The latest chapter of the rise of the supremacy, the second chapter of the six chapters of the gods without opponents (four more bursts), floating astronomy
“Chonger!” With a sorrowful, heartbreaking shout, the extremely delicately decorated room began to echo the sobbing of a middle-aged man.

And just between his painful call, the young man, who was placed on the electronic screen in the center of the room, was cut off with a knife.

Although the young man was lying on the ground, his eyes were filled with fear and struggle.

What he fears is that the knife is falling, he is going to die here, and his life is screaming. What he struggles is that he never dreamed that he was really killed.

I think that his disciple of the Ancient Martial family is just killing a few common people at random. What is the difference with killing a few cats and dogs? How do you think of yourself as a cockerel and thief? Why… Why is this happening?

Even if it is caught by Luo Yunyang, the alliance of the Ancient Martial family, should you save yourself at all costs!

“Swallow brother, this hatred, our Ancient Martial family can’t just forget it!” The painful middle-aged man is the leader of a big family. After the tears, he quickly calmed down.

Known as Yan Brothers, he was a tall and mighty old man. He took a picture of the middle-aged man’s shoulder and calmed his emotions. He said, “This thing, our Ancient Martial family, definitely can’t be like this. Be good and give up.”

The moment when I said this sentence, the old man took a deep breath, and then his eyes fell on the three old people who were sitting on the side of the body.

These three people give people a very common feeling, but they have one thing but the same, that is, their expressions are all serious.

“Old Xu, Mu Lao, Jing Lao, God can’t be out, is it difficult for Dao Truth?”

The three old men looked at each other and finally said that the old man said: “The saying of the heart sword has always been a legend in the great mind.”

“This legend comes from the ancient book, the ancient book records this method, but the conditions of the sword are extremely harsh.”

“So even if they are great minds, they all feel that there is no such thing as a practice.”

“But, that ancient book also mentions arrived a point: the sword is into a sword, the same level is invincible!”

Jing Lao’s voice is not high, but everyone who hears the old story has become extremely serious.

This time they came to the forefront, not only to save people, but also to show the strength of their family through the four old men, such as Yanque, to the Xiangtian people to show that their Ancient Martial family, not ordinary people can offend.

But now the situation is clearly beyond the expectations of everyone: the finch is left, and the top three Grandmasters who watched the situation of the finch in the distance directly chose to give up.

Without a take action, it actually equates to the face of the entire Ancient Martial family.

There is no rival under the same level, and if you want to defeat this person, you only have to ask for the god level take take action. But his martial arts have already spoken, even if they go to ask, those gods will not take action.

For a time, the big room, there is no sound.

Blood stained yellow leaves, do not have a beautiful.

Luo Yunyang, dressed in a red bloody sweater, stood quietly on the yellow leaf platform and looked far away.

Lu Yun’s disease looked at Luo Yunyang of Xiongziying. I don’t know why I wanted to award the Valkyrie. When Wushu rose, it suppressed an era. Now, Luo Yunyang is not as powerful as Wushu, but it is also amazing.

At this time, Luo Yunyang, also suppressed one side.

He is the leader of the Bloody Guardian. When suppressing the entire Ancient Martial family in the 13th city of the East, I am afraid that the young people of the Ancient Martial family will not easily make it after mentioning the name of Luo Yunyang.

Even this young man may be a nightmare for them.

It can be foreseen that the blood-clothing guard among the Eight Guards and the Eight Guards will once again rise to become the first of the three guards.

The bird was very calm, although his grandson who died in a single pass died in front of him, and there was no anger on his face.

Arrived at this level, has been arrived not to be happy with things, not with his own realm, can afford things, the same can be put down.

“Adult, the execution is complete!” Shi Tianya solemnly reported to Luo Yunyang that his voice was full of urgency.

Luo Yunyang calmly said: “If someone robs them, let them take them away and don’t bury them.”

“Yes!” Shi Tianzhuang re-enacted, and loudly promised.

Everyone’s face is filled with endless joy. They are already aware of the intention of this ancient Martial family, and the identity of the bird is even when he arrives, letting everyone’s heart fall. Into the bottom.

The emptiness of the void made them feel cold, but the heart of Luo Yunyang gave them infinite vitality.

They all know that since then, they can scream no matter where they are: “I am bloody!”

And all this is because of the silhouette standing on the yellow leaf platform.

The gaze of the road gathered together on Luo Yunyang, and the weight of Luo Yunyang was also raised in the hearts of many people.

“It seems that Tianbang’s first position is to be replaced!”

“But, can he really pass that person? Know that that person is called, closest to the existence of God.”

Various discussions about Tianbang No.1 appeared on Tianxun. Although the result of this discussion was a single word, the reputation of Luo Yunyang was instantly upgraded to a huge level.

“woo woo woo woo……”

A shout of screaming, like a thunder, came from an endless distance. This voice is like a violent life, and it screams at the stars; this shout is like the birth of Divine Dragon, shaking the world.

Listening to the sound of the shout, the face of Lu Wei, who is preparing to go down the mountain, has changed, and the look of the bird is even more eccentric.

Luo Yunyang In this long scream, the deepest sense is the change of the sixth factor around him. He thinks that the sixth factor around the yellow leaf table is like a million inflow into the sea and gathers in the distance.

“Someone broke through the gods!” The bird looked at the changing world, with a hint of dryness in his voice.

For him, breaking through the gods is his dream for many years, but for many years, dreams are still dreams.

God’s powerhouse, the title of the four words, still can not be worn on his head, he is still only the Grand Master’s Peak.

Breaking through the ranks of God, not only must have strength, savvy, but also organic!

This world, I don’t know how many years there are, there is no birth of a god-level powerhouse, but now, a god-level powerhouse, at the end of this yellow leaf station, suddenly appeared in front of them.

“The big admiral of the obituary, the snowy mountains of the snowy mountains, the sky, the breakthrough, should be the Snowy King Kong King!”

The spy of Xinglongjun, quickly yelled at Lu Wei’s illness.

Ten miles of snow and snow, this is a big Grandmaster to break through the gods, and on the snowy mountain, the only top Grandmaster, only King Kong Ming Wang.

The Grand Grandmaster, which ranks behind Luo Yunyang, has become the world’s top presence after many days of retreat.

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