The latest chapter of the rise of the supremacy, the second and fourth chapters of Luo Yunyang’s weight, floating astronomy
“What happened?” Luo Yunyang stepped forward to the sister, the head of the loving child, and asked with concern.

Luo Donger was so hugged by her brother, and her heart quickly rushed through a warmth of grievances, and almost burst into tears. Hesitated for a moment, just prepared to say in the mother’s words, but was interrupted by his brother: “Winter, at any time, my brother does not want you to be wronged, but my brother’s good winter, absolutely nothing will lie Brother, right?”

Fire King saw this scene and quickly went up to Luo Yunyang. “The injury of the winter child is that the children of several scorpio soldiers accidentally touched the ground while protecting them. I have already punished them.”

Luo Yunyang silently, just coldly watching the fire king.

At this moment, the fire king only felt that his heart was chilling. He felt for the first time that Luo Yunyang at this time was so terrible.

“I have already let people shut them down, and…”

“Winter, isn’t the grandfather of the fire king say?” Luo Yunyang looked at Luo Donger and asked softly.

“Yes, that bad person wants to catch me, I took a bite, and the wound on my face is what he hit.” Luo Donger became stunned at this time.

“Fire King, according to your IQ, I believe you should understand that they are trapping the purpose of my mother and sister.” Luo Yunyang looked at the fire king, faintly said: “They are involuntarily, but they should not play a small child.”

“I don’t want this thing to leave a shadow on the winter, so you interrupt the arm of the hands-on person. I don’t want to investigate this matter.”

The words of Luo Yunyang are full of unquestionable taste.

In the view of the Fire King, Luo Yunyang has such a right. He is the capital of the blood-clothing guards. He is also a god-level sect of the gods. It is not a big deal to kill one or two small people who have offended themselves.

“Okay, I will handle this!” Fire King nodded.

Luo Yunyang’s distressed sister’s shoulder, and then toward Shen Yunying said: “Mom, I have been busy these days, I haven’t eaten your meal for a long time, and today we have a good time!”

“Well, Mom will make you a delicious meal.” Seeing his beloved son safe and sound, Shen Yunying mentioned that the heart of the blind man was finally put down. At this time, when she heard the request from Luo Yunyang, she naturally breathed a sigh of relief.

In the end, the Fire King is a long-time man. Looking at such a calm Luo Yunyang, there is a feeling in his heart that it is definitely not that simple.

But in the end, he still said nothing, after people sent some of the top food, Fire King contacted Lu Wei disease.

“The big governor, this thing, I think it is not finished yet.” This is the first sentence that Fire King said about Lu Wei’s disease.

Lu Wei’s illness said: “Yes, I don’t think it’s finished.”

“Yunyang interrupted the man who injured his sister. You should know his temper. Even the disciples of Wushen don’t give face. This breath, how can he swallow it.” In the voice of the fire king, with a trace of solemnity.

“So, I think that God should be there to give an explanation to Yunyang.”

After the fire king said this, he was waiting for Lu’s answer, but Lu Wei’s illness just sighed, but did not say anything.

“Great Governor, are you listening to me?” Fire King thought that Lu Wei’s illness did not clearly understand his own words, so the voice became more and more anxious.

“Fire King, your words, I am naturally listening.” Lu Wei sighed and said: “But this account, for a while, I am afraid it is really difficult!”

“You also know that the two kings, the Optimus Tiger King and the Optimus King, are actually only ordered to act, but if you want to take the Optimus, you think it is possible?”

The Fire King is silent, and the Qingtian Army is the head of the Eighth Army. The reason why it can become the head of the Eighth Army, in addition to the position of the Qingtian Army in the capital of the capital, but also because of the Optimus Army, is also a must. .

“Well, you will stabilize Yunyang first, let me talk about it!”

Lv Wei disease hangs the communication of the fire king, and goes to find Jin Zaitian. When he saw Jin Zaitian, he found the deputy speaker, and his face was a little tired at this time.

“I took a step back and fell chess.” Jin Zaitian saw that Lu Wei was coming in and didn’t stand up, just said quietly.

“Deputy speaker, this matter must have a confession.” Lu Wei disease said: “Luo Yunyang Anyway, it is the bloody guardian’s hall, he and the King Kong Ming Wang dispute, we will not participate, Nor should it stand on the side of King Kong.”

“This is very chilling!”

Jin Zaitian’s voice said: “I know that I have mistakes in this matter. Also, I also talked to Guan Qingtian. He is willing to let people and him go to Chang’an and apologize to Luo Yunyang. .”

Lv Wei’s palm, heavily shot on the table: “Apologize for the apology? Deputy Speaker, do you think Yunyang will accept it?”

“You should understand what Yunyang is now!”

The deputy speaker did not say anything. He took his own wine cup and took a sip: “I am sick, this is the best result I have coordinated.”

“You are the old boss of Luo Yunyang. You can say that most of Luo Yunyang’s things are inseparable from your support. This time, you are bothered and talked with him.”

“I can make the most compensation for him on the materials, but others are still for the time being.”

Lv Wei disease glared at the deputy speaker, but the deputy speaker did not move. In the end, Lu Wei’s illness still sighed and turned away.

Lv Wei’s illness is gone, and the deputy speaker is still drinking slowly. In his heart, this time is only full of expectation, that is, this matter, let’s go.

“Leopard King, the deputy speaker was topped back by the boss, Grandma’s, you don’t know what kind of domineering the boss said at the time, no, it is a taboo, hahaha, cool!”

In the eyes of Qingtian Tiger King, he was filled with joy. At this moment, he was excited to dance.

The look of the Optimus King, but there is no such ease as the Tiger King, he said faintly: “I know the boss’s nature, but this thing, I am afraid it will not be so simple, but the taboo, not even As the boss said, it will move.”

“Afraid of Mao, he Luo Yunyang is even stronger, but also one person can not shake us, the celestial army can not, oh …, then, he slapped the disciple of the Valkyrie, the god of the gods, will not be so good to rest!”

“Just wait for the Valkyrie to take action, maybe…”

Changan, Luo Yunyang has been living at home for three days. In the past three days, in addition to meeting with a family like Grandpa, he stayed at home to accompany Shen Yunying and Luo Donger.

At this moment, Luo Yunyang is like the most common neighboring boy.

However, the entire Chang’an is full of tension at this moment, because the hearts of these people are very clear, this boy is definitely not the most common neighboring boy.

He is a god-level powerhouse, a god-level powerhouse that kills the god-level powerhouse.

On this day, Luo Yunyang left Changan again!

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