the mysterious Low Grade, among us, only you are the most suitable.”

“And Yunyang is just a newborn calf, haha, just those words, can’t be counted, hahaha!”

The words of the invincible seem to excuse Luo Yunyang. Actually, it is the meaning of the drunkard. He wants to use this method to roast Luo Yunyang on the stove.

If Luo Yunyang chooses to be silent, if he just wins, it is equal to white saying that the status of nature in the gods will also decline.

As for Luo Yunyang to suppress the fortress, it is John’s favorite.

“Yunyang, don’t go to the fortress, it is the most dangerous place outside the five major nodes. The fire King King was lucky to draw the lottery before he got to that position.”

Edgeless The voice of a real person, ringing in the ear of Luo Yunyang.

Gently nodded toward the edgeless real person, Luo Yunyang’s heart, already has a decision.

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