The latest chapter of the rise of the supremacy, the 261nd chapter of the gods, floating astronomy
The invincible sea of ​​anger makes Luo Yunyang’s position in the list of gods skyrocket, from the eighteenth place, rising to the tenth place.

Tenth, although it seems that the promotion is not too much, but this improvement has already caused many people to change.

Because of this position, it can be said that it is already the top of the entire big federation.

The legend about Luo Yunyang is widely talked about by people in the entire Great Confederation. In the 13th city of the East, especially in Dinghai City, countless people say that he is Heavenly God and Ze is born.

However, in the 17 cities in the West, especially in the 17th city of Platinum City, Luo Yunyang is called Great Devil, the big kill star!

The reason why there is such a title is because Platinum City has links with the invincible fleet. Some people say that the headquarters of the Invincible Fleet is located in Platinum City.

However, regardless of whether this hearsay is true or not, there is a building in Platinum City, but it is quite awkward.

Because it is close to the sea, Platinum City is suitable for swimming. But with the appearance of the beast and the beast, the entire Platinum City, there is really no one at this time, have the time to go out and enjoy the scenery outside.

Naturally, as a scenic town of Gezi, there are not many tourists!

The town is at the foot of the mountain, picturesque, is a small city in Platinum City, usually no one pays attention.

Only some of the troubled warriors who have money and leisure, staying in Platinum City, will come here to relax.

“Free people are free!” Looking at the huge, blood-red sign written in federal lingua franca, Simon and others looked like a slap.

They walked for five hours to come to the town of Gezi, what is it, not to see the scenery here?

What’s more, now they are tired and hungry, and after entering the town, they hope to get the necessary supplies.

Even, they have already discussed what they have eaten. The situation in front of them is obviously unexpected.

“I am the great federal elite Simon!” Simon took his badge out of his companion’s expectations.

Under normal circumstances, as long as he said this sentence, then there is no place in the world where he can’t go, even if he is strictly controlled, let him go in.

Standing next to Simon, a tall girl, the eyes are even more revealing, she is so proud of the capital, who makes her husband big.

However, her pride did not last for too long. It can even be said that her pride lasted only three seconds and was instantly slap in the face.

“Go back, do a practice.” The warrior in charge of the guards waved a faint hand, and then used an unquestionable tone: “Here, you can’t enter.”

In Simon’s eyes, there was a sigh of anger. He is now a martial artist, and he is still a second-class martial artist. Plus his age advantage, almost no one will give him a look.

This is not worthy of myself.

Just as he was ready to make a good theory, he saw a teenager wearing a common trousers and carrying a small bag with him, and walked slowly.

Simon saw the face, his look was a change, his look, and even some tension.

But in the end, he bit his teeth and respectfully bowed to the silhouette.

Simon’s companions were shocked to see Simon. They knew how proud and arrogant Simon was. Now, this companion with a higher eye than the top does not even call, but another young boy of similar age. salute.

This is too… too fucking abnormal, right?

The boy just looked at Simon faintly, and walked into the guardian town of Giz, the guardian Soldier, who was almost simultaneously saluted when he saw the boy entering.

Hundreds of Soldier’s uniform saluting scenes look very eye-catching and enviable. And the boy, but calmly stepped in.

“This… this is nothing…” Simon and other teenagers went away, and this softly asked the Soldier.

Although Simon didn’t say anything, but Soldier was a moment of heart and soul, nodded gently, and then he took a vivid look at Simon’s shoulder: “Sorry, we have no way.”

Simon smiled and smiled: “Thank you dude!” He firmly said: “Go, let’s go back to Platinum, this is not where we stay.”

“Simon, that… who is the person you are saluting?” Young Lady, who was tall, asked curiously.

“What shouldn’t you know, don’t talk too much!” Simon said here, and found that Young Lady was full of tears at the moment, and her heart could not help but feel a little pity.

“In that year, I thought I was standing at the same height as him, but now, he is the star of the sky. Let’s go, this is a gathering of stars in the sky, we can meet, but also a fate.”

Simon and others left. On the way back, Simon looked back at Gezi Town more than once. While envious, there was also a desire in his heart, that is, when can he attend such a party in an upright manner.

I am afraid that I have never had this opportunity for my whole life.

Gezi Town, God will be going on!

The place where the gods are held is the town hall of the town of Giz, with dozens of chairs sitting on the top of the entire federation.

Luo Yunyang was somewhat disappointed with this time of the gods, because he did not see the god of the gods in this time.

Luo Kai, the president of the gods, did not appear.

“Yunyang’s younger brother, the heroic attitude of you some time ago, I really envy me. I said that the invincible fleet, I was blown up by their suppressed stomach, but there is no way! You give me out A bad smell!”

A handsome old man, smiled and said to Luo Yunyang. The dress of his oriental warrior is very good.

Edgeless real people!

After he introduced himself, Luo Yunyang only knew his identity. After two people whispered a few words, the edgeless real person smiled and said: “My disciple does not understand the rules, thanks to Yunyang’s younger brother, after waiting, I will go back. He must be asked to go to the younger brother to plead guilty.”

Luo Yunyang looked at the faceless faceless real person, knowing that his gesture was not falsified, and now he waved a big hand: “Small things, real people don’t have to care.”

Edgeless The real person did not entangle too much on this topic, but smiled and said: “The first time the younger brother participated in the gods, it is definitely the main character of this god, but the god of war did not come, maybe someone will engage in the storm, the younger brother Be careful!”

Edgeless The real man’s jealousy uses a special means. Although Luo Yunyang can hear him, on the surface, the edgeless real person’s lips are not moving.

Stormy? Luo Yunyang’s gaze suddenly fell on the invincible John who was talking about it.

For this guy, his heart, but no good feelings!

A Martial Skill, the price of the 17th city in the West is half the price of the 13th city in the East. Although Luo Yunyang did not buy it at the time, it also made his heart very unhappy! 8)

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