The latest chapter of the rise of the supremacy, Chapter 20, Changhe, the sky, the sky, the astronomy
Stealing chickens does not cause eclipse. It is often said that it happens, and if you want to prevent this from happening, you must have a good guardian!

Although this time the provocation is only an action, but once the chicken stealing does not turn into a meter, the face of the Ancient Martial family can be lost!

In order not to lose face, the family has invited a top-level powerhouse in their eyes.

The old man who is like a deadwood is the guarantee of this action of the family. Originally he came out with only one purpose, just in case.

According to the then family leader who asked him to go out, the old man had no chance to take action.

But now, the old man has to take action.

“Old Zhu Qingyun is here, please also Luo Dutang temporarily stop!” The voice of low and full of power, sounded from the unparalleled building.

At the moment of hearing this sound, Luo Yunyang’s heart moved, he seemed to want to argued that he had heard of this name.

However, Luo Yunyang’s thoughts flashed, and the rotating float was not meant to stop.

In Zhu Qingyun’s eyes, there was a sigh of anger. Although he is also a big Grandmaster, and because he has not appeared for many years, he is no longer in the list, but his reputation is not comparable to that of ordinary people. His weight is still there.

Luo Yunyang doesn’t stop, just don’t give him face.

The reason why Luo Yunyang doesn’t stop, there is only one reason, that is, if you say that you can hit it, stop and stop, is it possible?

Teacher Tianya is back!

Not only was he retreating, but several companions who followed him were also retreating at this time, but in the retreat, their eyes were filled with excitement.

The adults of Dutang are so powerful. After they are blood-stained, they will not become the bottom of the Eight Guards and the Eight Guards. They will not see the disciples of the family, but they will not stop it. Instead, they will wipe their ass.

Just as his thoughts flashed, he saw the greatest wonders of his life.

A long river comes up!

The long river composed of the rolling waves of the knife, from the unparalleled building, which is full of more than 100 meters high, straight down.

At this moment, not only the division of the teacher was stunned, but the crowds of Jin Weiwei who watched the war, as well as those who came to see the crowd from all directions, could not believe that what they saw was true.

A long river flows down from the void.

This long river is rolling in, giving people a sense of the long river of water, the feeling of being unstoppable, and at the moment when the water of the Yangtze River falls, Shi Tianya and others have already seen it clearly. The object covered by this long river water is Luo Yunyang. The float of the round.

Luo Yunyang can be said to be the first person to sense this sturdy knife, and he can feel the feeling of being incomprehensible.

From this knives, Luo Yunyang has a feeling that the long river that gathers this knives has a role that relies on the power of the heavens and the earth.

This is an expert that goes beyond the wind eagle!

Almost in an instant, Luo Yunyang’s heart raised this judgment. Now his best way, naturally, is to mobilize the buoyant wheel, to slash the knife wave with the floater, and break the long river.

But as long as he does this, the Grandmaster-class powerhouses that are covered by his floats can be rushed out immediately.

Between the thoughts, Luo Yunyang’s mind manipulated the floater’s wheel to spin more quickly, and he himself vacated, burning Heavenly Dragon, a type of dragon, ascending to the sky, rushing toward the endless wave of the knife.


The purple burning of the sun, the white glazed fire and the golden red sun god inflammation, formed a three-color fire dragon in the void, rushing toward the long river.

For this rolling dragon, Zhu Qingyun, who is urging this long river knife wave, is not too eye-catching. In his feelings, although this move is very powerful, it does not form a unique meaning.

Artistic conception is a kind of realm pursued by many Martialists of Ancient Martial. As long as they break through in a certain artistic conception, they can use the power of rules between heaven and earth to form a domain that can be controlled by heart.

Although he is not a god domain of the god powerhouse, it is not much different.

Zhu Qingyun, over the years, has realized the long river’s swordsmanship and let his blade technique come out. It is like a long river coming in the sky, and it is endless.

Although according to the hidden power in the source core, Zhu Qingyun is just an ordinary Grandmaster, but relying on the long river knife, he killed the Grandmaster, just like a dog.

Luo Yunyang, too arrogant!

Burning Heavenly Dragon is like a dragon, tumbling in the void, and just as the Qianlong is going to ascend to heaven, the endless river is like the invisible bond of the Layer 1 layer, enveloped in Luo Yunyang’s burning Heavenly Dragon boxing.

It can be felt that Zhu Qingyun’s power is far below himself, but Luo Yunyang at the moment has already raised a feeling of being bound.

This feeling is very uncomfortable for Luo Yunyang, just as he himself was shrouded in a cocoon.

“Young people, you are too reckless!” Zhu Qingyun’s voice, then it sounded again.

The young man on the upstairs floor looked at the tri-color dragons shrouded in the endless knives, and the faces were excited.

Just now, in their hearts, they have actually raised fear, a fear of this man wearing a blood coat.

He pressed the two Grandmasters, under the floats, and even more than a dozen large Grandmasters did not have any resilience.

It can be said that at this time, he is just like a god.

But now, this man, like a god, is trapped in Zhu Qingyun’s long river.

It is not an easy task to get out of it.

“Two faces the enemy, the wise man does not!” The handsome man in the face, the words in the discourse are in the grip.

The man, known as Yan Erge, nodded. “He is young, and he is a bit too reckless. He doesn’t look at it. Who is Zhu Shi?”

“This time, maybe he will be buried in the knives of Zhu Shi, the second in the list, really great!”

Gently laugh, ringing on the unparalleled building!

“Your knife is really good, but you want to suppress me, still can’t, see me punch it!”

The faint voice, at this time, sounded in the void, and with this discourse, I heard a broken word in the void!

Breaking through the mouth of Luo Yunyang, with this broken word exit, I saw the three-colored dragons, bursting open in the void, the power of madness, in all directions, especially the long river that rolled in, banged over .

An instant, the river is cut off!

Zhu Qingyun, holding a long knife, has a trace of blood on his face!

The floating butcher’s wheel is still spinning fast, and Luo Yunyang and Zhu Qingyun, who are gently suspended in the air, are like two beasts ready to make a thunder blow, constantly improving their momentum.

Of course, they are also waiting to find the weak points of the other side!

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