The latest chapter of the rise of the rise, the second chapter of the four chapters of the virtual crack (plus more), floating astronomy
The legend of Yanque Anzhi Hongjun, this sentence is familiar, probably even children know, and many people are very happy to live on their own.

Now, this person actually said that he is called a bird, and it is still a bird of the bird, and his tone is very low-key, as if he is afraid of others.

Lv Wei’s disease heard his introduction, and the cough was even more intense. Obviously, there were few people who could make Lu Dadu’s cough so bad.

“Yanque, when we used to fight side by side, why did you run to smash this drowning!” Lu Wei disease took a deep breath, said Shen Sheng.

“Lao Lu, I know what you want to say, but that person is my grandson, and it is the only male in our vein. I can’t help but come.” The bird said here, the finger gently touched it. Sabre under his own ribs.

The sabre is very old, just like the eyes of a bird, full of vicissitudes.

“Why are you taking four?” There was some rush in the voice of the Fire King.

“I am here, how do you have a place to talk?” The bird looks at the fire king, although it is reprimanded, but his voice is still not slow.

According to the temperament of the Fire King, if someone dares to slap him like this, he will certainly dismiss it unceremoniously, but at this moment the Fire King is calm and even without a little bit of sorrow, just like this person, he should ask him this way!

“Well, the old fire said that I want to ask!” Lu Wei’s disease is faint.

“This is the mission that the family gave me.” The bird finch looked at Lu Wei’s disease, a serious saying: “They, although some people do not live up to expectations, but I am a Yan family.”

In the words of the bird, it is extremely calm, and it is a serious story.

Listening to the bird’s words, the people on the scene changed their faces quickly, and Lu Wei’s disease even guessed the purpose of the Ancient Martial family.

If Luo Yunyang executed the sinful children of the family in Huangyetai and challenged the ancient Martial family, then the Ancient Martial family would once again demonstrate their unattainable status in this way.

At the same time, Luo Yunyang’s face will be stepped on the ground without any politeness.

The swallows take four people, then, next, I am afraid that there will be people who are not inferior to the birds, and then take four people.

More than a dozen people, so that they can be led, one can not kill, then this time Huang Yetai, will become a laughing stock.

Lu Wei’s illness still has to talk, Luo Yunyang has already waved his hand and refused: “No!”

Luo Yunyang didn’t want to know what kind of person the swallow was. He only knew that this time, in any case, he had to build this authority.

Otherwise, if he is a bloody guardian, he will not have to go on.

The bird was silent. He didn’t look at Luo Yunyang at all, but he kept staring at Lu Wei’s disease. Obviously, he still regarded Lu Wei as the last person to get a big idea.

At this time, Lu Wei’s illness was so fast that he could not breathe.

His cough was very sad this time. In the end, he still looked down on Luo Yunyang.

“You are the bloody guardian, and listen to you today.”

“But in the third year after the big smashing, the bird has become a Grandmaster. You have to be careful!” Lu Wei said here, trembled: “In that year, he fought with the god of martial arts who did not become a god. One hundred strokes are not defeated.”

Wu Shen, who has not become a god, is still a Valkyrie.

At that time, the bird finch could defend the martial arts, showing how terrible his talent is.

Over the years, the reason why the bird has been silent is because almost all people feel that the bird is dead.

Now, the bird finch has been invited by the Ancient Martial family.

In the moment when the finch appeared, almost all the thirteenth cities in the East were shaken, and Zhuge Wing and other large governors gathered together, some of them were tight, some were blue, and of course, some people were filled with excitement. .

Birds reappear!

“I don’t know if his knife is as sharp as it used to be!” Someone said with great emotion.

As the supreme giant of the thirteenth city in the East, the deputy speaker of the Great Confederation, the palm of the hand is also shaking.

In this incident, he supported Luo Yunyang. For Luo Yunyang, he did not hesitate to use the threat of taboos, and the Ancient Martial family tore his face. But now, the Ancient Martial family has adopted a move to send people.

It’s not a slam dunk, it’s not a crazy killing, it’s sending people to lead people, and this is clearly divided, and it’s broken!

This kind of leader seems to be dull, but the meaning it represents, the taste of it, is extremely uncomfortable.

The deputy speaker understands that the governors understand that the powerhouses in the seventeen cities in the West understand the same.

This time on the yellow leaf platform, there is no live broadcast, but the strength of all parties, but they can use their own means to quickly send things on the yellow leaf platform to their respective strengths.

“This hand is really beautiful!” Inside the gods, the neglected Nie, staring at the picture from other families, Nie Yunxin shouted loudly.

Over the years, in the heart of Nie Yunxin, Luo Yunyang is like a shadow shrouded in his heart, like a shadow, lingering. Now, this shadow is unfortunate. Of course, he is very happy.

The first bird came, after the bird, there are absolutely people, Nie Yunxin who has identified the identity of the bird, there is an impulse to roar.

At this time, he also wants to have the father’s wish, that is, one day, they can become a member of the Ancient Martial family.

At the time, he was not too cold with the Ancient Martial family, but now he understands the true meaning of the Ancient Martial family.

This is a huge heritage!

After the great annihilation, three years became the Grandmaster, and it was able to compete with the martial arts of the year, and now, how powerful it is.

Luo Yunyang, this guy who hates his teeth, he will die this time!

“I don’t agree.” Luo Yunyang looked at Lu Wei’s disease, a faint saying: “The big governor, this thing, I will handle it myself.”

“Which is the second in the world?” Yanque smiled softly: “At that time, we didn’t have a list of days, let me see the second strength of your day.”

During the talk, the swallows set their hands on the knife and gently glimpse toward Luo Yunyang.

This knife, without any wind, no source, but in his illusory moment, Luo Yunyang’s incomparably sensitive feeling, gave him a huge dangerous feeling.

I didn’t even think about it. Luo Yunyang’s rapid rotation of the body, that is, an instant, he has already flown a hundred meters away.

“This is called the emptiness!” The faint voice came from the finch, and when he spoke, there was a crack in the position of Luo Yunyang.

This crack appeared in the void, and if Luo Yunyang was still in the position, the knife would just be on his neck.

Lv Wei disease and Huo Wang and others looked at the void that had a crack, and all of them were exposed with dignity.

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